. . .S"S.i6;f R`^;;T:t, ' , . � ..��� _... .
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<br /> , . �_ .��.'+Y�,��•.`� P _ '_____ _'_-_
<br /> . ,f�.� ` '�.ar.�a"•� �.,.. _ . . _ .._ _-' .. . .'
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<br /> `'•r ' ��--1024�8
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<br /> ��� ��,�'� •i�,�' EXHII3IT ��Ao
<br /> �, �\••,i,rarti��,�..:r.t
<br /> .` . . .,- .,. ..°.
<br /> - , �����, Lote One (1) , Twa (2) and Thrc►o (3) �n Park iA 1 nnd ,.f___ - __�
<br /> d�����:�� �, 8quare in tho ciky ot 6rbnd IalAnd Nobrt�nknt taqa�Chor
<br /> ti,�,,s" ��'° with a traat of land remaining alCor pin��inq ot tho
<br /> ;��::'�s�r.=��"�� �` Park Island 8quare subdiviaion oomprining part or �ha �-=---- -
<br /> ;�F . " , �'��`'',,: Westi Half oP the Nor�heast �uAr�or (W$ NI:�) o! t4earion �`�„..__
<br /> �:.�, � - -
<br /> ���� � ' •f"tz� � ..; Thirtieen (13), mownship Eleven (i l) Nor th, Rnnga 9'on v�:��-.�--
<br />�.'��;;;; . •, ,�,::' (10) West oP the 6�h P M. in Grand ialand, tlbll Coui�ty, ��k��x���� Y -,�-
<br /> � �•�a�:.
<br />�; � A, �iS, �.�+,o�..� � Nebraska, mora par�icularly deeox�,bod ae fallowat � ` �x�t�i�:,�„y%.:�_-
<br /> r� , *' =�
<br /> �": .i � n.��N'�• ��::. - -.
<br />.'.4:7��h,� _��.�. _
<br /> �!:��,�: ;�� ' '�'��,h=, ��•.;,; a�ginninq at a poin� on the wee� l�na of aAid N�rrh�r�a� ==— - ---
<br /> ..��,,4�j, �,.-, '; Qua�ter (�IE'�?. said point being For�y (40.0) fao� aauth of �ho �u�:.-R -
<br /> `,{'�„ .„ �l„'�, : �or�h�r�st corner of said Northeast Quarter (N��) j Chenoa -�•p� { }::�„��._
<br /> ����'s{�;. `�,;,�• '�?'y�+' s� souCheriy along the west line af said Nor�heaa� QuarCer (NF:�i)� a .�,�_
<br /> }`�: ' • ', ��;<�;s;, d9.stanu�e of TwQ Thousand Five tlundred Ninety Thres and Fi Ity Ono ..f�i`;'�'�'" ��
<br /> f .. .:�;^)��t,;' Qiundzedtha (2,593.5x) fee� to the southwest cornar of �Aid �.�r�,`����````-`�:�
<br /> 4 ?., a:".te•-�.rvr
<br /> . � ..•or;,�..� Quarter NE y g ��'�
<br /> ,,�,,... Q�Iortheast ( '�) f �hence easterl a�lon the sourh linc3 ot '`t`;''�`�`�`��""-
<br /> 4 ,.. ,�°,��;;:�. sa�d Naxth�ast ,.. ,�.,. �i°.;.a�.a_�.-
<br /> �, . . Quarter (NC�) , a diatance ot �i h� IlundrQd Gi ht � ��:��.���'��->
<br /> 9 9 Y .+.;�.4��;._�_ -- -
<br /> „ ,. � �,.,;ty„�;;�'" ThrQe and Forty mwo flundredChs (883.42) feet to the weeCQrly --
<br /> � f";'�� � ����^"flf��?� right-oP-way line of Faidley Avenue, thenae deflectinq leTt 90 N,
<br /> . .�, � . o � T,i''".--
<br /> . •�5 - � �`..._.,
<br /> ��'"'•�; �,`r":;'. �15' 25" and running northerly along sai� right-oP-w�y line, n •�.L.TI
<br /> i 1,,, ••�:'tr�fr,,}; _-
<br /> i,i{'�;._
<br /> ��. ��,;�`; �.-,,;Z,•;� dis�ance of Eighty (80.0) feet f thence def lec�ing righ� 90° 4�' "�•�''`"���`�* ��''�"
<br /> � � 25 and zunn3nq easterly �long the northerly right-oF-way lir�o ar '1`'��' y -
<br /> '� ,�, �
<br /> ,��;%�'��•` ''• :. ., said Faidley Avenue, a distanoe of Three ttundred Five (�OS.o) � �` `°�'
<br /> ��` �� �'�' fee� �o the wes�erl ri h�-oP-way line oP ltighway No. ?.ei; Chonco �"�^�' ����
<br /> � � . ' �•.,,,h;:f;: Y g
<br /> •: �;�.4�.,�;,. deflecting left 9q� 45� 25�� and running northArly Rlong said =_�_ - -_----
<br /> _ , r��;' �igh��of,way line, a distance oC One 7'housand SQVen HundrAd ��`s"����~+�""�'-
<br /> '. � �-.�,;r,�,j. Twenty Two and Nine�y Four llundredths (1,722.94) foet to �lio u•' � ' �•-
<br /> . ° � �,{;• southeast cornQr oP Park zsland square Subdivision; the,nca � ��
<br /> � � • � .�„•.1; wes�erlr Alot�g the southerl line oP said PArk Is1And 3 u�re �-
<br /> � � ''��' Subdivision, a distance og Sove � �T=��"�"=.``�:`�=--_
<br /> � . n IlundrQd Ninet Six and .,oven�
<br /> , •. ''�. : . l�.".:. c� .�'"".,Fi±r
<br /> � � • ��`��' Eight ltundredths Q796.78) �eet to �he southwest cornar oP I,oC o��o �"�'�"
<br /> , � o , �„. . . .. , � � .. ,i.
<br /> ,, � � (1) , Park Island Sguare Subdivisionp �hence northQrly along xtia � .. ,u, .,�,.{F�;�
<br /> �'s � westerly� line og said Lo� One (Ij , � A lIIS�At1CQ oP F.ight Hut�drad t .., ..; ,,,,.,.�;�.►,�
<br /> � ��'���� � � . Two and rhirty Eight ltundredths e � ,:,.�x��
<br /> ( 02.38) fee� �o the nortt�woa�
<br /> �' , . � corner oF said L.ot one (i) ; thence westerly ttlong kho sou�herJ.y y H '
<br /> f ' righ�-aF-way line of Tt�irteentl� Streot, a die�ance oF Tt�ren �
<br /> j � ltundred Ninety Six and Twelve Itundredths (39G.12) fee� to tia m`J
<br /> � `+. plaae of begir�ning • •;:.'�-
<br /> `� � "'
<br /> � ,�'.
<br /> r ^ „ ;.q � . . 1.
<br /> � . ,•ii��,5�,'` . _ 3� �r , e: �
<br /> S ���Y.i f•�;•,i;J'J � .� " �•J .. r• � . `.':..
<br /> s 'i•;�liir.if;. ry ('� � � ,� .� � N . � ` •
<br /> , � _ �y 1� 7C I �' a . .�"..
<br /> - . ��"� �.' fTl Uf �l � 7 ♦O i . - w . ...A'Y.rr..
<br /> �',:ll •ti. „'... fl :l �� , �.. ,� _ ••��a''.
<br /> �:.'•+, .,��F' �r�� �: � 7C � � _ � , �!�_�F:.:
<br /> � I��, i '� (�.51.(' '� ' �_. Y4 . � � �ys/y�,=.:�
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