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<br /> � - � .., . � 91-- �.024G9
<br /> o ^ � ,. ! ' .
<br /> � �����ti�� � ���' Goorgusis, Wilbur F. Broplia, K-�Iart, Inc., and !or Qaah
<br /> � ��`:'��:?`� -x�' othar t�nant as aay b� d�riqn�tad by th� L�ndar as a Credit
<br /> `_.��,..�.�: • 5, ---
<br /> � ' „ ;' ";�. Tonant. For th� purpos�s o! this O�ad o! Truat, a "Credit =,__
<br /> "'"� �� ' Tanaat" is arr tonant whiah Truator aa wish to havo �he '�t
<br /> r . ���:a5-�;.,5;�.. Y Y ��-��''=-.--
<br /> '�'-� � ���'. Lender p laas r�l iana� upon f o r t u t u r� l o e n a d v a n c Q a, w h e r e i a
<br /> �� Trustor ha� mado e� written raquQ�t o! Lender to designa�e ` ---_—
<br /> r.�<. , . r.
<br /> ' ' � � '. • � such a tenant as a Cr4dit Tanant, and I.ondar has evidenced ' .r�'���""'°`
<br /> ' ita approval in writing. Tho linanaial statemonta required
<br /> r`� shall be provided within 120 da s ot the aloBe a! such
<br />�,�?�si�•�.; � � Y —
<br /> �' �l� ,. person�s or entity�a lisoAl year, or in the aase of Wilbur
<br />�;:,`..'•'.�; o F. Breslin, by Oatober iS o! Baah yaar during the term of _
<br /> :� this Deed of Trust. Any suah linanaial statements shall be
<br /> � • -�s� ,:� ..� �'�'1 ot at least aompilation quality, and Lender reservea the �-� �-�`
<br /> � � ' r�fight to requira such statements to be furn��hed on a more __: °
<br /> � . frequent basis or to require such mt�tements to be of a
<br /> ��'� "` �' hiqher aaaount3ng standaxd tt►an "co�mpilation quality". All �u��-i-����^
<br /> . .�.�:�;:_,..�.. �,� _ -
<br /> - '� ��� .`. suah tinanaial statements will be prepared by a certffied ° �'�' '
<br /> . ,� ;... - .�
<br /> �.��:��" • ��� publia aacountant acceptable to Lender.
<br /> � ,;�...,�. _� : o --
<br /> �•...r ' ,�`'�'w-.=T -,
<br /> �r;,�.,•,: ., . ,:ic�:,... �.. '
<br /> � +. � �,;<;.�; , (g) Partiai R6_eases. Lender agreea, so long as r►o � �� ______
<br /> � •. ",,;���,� , � '� � default exists under this Deed of Trust, to release parts or � -f,-'���
<br /> ���,'�•'� ' ° ,, portions of the Property, in accordanae with the provisions �=---� -- ����!'• �-
<br /> � ,:�.:`}Yl;,; t . '� of this paraqraph. —�;r�._"_W—•.:�
<br /> '�, .e.�`.�',,..r
<br /> x... � �i..;.,uL --
<br /> 1 I ��� �:� l tY.f3 S(�t,.�� .
<br /> IP� S �
<br /> 't t��� �� 1 A release shall be iven n on the a ent of $200.00 � r =�Y
<br /> - �i:::.. , r:.A ( ) 4 P P Ym �",,.;:;,�,ti41�=
<br /> ' �i'�•"��"��'` foL' each lot sought to be released �rom the lien of �•.� •N.� • . � -
<br /> � ,��,,:::.•,: .
<br /> � ����'� this Deed of Truet t providad that tfie lots released are f� '`�;�:�.'' '�''{g�
<br />� ;�. ,�rt1�4''�i?�; . ,�•'�rA, ,
<br />., ,_;,,,.,,_� �� � � , duly covered by a properly f i led, approved and recorded :ti;,,���:i:��:
<br /> _.�. .,�. _:_:�_.t1�S�'° subdivfsion plat. �t��'�-�-, --�-
<br /> .�..�.!':��ti:!1___� �r�!n
<br /> '1 I•��- '
<br /> ' t.�.�,�il'_ �I.'.:.�... `,. lir�l r,t,%�_ -"—_
<br /> � ,�. ,c,�f!`'�f�... , : (2) The Trustor ehall suppl� ttae appropriate legal �� .• ;`�.
<br /> 'f�r;r';`f . ' ' descriptions and sd�all prepare the artial r�leases fflr �.�._.. , ti
<br /> ����;' ri, p tFf��.�r�.rF��:-".�—
<br /> !s;�; �, . � execution by the Lender. � �
<br /> ��:��!i}�f, �':s;�,'ss;%.r,��
<br /> � ,��.; :,.'� f�' � i,:1�'•. r.•�.--�=—
<br /> � � " � �`�� (3) Releases shall be given, without charge, for roads, '�.�1:.''�1� '`�'�°°
<br /> . ' „� •. streets, easements shown on any filed subdivision plat , ,.,,.,. ':�
<br /> � ,.. ,.-� �
<br /> . ` � � , .: when said plat has been approved and accepted and when � • ..�__.,.3
<br /> • •� � .�, tha impro�ements are complated, fully paid for, and are �,;;�
<br /> � to be dedicated to the appropriate political � ��
<br /> �i � subdivisfon. � J�
<br /> (4) Before Lender shall 3�e required to execute any partial F . . �
<br /> .: �: � release, Lender shall be satiafied, at its sole E . � ���;
<br /> ������:�'� " discretion, that the Property, without the land to be �1� '
<br /> . ,j. +ur.k.
<br /> ��,��,�•�. . , released has been and will continue to pravide income, �`f��i
<br /> ;�e�.�'�.
<br /> . (�.,,��:�;, after operating expenses of the Property, of not less �� !"':��� � ��:-
<br /> �,����,�:�;fi� than 1.2 times the amount of principal and in�erest � , • • � � �
<br /> � � payments due under the Note seGUred by this Ueed of � 'i;'�:
<br /> , Trust in any one year. � �.����.
<br /> ' ...:''
<br /> �� (5) Notwithstandinq the foregoinq, only that land sha�.l be '.''�
<br /> ' released which has been declared by both the Trustor ; }� -``
<br /> and the Lender to b� excess collateral. As of the date
<br /> �� !'• of this Deed of Trust, the Trustor and the Lender have
<br /> � • ,.,�,��1�; . . agreed that the excess acreage consists of 55.�;(1�a.�.
<br /> �*�'�"�.'�� • - 13 - �.•, .
<br /> ;7�,:;�:'' � . . �•,,;
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