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. � z..,.T _____� ,. . <br /> �a � .�a.., ��:n- <br /> . . ' , .�.i . _ �r _ ��a.u-5�1 '4 � ,jlt,ySdyy.;�,:: :i;-iN . .,_ <br /> . _ � • . , . �ti��'_ �:��,,.n�:.._ _ <br /> ... ' . .. -' • � .' •.` � . � . � . , n . ' ' `'�,•. <br /> � , , fi:r <br /> �{,� �I ,./ J��,, l� �/ �� A <br /> �y� ���VN�IY���YI��IfA��yfQ�R�t1�Q1����� ., �'''_. <br /> �1����+IIf�OYfr . . .. n .. . :i�i'i:'`: <br /> lll 1�10 011tl111 Of� t01/� I��Ij O�(t10 �1fty� I�Id t�� 60 Y��lO 1�10 �Wil�IOL'alfOd�/ l�i $OCfM'�l�► . .. <br /> 1M4UfIMM�wll01he1'of Ilot t110A dW Wlll�Mry sR00Y (0�oHOwe' UI d10 Ov1M Of�pMiwl hklllt O�d10p�cp�y�Il <br /> wdid�da fNir m�rk�a vdue of�he Ptopertq bnn�ediqaly befae the t�kln�t�equa!w or ca tlua the�mouot of t6e `swn� - <br /> �a <br /> �eaued tbG�$ecarity Inwutaent irnn�edltle!y bofo�o the <br /> Ha aum ieau�vd 7ry this 5ecsqity ivapument�h�ll be roduo d�by ��Ba�awa�Lender W��e�ee�tn��� <br /> � __�._._,�.��, fFecdon: (�dta total maom►t nf da suma aecueed immedtetely bofine tbo tekiaa,divlded by(b)the fair mmket value.raf�o <br /> Pioparty imn�adWaly beforo tbe ukin�. My bd�noe�116a p�W to Bamnvwsr. la the eveat a�a p�utW Wci� at the <br /> uc��y bcfoce �tiu�.uel¢st�ad l.adee�bef��takin� Ie bst dwn tl�o wr�aant of�e Mopmo,t <br /> a�ree ia w�itipg or unlas applic�Qla 4rv <br /> . • . piAanrioe pdwides„dra p�ooee+d�s�Ee�lled to��teared by tbdt Secwriqr IastrwnaRat�wle�+r or�of dre ams t�a . ;• <br /> t�tdue. ,rct � = <br /> ; ,,, . If the Pra�pe�ty�i�abaadcx�ed ay.Aor►ov�u�4�iP:atter aodco py Le�e�'to.�o�roa'�tAmt die�nor affias w rmt�o :�:;: .. �:�,., <br /> °�-��..--�— .:,,,.' �: � �an aaArd or scttk�.�lailn fvr damiag�c.8qrrav�rer f�it�w�eypond'tb 1;�ar.withui�0�s�yn�ber�fie d�ae cbe notioo is�va�, , "' • •- <br /> --. -....�.._..,_r.��_.._.._.M__- I.eddor is awhorizsd a coUec�aad al�PiY�P��.ac'its opab�ir-,O�[ta tOSRa(�dDn or l�bpair of the YtapeRy p b�l0 ,i�:;..: <br />_�--�..��--�-=.�,; . . .���w.sec�lretl by this$ec�aity Inrtnmta�t,whether or not thea duo. �.. . � ,,,: <br /> - - _. - � , [1nlcse l.cdder,ahd HaROwer otl�ervviso ag�ee in wrlting,any UcaUon oF procoeds to priacip�l chall �at extend ar � <br />__. po�tpw�e the due data of the monthlY MYmentc rofcn�cd to in a o t and 2 or cp�nge U�e unount oP such p�ymento. <br /> _ 11. Ba�rower Not Reknedi F1a'beuanoe By I.ender Not A Watver. Pa�teneion of �ho dmo fix pRyn�ent or <br /> moditic�tion of nnohls�tian of the�um�securod by thio Security Mawmcnt�ranted by Lendcr to any:ucawor in inte�eu <br /> _ of Borrowor�11 nw ope�ta to rokxre�he U�bility of�he ori�ind Bomower or Barowor9�uccauorn in Inten�t.Leodor <br /> _- - - �11 not bo uirod to commenca proceedln���Qdnet my�ucceccor in inlorc�ct a�fLco ta oa�end tftne fa pwyment or <br /> � aMxwl�e mad�ity amatie�llon oi�he suma wxurod by thi�Security Instrument by�uan af w�y dcmmd made by Ihe ai�ind <br /> Bor►ower a Borrowerti�ucoeswa in imercs�. Any fa�Aearance by I.cnder in cxo�+cldny my rf�ht or rcrt�edy�11 aot be� <br />= wdver o�ar p�cludo tho o�tarci�o ot wny d�hl nr rcmcdy. <br /> ° 11 '�u�c�on Md Awl/��owrdi�a41�d Swa�l I.I�bllllyi Co�IRn�ri, 'tlio cove�wur w�d a�roemenu of thi� <br />= Sect�lty Inrtrutnent�II bind md beneflllho xuccex�orn and a�si�ne of l.encbr arwl Bonowar,subjoct to 1he provbionr of - <br /> -- p�a�raph 17. 8omnwerlc rnvcmuu� and�reement« �hdl bo joint ond Revenl. Any i3arower wha co-si�ns thf� Sxurlty <br /> �, lnurument but daeq nat oxccuw Ihe Ndc: 10)i�c�rri ning IhiR Secu�lty InKlrumcnl only lo mort��o.�n1 and convoy Ihst <br />"'• Bomawery iMaroct in Ihe Pmpeny undcr Ihe Icrnta of I�ix S�urity Intipumenl: (bl is not perco�ully obN�pted to poy 1hc sums <br /> ;i� socurod by�hir Socurity lorltumen�;und(c)ag�oea�hat Lendor and ony other Borrower rnay a�rco to extend,modffy,forbeu <br /> I or m�ke any aawmmod�tiona wl�h ro�aM to �he termr of thi� Secudty Incpument or�he Note wilhout that Borrowar�a <br /> consent. <br /> •' ___ ' 13. La�n Clurgea. If the loan securcd by �hie� Security Instn�ment ia subject to u low which sets maxlmum loan <br /> , chagea,and thot law is finelly interpreted so�hut the interest or other lonn cluuges cdlecied ar to be colkcted in connecdon <br /> wfth the loan exceed the pertnitled 1{mits,lhen: (a)any such loan charge shall be�duced by the amount necessary to rcduce <br /> the cha�ge to the permittal limir,and (b)any sums already collected from Borrower whia;h exceeded permitted limits wi116e <br /> � �efundod to Bormwer. Lender may choose to make�his refund by reducing the prir�iQ�l owed under the Nae or by making a <br /> � diroct payment to Borrower. If s refund reduces principul,the neductian will be treatod as a p�tial prepayment witt�out any <br /> • , •-�Nx p�payment charge under the Note. <br /> ,,,2.;�,.,�"�J''? 14. Nodces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security InstnurKnt shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> `�.h mnlling it by firet clars mu�l unkss applicuble law nequi�es use af unother method.7Le ndice sh�ll be directed to Q�e Propent'� <br /> '`�'�� � " Address or an Wher address Borrower desi ates b notice to Lender. An notice to l.ender shall I+e rven b first class <br /> ' .�'�`:''': `;;:,'.,.r Y 8n Y Y B� Y <br /> mwil to Lender�addresa stated bereln or any other address Lender designates by ndice to Borrower, My natice provideci tior <br /> y � � in this Security Inst�ument sbol) be deemed to hnve been given to Borrower or Lender vehen given as provided in this - <br /> ,: ,,;,.:�i'.... <br /> ' ��r S r."•+`.7 rdf��l'AP�1. • <br />_',� "a'``���;r�� 1S. Coverdng Lew;Sevetabillty. 'Chis Security Instn�ment shull be guvemed by federnl law und the luw of the <br />_ _ �`�� '`4� �j* ju�iadiction in which the Propehy is localed. In the event�hut nny provi.r•ion or cluuse of this Securi�y Instrument or the Note <br /> �.:;,''�"��' � conflicts with applicable law,auch conflkt shall not affect otlnr �ovixions of this Securit Instrument or the Note which can <br />�:,:. •��'':. ,� be given effect withaut the conflictlng provision. 'Ib this end he provisions af this Se urity Insuument and �he Note w�e <br />�f , `;�' `��'t , declored to be severable. <br /> r �'�+���?��' ��`"'�''��' 16. Borrower's Co v Horcower�hull be rven one conformed co of the Note und of thix Securit Imtrument. <br /> • �:�',�;'r,,11�';•�'S'A�ai•. <br /> . ,,, ;..,.,; ;�,: .. . 17. 'll�nsfer of the Property or A Beneficiql lnteresf In Bnr�ower If ull or any part of�hc Pn>perty or nny interest in <br /> c. :•... .. <br /> � ;,;:��'•;;;,,, : ,�� it is sold or transfcrrcd (or if a beneticial interest in Borrowcr i, wW�►r trantiferreJ w�d Burmwer is nut a nuwrul person) <br /> �t��h•� �• �.• wlthout L.ender's nor wdtten consen4 Lender mu at itti o �ion,re uire immediu�e u men�in full of ull sums secured b <br /> � : ,r.:.. P Y� P 4 PY Y <br /> -�.�. • a': ' thfs Security Instrumcnt. However,lhis option shull not he exercised By LrnJcr if exerci�ix prohibited by federal law as of <br />__ ��;,, '��.;: .`� the dete of this Securi�y Instrurnent. <br /> - �'�' � ;:� , If l.ender exercises thls option,Lender shall give BoROwer notice of uccelerutinn. The nntire shall provide a pe�fod of <br /> �.�+�t' '+ <br /> • .�r :,;;�;•.�,ti',��� not les�s�han 30 deys from the date the no�icc is dclivcred or muil�d within whirh Bum►wcr musi puy ull xums secured By ihis " <br />'��' �{'�'��';:i;f;, 5ecurity Instrument. If BoROwer fuilx to p�y the,c .um+ prior to the expiru�ion�d'�his perioci, Lcnder muy invoke any <br />_,:. i�'�.::.'.:.:,:.��.. <br /> '��`'•.�_'�: �`,�'�;�'}r'�iY•:`• � remedies permitted by�his Seruri�y Ins�rument wi�hnut turthcr notice ar demund on&xruwer. - <br /> `_ � '•:• ' 18. go�rnwer's Right to Relnsfate. If Burn►wcr mects cenuin ronditionti,Borrmver shall have Ihe ri�;hl to have <br /> :�� . ' enfoneement of this Securiry Instrunient discuntinucd iu any�ime prior lo the ca�lierof: lul 5 Ji�y�(ar+uch other peri�xl as <br /> � , � I . Singla Frmfly-•Faqnk I►1ndl+reddk Mac UNINORM INb'TRUMkNT••llnifurtn Covenmt� 9/90 !►wg�0 nJAry��xesl <br /> . �,:',. ::�. 4 <br /> .� � •�J,':�+�'' <br /> . ` .� "'��. -- <br /> �._ . - :. . — <br /> �'�. 'T , . ., . �^°.�::a!tiit, nG, ;.:�.;yj��r�;�,}� l�;'-,.�'G4L•:.�5'"_'--------- ..•.. . � . <br /> -•• . -�. �.. . .v � . - .: :- <br /> , <br /> . . , : _ t--•-. ��- . � .. t_. :i�A+!'' G✓1b:G.LC, .. .tt .. ..:.. - - <br /> __,� • . � ., ` _ . . . <br /> _- i d►7L".4.tit�!'r.�'',.____`__ —_ _. __� _.. ___.�_�_�._ �,__ 1 �, ..?'rS1 'i'�V.4t'f^. � <br /> _ _ ., f t� ... <br /> - . . . . . . — __. —_ .__ __ ' <br /> __"_'�' <br /> _____ '— ._-_ - <br /> _ _ ._ <br /> �.' � � � . i - - • . w.v1.�..�. .. . .. `T � . <br /> • . i. � � .:-t'ra., .` .. .. . T .:�� : .'L �i,s�'..t4�.r.:.•. t�� S. .p..=>.�- <br /> , .��� 1 ' _, _•.. .:..�i�+s--v�':�M^�l�`�' ���'►°4 - ... _ �.`. . .. • , ro . � <br /> . . �ti7tl;r:r.L . . , ...h.,�.,�.f�w.� c x:r� �-�.7:•rv.o. 4o hw�+A�4tirr.,.. - <br /> • - �:r�+Sf;4J %+. .�:r",�ip , , �( � , - .', • -.- ..�y. t;..�.; . <br /> ' w �� � Jw ,•�: .i ' 1.ti/,���. �.�y�. Y . '4�,•i.t"�1i�,'�K:.�.'�.:"0�71:•-•..�4�' r,• � • .'{. - . .. -Y ;'*'::� . . . . <br />-`�ij', ���::�5+•'t9+ '.'' 3� , � {: ,'t:9�•�1.:.`,;1 I '1'1§!n ( ,. .r�r�';�� tt 4 i�st^`r""' • _ f�S�: �;i. ' . 1 <br /> � r r.,�r ~,,t� � .�;:tilry •e ,q�e�!�?I. ��;�d�tis :a"•.,f- � �� �!r . . •, <br /> �i•�: � t,,��. , ,,;,. <br /> ��,. i�. 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S�S.�.� �i , e, '..4. - :�l �a• r .-�I yrN: � �S,,.;�.,.�f . r,'`•'''.;_"..+,.�. �.: <br /> }41 "/ ,�TY 'I, f _ �l.. i+'q:,r`.f� 1':` 1�- ��:. t ;'f � ,r <br /> '�� ,f„ .1 `'+.•;�; T'r t. ��1��i ti�� i � �y!,i i uj.,'��,�.�'1U�./ l�d�� „t.� (�!''}��� ( � �� k�'v , �. <br /> � i��4 p��,{����� r,,, ., , 4,,.��4., , � ,. ,:`�, � � � n r ,, ,� ,.r ,3�Y,,1..��': ..�, '¢' �,�;s,;:�4�' j . � ., <br /> 1� •'''.�r�7pd4j., �4�ti1r�(�.1 4r �,i�: �1•� C•1�'�3� .f �. �.-� � � �5 �1�1'��. }�� ::..•a't�' -�i� �, '�>' 1 <br /> • (� .Q11��- i . `+� C�r � .��„ t������,!t1\\�ti -t',s r;f. ��r.5 .� ����f '..r.,r�>l•��.t i �.5,r' 5��5. r -\. '-�rr ��( '- . <br /> � i�, u.;rA",?a�N,i��.�:tG '!' 1 C ( t >-r ,_ h i;��',:,f e�1 f! . , . y�Y�+`��i.. <br /> Fi''l�lr��.��i��Y:l•ti:�.��� IY�tNt - rt� �. -�e-i �F•ti i-�r .:i: 1 � ', i � <br /> ''�:1 �`'�'t t �; 1���1.'4'. 14t� I �; •l .v .7 -n� I 4 .� \�. <br /> �•i �.�l., . ,t '���'... �t '','� "� I `H,�!`��,t} ' [�1.Ni ti7,'1'...:..� r--a r�i ��n� . 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