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, - 1+�� , F � -__ <br /> . <br /> .� 'S �--- <br /> . -- <br /> -_`.'� . _ t �i ' --- --. ._. " _ _ <br /> ' �r , . ,_ , • . . ______ _ __— ______ .. � ..r��.uLtia=- <br /> _._� - , . - , . ti y')w.��_"�___ <br /> ..' ' _' ' .� . , �.,. . •.�� � ' '(r . . . � . . . . '_ -__— <br /> _— " , . . � . . �qlP.__� " <br /> �i • » ' . . . .�.,'�`� <br /> ' .� , <br /> � � �i��I� . a , . ,. <br /> . . . . : , . ... <br /> , , . � . ,� . 93� io�r�s,s -,� <br /> --_�_� �..� <br /> ��� <br /> :�� <br /> �; rt�et�eRw n�n o�Tavsr <br />— (Witb Pow�tot8ale) <br />_ - -- - L�7���0q.0�0��- � weonat ot otMr Inlaas�nb�-Z�•� <br /> -- -- �� __--- ,n�w�a..ti��i�i� t+�c�.tionwn.a Mav 6 �te�. <br />_°-=� --- Nro�dll�aW�►l�sq �� [�n.t rmwaaa�a.n�. Auri 1 6�X+lt'_2006. <br /> `^ o� 1 A�ri1 �,� "– <br /> �.t <br /> , - - �,,,,,,,,,�Marlc R. Br�uner�and Kri sti K_ eruner, husband and wife as joint tenants � � <br /> �. � �b,.,���,M,�� 1 2 S. Locust Oo i han NE 6�832 , , ��._�� <br /> �G�i4..- <br /> ,� 'j�� ,��, TRW Title I uraqce an � � <br /> q�% ;�`����'� �w�,,,�u„�,��,. � 5 �Col le e Blvd. Overlan P rk lCS 6 2 ^ . ,,�r._ <br /> 3a9 i� b R d , ,:� <br /> . �;, ,.;. � <br /> ' � aa'1lrwtas wnd Nonhl�t Flhiancinl N Ina.�vlwoe mwiU addrea!� • �.�y;;:;: <br /> . � t�r; ..,;�; .>F. <br />_��f����';, .. _ � P m. Box 1 �3 �,ra�d 1s�an� NE 69802 ,�aems�o.�. ' ��:;;T <br /> .,��-s•, ,�it��;•T� W17TTESSE'fi#t 'hudan Iwnbq isnvoca�ly.¢►�at,b�s�i�Mll,and convey lo ZSnrlas fu tewd,�vllh powee ot wlo,the followinp da- l':;'' <br /> ��, � `.,• � <br /> � ,.�_ <br />_::lU; ��i"r,.r`'�;°r .. , .e�Je.a woaerty iu Ha 11 co„u�q,iV�b�dw� �,-_ <br />_.(:�. •:t: i •�,ft• . � � . - - � . .:. <br /> -� � :) �:, . . , . ' . . ��1��. <br /> ,`- :,�s°•'�,�.�,,,� r,r� . ' � SfE ATTACHMENT ..�. °" = <br /> »�— F ���,5 . . • , �i' <br /> �:��`�S`�;i� �+.,�, , ,, <br /> ; � �:1,. x t�l+�anr:.j+ . �,. <br /> . '�`t� � ,�,� . . . <br /> , �C <br /> ��,� �� �,�. <br /> i{!+. �Rlp I��S�.�}����' \ � t {4 9 �. <br />,:e34�}; n , ,;, �'�...:i <br /> ) bF 1 1�.. <br />-��.5�'�,", ��L�� ktt�.t�,'L'4�l�`..�.�" ��'�: <br />. ��:l 1..+". �':.��A��]j�i:':..�� �v� <br /> trl�� ,���*�f�j4' ��r.��,.• �-: <br /> �'r !�X.'.�irK�i.Y�.f�'�r,:'�. . <br /> � ��'`�.�r 7b��th�r with t�a�m�nb,lrnditam�ntti �ud�ppwt�nanoM fh�r+nwW Mlon� ar In wywiM app�rtainin�aad tl�nnt�,iaw��ad �;. <br /> 'd. ' ud <br /> �'% ..�,�;. orolib th�r�of. - <br /> . /;� �y;;�•q', a ��• <br /> � ��' `��'' 'ItJ�oonveyam�u iabad�d for th�purpo�s oi�seuring the p�yment w BemAci�uy of TnuWn'prombwrq note ot w�a d�u in th� _— <br /> - .• • .''. �T�:.. eaavnt a�ted e6ore ne'ibtal ot P�ym�nh".8ald"'lbtal of Psym�nb"i�npay�blo la t1u numhar ot monthly inaalm�nt��tat�d�bov�. �;,,..: <br /> ,�.q�j�!�c.f '11w smo�me ot eh�iaKalm�nt paym�nta dw on wfd lan b�tahd�6ove.TiN Ant and final inst�lm�nt dw datM on nfd loa►�n rRatd _ <br /> •{ � '+.�q+r;t.�''��� •'j*, �bova.P�ym�a!ayy b�mad�in adv�na in�ny�mount�t any tina.I�fault in m�kfnB�nY p�y�wn!�lull.K th�B�ScIRr��optlon �y„,i <br /> �"a+� ' ;i�;•�+;�: ." `:� �od without aodo�or drm�nd.nndee th�mtiro unpaid b�l�na of rafd lan at ona dw md p�y�bb,lw any nquired nb�t�ot ehar�e�. 1�: <br />;�i, ��'S;i'W ric�i'�'��;1;��.•��.,,..�r:�� '!b protrct th�Ncudty of ehf�DNd of Tnut.Tnutor oovsnu�ts�nd a�s: <br /> 1.'!b keeP f�he Pmperty In good oondidon�ad np�fr,W permft no wa�thereot;w oomplets eny building.�trucLune or improvement �,.-^ <br />�� � �� '� ��y�r'., befag bWk or�bout to be bullt fhenon;to ro�toro protnptly eny building,stnutnr•a or improvement thereon which m�r M duai�d or <br /> " .1' 1'•,^'.1,,�:�,' . dMtroyed;�nd to comply vWfh sll lew�,oedlnanca,regul�tioni,coven�nfa,oonditioo and re�trictbn�all'�cting ths propsety. . <br /> r�;��" '"'� 2.To p�y before delinquent ail lawf�l tuw�nd aeeeLmente upon Nw property;to kMp the propeety tY+�o�nd cl�ar oi dl otlNr cl►���, �,L.� <br /> � � ;� ' � �' '' - Ilom o�oncum6r�nae�impd�ing the�ecurity of thi�[�ed oP Trud. �' <br /> • ;� �:,,�'�,..•� ,: <br /> �,M..., , �,�. . 9.1b ke�p all buildings now ar hereaRer erected on the Propeity descrl6ed herain wntfnuoudy iruured eg�i�ut loe�by 6ro or other �- <br /> �• , �t•%' haserde in an etnowt not leee than the totul debt ucured by thi�Deed of'l�t. All policle�dull be held by the BenefiefRry,+►nd be <br /> ,� 't`���"' �' :•' in euch wm aales u the BeneAeia m� • rove end huve 1ae able first w tLe BeneOciery u ita intaro�t m�y ippe�r md then - <br /> �;ti. %�¢t.�� '° . P T3' Y tm wr <br /> ,:,:,,-t.�'"' x� ' : to the'11wWn'Che�mount oollceted under my ineurance policy m�y be pppli�d upon any indebtednew henby sxured In �uch or+ds�u ,.:, <br /> . �...; ;, <br />_ t!"jFaS� ;� � •�-: the Beneflciery ehall d�oermine.Sueh ppplication by the Beneficfary�hall not auia dfscontinuenoe of any prooeedfng�to foreeloae thi� �,�. <br />-.s�_' '`'' �'�� �'•,; pe�d of 11ru�t or curo or w�ive any dofiult or notiee of defauh or invdid�te any act don�purouant to�uch nodoe.ln tha�wnt ot fonclo�ure, �-_ <br />--,.;_�...:!�i N\.i.Y� ,i•�, �� �%.'-•' <br /> .�,,-:.; . �II Hghte of the'Muto�in ituurenoQ policles then in forcQ�holl pqw co t6p purcha�er at the foreelo�ure ede. : <br /> .,:�7. i:•., .. . : ,_' ';•' <br />���r ��,i,. � ���.�C'��� -. 4.To oDfain the writEem m�eent ot Beneflciary befort�elling,ao�iyeylt�or oeMrwi�e trenderrfog the property or any psrt th�nof wnd V� �� <br /> • . �. any�ueh wle,conwy�na or trAnd'er�rithoue the 8�rnlioi�ry'�writted aonunt�h�ll oonrtitute�defiult under tha brnu hesof. .•� : <br /> :�_;�,rA',{: B.To d�fend an ution or roaedi ?}'�: <br /> ���.•T • � Y P �i Pu��1��'������T hereof or the rfQhta or powen of Benetici�ry or Trwtee. '��. <br /> (, • �� ;�h.�l 8.8hould Twtor fdl W Wy when due eny taues,aaetanenU,iruurance premlum�,lien�,encumbrances or other chnge��gdnet the l ' <br /> �' ��y ,y,, propetty hereiaabove dacAbed,Beneliciary may pay the wme,and the amount eo poid,with intereet at the rate wt krth in the nof�e � <br /> ' , .•' � . ' �ecurod h�roby,ehdl be added W and b�com�a part ottho debt seeurod In thi�De�d of 71ru�t aa permittad by hw. ��t i�' <br /> .�.',� '' • IT IB MI17'[1ALLY AGRBED THAT: �r`�;. <br /> �'+� 1. Ia the event any portion of the property ie wken or dameged in nn eminent domain procecding, the entire emount of the ewnrd � ' <br />, .,. , . . <br /> • • or�uch pmtion th�nof u may Iw neoaNary W fully�atiefy tho obligotion eecund Mreby,shall be pafd w B�nef{cl�ry w he�pplied to <br /> ,� wW oblig�tbn. � <br /> ," f.;:,` `��� 2.By�oapting peyment of eny eum eecured heroby efter�te due dpte.Heoeikhey doe�not waive its riQht W rpulr�prompt payment <br /> � i . �,` : � w h e n d w o f d l o t h e r s u m s e o�e c u r e d o r W d�c l a ro d e f o u l l f o r f a i l u r e W a p a y. k� <br /> 3.The 14wtes ehdl reconvey all or any pan af the property rnvand bp thi�Ueed o�'i5wt to the peroon entiNed tMreto,on written <br /> =`- '�� ';�,;�j�_ reque�t ot the 74vttor snd the Benelkiery,or upoh eatieCaction of the o6iigatlon eecured and written request for n�conveyana mnd�by <br /> •..4 � , • , N�Wnotfcfaey or th�penon enqtlod cheroto. ;' ' <br />._",s.. ' '...r.'- . if:`.t. <br /> _S}(aL� 9P1 C91 INEI <br /> -� �7�R , �. • ��f��'S� �. <br /> i[1t ,i <br /> � ..,r� � " _. . ��: <br /> -� ��'. <br /> •-_.-„trinr ' ' „ - •'�':6�'.�y�r�..-r, . . . .•�rY�.;::,5!' � S. ,... ...�P.�.)_; ti <br /> `r�� ' ,f,.. �" !��I{�!�1!k;�"SC.h'!k'.�' .. , 'i 7'!, "'.'°'+M�s.�..��.1. a �jI'0c?k f.41,MU1 '{i; <br /> ?�.,ts.S., �.� ;.�• '.��`•'� W 1 <br /> `. ,•�. . • . .11t�'� . � . �. '�'�::i1 ' � . <br />. . �ti r• . . , . � . 1������ . -i ' ., . <br /> ..:�:t i��.._�i� . . . ' , � . �• '~� <br /> .. <br /> - -- .�- `+# .+-�r,^--- '--'-. ',�}�� ._i- . , ..,�_: _ . .. .. ._ :�ti _ .. , . �1 . ' . <br />- �;�. �q. - � .�. .. � . , , , . � . . . ' ' . . <br /> o,-. -2�..�9j ,, , -�' � . ,i - . ����...1 <br /> ., � ` � . �• � � ; . � i ar.. <br /> � 4 M } <br /> �V.� . , ' � .1. � .. . . . � ., . . . - ' + <br /> _� _i� __ � • ' <br /> � , . . .._ . �.�J____. _-." __"'_" "_ "__-_.__ . <br />