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<br /> FA�,.��,,;.; :.,�. : 91-- 102 437 �.�
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<br /> ', .t�;:.. . . . !f Lender required mortgage imuronce as u condition oF muking �he loan acured hy �his 9ecurity Instrument.
<br /> ' • Borrower shall pay the premiuma rcquired�o muintuio the inaurAnce in eflect until�uch time ua the requirement for tiie
<br /> ;;:�.•_�:;;�- . • insur�nceterminatesinaccardancewithBorrower'aandLender's writtenagreementorupplicableluw.
<br /> � 8. I�spection. l.ender or its Agent mey moke reasoneble entries upan and inspections of the Prcperty.I.ender _____
<br /> , shall give Borrawer notice at the timeoior prior�o an inspeetion specifying reaconuble eause for the incpectinn. �-;���=���w.=�.•--_
<br /> ° ' 9. Condemn�Non. The prceeeds of Any Award or clAim for damngex,direc�or consequential,in cannection with �,T,;`rKi: --�-
<br /> any condemnati�n or other taking of any pan af the Propehy, nr for canveyance in licu ��f condemnulian,uro hereby °
<br />���;'."` , assi�ned and shall be paid to l.endcr. ` `v' �:°���'
<br /> ��
<br />'• .` In Ihe event oi'a to�ul takiag vf the Propeny,thc p�oceedc shall bc upplied to the sums sccurcd by Ihis Secu�lly „��___.
<br /> f. •.,,.. J,. .. .. . -
<br />;`;'•;. � Insttument.whether o�not then duea with anp excess paid ta Borrower. In thc evem of a pArtiul tuking af thr Property.
<br /> . unlas Borrower and Ixnder a�herwiye rB�ee�n wri�ing,the sums secured by this Security In�trumen�shall be reduced by
<br /> " �• the amaunt oP the proccrds multiplied by the followiog fraction:(u)the totul umount af the sums securecl immediately #r._`.__�*�,°;;
<br /> • � . beforc the taking,di�ided by(b)the fuir m�rket value af'the Property immediotcly beforc the taking.Any b�l�nce shall be ���`��n
<br /> • paid to BoROwe�. }'"�:•
<br /> �dt,.,,;-
<br /> .,t.::
<br /> •� � - - . , _ ��. li'the Propeny is abandaned�v Horrower,or iP,aRer nutice by l.ender to BoRUwer tFwl the condemnor oSets to •;`.�'J1„_..t_
<br /> . � u�„ make an award or seple a claim for daa�wges,Borrower fails to resp►nd lu Leodet K ithin 30 da)'�uPter the dr+te the notice is �•-. �..�_�_ _ _.
<br /> • _ given.Lender is autherozeQ to collect and apply the proceeds.ut its option,either to astom�ioo or repair of the Property or p.?:=_�-== ___
<br />� secured b 9U�as Secuni Ins�rument,whether or not then due. �'--._LLl_'°�`°
<br /> lo the sums y Y -'� -=--�
<br /> 6 ' Unless L.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing,any applicauan os Procccdti tn Fnncipal shall not extend or ����°rJ�,_.:: .T �.._
<br /> � ,.;..
<br /> � F+oslporeti ahe due date of the monthly Feyments ret'erred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changr AF.e amount oPsuch paymeats. �..;�r c,;_::,..
<br /> ' " 949, Horrower Not Releaeed: Forbeornnce By I.ender Not p Waiver. Ea�ensia*aa �ni the time for payment or x.,„a.'�"t:=.
<br /> orn ~,,,_��,,:.::_:---
<br /> � mnd�ficAtinn oPamonization of the sunis secured My this Security Instrumeat granted h; �.ender to any successor in , •�•..�,�;�se;-
<br /> :• � , interes�of 8orrower shall not opernte�o rclease v�he liability of the original B��roK'er or�nrrower's successors in interest. ,.��,s,;�.;.;_.,�
<br /> Lentler sl�all not be reyuired to commence pnk�eediogs against any succe!:xrp in im zr�� ar rePuse to extend time for s�,.•ic�-�f;�
<br /> • , �! ''.,. � :, paytn�ent or otherwise re�odify amonization oP the sums secured by this Securit��nstrumYns hy reason of any demand mude .�,.:.::�.,.:..•,-_-
<br /> � "' r by the.���ginal Borroweror Hormwer'ssuccessors in interest.Any fnrbearance b�•D�ender in exercixing any right orremrd} �;�:..''r:�,lii:,..;,
<br /> shall nut tx a waiver oP or preclude the exercixc oP any right or remedy. ;, —
<br /> 11. Succezcors ap8 As9i�pu 33opnd;Jaln�t aad Several I.ipbilityt Cu-s9�oers. The cavenants and ngreements af •,�.'"� '•_" ���z���� s
<br /> ,uz�-
<br /> ' � ' this Security lnstrument shall bind andbenefit the successo�s and�ssigns oPLender nnd Borrower,subject lo the provisiona �` �w__._i'''�
<br /> ' ofpa�agraph 17.Aorrower'scovenantcandaRreementsshallbejointandseveral.AnyBarrnwerwhoco•siFnsthisSecurity n:.. _____
<br /> �_�___°� � . ..._
<br /> - - -^'�'�� l�strumenl but does no�exeeute ihe �ute:(a}is co-aigning this S:curity lnstrument only tm m�npage.grant und convec .,.. _
<br /> ..^•'.l.%:��:'��i:�'. ��� �� .
<br /> i tha�Borrower's intere+t in the Prnpr rty under the ttrms oP this Securi�y Instrumem;lh)is not personaUy obligaled to�+a}• �` __ :
<br /> • = � " �':` the sums secured by this Security lnstrum�nt;and(c)agrees thaT Lender and any other aorrower muy agree to extend. � -
<br /> � • • .y;; , modify.farbeAr or make aoy accomrnodatinna with rrgard to the terms of t'his Secunty lnstrument or the Note withaut � _ '=.
<br /> ��:�ti+*^-
<br /> ; ., , ,�..;,`�.
<br /> thal Borrower'sconsent. �'�°
<br /> .' •• • '• 12, I.oan Charges, If the loan secured by this Ser.urit}- lnstrument i++uh ect tn u laa�Which srts maaimum IuAn �,_ �.�. ���fi
<br /> , •�;..',,, J -•4�i;.•.:;:,�_��,�;r�-
<br /> ' �,,�., ebarges,and that law is Bnally inteTreted so thot the intereRt nr other lnan rhar�tes collecied or to be collected in ;�;;,. �rj.:;_,,.;�_,
<br /> �' �" ' cannection with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then:(u)any.urh loan char�e shall be reduced by�he umount `1°F_<q
<br /> �• � , necessnry to reduce the churge t�the permrtted limit;and(b)any sums alreudy rollectrd from aorrower which eaceeded • '•�hw�--_�
<br /> pertnitted limil�will be refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chcw�e to make this refund by reducing the principal owed ����c;,_..,..
<br /> :,i.�s��ra
<br /> _-- � under the Note o�by making n direct payment ro Horrower. If u refund reduces princips�l,the reduction will hc treated es a , 4,y��-
<br /> ;,� �� . ' �� panial prepayment without uny prepayment rhnrge under the�rne. �� . _ .' :t:'-"=-
<br /> ���.,�. -
<br /> 13. Le�islallo� AReeting l.eaders RiRht9. If en•rctment �►r eapiration of npplicable luws has the eflect of � �•r,•;';:_�
<br /> � � • renderingany provisionof the Note c�rthigSecurity Inxtrument unenfi�rceablrucc�rding tu ns termx,Lender,at itsopuon. �, ,. .•���;E;.::•;;:,ti.;;.;;"
<br /> , may require immediate puyment ir. ioli of ull vums tiecured by thiti 5ecurity Intilrumenl and may invoke any remedies �, . •� ��t+�rtlt�.y,•�
<br /> � ' .. .. permitted by pnragraph 19. If Lender exercises 9his optinn,Lend�er shall tnke the steps sprciHed in the second paragraph oP , . .•.;;n.�,��.;
<br /> ' �� ,..t. .._
<br /> ,. puragrAph 17. . • •.,�rr:v.�::rr..
<br /> . { .. , .���;;;,�, 14. Notices. Any notice 1�Eorrower rrrvided for in this Security lnxtrument�hnll t►e given by delivering it or hy �,�, „ ";
<br />:.�� .,:,..;..
<br /> d.. ,, mailin il b y firxt clasti mail unlrs+ s�p��icablr law requirrti u;r of an�ther mcthai. 'ihe nntice shnll be directed to dhe �' ���':�•
<br /> ��.'�. ; {':j'..r�. � • .';,Sr, g -
<br /> . ,��..�f� . ;.. _. Property Address or•rny uther adQrrs.+ 8urrower dc�ignates hy� no�ice ati Lender. Any non�e to Lendct shall be giver+fi} ,
<br /> • . ,,��%;;1 8rst class mnil to Lender s uddress st UtecD fitrein�r an}•other addrrss Lender d�signates by nuucc to Bormwer. Any noticz ..
<br /> �. •� ��<<,;;t;''���' ,.,, � provided fnr m thi�Secunty In.trumem tihaf0 be deemed to h•rvt been given tn Bormu•er ar Lender when gi�•en as pruvided � ,•.: .`
<br /> � , . ,�� ;�;�. in this pvragraph. ''`: '� .,
<br /> . � .,,ft.�:!,. • !�: ,.
<br /> IS. Corerning Law:Seveta�ili�:y. '�fisti Security 1 m�rn�;nent+hall bc�o�crn�d h�. fed�ral law and Ihe law�� t.e -,.�
<br /> : i , .(;'�,it�,.:;;. -.
<br /> � ;,��;5�,, jurisdir�ion in which the k'mpert��i�laeated. In the rvent tha� unc prm•isi��n or�lau�e r;thi+Sacunty (nslrument or tfie � !'� '
<br /> . ,;,.��, Note conflicts wilh applicable law.:.et,h conflict ;'hall not affer:nther pri��i�ium of�hi>Se:u�ity Instrument ar the Note
<br /> ' � •� ��•hich can bc givrn eff'�.�w�uhuut thr cc,nflicunt�r-���rion. To this cnd the�ro���ion� i�f th�.Securiq•Instrument and the .
<br /> ' •�',;�,; �'` Naearedeclurcdtobr:e�rrablr. '
<br /> , '. .'"r;��;:�',, 16. Borrower'sCopy. I�.�rr:wertihrllFreFn�enanet��nfc-rnrc!rc{^•��ithcl�oteanJofth����tiunyInstrumen�. •...i„
<br /> ;•`�.`:�' ' 17. Transfer ot the Propera!or o Beneficinl Interes� Jw 6Y�rowe�. f f all .0 a�� part ol'thr 1'roperiy••r a�:�;. r'
<br /> � �, � ;�,'r;..::,"` �n�ere+t m u�.x�ld or tran.ferred�arr�f a txnefir��l mtrr��t in B��rr,,W er��•��:.'.:-t rantilcrre�i:�nd Harrrwer i,n��a n�au�ai ''
<br /> {.���lt' . �.,� .'"��'• :
<br /> . �raml N��hout Len��er'�s rtt�r wrrte.n crnsent. L:ndcr may.at i�+��prn•n.r_y;._:rr immcd�ale payment ia full ��f�ll sums
<br /> ' �" �` tieeu�ed bc thi+Sr�uQan In+trument.Nawr�er, ehi���pnon+hall n�t he c+r�:sM:d h� I.enJrr�f r�er��w::s prc�hib�ted b� .'.; .
<br /> �. .' . �.,,.��,.,
<br />� • fedrr•rllaw a�oPtheda�rof�hitiSec�srity Instrurrtent ,
<br />�� ' � , If Lender r�rrcises th«��pnnn Lendrr�hafl g«r&�m�w,:r rt��tt,.e��f e�relttat!�+n II h,r nnr��e�hall pro��dr a�+et�aM.1
<br />' ��f rt�t[r+�ti��n?�)dry.from thr_,,�r��he n�+uce��d.EnenYt��rrrisded w ithin W htc h fl.�n��w�r mu�t pa�all�um�u:cnr�-3 hy .
<br />� t. �hi+Secunt}•In�tr�menr If fk�rr��a�r Lul�tu p�}th��.r.um�pn��r ici thr r<<��ralwn��f`th��reru�d,Lender ma}• m�•ake rm• .
<br /> _ ..„,,,�:...,.�.,,�r�.v+h. �h�a G,•uru� Incrrumenl��rth��u[furth�r notirr��r dcmand on liorro��er.
<br /> - - --.-: ..
<br /> . , ........._ ._......--- � • .
<br /> � 18.Korrower's Ri�t to Reiwstate. If liurr��wer mtetti cert:un c�md�u��n�,B�ttruwrr,hall h•r�e Ihc r�ghl tn ha�e
<br />� . � cnfc►rcrmrnt�dth�.Securi�y tn�tn�m<nt di.c��ntmued at�n� nme pn��r tu th�eanc�r�.f lal S da>�1��r+uch other peruKl a�
<br /> . applirable laa may��+cc�i�•fi,r r�7n�ta�emrni i heG�re�alr.•1'rlir Pr„prrt� punuani t�•am ry�Nrr��i.ak.�,n�.�mrJ tn Ih��
<br /> S«unty In�trumcm:��r Ibl rntr}of a�udgmrnt cnti�rcmF thi. 5crunt� (n�trumrnl i hnK.��nJih�m�arc that I��rn�wer:
<br /> (a) pa�+Lender all�umti wh�rh thcn ����uld t+r Jur unJer th�.5rrunt}• Imin�mrnt ,md thc N�nc had na arrrlerauon
<br /> � , �kcurred: Ibl curec any Jrfaull uf any u�hrr c�,�enant�ur �gr�timrul�. Irl pa„all c��xn.i�.mrurr�tii�n rnti,rrmF thi�
<br /> ' Se�unly Instrumeni. incluJing.hut niit limited la. rra��nahle ;►U�►rnr��1��� anJ 1�11 t�lr..ucli arrn�n e. 1 enJer may
<br /> reawnabh reqwrc In r.wrc that t hc Ircn ��f Ihi�Sc�unt� In�trumrnt. 1 rndrr'�nFhh in �he 1'r���rn and Ftnrn�wcr'.
<br /> abhgauan t�� pa� ihe wm� �ctiurr-J h� �hi� Saunlr In�trurnent �hrll r�mtmuc unrhan�:�tii l'��n re�o.tatemrnt h�
<br /> Horrovcrr,thi.�unt�In.trument an�i 1he��hhRauun.+.curttl hrreM.hall rrmam full�rtTrrtnr a�il no.��rclrrau�m h.�d
<br /> �tcurred. Howe.er.thi�r�ghtt�re�nsiute+�hullnutapplymlhe�r.rularcelrran��nunal�rpere�tr�ph.l;ur I1
<br /> , • ,
<br /> ..
<br /> . .� _
<br />