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, � r•, ,r .. ,,-?•i�' ;::r,.;(;t' . �.�:..., .. . _„�.�,�,_ .,;;, , .. ., , . i . <br /> ,-/r. 1.�y f�.r ,ti �_ �.tt1':`'h'..,C: s '/.. .. .6a� . , �t.. • ' v. <br /> . r, .F' � , �F 'r4k11d�� . . . • �P:��' . .r:r�r- �. ivo _•r�:•.;rtiw� <br /> ..wrs �•"t,la+ � >tiYiit�+r+.Mst�M� �'e '�.01'1.�"^�. �, ,:�.•-,• r ' .�t -�� f fM .�: ijie� - . , <br /> . -� ../� . . . . . ...._F.._��".�: � � ' .1 .,`A�.. <br /> _� <br /> - ' -o. .....'.-. '. -.S_X9i, <br /> _.. � , . �..� �_. • �e�y--' —e�'.�'_ •-_. <br /> : ; ,,,.; w• "�.•. SU90RDINATION AGREEMENT t'�1_, �0 2 4 3 3 - <br /> 7 <br /> v r:..,"ty.,'�„ , ���°-- <br /> For and 1n conslder�tlon of Overland N�tlonal Bank (hereinafter c�lled <br /> � °� Lendery, �king addition�l fln�nciag avallable to Central Mebrask� �00�0111 ;=;=_T,—.�--- — _ <br /> � Industries, Inc., (herein�fter ulled Barr�ower) co�es now, the S�ull Buslness f•—� :�,-�,,.r=.-_. <br /> � Ad�inistr�tlon (herelnafter c�11ed SBA) Mhich h�s �ad� two lo�ns to Borrower (HAl- + <br /> I-404,639-20-08-OM and QL-B-456.233-20-04•ON) md whlcri has rights, title or -- <br /> • ����� � intar�sts in two �ortgAges both d�ted Sapte�ber 14, 1981, recorded on SepteMber �.;.;-„------ <br /> 14, 1981, in the Register of Deeds Office of H�ll County. Nebraska, the f9rst "'-"r`��'�'-'�•��"'—" <br /> �;� <br /> arortgage �s Instrument No. 81-00470� �nd the second Mortgage as Instruaent No. 81- ____ <br /> 004710, both 1Qgally described �s follorrs: �x�� <br />_ �.. - ---.��� <br /> V ° � ° . ' P1at of a tract land ca�prising a part of the Southeast t ; -�.. = ,�,,=T.�.,�. <br /> � ' Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 SE 1/�) of , • <br /> Section Twenty-one (21)� Townchlp Eleven (11) North, Range , . <br /> � Nine (9) Mest of the 6th P.M.� in the C1ty of Grand � <br /> , Island, Nall County, Nebraska, more particularlY described i . -_ v .•.•-.� -�• <br /> as follows: Beginning at the intersectlon of the east ! � � <br /> �� 11ne of lincoln Street with the south line of Oelta � . <br /> - St�eet; tAc�cA easterly along the south line of said <br /> pelta Street, a distance of Tro Hundred S1xty-faur (264.Oj . , . ,,,�,�„ <br /> fee# tA the uest liae of Edd�y Street; thence southerly � � � .:�r�j;..;_,'�' <br /> , i along the �rest 1 ine of said Eddy Street, and thi s 11ne � ��-� ��- <br /> } pro�ected southerly, a d�lstance of One Nundred Twenty �:};�;i;_..- <br /> i (120.0) feet; thence weste�rly parallel to the sauth line '_�-_. <br /> .T..._:� <br /> of said Delta Street, a distance �f Two Hundred Thirty- , -._ <br /> ni�e (239.0) feet to a point T�enty-five (25.0) feet east ,,; <br /> af the east tine of said Lincoln Street; thence northerly � <br /> parallel to the east line of said Lincoln Street, a -- <br /> �. ��;�' � dlst�nce of Thirty 30.0) feet; thence westerly parallel � <br /> ''�'�"'���, to the south line o� said Delta Street, a dist�oce of <br /> '� Twenty-f�ive (25,0) feet to the est line of said lincoln °�"..��� <br /> � Street; thence northerly along the east line of said :,.r _ <br /> ' � Lincoln Street, a distance of Ninety (�6.0) fee� �o i.i�e � • <br /> place of beginning and contaiM ng 0.710 a�res more or , .± �` <br /> less. � � � <br /> . ;,, ,.�' � and hereby subordinates any right, titl e, or interest in a portio� of these tMO .:.��;�u <br /> • mortgages only, described as follows: :' <br /> ��';':•'.i:�':t ' <br /> � f ':��� ., A tract of land comprisiag a part of the Southeast Quarter <br /> y � <br /> ; t of the Southeast Quarter (�� 1/4 SE 1/4) of Section 1,;; <br /> Twenty-one (21), 7ownshi�a Eleven (11) North, Range Nine • <br /> . :.t,::; <br /> ,. � `, . ;;� a� ,,�;.,�. (9� ilest of the �¢h P.M., in the city of Grand Island, , • ,�,,t.,., <br /> • �� �• Ha 1 Co�a�ety, Nebraska, �re particularly described as , � . . ,, ti};;;'= <br /> ���� � � '• ���� fol lows; Beginning at th� intersection of the east 1 ine � � <br /> � �� �� of L i�c��n Street wi th the south l i ne of Del ta Street; � ��; '' ��� ' :;,;�': <br />���,� �heoce easterly along the south line of said Delta Street, �. � � <br /> �'�� a d9s#ance of Two Hundred Sixty-four and Twenty-eight '•I�`.�;,� <br /> �' Hundrea�Zhs (264.28) feet t�o the west 19ne of E��y Street; , <br /> � ��:'`� �' � thence s�;�therly along the west line of sai� Ec��y Stree4., � ��'���`:, . <br /> � •�i��,,•��'' � a distance of Two Hundred ��xty-four and Two-t�e,�ths '�„�,. ,' <br /> ' . �''���; (264.2) feet, to the east line of said Lincain Street; " ' g, , <br /> thence northerly a�o�g !he east 11ne of said lincoln „ <br /> � Street, a dista�ce vf Onel�undred Ywenty (120.0) feet to <br /> � ;•,�`.,�; � the pl ace of begina9ng. <br /> . . , It is spe��fically understood and agreed that this subordination is limited in the <br /> �. followiucg a�PSpects: <br /> . , ; ;�,,:,,.. <br /> :� �;��'�''� •� a. The �c��"ar amount of this subordination in �.hr� real estate <br /> + � Y:��. � sha16 �r.,��t exceed 5190,0�0 and SBA does not A�y� +t�his . <br /> ,,1 �,�r.:. , ,� <br /> , ,;. a �• :.�+ instraoment subordinate its cl aim or interest ir� and to the <br /> ; ` aroree�entioned co�8at2ral �n ary amauaot abm�e b1��,�1.C��•, ; <br /> � <br /> � b. This subo�dination is intemded to be only as to the <br /> partially unpaid or Mnoiiy unpaid coaiw ui LC�IUC� <br /> based upon a cert�in Prwissory No�e arade in the amount of <br /> 5190,000, and upan na ather� claim that tY�e �ender may now <br /> have or hereinafter acqufr� against the borrower; it being <br /> further understood that the satisfaction in Mhole or part <br /> � of the aforementioned Note sh�ll terminate this <br /> subordination as to all amounts paid and that in no event <br /> shall the amount of this subordination exceed 5190,000, or <br /> the outstanding balance upon the said Note, whichever is <br /> less. The subordination is limited to the amount of money <br /> advanced to the 8orrower by Lender and does not <br /> subordinate the lien of SBA to any greater amount and <br /> � � _ <br /> _. — ---- _ _- - <br />