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�, ;r-,...�. .:r- .- . . . . r,�.� .�,�..,,�,tw,.,�s.,�,,.,.,�.,F.. '• r?:`�i.�,', „. �r <br /> Y...rt.S:...'1�;,. ' . } �� . -• ,� ��M`�"� �. . � _ <br /> , ,._ - . . <br /> .. � r <br /> , p�yp�u„�,pp p�b� it�d�;�t+�o�ition o/t�a6a�r:.iR aion f�{O��wnu�a aovKNM lis do�aNioa�t��t t�ie p�rb� • + <br /> tl�t L�ardMr �qairo�?p�bi►��'K'+�Pp�'�bY'��r���v�il�b1N wf M a1N�iM0. �a�e(�irM'iiili Ms► �..; <br /> qN�pnr�i�unA nqrirod�a�e�a�i�mnMp I�W�n o a t a�(�o l.p�r t a p r a r t�o i��9 p M r u�r w.�e i 1 t l��w�i a��s N i�i 1�1� � <br /> ; <br /> ,. . i�rra�Ndi ia�000�+�N�o�*iW+�D'�1MM�M��.�����d�i�drr ai�pWoMlitlNw•.. . „ „ <br /> !.l�nctl�s.I.wlir ar iti y�►a�q' �k+����+r�.�� o f I M t l�r a r e q►.L�r�M�II �i v w <br /> eorrow�aoNa at the dme Mar prk�t w�a ln�prak+n�pd�lNta�rwoRw�ble aw�e��°1�' .�a�n n i b t i on alth <br /> l�. C a�l t a i. 7 1 a p t+a o e�d�o t m y�w a rt l o r c l d m t o r d�e�.d i ro c t o r c o�M�a q u�M l r 1. l b �u Y <br /> oondemrwlon or atlbr t�kin�of�ay part ot tbe Prnpe�ty�or 1�voawywoe in IMu ot aoad� l�nUy wl�n�d Md <br /> .�.. _-------_... �be pdd to Lan�ler. <br /> In tM evcat of��ful t�ddn�ot tbe Proporty.tbo pocaed��bdl be qKfUed ta tbe wnr�earrod by thit 9ecudty Iroputn�at. _ <br /> whqha'or not�hen due� whh ary exow p�id w tha event of a p�rtW nklaa oP the Property ia which the.6ir <br /> m�rkat value ot the Pe+cpaty immedWdy beforo We nkfa�b aqwllo or�tl�n the�mourR of tho waa�eauod by ibia <br /> Saarity Itauument imaiedl�tdy beforo tUe t�Wn�,unleac Hamower ud Lcnder othenviw�ree in wrltin��the ana sea�ed My <br /> U►i�Security Ia�uument�11 be roduad by the amount ot tha pmcaed� muldpUed by Uie followlo� fi�xian: (a)tb wW <br /> •mowu of the cumc�oouood immediately before the ttldq�.divWod b�(b)tde fdr�vwlue of the P�paty imiaodi�Mely <br /> AERro f!�hkii�.My bd�oCO sh�ll be p�id lo Bnrnowa. U1 d�e event of a paiti�l mk�a�of tlto Propd'ty Ia whicl�tllG fiir <br /> rru�rlcet value of 1Me Propeaty�nrrbdiatdY beforo tho taldn�i�Iw thm the aa�ounc of tha wan sa:urod ld�miedi�t�elY befa�ro Ib <br /> tAking.anksc Barowa su�d Lender athdiwise+iBroo i�writiog or u�s applicablo law dlKrwl�a providea.tb ptoceedt th�U <br /> .be�pplied to tl►c sums cxurod by t�is Sbcnrity Ia�qumaM wi�ctlr,�or not U�o wms a�a t6ea dae. <br /> If tho P�aiperiY is�6�oq�d bY Hornowu.or if.afkr noNoe by L�erider to Bomov�er th�t t6a condaapor oft'en to mdce�n , <br /> - ew+ud�r actiln a clui.i�foi d��aBe�. �3orcowas t�ls to rdgassQ M l�es�er wttleie�0�.flir the dwo t6e uQtioo i��iva►. . _ <br /> �.— _ �.�-_ ;,. �.., i:�oiidar is authar�zed w oollect end tpply the pr000als.At its ap4i4p.�r w�or�tion ar�ir of the Praperty or Lo tpa aun� <br /> ': — ' securecl by thit Seeurlty I�men�;whdher or�at then due. . ' �� '�� ';:,.� <br />:�.' Uqleas l�en�er and Hqrrower otherwise ag�+ee in wridn�:any appticatioa of piaceals to PrixiP�F�e�ll � ex �tead ac�. ,.. , ;_ <br /> - - - :. ,p o�t p p n e t h e d u e d a t c o(t b c t�i o n t h l Y P A Y m e n t s re fe r R d p a r a g r�phs 1 and 2 or c h a n ge the anwunt a�'such ImY��•-� ''•�� , . ,:�:,� , <br /> il.Borrowcr Nbt Rde�ised;Forbaranoe By i.eader Not A Waiver.Extenabtt of tdo Hme�far�n�tit�or madific�tbn .•� <br />��n of amoni7ation of the sums aecured by this Secudty Instrurnent granud by Lender ta ianY succescor in interest o�'�orrawer alwll <br /> ;�;��� ;� � �nat operato to Rleasa the tiability of the original�arrawer or 8orrower'e aucce,ssors•in inecrc�t.Lender slwl!nat'�hc requirod to <br /> -�' comrr�enue pmceedings egainst any succ�or in inte�st or refuso ta extend dme for paytnent or otherwico modify pmoNztulon <br /> -r'•:a:' � oP the sums secured by Ihis Securfty Insaument by reasnn of aay demru�d made by the origin�l &►rrower or Borrower's <br /> ,���- - --- successors in interest. Any forbeaanoe by Lender in oxereioing any right or remedy shall not be a waiver af oT procluda d�e <br /> ----_�� exw+cise of eny right or.rcmody. <br /> _ __._ . <br /> `"t,,� ��j,: 12. SueoesAOe� a�d Asclgne Fbundi 3oiat and Severai i.iabiiity; �aeSgueFS. The cavetsas�ss uu3 agrcar��ants af skiw , <br />;:.y� Sxu�ity Inetniment shdl bind and beneflt the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to tho provl�iane of � <br /> ;;{ paregraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agrcements shall be joint end several. Any Borrower who co-aigns thia Socudty <br /> instn�ment but dces not execute the Nute: (u) is casigning this Socu�ity Instrument only to mortgage.grnnt and convey that <br />=_ ;� ,. ,,,. Bcnrower's interest in the Property under the cer►ns of this Security Instrument;(b)is not per�c►rwlly obligated to pay the sums <br /> - secured by this Security Instrume��, wxl(r)agrees thnt Lender and uny other Borrower nu�y�gree to extend.modify. fo�bear or <br />`� <, make any eccommodatians with regc+rd to tho terms of this Security Instrument or the fYoce without that Bomnwer's oansent. <br /> 13.Gostn Clwrgw. If�he loan serured by this Securjty InStrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan char�es. <br /> wid�hat law ie finnlly Interpretod no�iu►t the interest or uther loun churges collectod or to be collected in connection with the <br /> lo�n exceod tlx permitted limftc, Ihcrr: lu)any xurh loun charge shull Me reducod by the omount n�xessery to roduce the chuge <br /> � -- � '.�.i.. ; to the permittad ifmit;und Ibl uny�ums ulmady coll�xted from Borrower which ezceoded permiued limits wNl be refunded to <br />=�;� Barmwer. I.ender may rhaose tn nmke thf�: rcfund t►y roduring the principal owed under the Note or by meking u direct <br />��� . '�?aerk�'�i,,:>`i;y'�-°��� payment to &►rrower. If a refunJ reduces principal, the reduction will be tr+ealeJ as a pnnial prepuyment without any <br /> �. , . �r . <br /> - •�?�•y�����;;: . prcpayment chargc under the Note. <br /> ��!:;'�,i•' -�-• '`� 14.Notice.c.Any notice to &►rrower pnivfdai for in this Security Instrument shull be given by defivering it or by mailing <br /> , .:•`!'1::;�,��_,'�;�;.;�;;���'i it by first cluss muil unless appli��uble luw requirex use of unother method. The nntkc shull be directed to the PropeRy Address <br /> `�' •�`.�'�=•:.•}' . '�. ' or any aher addresx Borrower Jetiignutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to I.enJer +holl l+e given by Brst class mail to <br /> ';a��:, �• �,..y:.,., _ . . <br />___�::��. �:, •,•� "�' [.ender's uddres�stated herein or uny ather udJresx Lender Jerignutes by notice to &►rmwcr. Any notice provided for in�his <br /> '� � � " "'• Security lnstrument shall he deemeJ to huve tx:en given to Bonawer or l.cndcr when given us provided in this puragraph. <br /> v f�nY..'# :4?;•�a;..� <br /> �'a ,y �;�,,.� IS.Governing law; Sevet�bflity. This Security Instrumr.m tihall be R�verned by fcderul luw and the law ofthe <br /> - �:'1��. .i� �+'•` jurisJictfon in which the Piroperty is I��cnted. In thc event Uiat any provisi�m ur cluu�e of this Security Instrument or the Note <br />—;'; �:.e �"`' ...::?. <br />_'•�.�, ��.1+`� , ''a conflicts with applicable law.such conflict st�ll rnn affcwt o�her provisions of this Security Intitrument or the Note which c�n he <br /> '%���� !Y''� ': �����,�.�", givcn effect wi�hout the�Ymtlicting pmvisinn. To thi.cixl the prm•i+iun�of this Seruriry Inxtrument unJ the Note ur�declared <br /> - ;;,�.•,,.�.��r..;ci;; to be ncvcrable. <br /> ^' � ;.ti`;�+'�15.� . -, ,� 10.Idnt7ewer's Copy.&�rrow�er alwli br givrn onr rimti�rnkY!ri►py ui'thr�l�ric unJ of lbia Scww�ity tnatru�+knt. <br />••!�'� il � s�;t�;%;;..'!�':�-ta F�n 8026 9100 <br />... '� � .. . � Ppo�of 8 <br />.. ,:tl ���' , . <br /> f!,' . . <br />- , - �{.a���,(i.�i.���.it. . <br />..,r � � ��t`tF ..ea�-�.'t'qT=L�;'i:T�}n..T!i ..-^�`F-��,t���m -,.. _ ._ . .. —_ . . . <br /> ��a 1 1 . _,, �i1��� . .� :, _—n:'� —":.;��..J'T ��Y.�'i�6'�i�_y n�ti�`�✓ <br /> _, a .� . ��t; t j ; r. .. . ;�'1; !. . . ��` r�"' ,(;�,F�t�S''+� x�SF��'�l'+���-,"i <br /> t � �. ' -1 1� . . . •d y�'�'. '1t'��t-�t'�(0 1 '. . ._.,._— <br /> �+,;�� ti '�s� �i_. �:i�'�'• _ ;��e�..��,�. �v`� ;;�., r 1 ,SL��,,,�_Ig��'��...�d�.c+�-- -_ <br /> _�r��,�� j{- 1�1� -� ..-� . . - . , - • '�IiJ� • J +i �'—�r, rjr . 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