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,.r_�� _ ; ..` - - . 'iF.kAe�� <br /> .._�-� . . ' . <br /> .._. �If c .._,.r...•-- <br /> t.:� - � , _ ..�.n.ev�.ut.zr."WS:'.��. ------ -�� � <br /> �;.'� �- -- ... r' . _. �_._— +lsFRirv�•-., ---..w. <br /> a �'/. � . .� <br /> '.,�'I•. � . ��I'��'�, <br /> .�.��..._. - - 9�„� � , _ . _ . <br /> Y�OOBPHBit Wi7'N all the fa�pmve�ntnta now ar harafter erected an Iha ProponY.aad vl�emeMa.�pputta�000�:ad w� <br /> Astura now or heRaRu a {wn af lhe Pra�ertY. All rophoement� �nd tlditions dull al�o be oovered by U� 8e�ulty <br /> I�tnunent.All of tho forcQoiny i�nelbrrod w in Ihi�Socu�ity Imteument a�tho"PropeRy.` <br /> BORIiOWER O�VBNANTS th�t Bortuwer i�I�wWlly taiied oithe e�tMe heroby oonvryed and Iw�tho�i�ht w�nt wd <br /> oonvcy tbe Pr�opaty aod tlw the Property is una�cumberod�exapt for encum6nnoe+of�aoord. Bon+nwa wunnli ad MUi <br /> detend Qarc�ally the title to the Property a�inst�II cl�imn and demond�,�ubJxt to any errcumbnu�ces of reoord. <br /> � -- -- THl5 SECURITY INSTRUMENT rnmbinea unifom�wvawnt�for national use ancl aon-uniiorm ouveau�t+with Ilmilod <br /> wriatiom by ju�i�diction w oon�dwte�unffann cavdty instrum�an ooverin�real ptoperty. <br /> - --�-�--_-� UNIRORM COVBNANT3.Borrower uid I.ender oovemnt ard agroo aa followa: ___ <br /> - 1. P�a�eut ot Ptindpd aad Inta�ati Pt'�Poyme� and late Cdwr�ea. Borrower sfwll prompQY P�Y whp� due Ihe <br />_a j,,:� -- principrl oP u�d intenst on�he debt evidencod by the Note and any PrapaYment and Iwte charges due uader tho Note. <br /> "�;�'� 2. FwW�for Ta�aad ln�unnce.Sub,ioct to applicablo law or w a w�ittcn waiver by Lcndcr. Bonower ehall pay to <br /> -__ I.endcr on the dny manthly pwymenta aro due under the Note,until thc Note is peid in fwll.p sum("Funde')for.(a)yearly tazes <br /> _`" ond asc�ssmenu�which may+�ttain priodty over�his Secu�ity Insuument as a lien on the Pruperty;(b)yewly�coscho�d PaYmenu <br /> z__ ar grcwnd rents on the P►operty,if any:(c)Y�Y�b or propc�iy insuru�ce premiums:ld)Year1Y flood insurwioe premiums� -- <br /> -- — ii any:le)yead�r mortgege inwrance prcmiums, if�ny:md(�any wms payable by Borrower ta[ xcordance with _--- <br /> �he provisiais oT paragrnph 8. in lieu of thc pa�ymeat of mortgAge insuruaoe premium+.These items��callod"Escnow Items•' <br />-- I�der may, at any time, collest and hold Funds in an amaunt not tu rx��eod the muxitnum amount a lendcr far a federolly <br /> =.-�I•r �elatad martRa�e loan may requit�e for Borruwer's escrow a�rount under ihe federal RcAI Estate Setalenkn�Pmc�xlures Act of G,: <br /> ...,:�:• <br /> - .. ,�•� 19?4�s amendod fivm time ta tim�. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 ct seq. ("RFSPA").unk��:u�ther Ipw t?wt applies����:Eie Funds �_; <br /> =ai� ��� sets,u Vesser aa�awit. If so, l.enil�� su�Y time, collect and hold �unds in xn cunount not to excced the�tesser amount. ��_: <br />-%--° ' Leniler nx+y�stimate tUe anx�unt af Funds due an thc basis of cumem dala aml reasanable esdmates c��'rx�enditures oi fiutur�c —__ _ <br />-,_;.,�.� �.� .�f Escrow Items or at�rrwise in acco�dance with applicable law. , �:�. <br /> :";�:;` �,.., <br /> The Funds shall be Mc1c! in an inslitulion whose deposits ere insured by a Pedernl ugency. in�strumentalin•, ot entity ___ <br /> �c�:;.._ <br /> � :�,��"� (inrluding l.ender,if Lender is sucfi An institution)or in uny Federel Home Loan Bank.l.ender shall apply the Fuoils io pay the ;c�,-,•;; <br />_ � 7. F.�craw Items. Ixnder may not ch:�rge Bortower for holding and applying Ihe Funda.annually aaalyzing th�escrow acc<wnt,or ��W��' <br />_ ^r� .�w. .-• verlfying the Escrow Items.unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicAble law perrrnits Lender to make such �� <br /> . a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real est:rte taa reponing service <br /> used by I.ender in wnnection with this loan. unleas applicabie IAw provides athenvise. Unless an agreement is made or ia�,_, <br /> _ �� '� applicable law requires interest to be paid,l.ender shall not be required to pay Bonowcr uny interest or earnings on the Fund�;. ��;":�� <br />�'r~��"� ;� t:.`.ip'r Barrower an�l I.ender:�wy agrec in writing.however. Ihut interest shall bc paid on the Funds. Lender shall give lo Borrower, �=�-- <br /> � �' �:' ' �}" without c e, an annual necountin of the Funds, showin credits ond debits to the Funds and thu u se for which each �`� <br /> _i*;.�, harg S � P �'0 _-"'_ <br />�,�..�;F - dcbii ta ihe Ponds�tias rt�dt.The F�snds arr pledatd as additlone!security frr all��m����red by this Security Instrument. __ <br /> .�. , <br /> _��y��r .� .,. '.''��, . If the Funds held by l.ender exceed�he nmounts permitted to be heW by applic�ble Iaw. I.ender shall account to Borrower ��;, <br /> � '1� ' r •• for the excess fiunds in nccordance wi�h Ihe requirements of applicnble I�w. If the am�unt of the Funds held by Lender ut ony �°'� <br />. ';,q� � ., ti., „y�„ ; � „ �, <br /> ;,{��r 'ti':�i�`ll'��;� , :,�; " time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,[.ender muy sa ndify Borruwer in H�ridng,und,in such cuse Borcower f,,,; <br />;ri�';l��s: ' r�„ . `a�•. shall pay to[.ender the amount necessary to make up Ihe deficiency. B�xrower shell muke up the de�iciency in no more than ;';�; <br /> "r�=y�. ' '` i'"'`� twelve manthly l.ender's sole discretian. ��• <br />-_~';, r� `'t Upon payment in full of ull sum+ sc�ured by this Security In+trumeat. I.ender shall prompdy �efunJ to Borrowcr any `'' <br /> ==�• ' ' �� =�=- <br /> �� J� Funda held by L.cnder.lf,under puragruph 21, l.endcr shull ucyuire or�II the Property,Lend�r,prior to the ucquisition or sule <br /> .,�'�,. ,.,,,; :_ <br /> ?•l� `_.,�:'e'.�:,r;'r::' � - <br /> , t'+j • of the Pm tt , shnll a 1 an FuoJs held b Lender ut the time of uc uisitk►n or sule as u credit a einst�he sums rerured by �`"' <br /> _,.� •�i��;i�3c%.�.W�.' P� Y PP Y Y Y 9 g �s-'r <br /> r���., •r ' Ihis Security Instrument. <br /> 1,;;';: ��'��, z'.r�" •�• 3.Application of Payments.Unless applicuble luw providcti otherwise,ull puyments receivecl by Lender under parugrnphs <br />_�.,.�•�� ,, . 1�,' ,i'• !'^,. <br /> ��• ,•, �� .,' ,, ' I and 2 shall be applied: first, ta uny prepaymenl churges due under the Nute: ,econJ,to amounts payahle under purngraph 2; <br /> a�5y`� ' third,to interest due: fourth,to principul due;und last,to uny late chnrge�due under the Nexe. °"`` <br />�V.'�`�. � `�i��F,� <br /> .�F..c, ,, � • 4.Cha�es;Llens. Borrower xhall puy ull tpxcs,Ussexsment�, churges,tincs unJ impositions attributable tn the Property �`^ <br /> :�.,..�, ;�r�!!�;,(��t::,:.`5.;,...� <br /> _••� „� „�s� 3 � whicfi muy attain prioriry over thi� Sccurity lnstrument, imd leusehuld paymem.r�►r ground rents, if uny. Bnrrower shall pay <br /> ''"`��`�' � �`��'•`�"�'•*� 's.y' }� lhese obli atians in�he manner mvided in ara ru h 2,i�r if nut aiJ in that munncr.Bnrrower xhall a them on time directl �••`' <br />_-;,;,�,,, „�••�n, . t .; /y�$ P P' R p p P Y y �. <br />'_,.r.� •... � '��K�?'.�. } e. Y". PaY P p Y P P S�p — <br /> ' �:.' lo the rson o�ved ment. Borrower xhull rom tl furnish tu I.enJer ull notices uf amount�to t+c uid under this uru h. <br /> ,.,, . •d... ., .: ',.. s� -- <br /> -�"�� ••� � � -�= !f 8onower makes�hese payments dir��tly. &�rrawer tihull pr�►mpdy i'urnish tn l.end�r receipts evidencing tl�payment�. -- <br />� }'��� �� �µ'��''y'� Bortower shall rom tl disrhar c un lirn which hu� r�oril over thi.Scrurit} �nstrumcnt unless Borrower: lal a rces in <br /> :?�;A =k�,,�, ,..,. . P p Y & Y P� Y F <br /> �:.,� a•„ . _, .�r , ..: ���.� <br /> .,..;:;: k ;,_:;;r;;}+�,?� writing to the paymcnt of the ohligu�inn s�rured by thr lirn in •r manncr acccptahle t��LcnJer,(b)cnntests in gixxl 1'aith�he lien ��_ <br /> . �r <br />__� °��� ' �� •-�� by, or defcnd+ tieainzt enfarccnxnt of thc licn in. Icgul pnx�tivlings whirh in the LenJer'� apinion operatc to prevent the =-- <br /> .�,;.�:., '•�.'�'..'v •:<'!�r,,. � <br /> �.,:�,; - � ��� -,�T, enforcement of the lien:or(r)�ecures frnm Ihc holJrr of thc licn•rn ugrc�rnent�,atisfactory t�► lAnder xulxirdinating the lien�o <br />°�i�i•�' ; +=,_:;:�`;`��: �i&`. <<:� I thi�Security Inslrumcnt. If L�ndet determine. �h•r�uny pun�►1'Uk Pru�xm• i+ �uhjec� c,, a licn which may uttain prii�riry ovcr �t- <br /> •"`'"• �� -'• � ��"� '�� � this 5ecuril Instrumcn4 Lender ma}• i�•e&�rruwcr a n��tire iJrntit' in� ihc licn. &�rruwrr�hull wtirl}•thr lien��r take onc��r <br /> -���� f ,:,i.. • ,t " Y F Y E /; <br /> =:�:f':. :�_-: ;,_ �_ more of Ihe acli�m.�set fonh ubove wiihin 10 day+uf the givinF c�f noticc. "t <br /> �t .,; . �,: �:', <br /> :;,�,. •�.�..: -.. <br /> ••ac`;,�' � Fam 3028 9180 <br /> _�'�:`?"r7 y , _ -�s <br /> .:i2 �,. ,.. <br />_�,�57'� , .�� ' <br /> � .;;�t, <br />"",���fr�,, . . . .. 4 ,.. . <br /> � �!j•;.i . '-, • '.�.• t t rAt, ": . <br /> :�i,�r`]S � i •. �: <br /> 1 �,• �j`}:,, i;.9 � Y�F{%rr t�1'x�� <br /> �� t�h� • � f�/1 r• '•!'1•�.� � - . w���".�%' (t� .. '1',-.� f�1 .•:.�� 1•.� . 1�� .�� '} t . . '. �}�`���: <br /> � � t4� � �r :,.' ' . � .. `..��,� � � t��� .,t, ,<s.; ��'�'� ��r;�''.:� �,1r��: {, <br /> ti� �`s �.. - � �'�'�;�•,: S,�"�' . i•:., ���`�'S F . .,. .�....�,�' ��. <br /> � � ' .�:��'•�' �' � a�'�'���`� •; . } � � , ���'�ti �� � �! ,.. � �. , _ . . <br /> . <br /> ' • �., • ' - - <br /> � :, • . . , <br /> •�n. sry�, ... . . <br /> -::'k � ' .. - i i�;S Lr l. . 1� .f .d. 1��YL! �r:�,:: <br /> . � ... �� �. �,�y�I . <br /> � F+.�c,'d�'1�5i__� �.M i .IK4fc�t��•.'U,�_''.' _ _'��t. -..•,, �. .. ._. .• � iJ\s ��'�l;�rvtiia�fiucrtc.4t. �t� v{� <br /> . • '.i <br /> � ' <br /> � , <br /> . , <br /> .. ., . :�, . . . <br /> _ --� �:',.:.1. . . . . <br /> _ _--_ <br /> .�. ., � . . , tF <br /> �, ,., ,. , �--,,� ,t�;,-,----° _.� — —-—--� ----.�...— -- ^ �i�--�j�r�,�;.�.,,—=-- — ;:�"�� . <br /> �: . . �/ {�j�� ^.\Ity G,r � (� <br /> � .., �. ; t . - - t l . l ` . 7t�� �+! 1 �-1� • <br /> . , . r ` ��) 1''� i � y <br /> tif -Nc -1_ .•.��__ . . l _ y! .� . . - � `�J��� . ... - . <br /> � �F/ i tV�r�L. � ��,,,�:"';:: '.t+ <br /> : . �54 � S - � •'1' �s <br /> `-�� i:• , ,i� � � <br /> __ :1 � :i' �4.r,. .'i - � ; `c����i� � ���'" . • . ,�t;` . (�i���r�,���� _ ��;�� .. <br /> � .-J. '�i , � . � �: ��1 " . - r�1ii?,'� . ..�a... .. . .. � <br /> 'i ��r � � .y��`.f` .. . �, . , • ,� . _ .5, `� . .:4 �.i�"��. - . ' . - ' i <br /> � �.N *i�t�j•.�,Jx� h� �~' - I;1 �•1 .- , .. � . . 1(4 �� . • . <br /> tl - � .. . �1 .. • , , � �11 • <br /> t'. � \, d+ • ��i:}F1L.{4,.I':a ..�a r. , . . • - ... r; _�„�,'. . �� �t�yZ,� •.,. <br /> -�]�frc� _ •:, ' t!i�«]���;kili:. � \ , <br /> �. - � � T � � - ���T,RT_'�~:t�i11,���}'Y IS�� . <br />,f------- ,'. • . . , _ -, .�_� �� - .� • �•�t�f'/f � . <br /> �� �•.i:i�' � � .� . . .• .. .. '. � i .t1'� 5,Y�j��i 1 i �; <br /> r f �� -��r�� • „ . - - � .iTd .- f�,� , . .•rt y,��l ji'i11�� u`l�!�au.� � 't�•�k . . <br /> - T �" i.-Li� i .. : t�`��'ki .�$RuQ'. . . _ , . _.��1'r� ? . � , �i <br /> . u � L <br /> t .� . . .. •. . .. . -- +. � . <br /> Y , . <br /> , ,�" , � <br /> . <br /> .�... . — <br />