.�i�:.r . . ' ��'�;��! �lWw"'pplYl. . . . . �,,^�+__._.-'---
<br /> . r,l�'�ti,�, �_� r i• - �=r,-.�.._,-_
<br /> �>.' ': . '1+�"� � � .. ` --
<br /> - l."; .. •�- "- i�� -- - � .,... __
<br /> • ...;.�� •°t�. ,�; - - "
<br /> .r.-�� :ory ._ _ . . ._ . ...... ,,.,.
<br /> � _ _—._.
<br /> , ���.. - gl.- 102428
<br /> � Tpp67'HER W�TH all the improvemen�s naw or hemuftce erected oo ihe property.and aU cn�emenlR,appuhenances.
<br /> ��;,'�:, and iixturci naw or here�Qer A{wt ai�he prapehY• A�1 t�P�scement�and addi�ions�hall alsa be cevemA My this Securily ___. ___
<br /> � Inraumont. All af the i'aregoing is rofcmed�o in this Secud�y Instrument a4 thc"Pmperly."
<br /> '�': ., • '� BORROWER COV6NANTS that Barrower ix Iwwiully�eis.ed��f tho esia�e hereby c�►nvcycd and hc+Y thc�igh�to grant
<br /> c
<br /> � and canvey Ihe Property And Ihat 1ho PropenY fx uaencumber�eJ,except for encumbrunces af record. Bormwer wum►nl�a�u1 —
<br /> . � .j•f i '.:' ry .{., wlll defend�enetally the Ilde ta Iha Pne�peny ngainat all claims and demandx,subject lo uny en�umtxwuea of record.
<br /> y „ THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambincg unifi�nn covenum� fur nntiunAl u+:�: und n�►n•unifbrn�covenunte wilh � T �� _
<br /> '����` ' `+ limited variwtionr by ju�iwllcUon ta cons�ilutc u unifarm x�:cu�ily ine�rum�:nt n�vcrinp ro�l pnqx:ny.
<br /> • .,:.�.t;�.. .,, ,.
<br /> • ,� '•.,
<br /> v:-''�.�°� UNIFORM CUVENANTS. Barmwcr und l.cader covenum und uµne u�toll��wr+:
<br /> .. ` f~ � 1. Pryme*t uf Priacip�l rnd IalereWi Preprymeal wad l.ote t'bary�er. Ham�wcr�hull pn+m�tly pay whcn Ju�IF�e
<br /> �.�'���';�+k �' • w mcn�unJ latc churgrs duc uMlcr�hc N�de.
<br /> '.,'.;�, ;:;,:,,;: •..�.. prf�kipal of and inlcrc�t�x�1hc dcbl cviJcnce�i by Ih�Notc oixl unY f�l Y � --—
<br /> ...,:.., 2 t5�nd�ior 71rxa Aad In�wrance. SuMjn.•�Io opplirublc law ur�u u wnl�cn waiv�r by Lcn�kr.Borrawcr ghall pay t�� �y
<br /> �`�0:':'..�':"""�. � I.ender on Ihe day mun�hlY puYmentx ure due under iha Nntc.umil th� N�HC i�puid in fUll,u,um 1"FunJ±'1 fnr. lul yeurly —
<br /> i..i:L+�.�.c••�.
<br /> - . . . - -----
<br /> ' ! :.:•:;:',• •_:,;�,:,�.,-� IaKes and wskn�menlx which may utlain prioriiy aver thi*S�x�urlty Inytrumcnt u�n lien un Ihc Propchy:lhl ycudy Ica►e o �_y =_,.--
<br /> �1�~- ` paymentx ur ground ren�x a► 1he Pmp�1Y. if uny: Icl yeurty hur.�rd o�propeny in�:umnce premiumr�; Id1 yenrly Iload �----------- _
<br /> (n�.uruncc prerniumx, ii'uny: Ic) yeurly martguge insuronsc premiums., If any; und ifl uny �umx puyublc by Sarmwar ta =�.____
<br /> ------� Lende�.in accoMonce wf�h �Ix pmvfFion�+ot'parnRrnPh N�in lieu of�hc paymcm oi'moAgu�e inxurun�c prcmluma. The�e �, •,�„���„xL�
<br /> — �� i�ems are callyd"E,�:mw Items.' Lender may,u�vny iime,coUec�und hold FLndr�io an amoum not�o exc��ed the maximum �-__.
<br /> - - � ,�,,.,.,��..,,,, umuuut a lender far A federally �elated mnnguge loan muy reyuire for Bomower�escrow uccount under lhe fedeml Real _„_�---
<br /> - �;.�;.;;:,;:.• _ E seata S e t t kmen t P r o c c d u re s A c t o f 1 9 7 4 a F n m e n d e d f ro m�i m e t o t i m e.I 2 U.S.C.�26Qi e�se y.("RESPA"1.unless�nothe� .�;-.
<br /> "a�?�_ _ luw thal npplies Io 1he FunAa rets u lesser amount. if�u+.I.en�er muy,nt uny Ilme.collect und hdd Funds in un umuunt nat to :-� :�„�;:;�
<br /> �.'�3� • "� exceed �he lesser umount. Lender may estimate the umount of Funds due on the basis of currrnt dutu and reusonob�e �F r�'
<br /> '"�`":�p� � eatimates of expenditu�rs of fuwrr Excmw Uems ar o�herwise in w�cexd�x.'e w�th s�licab�e law. � �,; ��.
<br /> ��f
<br /> '� � 7'tre Fucds slu�tl be h�eld in an insti�utian wlwsc deDosits arN ue�u�d aY a feder,�l aFercy, insaumentality.or entiry
<br /> _,_��.�c�_.-:
<br /> ___ ,?. ' linrluding Leader,if lxnd�:r is�uch un itutitutionl or in;uty�raE Hwne 4aan Bank. I.ender shat!tippiy the Funds to puy ��rt:,
<br /> - the Escrow Iiems. Lende�ma�r no�charge 8 PP Y nF �,.,...---,...
<br /> g�xrower tiar holdin and u 1 i the Fundy. annualiY analyzin� 1he extaw ,,,_._...?�`�
<br /> - uccourn,or verifying �he F.x�ow Items. unksx Lender puys Borrower intereat un it►e Fu�cis and applk�uhle��W Vemtits ���-=�_
<br /> .0 � j,.,. _�_
<br /> - . �"'�` � Lender to m+�lce such u charge. Howev�r,L.ender may reyuire Borrower ta pay a�x�-time chaugc far un independera rcal �,` ��,,;:��_.-__.._
<br /> , ,;N.:...;�....
<br /> ��;,•_..•��; '.� � i ri , estate tax repoqing service used by l.ender in connection with this loun,unless�pplicable law pn�vicles otherwise. Unless un :��!�!?`,,�ti;r,V::��
<br /> ;+�t`. �y ugreement is mude or appliruble law rcquires interest�o be pnid,Lender shall not be mquircd to pay Borrower uny interest ur ����� ��.;
<br /> . z ,,, earnings on thc�unds. Bo�rower And l.endcr may ogree in wri�ing,however,that orrt�:rest shull be paid on the F1mds. Lender „� .-...
<br /> _ , t:;::g� � shall give to Bomuwer,NiRhout churge.an unnual necounting of the Funds,shaw�r,e credits ond de6its to the Hmds and Ihe �•�;�,�
<br /> ��� �5
<br /> ''��••�� p u r p o s e f o r w h i c h e u c h�b i t t o t h e F u n d s w a s m c d e. T h e F 1 mds w�e pled�ed us u;i�itionul securiry for:dl sums securcd by ,�..����_
<br /> - <j�. M1.1ti�. _
<br /> �t Uns Se�:u�iy lastsument. �exsr•�:-_
<br /> •�I�+..1.F
<br /> t;r,�::'�,;�;:+ �j.;,.:::s If Ihe Funds held by Lender ezcee�i Ihe umounts permiued to be h:Gd by Applicable Inw, Lender+hall nccount to ��
<br /> � '`•:;''`� Bortower far�he exccss Funds in uccordum:e with the reyuiremert.ot'applicuble luw. If the umoun�oP the Funds held by � _ ,�•.��_� .
<br /> ;.��St;ti.t • ---
<br /> • ��,:��3,�;�A '' Lender ut any lime is not suffcient to pny the Escrow Items when due, Lencl�r muy xo natify Barrower in wriling,s►nd,in ti�<<,l��_.-�
<br /> i;�`.f•;���ti; such case Burrawer shali �y to l.ender the amount n��essary lo make up the deGciency. B�xrnwer xhull muke up the {�;�;.,t,,:,,, T_
<br /> �•,....::.
<br /> i u` � ;�,a v deficiency in no more tl�n twelve monthly paym��cs.ut l.ender's sole discrclion. � �•��;.�:'��;.___
<br /> •,�.s�'�-i;��.:.. "r;� ,
<br /> ,� . �� k. Upon payment in fu10 E�f all sums>ecurcd by this Securiiy Inslrurnen4 Lend�r+huU promptly refund to Barrower any .Y)�'��-,;+t�r,ti�:.-.�•-
<br /> ,���_r Funds held by Lender_ If,under paragraph 21,Lender�hull ucyuirc or.ell the Property.Lender,prior to Ihe acyuisition or �,'�'t:�.�;___
<br /> "','�t`� �'�`' ss�1e of Ihe Property. shall �pply nny Funds hcld by Lcnder ul the time of aryuisilion or snle us u credit ugeinst the sums � ��,:'"�� ,',�t�r�,''
<br /> •i;,.1,�:.:: 7r.n.'
<br /> ' i., secured by this Securicy Instrument. ��`;� � ..` `•`�•
<br /> ,;,,t:• . , �''K,;�,:
<br /> �'`���{'`' �,�-' 3. Appllcation of PoymeMs. Unlcss upplicnblc Inw provides othenvi�e, ull paymen�s received by l.ender undcr ;. �,,' .. ,
<br /> _ }'i� y� - _ �,`:��r.=-. .:.. ..
<br /> �s�,i''G�'�• ,.,� �-� parugrAphs 1 und 2 shall br upplicd:�nt•�o anY P�PAyment rhurges due under�he Note:second,to amounts payablc under , �
<br /> ;;,;• . ,;:;;::__�_---
<br /> � �•'} ;.. ;x{; paragraph 2;third,to inlarest due:fourth,to principul due;And lux1,lo uny late chnrges due under the Note. r�ra ,,t.,__
<br />.,:;1;:�, : �;c;,� , .. '�"•
<br />'�;�.<<';.���•C .� ! ��1 � � 4. Charges; Lie�.v. Borrowcr shull pny ull wzes, ussessments, charges, fines +md impositions uttributable to thc t:;;tc!a'�•n?�t�•'l;'
<br /> F;,,. 7 ':3;�;�i��'"'�� pr which mo uttain riorie aver Ihis 5ecurity Instrument.And leasehold payments or ground rcnts,if uny. Bortower ,��..,:d��_,-`P�;,._-;,�
<br /> ,� �, . ,,.,:�,�` �,. :�. �rtY Y P Y ;��.., t�. ----
<br />•�'��4�' �`� i�',:_;;•�;;�:,�'� . . shall pay these obligations in the munner providcd in paragraph 2,or it'not pnid in�hat manner.Borrower shnll pAy�hem on '':.,. i�,.�;_,.:,__
<br /> il�,�•t�•�.^ Z;.,,.•r �.r.;, ; ' i,v4t•an
<br /> • •:.i. , .ttPF1� �',���, „ rhj�•f�•( lime direcUy to the person owed puyment. Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender all notices of umaun�s to he paid under }'..�,'.����,,,•T, _�,
<br /> f��..� �'� '�S 4�v�a
<br /> '•,�;�;;: ' r��:�- � ,� {�`���:'��` this paragrnph. !f Borrowcr makes these u menls directl . Bormwer shall promptly fumish ro Lender reccipts evidencing ���p-;'s'.. :,...�:.:
<br /> , ,.y,,., ',. �ii;,,;i,:. �epayments. p y Y n�ti`�,cr, ,•;::t,..
<br /> ..'�'!{r,!'�.:;;:z:r.:
<br /> ' �'�;y�'��• '• • � � Bo�rower whall promptly dischurge any lien which hus prioriry over this Securiry Insuumem unless Borrower:(u)agrees '.; ��� ,,..,:'•r:;�::..
<br /> • ,F, ,.:....
<br /> ' '��}`°�'�'��''�••r in writing to the paymem of�he obligation ticrured by the lien in u munner acceptable to Lender,(b)contesls in gcwd fnith the -'ic;I���';���,';��•�-
<br /> �":;; � e
<br /> r;��rr;�e��,;��';���..._� lien by,or defends u ainst enforcement oi tiie Hen in,lcgul proccedings which in�hc Lcnder's opinion opersite ro prevent thc r:�'?,'�:.:<�°!I�''�'
<br /> 8
<br /> '%"�''� "° �;.•• enforcement of the lien;or lc)securcs from thc holder of the Ifen un ugreement sntisfACtory w Lender subordinating the licn �•� ��;>1�,+.;�..:=�__-�
<br /> � 'w�,'; � ._�_
<br /> ;; to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender delerminex that uny purt of the Property i�subject 10 a lien which may attuin pnority �;;.°�1�; �.:3,;,;��;�_
<br /> over this Security Instrumen�.Lender muy give Borrowcr a nolice idcntifying the lien. Borrower shall satist'y the licn or tuke �' ' ' l J
<br /> �;'�� :: one or more of thc actions set fonh nlwve wiU�in 10 Juys of the giving of notice. �•.;�,�:°,��^ti,-.-._..
<br /> <•:':?'% ' rt I n s u r a n c e. Borrower �hull kee p the im provements now exi,ling or hereafter erec�ed on the ��`'' .�''r'= '�
<br /> �,� �r'�,�' .�. , S. H a�r d o r P ro p e y
<br /> •,•'�`•,!-:f `�`'�:� ' , Piropeny insured ug+iinsi loss by fire,haiurds included «•ithin�he term "cxten deJ co�rrage" a n J uny o t h e r h a z a r d 5,i n c l u d i n g ti.�•i,.
<br /> �'.�,-s:.rt•��,• ,;',;i�
<br /> ;1�,:.. •,,:.. floods or tlooding, for which Lcnder rcyuires insurunce. This insurance shall hr maintained in the amaunls pnd iw the ���,, :
<br /> , �
<br /> i.
<br /> . .., ' FormW2lt 9A0 �n��t�1�/n�uR�ri �, , .
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> } ---- ._ .
<br /> . i
<br /> �, t . �
<br /> . , • ��� .
<br /> , . . �.. .,�1� i , , � �� , .,
<br /> i, . � • , .
<br /> -- � . . ,., .
<br /> ' �
<br /> � .
<br />