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<br /> �1 ".__ ....� .- -- - -
<br /> i .��.. ....., _ �------- --
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<br /> � � �� 91,_ 10 2 42 3
<br /> ..a.�.�..,►�.�...,�..w.
<br /> "a . 1�/D�fwM.L�ndtr nuy.aac�M�+Ilmlt�d by►Kul�tloru iuupf�y th�S�crruvy lo�h�cw of p�Ymmt def�ulu. �puln
<br /> Itapa�dl�u P�Y�t In fuQ oI a�ll�uau�e�cund b�►Ihl�8�cut1ly la�tromom If: —_. � �
<br /> , .:.. ' d)�N►o�er def�utt�by tdlin�to p�y In fuU aaY ma►thl/p�ymeAl wqulred by�bb Sxudty In�lrumcnt pria to a on
<br /> ;` � .��;A�.•,��,;�-�. th�du�d�t�of th�n�xt momhlY payment,or
<br /> .�,•^c;���: (Iq NpRaw�r d�t�uh�by faiUn�.for�perlod of thitty d�yi,la pe►torm�ny ahe�obll�llom coMdned in thu SecuNiy
<br /> "s;�•'Mi-orti'`��!�;.� 11111N111CIIt. -
<br /> .,
<br /> :t� :.,,� . '
<br /> ..'.: , .." _ ._ N)S�e WNbaM Credit A��•l.ender dull,it qed by�ppllca6le uw iud wW�the prbr+�pproval af 1he Secroluy.
<br /> __,�-: �
<br /> ' . �` p�dWe pq,maM ia(WI of dl Ihe wm�securod y tl►i�Socudly I�naumetr if: ------�`----_""_
<br /> �n
<br /> � .,�' • • ,
<br /> _.L,.. � , ti)AI�or p.n or Ihe PtopenY U cithnwf�e tan.rerroa(aher Una Uyr aev+:e at aaoar►b e«,owa.�na ----
<br /> l'!' _.{ ql)71a Prapanf'b no1 oaupied by�he purch�er or�mO u his ar her v�����nsideiae���o�Qf�S�a�o`
<br />�b.1"�. '. . �0li q (h0 PIO�CIIy bIM(I�f Of�C�O�I�1Y 1101�IOOfI����OOOf�IOD Mi�l I�QU�M�
<br /> i"1`.-i:�:,� • � °0��' �
<br /> �,,���R,
<br />�'�`:t�' (c)No Wdre►.It circumatances occur th�t would permit Lender to rcquire immedigta payment in full,but tander doa not
<br />��;"r'' ' requim such paYments.Lender doa not wdve iu riQhu with respect to:ubsequrnt events.
<br /> c�; , �• ' a
<br /> s : p•,... � . (i1 R�I�tb��HUD geerets�.in m�ay circmastances rc�ulitlom i�sued by tha Sec�etuy wiU Iimit Lender'�riohte. n
<br /> ,.,� the p�e oP payaKat detaults.to tequire immedi�te paYment a full wd(oraloae if not pRid.Thif Sccutity Imtrwneat da+
<br /> i:� _ aot wlhoriu:�ooekruion or faecbsure it not permittod by re�uWioaa of tho Secn�arY• _____
<br /> i:. ,...__� nt in PuU 6xcause of _
<br /> � �,;; - - -- - p. ftdNnte�ewl. Borrower h+u a ri�ht to be reiastated it Lende� ha ra�uirad immediate Da��n After tocecbsurc - --`
<br /> Bonower'a hilurc to p�y�n amount due under the Nae or this SecuritY�nstrun►ea�•Tdi�ri�h��PV
<br /> ' proceedin�s ue inadwted.To reiast+�te the Socurity Instrument.BoROwer shaU te�der in�lump sum�11 amounts aquircd Io
<br /> • briap Bonower's account wrrcnt including,to the eatent they are obUa�tioas of Horrowa uader this Security lastrument. _-._
<br /> �%� ioraclosure coets and rensonabk and customary attorney s fees and eapenses properly associated with the toreclosurc �� _Av
<br /> ' �`������ prooeedia4.Upan lreinttoaemeni by 8or�ower.this SecudtY����ment und Ihe obUQatiotuthat it secuces ahwll remai�in ef(ectu �, _�g�r�� �`
<br /> ',:{;;.:ii�.,� " ;:��!;:�''•� if Lender hacd�ot arquired immediate ps�Ymcnt in iull.Nowever,Lender is not tequi�ed tu permit rdnstatement if:(314ender has :�.,, • ,, :,�; ��1i�
<br /> ,, ,. ,. _, �•�,<.h'��;y r.,, �.���''����? ' `
<br /> • ��f'{;:r:;�!�'�'�`'�� ?�:'', coa�iweacement of a cuRen�r foreclo�umep�oceadingf(Hlrreinst ttment wIU preclude i�ureclosu es an difterriyaround91n t e .: > �I ��� ,:�;"4-
<br /> �, ' ,\ y ��Sf,L,.;,� r,ue�r_.
<br /> '.;f,, ��ip'AJ�C:�;�'��;+�";:�.'•, .:: Puture.or(iii)«instatement will adver�ely afPect the pHority of thr lien crcated by thls Securi1Y Onstrummt. �;�� ��'�,�;e�i,ns;.�::
<br /> ' ���'�=:-
<br /> : ` � (�.��...,.�:.�. ; t'::'��•�
<br /> •.,, ��;;.�','`tf 1,�+!ti�t », g��Not Rele�uedi Forbe�r�ace 87 I.ender Not s V�'�rer. �xtm�lon oi the time ot�ttyment or modificatbn ofi
<br />,��:�'',, �1 �,r,;fr, •, � . �•, ` runureization of the eums secu�ed by this Secu�ity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest af Borrc�wc��hdl not . � >'� t���-��-
<br /> ,�i:'.. ,,;, 5��rer� �a::.�;: �, �.:;'.,. ��, ff�;.�
<br /> � , � �,�l�.�,I�; operate to release the Itability of the odanal Bonower or HoaowePs successo�in interest. Lendu ah�ll not 6e rcquired to r",� ••
<br /> •�,�, � '�, �F7�,� f, .::,,
<br /> ,,,,;S�����, ; ,;•�;,::;; , commeace ptacee�linW a6a�n��any tucctssor in interat or refuse lo extend time for pstyment or othetrwise modify amartluttion ;;5•�.;.�;:�';�,:';;;'.;
<br /> ., , m ,,.
<br /> , r,r,� i•:,; �, ,-�,'k+, of the auma secur e d by t h 3s 5eca►I ty lmtrument by reason of any demAnd made by the original Eorrower or Borrowe�s �•` . � � ;�'�.���
<br /> ��c!+;t} ' ��• �
<br /> � ` ,�?�i3`�.lr"'.�;'i.U.i�:"' suoeesgo�s in intetat.Any foTbeaQance by l.en der in eae�c is i n�a n y r i g h t o r rc med y shaU not he a waiver of or prcelude �he ��������,�_,
<br /> 1 ,'`S' '` •������'^''��� :+� exaci�e of any right or remedy. t�a '
<br /> :�;f ���,;:.�.:,��.. ,�� �t ..� �r �v�r nts��'•,�,
<br /> . ���
<br /> ;'�'�°��,:.'1•' �� ••';i1 �. 12.Saeceasoh and Aasigas 8onadi J�t�nd Sevenl I.i�bQllyi�•5���•The covenants and agreemm�s ay ahis Secudly � _ __
<br /> „ t rl,,; n
<br /> ���'� � f.`,,:!;��: Dnstrument nhall bind and bene8t the successors and asaigna of Y.ender and Bonower,subJect to the provisions of pAregraph 9•b• „-;_,. :.._ ____
<br /> , ' •��y,:';'; Bortower's covenanta and aareemenu shell be joint and sever�l.Any Bortower who e4•sfgns this Secu�ity Inatrumenc but does s _,,�,,.�
<br /> . ;, not execute the Note:(a)is co•siQnfng thfs Secu�ity Irutrument only to mortgwBe.grant wnd convey thet BorroN�er's in�erest fn i� +•�a
<br /> the Property under the terms of thi:Security Instrument:(b)is nat personally obli�ated to pay the sums secured by this 5ecud�y _ ��•,,}r;:�,
<br /> �� ,, inatrummt; and (c) agrees �hat Lender and any other Bortower may aeree to eatend. modffy, forbesr or make AnY �,.��-
<br /> ? •• '� t�ccommodation�wlth reQud to the term of thfs Secudty Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. :�;._ , rr
<br /> '� 13.Notica.Any notice to Borrower provided for in�his Securlty Inatrument ahall be gfven by delivednQ ft or by mailin4 it by � „�-�`
<br /> ,, ..
<br /> � " ,, flnt clAw mail unless applicoble law requires use ot ono[her method.The notice shaU be directed to the Propeny Addrese or any • •
<br /> other address B�rrower dniBnates by notice to l.ender.Any noNce to Lender shall be Qiven by first class maH to Lender'a�ddras . _� _.�-
<br /> � � � • . stated herefn or any addres�Lender designata by no�ke to Borrower.Any notice provided for In thi:Securi�y Instmme�t shall �_. �- ,, ,-'
<br />, • � ,•.:� be damed to have ban gi�•en to Borrower or Lender when given a s p ro v i d e d i n t h f s p u a a r a p h. _ y`_ ;�e
<br /> � . • U.Go�enle�Lawi SevernbWly.Thia Security Instrument shall be govemed by Feder�l law and the IQw uf the judsdictloa in _ , ;.�'�y�;3:;;:_,�
<br /> � � • which the Property is focated.In thc event that uny provisian or clause of this Secu�ity Instrument or the Note contlMts wkt�ap- . .
<br /> 'f,•.�,:};��'• �' ' �'" without he�c ntlictinaiprovis'bn�To this endr he p�ovicions�of hisu�Saurky In trumenthandthe Note arc d Blared torbe - - -- __
<br /> . �.�•}�� ';.�•;�. severable. �'� ��'� ----_
<br /> :.:�.,tYJ;�:;';., ^.''(,:a:... ' .I '.���
<br /> t......�.., • � •r_: , _�..,_�...3s__.:
<br /> �.;�::...,;� .• ,, , is.Bomower s Cop7.Borrower shnli be given one coniormed copy of ihis Securicy instrument. •. __
<br /> ����;;��rrJ�a� '- � "i��
<br /> � ,',9N,rr�� . . • �;.,'jA1wY�:
<br /> • • ;.',:i;. 16.Adpme�l ot Resu.Borrower unconditionally essigns and tcansien to Lcrtder aU the rems and tevrnues of tAe Property. "'
<br /> ,.�� ' Bortower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to colkct the rents AnQ revehues and hereby directg each tenant of the Propeny
<br /> �.:!:��:: ; ^• .�:::�.'••� ,
<br /> ;NF:,:`�,i to pay ihe renu to Lender or l.ender's agmts.Hawever,prior eo Lender's notice to 8one�ver ot Borrower's breach of pny cove-
<br /> •� ;?':���"'. ' ^i1•��� nant a�agreement fn the Security Instrument,Bonower shall collec�And«ceive all rcntsand revenues oF the Propeny astrustee
<br /> ' �:�.•�r.' • . for the 6enefit of Lender and Borrower.This assiQnmenc of renu cuns�itutes nn absoLute assi�nmenl and not on assianment for ,;,
<br /> • ':..,' • additianal secudty only. ' '
<br /> • . . >`i��'�•''i:�� Id Q�nder gives notice of brench 10 Bormwer.Ial�II rents receiveQ!+ti 8orrower shWl be held by Borruwer as trusta for benefit ;
<br /> � �''""�: of Lendnr vnly,to be applied to the sucr.s serured by the 5ecuriay Inst:ument;(b)Lender shall beentieled to collect and recei�•e all '
<br /> � ,,:';�:;,', of the rems of lhe Property;and(c)each 4enant of thr Propest�v1�a::pay all rents due and unpo�d to Lender or Lender's adene i
<br /> � . on Lender's wrinen demand�o thc�enar,:. �
<br /> pa°rower has not executed nny priur a.rs�gnm:nt<•"'t:�e rents and has not and will not perform any act that would prevent
<br />- l.ender from exercising us rlgh�s under this paragraph 16. I
<br /> Lender shall not be reyufrcd to enter upon,take control uf or maintain the Pro{xny belore ur after giving no[iceof hre3ch to �
<br /> Borrowec.However,Lender or u judiciall��apPolnted receiver may do so nt anp time there is a breaeh.Any apptira�ionoF rene,
<br /> ' shall not cure ur wafve any deiault u�invahdate any other riRM or remedy oP Lender.This assignment nf rents oi the Property ,
<br /> shall terminate when the debt securcd by thc 5ecunty tns�rurnent i.pAid in fuL�_
<br /> � ,
<br /> , �
<br /> e �
<br /> , • �
<br /> � ��� ♦
<br /> F'va I
<br />