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<br /> «•.. • �
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<br /> . . ,. .:
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<br /> _ _ . :_.
<br /> . ..� , - ��;ti:
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<br /> E•• " .__ _ .. -- - .. . . -
<br /> �
<br /> ' 91_ 1o24i�
<br /> ;� ..
<br /> amd�mnuUon nr o�hcr iul.ing nl nny pun ul'Ihu Pm�xny.��r for ri�nveyun�c in liuu uf rundemnutem,nrc Iwreby ur,igncd and __
<br /> �.. .� �.hull Ix�puid lu L.cncice. -------
<br /> - In ihc avcm al':� tntul ic�king a�f ihe I'mneerty. Ihe��nx�cdr �holl In: ��ppllyd to Ihc wm� ��ti�umd hy �hi, S�tiunly —�`---°-'_—�- -
<br /> r
<br /> ' . In*�n�mrnt.whether�x nui�hen duc, wiih m��•exre�.pui� lo IiuiTO�ver. In U�� e��ei� uf,�paniul iakin��d'tlir Pra�xny fn
<br /> ° . which thc f�ir mu�kct vulue�d��hc I�n�prny innuedimcly Ixrt��re ihr iukin�i+ryuul�o u�grrutrr�hun ihr unw�mt uf ihu�umv
<br /> �. ' ��� secureJ hy ihi,Sccuri��• In+�in�menti�nmediinrly Fkliire �I�e mking. wdr..liom���rr�ind l.cudcr�Khenvi.r u�rer in writing. P.�-�-_.�,,_---
<br /> �7���� tix�,un�s.�tiuRd hy Ihf� Srcurity In�In�mcnt+hull hc redurcd hy thc unx�uni nf�hc pnwecd. mul�iplicd hp �hc li►Uowing
<br /> ,,,, : .
<br /> , -,�_�,:,�,�;���,'};;!�, f�uctinn: Iu1 thr tutul umrnint c�f the�.um.tiecnr�d imnkdiu�ely Ixli►n ihu tul.inp.dividrd by Ib1�tk foir murkei vulue ui Ihe
<br /> . ---����zT� F�n►peny inimediutcly Ikl��rc iik tu�,in�, Any bulaucc �I�ull h.:paid tu liurrou��r. In thr r��rnt ut'a p;mi;il t�ikin�: ��1'�hr ��"' _--
<br /> ^.� �f „'•.a. Rn�xny in which ihe li�ir murk�t vnluc�d'thc I'ru�xny imnu�limuly 1►eti�R ihe �ukin� i+ Ic., diun ihc umuum ol'�hr�+um. -
<br /> .'e �., '�� �. nccured immediutely heliire �he tukfng, unl�.� Narr��w�r uod Lendcr u�herwiu ugre� in wrilia���r unle.� applicuhl� luw r«t_--� - ---
<br /> �l.�tury�iesw::•.� _
<br /> - -, ;-�,;.�,,,�. � u�hcrwi�e pnwidex.�he pnxced�.hull ix u�►Ii�J to ihe.wn,�ecun�d by thir:Sceuriiy In.trumeni whethcr or n�H the xumr nre _
<br />.�=���a Ihen duc. ��..
<br />��� , If thc Pm�xrty i�ubund�mrd by 8om�we�,ur il',ul'tcr n��icc h�•I.rnJcr io RoROwrr Ihat Ihc ca►demnur oll'rr.�u mukr ����_,^•
<br />�# � nn uwurd or scllle u clain�i'�►r dumag�,.Burruwer t�ail�lo rcti�xrnd tu Lrndcr"ithii►�U duyn aftcr dk dacr thc nuticr i.�slven. �_-���.4
<br /> Lendrr i�uuthcNized w roU�Yt and a�ply Ihr p�u►�ctid�, at ii.upliun,cither���ri�tor.�tiun�x rc�i���f Ihe�Prc►prrty or tu th� � -
<br /> sums secureJ by thi.Securily lu.lrunient,x�helher ur nut IlkuJue.
<br />�`� :6tygi,e:,:y�..�: l►nlrs.Lender:►nd Bc►m�wer ot hen�i.e u�tnti in��ril inp, uny appliratic�n�►f pnk�rJ,1�� priixipul.hull nut extrnd ur ��""�'� -
<br /> �r�� ��xt�xme Ihe Jur datr uf Ihc m�nthly puynunt.ml'ernJ tu ir�paraEr.�ph. 1 aer�t:a�r rhan�:r I�c unu�uni ut',uch puymem.. - -_----
<br /> >,'.:`' ' � ' 11, Borrower Not Relea�;edi ForbeAr�nce Ny I.ender Not u �tii�itier, F.�tcn.ion ui �hr timc 1'or puyment ��r =L_LL
<br /> :;,:«� � . ._ __= -
<br /> modifica�ian oi umorlizu�ion oi the,ums.erurcd by thi,Srcurity In.irumruu�caiaNtid t�}Lrud��tu un�� �urccs�ur in intcR�t �------ --
<br />. �;, ;s;. .� .,.• • � ul Bortuwer.hall nw� r.�tr la releu,c�he liubili� ot'�ik uri inul Bnrrowcr��r Bon•a«•crti .ucces�on in imerr.�. l.rnder �I'��=r'�
<br /> ►pr Y K �,�q-,.,:;r::
<br /> 8!ir�:'' �hall not be�cyuiteJ ai comnnncc{�r�xecding, u�ain��;un} +ucre�xor in in�cr�st i,r Tc;i�s�r tu cxtenJ tim� lirc puyment or �,::__;_.-_�
<br />;i `�' � -- --- -- .- u�henvi+c modit'y amoni�atic�e��;the xums.ecureJ by Ihi.Su:uriry{n,�rument hy rcu+i►e���d any�kmand mudr by�hr originul ° `-
<br /> F•:•,.:,;`:: � `.� Borruwer ar Bom�wrr�.urresuirx in intem.�. Any 1'o�lx�ur,wxc hy LenJcr in cxcreiyiag+my righl�x rrmeJy xhull not bc u �-„�-��;;-=._
<br /> 1 ... ,�,:� � �. , waivcr of or prcrfude�he rxesci.e a(any ngM ur r�mcdy. ���°��'
<br /> �;�� ` —,�.,;,==`� -_-_-
<br /> � • •� �•�� 12. tiucceswrs and As.si�a�s fli�und;Jolnt and Sever�l l.lubility:Co-si�ners. 7'he cu�•�ount.anJ ugrremcna ol'thix �,�:�-
<br /> %� Secunty In�trument xhull binJ a�e.l I+�nelit�hr.ucre+uxs und u.sigm ut'Lrn�kr und RuRU«er,.ruhjcrl to Ihr pn►vi�ions ot' �"'
<br />�' �� ,��;�':���r.
<br /> • • �L,�;<�.:• {." p•rragraph 17. Bomuwer's covenanls and ugreemems,hall tx_joint and ,evrral. An�• O�urrnwcr who co•.ign.thi. Securiry ��•'";�_
<br /> 'TV��
<br /> J� ¢ . f.�„�''�^" Ins�rument bu�d�xx no�rxccutc�he N�Hc: lul�y co-,ignin�; �hi�Scrurily In.lrumrn�only io mi�n�ugc.grunt und umvey�hut `y�'�' ';_--
<br />� : .. • � B��rcowrr;intercst in Ihe Pro�xny unei�:r ihr terms of thi,S�wriiy In+irunxnt: Ihl i.M,t Fxnunally nhligu�rd��i pay Ihc�um, ,�n�:_'--
<br /> � . .rcund b �hi,Srcurit Imaum�nr,u�J Ic1 u�rcr,�hat Lender unJ i�n utlkr Horri�wer ma�u Re t�•extend.mi�lif•.tiirixur ,F,r•r.:•..-_��
<br /> Y Y b Y !� > ,:,�i:,�.�.Q,
<br /> �� �ir muke uny uccommudutKms wilh regurd lo Ihc Icrm+of�hiy Srcurity Insirumenl or lik Nac without thu� BoROwcr: ��+:j;x;,-
<br /> ; . _ consent. ,f,`:,,;,:,....._
<br />� ' " � �� 13. Loan Char es. If th� (oan�crured b �hi+ Securit Iminmicnt i+ tiub'ect to u luw whKh +ct� muximum loun Y�"` '�""
<br /> '-' ' - ;�- '".` ch:uces.und thut!uw S f:nnlly a�t��q+t'�•i%1.�+th�u Ih�•in�crc�t or mhcr loun churecti«d1�clrJ or to t�c��llect�d in c�ntn«lion �y'`' '"``:�
<br /> • ;::��„r� _, _-
<br /> � : r;ti, with thc loun cxr�cd thc pcnniucd limilx,�h�n: lul uny�uch loun chur�r+hull Ik rcdureJ hy 11ie umnun�nrcc+tiary lo rcJucr
<br /> 3 .•���'P��+-' the churgr u��hr�trmiueJ limii:anJ Ibl uny+um.ulnuJy cullec�ed fr�u�e Hurrowcr which excre�l�:�l p�nniued limii.will fk ��
<br /> ��
<br /> - ' ,�'i%;,, �:,,;t rcfunded to Borcu•..cr. LenJer muychcx�xe lu muk�this ret'unJ hy rcduci�;�Ir:rri�����al owed under ihc Notr ur by mul.inE u F10"`7A'" A;�
<br /> . ,'., direc�paymcm to Bnrn�a•cr. If a refuiul rcducc.pri�xipal. Ilu nJuclion a�iil I+e Ire�tcd u�u puniul prepaymrnl w�ithout uny �
<br /> " , 1'y'+?.;��:�: '�� �,�M?�";F'a:{:';-
<br /> �(> �;°••; �r" prepuymcnt chargc unJcr�hc`otc. .,,,..
<br /> '.:{���,��� 14. Notices. Any m�li�e��,Burn�w�r pn►viikJ tirc in�hiti Securiiy lnvinm�ent .hall tx given ny drlivering i� ur hy '��u_�-r--.
<br /> , muiling it by tir.t clu�s muil unlcti+applicublc law rcyuirc.u,c�►f:inuthcr mcthal.7'hc n�►�irc.hull Ix dir�ti�rd t��Un Propeny , �'�%T"'�.�
<br /> . ��
<br /> � � � '*l•'• Addn�ti or uny othcr nJdre.s Borrowcr dc�i�!nu�r�by noiicr io l.rndcr. .1m no�icr tu L�nJrr.hull Ik�ivcn by tir.i clux. � a:•;:
<br /> ••.r' ,�;;,;:... ,. . .".� . � .,�,
<br /> , �•r,;,h�� muil lo Lendcr�uJJ�ess slaicd hercin or any oihrr uJJrr„L��nicr Jr.igna�c,h}•nutice tu Horrowcr. Any nolice proviJed ti►r , I�,��„�:=.
<br /> '`�i',.�;+'{��f in �hix Security In.�rumcn� �hall Ix dcrmed ui hirve txen given tu Homiwcr ur Lrrxkr whrn �iven uti proviJrd in Uiis �tcl�%���.`•
<br /> . �.�,.';1,1;,.R�: pur.�gruph. �`;����,:.;.�
<br /> .�;,�___
<br /> {'L;�.�j:, . I4. (iovernin}� I.aw•: tir�•erabilitv. 7'hi. S�curity In+lrumrm tihull Ix Euvrrn�d ny iederal I�i�� and Ihe la�� uf ihe • `��14�' ; `:�.�;:
<br /> ." � • ;' � juri.diction in which�hc Pro�xrty i�I�xated. In�hr rvcnt Uiai uny p�ovi.ion or claux i�f ihi.Srcurity In,�rootcm or Ih�N��IC � ., "`
<br />� �,,�•:�,.-, � .,. , , .
<br /> . ��. , S' • rantlict�wi�h upplicuMc la��.tiunc�nnllirl tihcdl nut ul'fcct ulhrr pn►vi.i�m,ul dii,S¢ruril�•Imtnmicm�ir thc Nate�vhich ran
<br /> �!:. ::� i",,%;�?;+,y. : : Ix •iven�ffccl wilhuut thc cuntliclin� ruri�i�,n. Tii Ihi. .nd thr nwi,inn.of�hi+ tirrurit}• In.trument anJ Ihr Note urc A�;,•,�,;;�„�;:'
<br />, .:,. .,,,.�..,�,� ,,: �. E r r l,�'..�..� _
<br /> ,�.y� :,,�<: declivad tu Ik.rvcruhlc. f,� jr�F`�,'�i•-•'�
<br /> <,�.�.:�„ -
<br /> . i;�.:if��:r:,;�,�:;`�• 16. Burrowet's Cop}. Sorruw�r,hall Ix pi�en onr runlumud rupy uf Ihc Note:mJ ol'thi,Sewrily In�lrument. � u...}, :''-_-_-
<br />'�'�'�:�:;;�` ,._;!..5 .. ., a 17. 71r�nsPer uf 1he Prnpert,r or o Henciicial Interest In IN�rrow•rr. If all ur nny pan uf dk Pn��xny ur any intrre.�in ';. �.;,.
<br /> il i+ .uld ur tranzi'emd(�x il u lxncficial intcrr,t in Hum���cr i,.�►Id ur tran+frrnd und Hurrowcr i. n�u a nawru! �xr.onl � . �I`.". ~
<br /> 1��.��%;:�,,�,� wi�hout Lender:prior��riiten cunxr��.Lrnder ma�.ai il.�q�iiun.rc��uire uiuikdiatr pa�•ment in t�uU ut'all�um++ecun�d hy � �=.
<br /> .;;�i;�i;;�•: '., �. . thix Sccuriry In.�rumrm. H�,�vev�r.thi�oplion�hull�u►1 1+< <�cr�i+�J by I.rnder i(rterri.c i�pr��hihitrd by(�Jerul Iliw u+uf �,..,.:..•� '�;,-.� ,��'
<br /> _.ti��'. . �" ,; �^' thc date of ihix 5ecuri�y In.irumen�. � , °
<br /> ° It'Lcnder excn:i.rs�hi.opti��n. Leixler.hull Eivc Hurr�n�rr n�►ticr ul arrelcr:���„��. ri���,�,��«,i,uu���,��a�u�xriixl of -
<br /> � � �.:'i:;;• ,�,,��.'�r':' nut Ir„�hun�U da��fram�hr datc th�ixilicr i.Jcli�•rRJ�,r tn;�il�J��ilhin��Nirh Nurn���cr mu��pay all.um.>ccurcJ h�•ihi. � :.
<br /> `..,'•r �•,;.s 'n.,�'#t . Security Instrumem. 11' HorrawerfuiM la p:i. Ihe,�wm. priur tu Ihr c�piruuun ut ihi.�krial. I.ender muy im•uke uny � , -
<br /> '�i�;?��,;� . .��;:,�(�,. : remcdi�.�xmiittt�t h�•Ihiw S�rurhy In.trument��ithuut tunhcr natirr or Jem:uKl un Nu�ra��er. `',
<br /> '�, � ;:�,k�v�.• 18. Borrmver's Ri�ht tn Refnxlule. II' Burru���r mcet.rriyain rundniun�, linrru��cr ,liall hacr thr righ� to ha�•r '� ;f,;;;,.
<br /> • � ' .�t�.�;,��' rntiircrment of thix Srcurn�• In�trumrnl di,runlinurJ a� :m� iimc priur tu ihr rarl�.�r nl: �:D S J.i��i��r,urh uthcr�xriixl u+ ' ':.
<br /> , '. .r.
<br /> ,,t � i'•,� '�
<br /> :.�; ' • . . . tim_I.•►�.�n�ih •F�mnlc�luNFrivldfc�1►N l VFIIRN IVti1 Kl�IF.Yi�- I nu�Kiu t'a„uuMi� v�wl �p�r�•�.�I n pacrv ' ' �7:.
<br /> , (: . j'. , ,
<br /> �t e �'
<br /> �� _ .,- � `r,
<br />'�i;,\t��:il`+,'�i t�:�;;.;.;,'. .I�i ,i
<br /> ';ird:rti •�,S -t -.�'�'1' '
<br /> %,�'f��� { }...i �r�.� .. . ` . - - • - �Yil . . _. . ,�1� :�i�" i� ,.. , :��ti�'�41� r:�.i .� ,.��•. . _. •A�:�R�.,.•.:...: F:Nf��S��r�i��'�� �� , .
<br /> , �,. , . . . �,r�� ���,; . �,��:i.7.. ���. , 1 . . tn�,�� - .
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