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��uty �!��.. r''� [�;,ra�f.�u�,"�'��� ��>.- '�' ^�' � ._a�._- '� t. � ^ ' �.� . ... r. � .. . ..' �i I_:c_ �m�..__ <br /> tW iA.. .J�OIM •�• � 1 <br /> � ... .�.. +... .. _ . . - y' r�T.' .�'-:CS.r':- <br /> , .. i ..c. •,�.�,�+J ._--- __ .�. <br /> . .a:.. - -- �- ---- - —� - <br /> : - { — <br /> - � ��::.,� .�.. 91--- �.�2417 --_-. <br /> j�;;� -_ - <br /> .... � . Sd .`• . — °°°_ <br /> _ ;��x; � '� TOCiE7'HEk WITH ull�he fmpr�►venu:mr�N�w ur herr-+�Ilrr rrccwd��n �hc pm{x:ny.und a��easemen�z,appur�enunc��, <br /> and tixta�c�naw an c�rca8cr u pun ut�Iw pn��ny. All nphwcuicolti mid udditiunn shull olso be covered by this S�urity �.�,_�,�__,_,. <br /> _��� •��'� lnutvment. All of 1he foreguinQ in rcferred Iu In IUiw!i�•curlly InKlnimrnl+ix Ihc"Proneny." - _ <br /> , us i i,�q.. . �.�s-— <br /> F � '"��"n�"' ' BORROWER CQV�NAMTS�bu18��rruwur iM luwlully�ei�cd ol'tho etiudc imnby cunveyed and hos ihe right to 6�a��t <br /> X�-, r.r <br /> ..„�" ..�.. .,•°; und wnvey the Pro�ny und thut Ihr F'mpeqy i�.unencumh�red,oxrupt li�r cnewnAmncex of record. BoROwer w�irranis and _ ,ry <br /> „ � ;�!�-�.t+•.;t:•��, wlll defend generally�he�itte w�hu Pm�ny uguin+�i ull cluin�r und dein�mdti.*ubjec�w uny cncumbrances rf rerord. ��•,_. - <br /> ^�,�5,,1:,•..: . THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMrNT combinc� unifum� cavrnuntr. li►r nuliimul usc und non-uniform cavenanta with � <br /> U ., :j�� , . limited varindons by jurisdic�ion to cunniilulr u unili�un�ru�ity iir..l�mucut cuverinF real propeny � _-- - <br /> - UNIFORM COVBNANTS. NnROwcr und I.amlrr r�►venant nnd uKn�o+�h faUown: �'{`�""°""` <br /> �ti when due the �' ''+3a�'�'::.'� <br /> =- � 1. I�aymenl of Prtnctpal And lnte�eytt PrepAymeot and I.wl@('hp�Rer. Norruwer shc►II promptly p•y __. <br /> -- . • principal of nnd inicrcat an thc debt evideneed by Ihe Nulc und uny prepuyment und lute churg�s due under�h�c Nutc. �. <br />_,r�;;��, . , , . ; 2, Ftiads ia�'Ibxes aad Inruranca tiubJcci io upplicublr luw or a►u w�fucn wuivcr by Lendc�.Hurrowcr shalf p�iy to �.,_�;, .-_�r-;r�,;,_�: <br />.�b;.:. ^ l.ender on the duy mantUly payment,ure duo undor�hc Ni�lc,unUl �hc Nntc{n uld in t'ull,u sum("Func1:') i'ar: ln)ycArly <br /> w < • <br /> �i.'"s---.- <br /> � .,,;��,�� '''� toKes nnd assesxments which muy uttain priority ovur�hle Secu�ity In�lrume�l us+i li�n on Ihe PropeRy;(b)}earl,v Ieu.cehold <br /> ��; ,,.'l .. '" ' p�ymonts or graund ren�s an Ihc Property. if uny: �c) yc�uly ha�urd ar pru�xny in�urancr pr�miums: ld) yaarl�• tlaxi � -- .-� <br /> c1;'r� , ,►;�• . inaumnce premiumti, iP any:Ir) yearly mnngago in�.urnnce prcmium�, if uny; und 111 uny sums puynble by Boan�ver tn ��� <br /> '�i;+' ' '"'"' Lendar, in uccordoncc wilh the pmvigians nf puragruph 11, in liru��f thc�uymem uf'mortguge insumnce prcmiums. '1'hese .-r,,,�$�,,,,�o„ <br /> sd�' ,� .�.. <br /> ?}�;?c�� � '�%���:'� rl' itams are cufled"Cscrow Itemc." l.ender muy.ut uny time,collrci und Ix�ld FUn�lh fn un umauni not��exceed�he muximum � ,,:r��-'��' <br />-� " �a" ' umount a lender (ur u feJerully i��lu���l mnttgugc luu�muy Rquiro I'ur flurmwer\ e�cr�►w uccount undcr thr federnl Relil �,,t. <br />-�.;.N.;, <br />;:.w�_;y�� ,. � Estute Settlement Procedurcy Act of 197A uK umended fram�ime to timr,I?U.S.C.#2GQ1 el cry.("RF_SPA"�,unlecs anothcr ,,;•' , •�.,.e�:, � <br /> °-- . e;%:� . : "" • law Ihnt Applfes tothe Funds sct�a Iesxer nmount. If xn,l.ender may,ut uny�imc,collctit unci hold Fundx in un amoum na to ',,F,,,, �. -�.��. <br /> '` �c�I axceed the Icsscr umount. Lendcr may exUmute ihe umuunt ui' Fundti duc on ihe basir uf curtcnt datu �md r�asonabte ���?��- <br /> !c• -- ' • ' ..�:;.. <br />'•�•' ,,`:+S�v�; aai[mates of eape�itures af futuro Escrow I�emx or o�henvi,e in uccorduncc wUh upplicable luw. `-�n� <br /> -• • .��.r�; The Funds �hull be held in un instflution wha�e �kFxi.+lt� an� in�ured hy u fcdcrul ugency. instNmenanliry, i�r entity �--r a�?�.` <br /> �•'��*�`4;' Uncluding Lender,if Lender is such�n inslitution)ur in uny li�den�l I lume Loun Hunk. I.ender.hull apply 1he Fund�:to p��y �` L^ <br /> �� � `��'�' the Escrow Items. I.ender muy nat chargc Barmwcr for h�lding imd upplyin� Ih� Funds, unnuully annly7�ng ihe escro�� - _ <br /> � � . •.� •:_,� <br /> , . „ ,. uccount, or verifyfng the Escrow Item+, unletix l.ender puyr Horcowrr interecl an the funJ+ und upplical*ae la�� permits �` .. _ <br /> . Lender to make wclt a chtuge. However, l.ender muy reyuire Burr�►wer�a puy u une-time churge tor un in�ependent real �..;`-- <br /> :�:�— <br /> estate tux reponine service used by I.ender in conne�liun wiih thi�luun.uni�.+un�ii�uni�iuW����ae��r�^y�KV. Un1es,sin �;;_ <br /> '�'. ugreement is made or upplicable law rcyuires intcn.r��o In pufd,l.endrr shull nut lK rryuircd�o puy Biirrower any intcrc:t ar i:l'•, <br /> ,. ,,.+ earnings on Ihc Funds. Borrowsr imd l.ender muy ugnc in wriling.hnwcvcr,�hut interc+t.hull tx:paid on the Fun�ls. Lendcr ,:'(•,;s�};�(.?�!..:'._; <br /> � � nc��ll giva ro Borrower,withaut chargc.un unnuul u�c��unting ul'�ho f und�, +huwin�e rmdi��unJ dcbits io�he Funcl+and the .f;�,;�:;f�`•;'.:;:�� <br /> . " � purpose fur which e�ch debit lo tho Fund�:wus mude. The t•UnJx um pledgcd u�udJilionul+ecurily 1'or ull yums secured by �;:,,..�,�.4;.�I�.; <br /> � ,.;' thi s Security InstNment. �' ~`�s �rh, - <br /> �ii�.��� <br /> ,:;:t If the hUnds hefd by i.ender excecd ihr u��h'�Uiii� �rmiticd a> !k held by applicablr l�+w.I.rnder�hnll uccounl to ,,r. _ <br /> , Borrower fw the excetis Funds in uccordunce with ihr mquiremcnts uf+qq►liruhlu luw. II'Ihe umuun�of the Funds held by �"'° - <br /> . , • �`' �` l.ender at an tirae is no[sufficient to pay the Exmw Uem+when duc,l.cnder rouy+o nrnify Bom�wer in �, , •�;;•. <br /> , A'.�.Y ___ <br /> �i'J',��':: � �•. '• i'��-� <br /> ' ' -• , '��t:� ; such cASe Borrower shall nuy to Lender the amuunt n�wr+�ury w mu�,e up�he dc�ici4ncy. H��rtower shu�1 moke up �he � ,.:;�f•�..,. <br /> . '�,,...:: :` - <br /> � . de�ciency in nu more thun twclve momhly pnymemh,ut Lender���Ic Jincm�ion. �;`•;�•�;�"�� <br /> ' •:%`.;.�`..°�; Upon paynxnt in full of ull xums,rcun�d hy this Sccurity Mrtrumcnt.Lr�xlcr .hull prnmptly refund�u Borrower a�ay 'r:" „ t��;--, Yv <br /> 'f.;•;�;;'�' ., ��'��`S�;•.'�:>f Funds held by Lcnder. If,under nm ru h 21.Lcnd�r shull ucyuire or+cll Ihc Pra�ny.LrnJrr.pnor to Ihe ucyuisition i�r ��;� '� •.--- <br /> .:�• . • �`G��;. P 8 P , i�itiun ar�ulc u.a cmdit uguinst�he wms t �:';�:''�'�;, <br /> t �:%#' '''',,�4 s�le oP the Propeny.�hall npply any Funds hcld by Lendcr ut Ihe Umc�1 �iryu d�{� , 'r Y! <br /> � �.. ; ,.:.11;{. secured by this Sccurity lnstrument. ' ' <br /> � � �'��`� <br /> _ � .. '.fE�,, 3. Applic�tion of �ayments. Unlcx. uppliruhk luw provide�olhcrwi.c, ull puymcm+ mreivrd by Lender und-�r �• ,� �f <br /> .: �::� ,. - <br /> �,• , .. - ;s paragruphs I und 2 shuU t+e applicd: firs�.w any prepuymcnl rhurgcs duc unJer ttk Note:, um�wmti puyoble under :;_,.;�'••�•: -h.-_- <br /> paragruph 2:third,to inlerest due:founh.t�i principal duc:and lu�l.a�:my lutc chtugc,Jur undcr�h�Notr. ,,{':ik,` . ��r ,•- <br /> " 4. C6prges: Liens. Borrower shall pay all laxe+, ussrssnuu�ti,churgr+,1'i�x� und im�niti�mn utlri6utuble to �hc ,{�: ���1���'.'� <br /> _ � property which may nttain priority����cr this 5ccurity Insirument,und IcuscholJ puymrm�or�rounJ�ent+.if su�y. Horrower �:n�l+;Y,"i7,�'•: .:-,�;, <br /> :r�....•�, sh�+ll pay these obligutions in the m�mner provided in paragruph 2,ur if not puid in d�u�m�mncr. Hnrruwer tihall puy them on `'���,;�;��:';�r,�;',.. .�•, <br /> ' �:'>, tirne direcdy to the persan owrd pavmcnt. Borrower.lull prumpUy 1'umi,h a►l.rndcr ull naurr.uf amounl+to Ix:paiJ under .f;.'�'"�";}�''��: <br /> ,. ` ihis paragraph. It BoROwer m�kex these paymenis direcdy.Bormwer+hull pmmptly t�umi.h tu Len�kr recciptx evidencing ��::;t ;�r!4�,4!l��t�. <br /> t .�i{,�' --- <br />. ;,�4� � , `�� ;••�:•.� �he payments. �.;; ,�;��i`�c�, <br /> �r.:+i,;�.,�:�. <br /> • : ,.::• •;�:'::,,�� Borrawer sholl prompUy diu har� licn w h ir h h us p r i u ri l y o v c r U i i s S c r u n l y I n,w m e n t u n l�.,H�x r o w c r:lu l u grcc. �y,Y�.� ��{,,.,;,�.._� <br /> ��� ,;;.�,,. � <br /> ' ;�.;4���;•�,.�.;;�;•.�•;�••,:,'- in writing to the payment of the obligution secured hy the lien in a manncr u�ceptublr w LcnJrr:�Ni ri�me,l,in gocxl faith the ��,` •,',{i,�'.'' � = <br /> :;: � �i . - e j x -�; <br /> ��:f� ` ',:'.,�,�.y�:,',;;; lien by.or defends agAinst enforcement of the I�en in.Icgal puxrcding+which m�hc I.end�r',��pinx�n operutc tu prevent the ..: , ,'��;. J� <br /> �(e.,�,,f ` ";,.���1.;;:� enforcement of�he licn;ar(c) secures from the holder af thc lien un ngreement suu.t�uctury ta LriNk�+ut��nlfnutin��hc lien �„�,..,•,;^��•;;.;,;;_ <br />+ �;'.;,�,,. �;+���3 !1�',� to �hls Security lnsuument. If Lender determines�h:+t any p�n uF thc Nn►�xrty i��uhjcc�tu u I�rn whirh muy uttuin priurity •i' '� ';'.' -=• <br /> ,•.'��r'>�`;t"�'� `� `�� overthis Security Instrument,Lender may give Borruwer a notice identif in Ihe licn. Nurtuwrr.hall�uu�t'y�he lien ur tuke �`, �t����� � � <br /> ti�•_�,;7 Vi. ;,`•^ . � Y B �r�E�,�. � <br /> ,;�:%..�.�•`�z�yf� �S• :�� oneor more of the uctions set forth ubove within 10 d�ys ul'ihe Eiving of nutica '. ; ;:t 1��;:.", <br /> , '��`'..�`.,+�k ; ..�'�:l;s;.; 5. �iax�rd or Propeny lasurance. Borrower+hall kcrp�he improvrmem. m�w e�i,unK�K txrcuUcr rRw1rJ on Ihc {!'�.;'':'�`••:'-.;:::�.,:;�•`��.;: <br /> 1),:.'j''f�' ..,, � .. �. .,.; . .•. <br /> :'�1j�,:'.:. .. � Property insurcdaguinat loxx by firc.h.uards inrluded within the trrni"cxtrnd�d cuarraFr��Ihcr haiurJs,including �:: .:, ••;, . . , <br /> . •' r,�.• . Ooods or flooding, for which Lender reyuin:s inaurancc. 'fhi�insuruncc �liull h� muunumrd �o tlic nrnuun�. imd fnr Ihe 1�:. ;.,,V:;'';�.:',.. ;; ' <br /> ,,r � <br /> �ir !� 7. <br /> 'd�,�ik `- �� F�Km.W3N 4�Y1) yw�erlu)n�r,�RC+I �,!f, � <br /> � :t. .'�.`1 '�i, <br /> •:•,�� ��tti,r.-'r�'1d� i, . . .. <br /> .1,�.'. .;`:1• :i"!. f,?;%.��: ':i,; �... <br /> , •�,`,:',;:<,:. ..:. ,., <br /> ,,�� . �� . <br /> ,t ''� ,�� , ., . . ... . . '� , <br /> r; �,: ;•:,, . :.;�h��t����r} . t�:.�. • '.:� . . <br /> ���� � ,�u`;.l��• <br /> :.��f� �����.r°�` :,-i.1. .11i�• . .'t, , . .- . <br /> `�.. ;'.'�r1 �i�';�''j:�'. . . _ . . . <br /> ..�, � � .l . <br /> —��.�:,i ,.,,�:.::.:�'�� . ' . . ' :.��, , <br /> ' p;,1:'�r:,' ;��\��j� ,�/.,: �, , , . <br /> '�!; . •�'�' ' '. , r�• 1'. <br /> . . , ti,t, :'': t l _ �i <br /> ; '�' � ' , ' '.•r <br /> i <br /> . � l <br /> . �•i <br />' � �. <br /> . : � � ' ' ' i . . <br /> � •�'-'.,, � <br /> . � �• ' , � . . . <br /> y . , <br />