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�,.:-�y.:,:( �d:. " . . ,�^"r-�,� ��`y '..�� �; �31��t;�c'�. �ri.e __ ... <br /> � ' y, ,h.. �ti <br /> ''''4-�''.t� L. 'a• N,,,,',qrT.�1.�• da r .n..�... R,-....... <:� .� ..i,�.4. --°-__.. -'�-�--� _--- <br /> wf . . • <br /> _. .�...._, `_ . ' � _ <br /> —" — „ <br /> . _ ...---------'�-�"('rwciU:.�.�►ii�.....::..__ . ._... .. . . .. . . .._ .... .... <br /> � ' -- <br /> , .. �-,.�,���m��� gl-- 1U2413 <br /> 4;; -' <br /> �- '�. � T(Nlf3TNFR W ITFI all tha impravementx rK�w or h¢nuflcr crcctcrl�H�Ilx�pn�xny.unJ ull cascmcnt+,nppuncnun�c.r. <br /> ,,. <br /> : �' . � � �. �nd fixtwes now�x hercaflcr o pwt oi tht propertY. All npf�cmcntz wx1�ddiu�+ns riiull ulw be wvcrui by this Secu�iry� �-_-- __ <br /> ' �Y,� ,^,r� :, � In�uumcnl. All�f Ihe fcxcg��ing i�mierrcd lu in Ihix Srcumy Insnumr.m+u�thc"Pmpchy." --- - <br /> :,.��.. . � .- _-- <br /> ;•��*j".",,�:�� BORROWER COVENANTS Ihal &xrawcr in luwiully+cise�l of�hc cxlAtc hcRby cunveycd anii hu+�t�r right lo gnutt �� <br /> Q ° . �. t.�:,,�� and canvey the Property and�hut�he Pn��ny is unencumhercd,except fur rnrumbrunccs of recurd. Horrawe�worrw�ly und — <br /> �:��•►+i�.��rs••u� � will dofend�enernlly �he dtle ta Ihe Pmpeny againxt ull cluims and�knwnds,rubjtwt tu tuty encunlhrwirc+uf rccord. �`,�'�'� <br /> THIS S�CURITY INSTItUM�NT cnmbine, unifwm cm�enums for nutionul us� und nun•unitium coveauux wiih _ <br /> -_� . ._._ . � limited vpriationx by jud�iictic►n�o a�nsti�utc a unifortn�urny in��nimcnt covrnng nul{nu�ny. '� - <br /> .� •�"'.° �����" � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bnrmwcr and l.cndcr ravenam ond ugrce a�follnwx: - ___ <br /> 1. P�yment of Principnl aad Interesti Prcpryment�nd I.ate l'harytes. Borrowcr�hall pmmpUy puy when Jue the _ <br /> --==�� '`�-a,b-� . princiPul of And intere+t on�he debt eviJcnceei hy the Nute und Any pr�aFu►yment and lute chw�ges due under the Nnte. �„�__:_ <br /> :�.,.,_, �n� <br /> _�;�• ., 2. h�unde for 71�xes and losurnnca Subjctit u�upplicAblu luw or ta u wriuen woiver by IAndcr.Born►wer shall pay ta _ <br /> �;;: •' •;,' `•` Lender on the day manthly paymem�unc due under thc Nme,until the N��te is paid in 1'ull,u xum C'Funds"1 far:lu1 yauly ���,��• - <br /> .' . '� tuxes und assessmertes which may Attain pdoriry��ver Ihi�Security In�.�n�ment us a lien on Ihe Pmpeny:lbl yeurly Ic�ehoW: T -�.4 <br /> �' puyments ar glvuncL rcn�s on�he Pmpetty. if uny; Icl ycsuly hazurd or propeny in�:urunce premiums; (dl yearly ticpd ��.._— <br /> ...: insur•u�ce prem�ums. �f pny: lcl yeurly mohguge insurancc premium�, iP uny:und 111 uny wmz: puyuble by Borrowee to _ .,°�' <br /> ,• ' � Lender,in aic�cadance with 4t�e povisionx of pur,�gruph iicu of Ihe�uymcm af mortgag�insuru�ce prem�uma. Thc�sc: <br /> �»�' ���•;J;�.�:-,:-- i�ems are called"Ex.�ow Items. Lemk:�may.�u:uiy time,coitect:uxi ho ld Funda in un unwunt cwt to e�ceed�he max�muin _�_ <br /> '`�':�� ' �"'' amo�unt�lender for u federnlly related moMgage loan may reyuire for Buiwwer's escrox account eeeeder the feder.�� Re•rl � _ <br /> , ��. . . =.,....-- - - - <br /> '�``" ' ,;r' .�� Estate Scttlement Hrocedures Act of 1974 as omended from lime to time.12 U.S.C.#2601 e►sey.l"RESPA"!,untess�nuther -��'=-� <br /> �'�_�'.,�:`-�-- <br /> ` . .. - . law t�t opplies to�he Funds�eGs n Iesser wnount. If tio.Lender maY.:u:u�y time,collect and hdd Funds in aun amouot not lo „�r.,�- <br /> �`r r='-• . - <br /> . exceed ihe lesser amaum. Lender muy r.�iinmte ihe w�iount of Funds dicc� vn ehe basis af current data and rea+onab�r �:':_'_s-`: <br /> � estimates of eapenditures of fulure Escrow Items or other►visr iu:k<Yxd:uicc with upplicable low. =y^;„J�., <br /> � �,�•- � :, Q�-"�� The�unds ahull l+e held in an inrtitution whose depotiit�:ue insured hy a fcdernl ugency. instrumentality. or entity �:�Y-. _ <br />..:7�� , r ' • h�� -. <br /> , ^�•., ,• l;-.�. (includin�.C.ernter,if I.ender is such an instiwtian)or in any�dcr.�l Home Lo►m Bank. Lcnder shull apply the Fund.tu pu�� <br /> �';'',-,� yh;��;�•,. .t":'; '-��, �he Escrow liemk Lender mny nol chu�ge Bmrower for holding and applying the Funds,unnually unulyzing the earruw '-�t_•�'.:_ <br /> ,,�;, • „� ,, . account,or �cr�0}it�� the Escrow demti.unlesx Lender pay+ Bortower imerrsi on the Funds vnd upplicuble law permila ��-.. •. <br /> :,;, .,. ., r...±,,►>._:" <br /> l.ende�to muf:� sur�h�churge. However,Lender muy n:yuirr Borrower ta puy u onc-time churge for an independen�reUl �' <br /> ;y ' �; estote tax repot�ting service used by Lender in connection wi�h�his laan,unless applicuble law provides wherwisc. Unless un <br /> --' ° • agreement is made or applica6le luw rcyuires intcrest�o be paid,l.�nder shall not be reyuirrd tm pay Bortowe�any intenx�c�� <br /> ciuning+on Ihe Funds. Borrower und Lender muy ogree in wdtinR.howevcr,that intcrest shaEO�c puid on Ihe Funds. Lendrr �--- <br /> shull give to Borrower,wilhout chur�e,nn nnnuul accuunting of the Funds.+howing cmdit.und.iebits Io Ihe Funds And Ihe <br /> '" " purpase for which euch debit�o the Funds was m:afe. The Funds ure pledged us udditionul security for u0t sumF secured by �°;'':.���.� <br /> ,� . Ihis Security Instrumc�i. _ <br /> If thc Flmds hrDd by Lender exceed the urm�untx permitted �o bc heid by uppfiwi�lC iaw. L�nder .��a::accoar.: ic __:�_- -- - <br /> ';., Burrowcr for the exr�as Funds in accordanre with the rcywremenls of upplicubk luw. If the umount oi Ihe Funds hel�a t*} .�� <br /> •' ° ' Lender at any time is not suflicicnt to puy �he Escrow Items�vhen.lue,Lendcr muy so no�ify Borrower in writing,and,in �+^%����'-_— <br /> �„ • ., ,�._ <br /> `�• �: .; such ruse Borroa�ez sh�!{pvy to Lender the amounl necessury ta makc up the deficiency. Borrower+hall make up ihe , <br />,.�,,, �_ ..... _,. <br /> ' ��'• �:��' deficiency in no mc�re man twelve monthly paymems,ut Len�r�sole di.crrtion. ''�'�--- <br /> ` °?:�`' Upon puymen[ in full of ull tiumti ucured by ihis S��:urirv Mwtrumcnt,�.cndcr shall promptly refund to Borrowcr any ''•r:�nis�=1::- <br /> , �--�� <br /> • �� .. Funds held by Lender. If,under parngruph 21.Lencier shall acquire nr xeil the Pmperty,Lender,prior w the ucyuitiition��r � � <br /> � sale of the Property, shall upply am Funds held by Lender ut thc time of acquisition or xale as u credit aguinst the surns �..,,_x�,_._�•°'" <br /> . ., securedby this Security Instrumcnt. rr,._---_ <br /> � „��,r}:;.;:. <br /> ,� _ 9. AppNcation uf Payments. Unlcss applicabh 1•r��• pmvidrs uthen�i.e. ull payment: reccived hy Lendcr undrr _ <br /> , , .,,�;.. <br /> � , pnrngrnphs I nnd 2 ahaC hr upplied:tirx�,to uny �+repaymenl charges duc under thc Nutc;,ccond,tu umuunt:payable under .,_,.. �._ <br /> ' paragraph 2;third,to interest duc;founh,to principal due:und latit,to any lute churgex due under the Nalc. .,arzia�i <br /> �, Cha�es: Uens. Borrower shull pay ull rrxes, ayacssments, churges, fincs and impositiom at[ributnble a� thc _ <br /> pro�eny which may uttain priorit}nvcr�his 5MUrily Instrument.and Ieusehold puynxn�.r•ur FrounJ renls,if;u�y. Borrower <br /> �'''�c=`�„:;. <br /> , shall pa}•thrse obligutions in th�m:inner providcd in paragraph 2.�x if not puid in thut m�mner.Borrowcr shull pay them on � ' `. �;�^, <br /> ` „ ��t., , lime direcdy to Ihe pe�son owrd payment. Bortowcr+hall prompd�•1'urnish to Lendcr all nwircy of airxwnts to bc puid undcr . <br /> ' � .<��=: this paragrnph. If EiorPOw•er muMe.these payments Jirerdy.Bormwer xhull�prompUy t'umish to Lcndcr rercipts evidenci�g ti . -� <br /> .• .4 •:,,. .. . , the payments. t�'S���'�__— <br /> .��,' .. . <br /> t '" Botrower shull promptly di.rrhar�e any licn which has priorit}�over thix S�suri�y Imtruinent unlcs;Borrower:(al ugrees .�. <br /> � ° in wrsting to the payment of�he nh9i��ation s��urcd by the lien in;�manncr arccptable to Lend�r:lbl conte�ts in Kuod fai�En�he , . %;�s!;�;:`; <br /> lien by,or defends ugainst enforremcnt of the licn in.IeF•rl pnx�tiJinF+which in the Lender:.opinion operute to prcvent Ihc , � . <br /> ' enforcement of the lien;ur(c)secure+ 1'rom the hddcr ut'the lien an ugrcrment s:ui+i'actory to Leixier sutx��dinaling ihe lien t �• • <br /> i`• to this Security Insuumem. If l.ender de�erminrs that any pan ot'Ihe Propeny i�wbject h�u lien which m•ry uuuin priority ' <br /> uver this Security Insuumenl.Lender may givc Borruwer a noiice idenlifying thc lien. Hutrower shall.utisfy�he licn or tuke � ;.��• <br /> , . • one ur more of thc actions sci fanh:�Fn�v.within 10 days of thc giving of noticc. � . .. <br /> 5. Hozard nr Properly IosiarA�ce. Borruwer.hull keep thc improveimnt,ni►w�ex���ing on c�real'tcr en�ted un Ihe f <br /> ''' ' ' ' �. • � Propeny insured uguin.�losx by fire,hazard�included within thr trrn►"extcnded coveruge"and�ny other hazards,including � <br /> '•,��:, .�;�' � tloods or flaating, for which Lender n�yui�rs in+ua►nce. Thi+ insumnce �hall Ix� muintuined in ihe amounts und tu: the � <br /> � ,� :, <br /> .� <br />,• <br /> • . Form3028 9/90 qwRt:u/npu¢rsi � <br /> . ; <br /> ��If:��. _ ', �"'�� ._ , ' . • • <br /> �•� �; <br />` , ';�,.,. <br /> , �' <br /> ,1 . <br /> ' � <br /> i <br /> �__ _ _ __ <br />