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i• �. � G r����l-• i, . - i .•.-�•i:-.: • ; .�,-l'} . .. •.��.. <br /> . c _ r •i' ,. ..!'1� �' .'.7i'• , n'ti' /i�� . r..h:' � � ;:--- - <br /> 1•� r� a ,•�- . `��. ,�,; -. k � . �I .tMt.N, -�,,_,��,`,,.,f1�yy� � i.;...�..:./raV :.. <br /> � � MM,�t+./�49�f��� ,�� ' ��Ef�yil�Yfl�k1�,M1 G ; '�1� " •`M�II �S'�ii.,Mw^""�"�.z--..S,p.F"' __ ' •ve�vi�r�,v.�f... <br /> 's!rflY�iWYR'�.�M•.7-.»�:G', NEL:. . .; ��N"fW . �"�T"rir�__.... <br /> . ..� ,,,.,�1�!l�IM. ..�,. _ �,.rs.� , .. ..��- <br /> � .S . ..�.�...�. •�..r.aar.r ._..._ _ "_ .__-. °-'— .,�.—"_ <br /> ' , .1';:.i' . ' , � -_ <br /> .� ..., .� � �? .._. <br /> .��r,�•r..��,� _ .. _. . . <br /> L-._.__ . . —__.. <br /> � ° �i � ����y 9],,,,,. 1024 i 0 - <br /> .� M ���NM���������� <br /> `'' �t+ (�1 D�twN,i.a�da mty.e�caept a Urtdtcd by n�uWioat issued by Ihe 3ectewY in dte ca�e of paYmrnt def�uUs,requita <br /> � . .' � : itua�odbtte payRxa!!0 full ot dl sums�ecured by tWt Sxudty I�utrument if: �_°,_,°.��--_--• <br /> . .;..., ,:� r ,.��� Ih BorroKer defaults by t�Uln�to pay in full wy mathly WYmd1!roQuUed by tMs Sxurity Inurumeat prlor to w on -- <br /> _.(.7fi.•:...,a;r�•��� 1�10 d110 lkl0 Ot lb0!1!�IIIQqI�y piyfI1C111�Of <br /> . '�" �•.�_, ��: li�atbrocoat�i�edinlhisSecudty ... <br /> �; ,..� ..�::r � (U18ocrowa det�ults by f��ro�.pertoa or�y a.��to perFona any dher o6 ,-: - -__ _ <br /> � +�?.w;.�i�'���" ..��,.� '��� lq�truuKat. �`'_ <br /> ;,':;a�' . � l�)&de WYM�t(�e111 A�pnwal.l.eoder tl� pamittad b!'�ppiic�6le bw ond Mith We prior rpprovd of tUe Sectewy.roquiro -- <br /> . � _ . _. . : ���i�IWI of all 1he wa�sacwed by tdic Security Insttumeai lf: �=..�•..•y.�-a��.__�x: <br /> , .�.,a{ji�.�t-;•,.>•M. --=" <br /> ' • (i)All ar p�t of tho I'raperty L alhawfso tranfa�ad(aha Ilua bY devl�e ar by Qa Bortoaer.aod s�<<.:,m--__� <br /> .,.:.; . • e.�ss*�::y.-,�:��r�Yer <br />--���-_— .'•;.•:,. � •. (�1�ThO PI�IEIIy IS DO!ODl11PfEd by tI10 pY1�lliCi Q gftIKOQ Y�f Of IIC7 fCi�f.7q[.af(11t�Oi - ---- _ <br />�--.,- 1''�l� •+ �pp!{OOt f0 UOG�IhQ P(OplllY blt�f Of�f CfCd��IIC�b0E0� '����Of(hQ SECIiJ1Yy <br /> i:+ � _ <br /> ';�,'y' �..1 �_ <br /> `r.'' `� •...�-.. . . (c)No Wwlt�.If cimuast�aas accw that would permit Lender ta roquire Immcd[atepayment in full.but Lendcr d�oes not <br /> �'.'` � require auch payraeat:. Lender doa not w�ive fts�hu wlth respcct to:ubsequent everxa. _ _ <br />� z : .�..�,�.. .:. . - <br /> '�``; �' (�1 Re�UoM ot HIJD 8ec�et� mAay circumstuioa re�Uom Issued by the Secraary witt W�ote 4.euder'a ci� -- <br />����';n� . '�. � the c�sa of p�ymenc defaulta,to roquira immedluc p�ymmt in fuQ�ad i'oreclose if na paid.T6is Soce�c�,7 tvs�nwa�.does _ <br /> } '.,-. .�,.;•,�� : aot authorize oaoelentfon or foreclaua ii�ot permittad by reQuluioas of theSecaarY• .V._ <br />+,w,;s'�.:.,�,� .�::Jl�.n...�,....u•,t. °.�.,.- <br />�,. <br /> +•,•�. _ `� ip. fidr�un■e�W 13orrower hu a ri�ht to be reinst�ted if Lcnder hus ��uiced irnmediate pa5rmeut in fuU bec�use o£ �:_--�-- - <br />'�$ ��..� :,:..c„y:}t.::� � ..,z..,u <br /> f;�l.;a't Borrower a faelu�e 4o pay u� �mount due uader che Note or this SecurHy Inur►maeat•'l�i+ni�ht+Fd�es even atter toreclosane _�:�___ <br />,T y��? • ' .: Proaedioja ue imnautod.To rciastate the Socu�ity Insuummt.eonorru shaU tetder in a IuaD sum all a�ooanu required to �� <br /> t,:... �. ' � • . bna�Hwrupe�'s t,ra�uat curtent includina,to che exteat they are obliRaaams ot Borro+Ye+uakr�his Serurity tasuumear►. ---- -i ----- <br />,� ,,,�;• fareeJoaurc oosts and rason�ble aad custonw�ry attomeY's fees aad expenses propat} associated wy�h the ioreclosuce --_—�— <br /> t . ";;;,>,.�, �;.�: pnooeedin�.Upon rolnstataneat by BoROwrr.tUis Security lasuumrnt�nd tAe obligadons thw¢!t 9ecura shalt renwin ia eii'ect as <br /> ';�;�;:�;�%��k�••: ii 4e+�der had aot reQuired immedi�te payoueat ia fuU.Horever,d.ens.+sr is not required ca pe�,mia rcinsuuement if:(il Leoder has r��F'=< _- <br /> tti:.s;.+�,.,,t �'•- <br />;.: .. , i�;�:,.,,,�; �pt� ��t aRer the commeacenxat of Porecloswae proceedioQe within t�o �r�us immediately preced'eng the � � , .. <br /> � �� ;"7i•��';��'.`� commenammt ot a current foreclosurc pro�eedin�, (Ul reimta�r:r�eat will.�rreclude fotaclosure oa diitercnt grouAds in the <br /> � � � � ` '� future.or(ii�l reuut�tement wUl Adversely aifect the prloritY pJ 1:'K��•'s�ze.�by ihis SSe¢udty(osirumeac. <br /> . u <br /> . . ,,;, �," ���. <br /> ::; '..s.;�? 11.Borrows*!�oa 62tkuedi Forbe�raroe Bq I.erder No!n 61�'�ctee�sian of the time oi paymen;o�:�odification of �:'�•:`'?�u^`� <br /> :.if ir., <br /> � �,��1. a�aortiution of tke sums ucured by this Security lnstrumrnt gramud�y Lender to+my sucassor ia i�tercs[ol Horrower shall nat ,• :?r��- _ <br /> '?'�"��f��f o rate ro rckase�he IiabUity of Ihe ori�inal Borrower or Bc�:rowar's Jwues+or in intercst.Lmder ahall not be rcquired to ' '��� � _.- <br /> � �1;:;',..,Yy,� Pe <br /> . • ;•.�,•�;;,}•'.._�;,�, commeace praceedina a�inst any auccessor in interest or refuse to extmd tlrne for ymeat cf otherwlx modffy�unoniratioo v�. <br /> . ��t�4•t•;. n�S�, of the sum� secured by �his Secu�ity Instn�ment by reason of aAy demand made by the oriyinal Borrawer or Borrower's ' � �°"!'�,� <br /> � .;jZ°�.t•��j; cucceswrs in interqt.My fbrbearana by Lender in eurci�•any rl��s�t or remedy shaU na be a waiver of or preclude the ' � , � <br /> —--,- �r ;r.�,�;-;-• txrnL•e of astp ritht or sduedy. —�,-:::� � . <br /> " • ��i��:;.`� �Yr . <br /> . . DZ.S�eewon od Aad�ss Bw�dt Jolrt wd 3ereral Wa6Wtg;C�•S)paers.7'he covenanaa and agramcnts of this Securi�y , I;: z s�w.+' <br /> • ,�, ,,. Insuument thall bind�nd beneflt the succasors and atsigns of LeAdet and Borrower,wbjat to the provisfons of paragrapfi 9.b. s!�°�- <br /> ' '� ' Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Borcower who co-si�ns Ihis 5ecudty in�trument but does ��'�`������ <br /> 1' ��r�s'":-:��rr-.._�.__�—. <br /> • oot execute the Nate:(a)is co-aiQning this Securily Inctrument only to mo►t�age.gnnt aad convey tM4t Horrower's interat in �u1� <br /> ,;:;;� the Property under�he terms of this Secudty In�trumenr,(b)is not personaUy obligated topay the sums secured by thia Security f����'` <br /> "y`�1:iY:; <br /> ��' �. Inatrumrnt; and (c) agras that Lender and uny othcr 8orrower may agree to extrnd, modify, forbear or make any �r_..,.,�---_. <br /> ' • aceommodadons with reQud to the term of this Security t�atrumeoc or the Note v�mhout th�t Bonower's consent. ,...iY�f.`►�'�;�„=•=� <br /> �. :...,� } . �. <br /> . . .�m_— <br /> � ;,:�E_.s- <br /> ' 13.Noticei.Any notice to Borrower providtd for in this Security Inatrument ahall be giren by deBvering it or by m�ilin�it by • .+.�� <br /> � first class m�l unless appUwble Iaw requircs use of another method.The notice shall be dhected lo the Propeny Address or any r -�r-.�� : <br />� other addras Borrower dai�nates by notice to Lender.Any notice ro Lender shall be givenby first class mail to Lender's addrcss _ <br /> �� stated hercin or any addras Lender daignaia by naice to Borrower.Any noUce provided for in this SecuNty Instrument shWl ' <br /> , � . . ..a�+i+•-._R_,,.,- <br /> be deemed to Iwve been�iven to Borrower or Lendcr when�iven ac provided in thh pan�aph. .;;;_;�;��,• .`,`-.� <br /> • :y1't+�}-t t• <br /> � 1�,Co�e+�ie�L�w;SererwbWtf.This Security Instrumcro shali be governed by FMeral law and the law of the juNulictioa iim ' '�;;��fl ... . .-- _ <br /> ' '` - which the Property is the event that any provf�fon or clouse of thic Sxurity Ins�rumeni or the Note conflicts with a�- 4 � �- •'�•`�'�` %�=t� <br /> ' p l i c a b l e law,such canflia ahall not affect other rovislons af this Securit lnstrument or the Note which can be given effece `"���:5'�,�::�;'�`��'--�., <br /> P Y 1" p,. •),F�' ,rr- <br /> • without the conNdin rovision. To this end the provision: of thh Security im�nimm� an d t he Note a�e dec l u e d to b a �r q f!,Ei•�,�;�;;y�t�{ �''` � <br />� Q P f`r:?,"�;��;��9, �LS�,.. <br /> , ' ,�. • seve�ble. �,1,�.;.fn�?,, ,�..:,_ <br /> a ` ' <br /> � �'`:" I5.Boirower'i Borrower shall be wen one conformed co of this Secudt Instrument. ���'-t=�! `+���" �_e'. <br /> CoYf- Q PY Y ��}r;�.t�• �: �I�. <br /> �"•�;,;' ;t,;14::{a:..i �-;�;.-� <br /> - � 16.Ad��e�t of Re�p.Bortower un�rondiuonally assfgne and tranaters to Lender tll the rents and revenur of the Property. � <�. -_-�;,;�,.,_: <br />• � • ';..•, � .. <br /> . ;� Horrawer authoriza Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents and revenua and hereby dirats each tenant of the Property --�*�-• <br /> �',�;�.,. - to pay the rents to L.nder or Lender's agents.However,prior to Lender's notia to Borro�et o!Borcowea s hreach of any cove- <br /> �'�,;�,:�,, � <br /> :'s, , • �. , nant or agrtement in the Secudry Instrument,Borrower shall collect and reeeive all rents ancB revenues of tC��IProperty as trustee <br /> - � ' '��� � ' for the bmefit of Lender ond Borruwer.This assi�nmem of rencs cons�iao�es aa absolute usignmen[and�a�e an assiQnme�c(or = ., <br /> "`;r�;'�.�„.,.. additionv security only. <br /> '1��':;`{I},r,r;1{, ., <br /> ''' �� �?;' If Lender Qives notice af breach�o BorroKer:l a)all rents recru�e3�p 8.rrower shall be held by Bonower as OQUStet for tcnetoa <br /> `''1}�;���.`� � • ,� oi Lenda only,to bs applied to the sums secutM I�y Ihe Security Ins[rumens;(hl Lender sFall be entitkd Is+collnt and receive all <br /> : f,��!��:.��.;`;s of�he rents of the Propeny:and k)each tenu:t oi�he Propeny shall pa>ald rrnts due and unpaid to Lcnder or Lender's aaent <br /> '!7�;f,' �.,:,;r; on Lender's written dcmmd ro the tenam. <br /> :.;., -,.,.�:.�; ,. .. ,• • <br /> '��,,°'�� ;�S!�: ; •� �; Borrower has not caecuted any prior assi�nment of Ihe rrnts and has not and will no[�rrfi�:n ao�y a�that would prevent ,. , <br />�-� �"'1:.',��';;� ''•' ':.� ' Leader trom exercising its riph4s under this na�ugraph 16. <br /> ;�f�;, i,� :��;. �.:.:"; <br /> .�����;;•r;�� ,��t,,t;: :��, Lender shall nai be required tQ encer upv-r..:akt control ot or mwntain the Propeny�Cet�;e aT a`:er���e.g nutice of breurh�o . . <br /> � ' ' Borcower.Ha�eu�:r,�ender or a�udw-ial:�,aprointed recriver may du so s�t uny ume thert as a Q�xac' Ace.��plic��ion of rentt , <br /> �• shall not carc�ar�..utie any default or�a�a<<�tatr any other right or remedy of Lender. Thr.a<s���r.eertt ot r�nts of the Property <br /> " , s6all term�nate Rt4em the deln+ecared try clR¢Security Instrument is p�id in fult. <br /> � . . ' <br /> � <br /> l�rr���,�a f <br /> . � - - --- -- -- <br />