_ .._.._-r
<br /> .. _ ,T ". ___
<br /> - � .. -a+�'n--.
<br /> 'I1t➢'a�M�`.., .:F -. �'�y. . • — '-
<br /> •,.z.+„•-: - - • - . --
<br /> ..'�y zt; , ..�
<br /> � �,ar, .. .._.
<br /> �. ►::_, :,,., , �;.. 91-- i0240'7
<br /> `�''i�� .�A , c��ndemnAiiun ur cNhcr tuking ui�uiy part ol�h�:Prcipcny.or fc►r cunvcyuncc in licu af rwakmnaiiun,urc Iwmby u.,i�ned unJ --
<br /> ,''� �Iwll l+r p:+id tu Lcndcr. ---- ----�—
<br /> In �he evcm �fi u �oial tukinR of ihc Fmpcny.�he prcKeed+ .hull tx appllcd tu the �umti �ccured hy Ihl+ Security
<br /> _.s'�„r In.��unxm,whc�hcr or n�N then due,with uny cxce�r p��iJ���Banr�wcr. 1��hc cvem��f u�rtiul�al.ing uf thr F'ropeny in
<br /> -'' ` which Ihe fnir murkc�vuluc ut'Ihe Pmperty immcdiu�cly beiore Ihc�akinR i�ryuul t��or�:natcr�hun�hc u�m�un�uf Il�e yums
<br /> ° .1' � �..`."�°,-��: •` �ccurcd by Ihi�S�YUrity In.�rument immediutcly bcl�nrc�hc tak inK.unlr..Hurn►u•cr und Lendcr uthcr���i��ugrec in writing.
<br /> > . �he .um��e�:ured hy�hi.Securily In.irumem �hull Ix� reduced hy �hr amnunl��f tFu prixeed�muUiplkd hy �hc li►Ilowin�t
<br /> '.' i'��'�.' fractian: lai the talnl um�wn�of thr�um��ecured imme�liutely I�efoR the la{,in�.dividcd hy Ihl the f'uitnturkcl valuc uf Ihc
<br /> _ .� ....,.s;.=~_.'
<br /> �•_- n- -- -
<br /> :. � .:�;��,'+:':,:� �,� • Pmpeny immcd{�tely tx�fae Ihc tuking. Any balumti shnll ha�piiiJ �a H��rmwcr. In thc cvent �t a puniul tuking��f i ic _
<br /> '-.; `¢;,,;_,.,;�.�-. Property in which thc 1'uir murkel vuluc oi ihc Pn�peny immcdiatcly t+ei��re�he �uling i. Ic�.thun ihe amuum uf Ihe tium.
<br /> �.� "',�Gr. �ecured immed{utcly t�efore the tukinF,unl�ti+ B�im�wer und Lender othrnvi+c a�ree �n wri�in�:or �xde.+ upplicaMr luw• _
<br />— otfherwi.�ptuvide!�.�he proceedx�hull be upplied la the tiums xe�uRd by thir Ser.urit��In�truniam wheUtcr i�r n��t�hc rums u�
<br />—•=_ �,:�?�:x'c';-�• ' the�►duc. - --
<br />�su;�� •.:., „�.Y.,•.. :
<br /> �:..1,-.r . [f the Pto(xYty ic uband�ned by Bormwer.ur if.ufuv maicc by Lcnder to BoROwer thut 1hc r�malcn�nor uCfc�w a�mukc
<br /> .� ^• �• ,�''::' •rrt av�:uti c�.rule a cfaian fnr damage�.&xrov►��r 1'ail.,w n.�spnnd lo Lendrr wilhiu �11 Juy+ulier Ihe dute thr nnticr i+given. T
<br /> , . ,;:� dx- -ct.�li. :u its u tiun.�ither tu ro,ui�u�ii�n or r��u�ir ul �hc I'm�xny ur to�hc i�-;i.,�� _
<br /> l.��wkr iti uutharezcd tu�vlk�c-t arnt:�plY [mx r
<br /> � .� ...�:,� :, ����"'�-
<br />� . , uum.xti un.�ci Liy�his Srcurity �n5trwreen�wRedter cM ncx th��i due. s,�a„�,,-_ -
<br /> i��.; �;.�.,•..� :-�'�
<br /> � �� : Unles. Lcndcr and B��rrowrr�xtx�wix:�n.>e in writing, any upplicutiun uf pnxccJs ti�principal.hull not cx�end i►r
<br /> �pon�the dur dute ut'ihe munthly paymcnt.nfc�n�!tu in parugruph+ I an�!'�x clt:�n�e Ihr umu�ml ��f�uch payment�. �
<br />'�'��'' -"s!'�''�''-�'-� ll. Borrow•er Not Released; Fa�be�ree Bv Lender Not a Wai.err. Extrmiun uC thc iinx fur paymem or �;��.
<br /> �., �
<br /> -_;��!.� .��.�:,•:,;;.
<br /> +�,�, modification��f umoniru�i�n i�f�he.uxex.tiecun�i b��hi+S��urity Inurum�nt�tr.,uieed by Lrnct�r to;�q•uc:c.+ur in imen�[ ,�tj
<br /> ''' r ���° uf Bormwcr yhull not operule�o rcicax tM[iabi[ih•uf thr uriginat B�wmNer or BocsoHer:,u�-�t�.u�n in int�n�t.Lender ��.���.�.-_
<br />�_„ ;'• —
<br />�F. � ._ —=
<br /> � °�d-:':�., ��r ,hall nrn he rc uireJ w cununeurn <<x�ti�din �u :uct:t:� �u�titi-++cx en entere+t ,x n t'uK iu cxtenci ucn�:tor pa�ment uc `
<br />�sI,'�;'��^ �.'��:';, .,. �aherwiu m�xilly amuni�ulion of�heP um5 w�:�by ahi,S�ruricy In�truenrnt b?r�a>cm of an �km:u�clm:�k by the originat t� ,ei_.
<br /> ) �.��--�� '-
<br />�'`�`''; _.`: " Bormwcr i�r Hnrmwer;,ucrex�on in interc,t. Any Fi►rErr•rr,u��by Lerod�r in ex4�re.,�ns:my nght or rem�d�•hat{not 1�a �`,a:,�, --
<br /> � , ' ,r' ;�-;� >:':,,�
<br /> .� wuiver af or prerlude the rxerri+c uf uny right ur rcm��y. 1:1 r'�ii�rc.�`:,;-
<br />�,,,�. • tl 12. Sueceswrs and A�igns Bound:Joiat and tie��eral Liabiiil�;t'u-si�a�ees. ;6tc co�•c�wn�. an�! agn:�e�,c�e:���f[hi. �,�+��r�r,.:��_.�,.�
<br /> ° Securi��� Ins�rumem+hull hincl und heneGt the+uccc.xnn und :�.>ign���f Lrndev un�F Bormwcr.�ubj�c�tu�he.prT�i�ioa.�*E' --•�; —c�.
<br /> �, . , � psuugraph 17. Burravrr's covenum.und aRreemrnls.hull be j�►int aa�l •��•eral.Any BoRUwer ��•ho l'0-�I�Oti��11ti SNlll'{IL\ .�t.:r�,C�1�;'7;I'✓'tl:;.,i,_,,_
<br /> 6�s�rument hu�J�xx no��xecute�he Note: lul i.co-si�ning�hi�Securit� In.�rumrrn�+nly to mon�uge.grunt und ronvcy th:iz I ;+S�1F)�/�'�'Nr 1•..,
<br /> ' i��(1.tC'C�1�r.t�71,Yi::`-.
<br />•. ': " . Bortr►wer;intetc.l in the Ro�xny unde�the�emn of thi,Securi�y Imtrumem: l h►i.not penunally nhliEuteJ tu puy the+um� ' ;;.:�..�:�,�.•M.:.�'='
<br /> � } ��,. � • u�curcd by thi�Sccurity Imttument:und Icl ugrces�hat L�ndcr und any o�her R��rmwer may ugme to uxicnd.m«fify,forlxar _Gn:_�_��
<br /> Y • �� ' or muke uny :K:comm�xiudnns wilh rrgnrd to the ierm� uf�hi� Security Inxlrumeni or �he Nole will�ut �hut Borrower's ��
<br /> ., ;�
<br />� �. . • _, ... . � ., , ainrent. � _.-
<br />•f`;��; ,� ,•`..�:..�'• 13. Loan Cha��. If Ihc loan +ecured hy this Security (n+tn�mcnt i, .ubject �o n I�iw which,�tr muximum li�u� �_':'.
<br /> �%' � . • •• ,. .. churge�.•rixl thul luw i+linully inlemrrled.0 thu�the imem����r rnher lo:ui ci�w�.r.�oil��s.d or tci hc eollcrted in connectir.n ---
<br /> ' �•' � ��'� '� with the loun rtcceJ Ihe pemii��ed limils.Ihen: lu1 uny�uch loan char�e,hall hr rrJuccd by�he ami�u�u necr.snq�to reduce �-�_�
<br /> . , �, ��' � • �he rhur�e u�the Exaniurd limit:and(hl+�ny�um�alrtndy colleded t'mm Born��vrr which excerdeJ permit�ed limi�s will be ���,Y..
<br /> � � ,"� .' ;,I,;:_';:.. refunded ti�Hom�wer. Lender muy rhiwse to mnkr Ihi.rel'uiul hy nducing ihe rrincipal o+�•eJ under t he Noie or by mi�kinF si �,�,�„�-
<br /> . �,'-�,,' : � ; ' direct payment a�Born���•er. If+i relund reduces prinri�l.Ihe trductian will t+e Ire�ICd us n pnninl hrcpuymem wilhnul any �:---.--.
<br /> ��s^_!mr�^'
<br /> . .�,. ,'"• '" prepaymentchurgewidcr�he Nota �'''`.,..-„�`
<br /> ' '; 1•1. Notices. Any nntice a� Nom►�vrr pru�•ided i'or in thi,Securiiy� In.�rumrnt.hull lm�i��cn hy deli��crinE il or by c'-�;`., '�����-
<br /> i.� � � ��y_._
<br /> , ' • , mailin i�b �1h1 CIA��I11UII UOIC��U(1�)IIl'illlll•IU1V R��IIItCS U�0 0l'uni�Iher meth�xl,The ncitice,hull he diRCted to Utr Pro�xrty �.�,'__�';v-:..
<br /> , . �� . . AJdrcE�rc nny othcr s�Jdrc"Burro��•cr dc+ignatc+by notire to Lrnder. An�• natice to l.cndcr,hull M gi���n by tint clu+� . . .;�;�V
<br /> � ^�.'' muil to LenJcr;uddre„+wtcd hrrein ur im�•u�hcr:�ddrc„Lcnalrr dr,i�:na�c.I,y ni,tirc 1��Rorci���rr. .1n�• noiicc pra�•idcd lix tr+, . , ;��,_..,
<br /> , ',�,�' � ,' .. " �. ;,' . •i1 +hull tx drrnxd In ha��� Ixcn�i�rn tu Hurru��rr nr Len�lcr when givca +u pravidcd 'In Ihi� �',��,a�;;;�,;:_="�'�:
<br /> in Ihi• Sccuri�y In m►m�i
<br /> ����:.
<br /> �, :..� : .� � parugruph. ,+::�u.-:n��.�--
<br /> . • 15. Gu�•erninR I.ax•; Se��erubfUt�•. 'I'hi� Sccu�i�y 4rtrument ,hull he �nvcmed hy federal Iau� und tlir luw of the �,f,m� • -•—
<br /> . � ., juriuiic�ion in�vhirh thr 1'n��xny i,I�k,i�cJ. In thr c��rm Uiat uny pn►vi�iuii�x cluuyc�,t'thi�Sccuriiy Inz�niment ur ihr No�c °,'�'rh+�►� �.,- -
<br /> • � . � . con0icta wilh upplicublc Inw�..uch runtlic�,h:dl nul aClc�t��ih�r provi,iun.ut ihi.ti�rurity In,lnumnt ix thc Notc��•hich can
<br /> . ,,''�" � t�given el'leci �vi�hou� the conllirtin�:provi.ion. Ti► Ihi+ cnd Ih� priwi.iom ul ihi,kcuril�• Im�rument:md �he Nole a� :;+._�.t�.�^�•_<_�—
<br /> .s.`--
<br /> , '''� d��lurrd lu ix,rvcrublc. +' ���' ;,'--
<br /> .. 16. Ifnrrow•er's('up��. liurro��•cr�hull tx�i�•cu une cunti�mi�d cupy u1�h�Nute anJ��f thi,Securi�y In.wmem. .'�� �r..� -_
<br /> '-' � 17. 7'ronsfer of the rrnperty or u Ileneficiul Interetit in Norrow•er. If all i�r nny�ah of�hc Prup�rt}'or any intcr�+t in � -_
<br />. • it i.,i�ld or tnm.tcrrrd lur il'u tkncliriul intcrr.t in Num�����r i,���Id ar Irun�IcrrrJ+uid I�urn��scr i.nut a nuiural{xnun� , _
<br /> , • . . wilhout Lrnder;prior��•riurn run+rnt.Lcndcr m�q•.at i�.��+tiun.rcquin immcdi�ur paymcnt in full��I ull.um.,cru�tJ hy ; � : .�n�_,. _._.-
<br />;:. : • ; . ' thi.Sccurity Instrumcn�. Hu��'ever.this uption.hull rnu t+r c�crci�cd by L�nJrr il'crctti��c ix pn�l�ibil��d hy feJcrrl luw u�ol' �':: ,. . . .,�,_
<br />.. . - �hc datc of thi,5ccuri�y In,trumcnl. ' �' :s''•':
<br /> • ' • If Lendcr rxcrcisr.thi,��plion.l.cnckr.h;dl�!i��c Norn�wcr naticc ul+�crrlcrutiun. Tl�r notirc�hall providc a�:riixl��I. ` '. '•;:};: ;.._-
<br /> � �4i�.�.:��..
<br /> - , - . .' . . nu1 Irs,lhan�11 Juys frum the dutc�hr notirr i.Jelivend u�maileJ a�iihin��•hich H„rro���r mu.t pay all.um.+ecured h���hi+ ,t.::.
<br /> . ' � Sccurity In�trumenl. 11'Ran���vrr 1'ail. io puy Ihcx .um,prior to thr rtpir:ui�m ul' thi, �ri�xl. Lcndcr mu�� invukc any
<br /> , ':,. remedics�xnniucJ hy Ihi.Security In+trument��ithrnu iuAhcr nolirr��r drmamil nn florru��r�. ,
<br /> .,,...
<br /> ' 18. Itorrower's Ri�hf lo Reinstate. U' R�►m��ccr mcct. rrrtain r�mdi�ion,. Bu�ri►���rr •h•rll havr Ihe ri�xh� tu huvc
<br /> ;�,,. '.-., y � � enforcemea+t uf�hi.ticrurity In+ltvmenl di.r�mtinurJ :u:im t imr pri„r���Ihc�•arlicr��1`. i:u 5 Ja��� �nr �urh�+thcr peri�xl a,
<br /> '::,':�� . tiroglel:umh••F'unnle\1uc�FredJlr�lucl�IF11R�t1\til'NI �IF:��I'..I�nd���mt'u��via�x� 4�4fl �pu¢i��,/���ti�er•�
<br /> 'io�_��: • �
<br /> ': _ ;`r,;;,:i,; . . _,5 1
<br /> i,. •i; ,1� ,• . .t r j i
<br /> ., ��'y,'
<br /> _•,�� `i:- � �5. . {� I�•i: ,... a ttt�..,_....... . ,
<br /> ��. t � �e}'�j�� . . . , . . . � i��ir.-'��{�ti:�� \ylr. . _ .
<br /> A! r-.�.. .�.�j�� ,-),u-I � � r�- . , , . .�'. C'•,7 � ��}� S
<br />. , !.E ff, ,111rE�1•i;, t.t: r. , . . � . . . . • i..,. . ,
<br />` .'u.' . , , •i �}�`�;'� . � , : . ' ' • . ,:�' ';� . ' - '
<br /> - ' �:,.Y.t - . � . , '�� ... . .. . . ' .
<br /> _ __'l.-..o�'-, .. , . . ,
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