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. �:. <br /> '�:`� �. .� •s '� .` -_ <br /> _ : ' .., �� , � . �y ..,� �-�! ,. <br /> y� . r.. -- ._... ... '- - — -. _ <br /> "�.' , ' • ' • � , _ + � � ., , - - --- _.`�-� :� � -- <br /> -=� -`-�'.s:.:aXtR�� . - .� - ..�_ • .� � • � . . .. <br /> 9�' �o�s <br /> � <br /> ��g(��p. Hi i 001 PBA • <br /> --_- �IONAU.YBNlY'�IP�sB�:tW Micjtael D. Pauli,alc and Sssbara 8. Pa�l�+cic� eaclf im hLs <br /> ar�d h�r a�n right, ard as apou�e of ea�ch athar, <br /> -'_,�--�=-- -, �- <br /> ,� --- Yatl�p.rMtliraMarrw.boriirMMAdtYt�d <br /> ikie�hl� �hnnw.v,el Feur �rod:+�d Fiftv��p/100 <br /> - lori b tiM wiodNo��S''1'b B�Wb�IIY�ad I.c�AsoolNbn d'C,n�d I�had.tiabral��.Mo��/�.�aw �w af rlodd <br /> -:,•_.; aW A1SOL7A710N.Catifirals No.�I FHA .do h�t�b�r pt�t.ooNwY hed awtl�ye a�o W al/ASSOGA710N IM tob�i� <br /> �r,,�,r — iiaMi wd w4u.itwW M!W Cowy.l�ai�: <br /> ��..���� <br /> � IQt Pbur (�). in Slock Six (6). Morris Fourth Adc9itian to the City of Gzand Island, Ball <br /> Ootmty. l�le�r�asic�►. <br /> r.. <br />.I1�> �' . <br /> �.X.i . <br /> _ _c__ 'L ;H;1Af'�:,"C!�► . , , _..-_.- <br />� , ��;. ` ..:., �r,e_ ,+ .. . � ' -- <br /> t rt��r.�c.7�i..•.t+�' •:1 —_ <br /> ,f: t»..�`:!"S.�iA�+�1;� !i <br />.-:.•''�� ��,��,��'i��y'•�';+ �'_. <br /> ��A7 <br /> !lf" <br /> .. `�'ZC.` <br />_ '_ .��..' .�.:�. <br /> .j•. <br /> ~' ; �w�� �!. � <br />..yi;\2/.' r e/'' F'. � �•� <br /> . ..•, • tapha �vi� aY t6� �a�emen�s.hnedum�aa aad�ppu�oes lhe�euMa i�nh+�n MdudL�.uad�ed Iioor oowrirp.a0 wmdow�wreNt. _Fw'_ <br /> .. .;+� �' �ri�doN dt�as.Winds,�tas wY�doMa.arr�i�s.hqli�.�6 oonditionine,ad pV4ual�ing and wNa eqnip�ronl aed�ooworia lbenb.Pwnp,�to�ts. -- <br /> - ' -_` �,�,, �° sd�lars.sad olha lixt�es assQ�aasr os haraSl�alsachsd!a as vsc�ir.cor.�tirn rvfUs�fd ssa!sslate. , <br /> �i,�:�a:r• � <br /> ,� �.•,•., . .t And NMaw the nid mo�tppK hn a�eed and doas her.:6y agee Ila1 tUe m�x��a�x sh�U and wiU p�y �U laza aad�b kvied or ,y s, <br /> , '+'A iw���� :" „ ,• a�es�ed upor add premi�es�ad upoa thb ruo�tpae and the bond se�wed�he+e�y befure the ame dull beoome detinquenl:to fir�hh�pp�ad <br /> .;..:�i}r' � ". : id_ ��.�����'l�� i�uu�snet Ybabuildinpo�saWprembeidtmtedlnlbewmofS p���r, t�� �a able lo aid ASSOCIA770N �.d addiwr/o aid , `=`-� <br /> m upon y <br /> ;;�'1 � ,,,;.��L tiC•�', „ ;, ASSO(.'IA7101�4 tl4a puikin fa afd iroua�x:�nd nW lo oommH a pa�a'Rf a't��sstr nn or aMm1 ssid premimr, <br /> ± �`;.� - �'�.I.a 1�me of defiutl in Ihe perGnmance danr uf 1he lerms and rnndilk�ns uY tl�is morlgage ur Il�e 6u�d �ecued hereby.ll�e malp=ae siup. �- <br />_U..� i ;.k�=:�:a. ^�.��;"s�:: oa dem�nd,6e e�tilkd ta�anedisle puaesifon of 1he mortpEed Premix� anil Ihe nrorl�tagm IKahY wi�ns.transfen wd uts orer to IYe �.,�:;.� <br /> • a tnortg,�ee ill tMe rents.revenua snd inoome lo be derhrd fiom the morlp�ted�remises du�Ght wch time�s the mort�e indebtednesf ttall�em� ��:- <br />_!� • �^'°.��•.. `'�. 1' Ylpiid;and lhe morlsa�ee dnll luvo Ihe pnra to appdnt�ny saent ur�Eenls q m�y deake for the pu�pu�e of rep�irina s�id pramhw ud matiq6" � - -- <br /> �-=� ��+j� ' - lLe same and colkcti�g Ihe renls.�erenues�nd income,uN)N maY paY oW oY�nid incwne all expenm�uf repa4ina s�id prembe:and aeoe�uary "+u <br />'��°"" ' com�pisione md etpe�ses incurred in renlin and m� in the ume�nd u0 c+dlectin ienlals tlw�eGum;the batana rtm�inin U an .to� � <br /> i[�" ;�''. 6 NB t B 8. Y <br /> t i�:'' � tym'Sr:My'o�:.'•�i �p r c <br />:�I�«�,, : 1' appikd lowud the dischar�e of aid murlpae indcbtedness:lhese rIgIH�of the matgsgec nuy 6e cxerciud u any liwe dwio�UM e�thtma of sa�.. <br />:s�ve: ',, " de�aWl,4req�ecti�e of any lempa�ry waiYer of tla ome. • -�=- <br />� J ` � ,�. `"� . There P�esents,ho+wMer.aro upun Ihe Cadilbn,Ttut if the wid Murl r shaU ie �r <br />•,��'Oc:' ;,,.,....,. �,:�. Ra6o y 9aid loan on ur bsiom the mdurity of aid dureaby t:�M.; <br />-,� ,. � �-• . . r;:, <br /> �11,... ��. . :+.�:ci, .t pl��:pY�thty to aid/1SSOCIATiON of Ibe wm:pecilkd in�hc Dund acured �eby�s inte�cst and pincip�l on aid ban.on or beforo ��•.• <br />��,;...� • •• � �Y YWid; �IluxaaoJsssessmcnlskvicJi -�"°- <br /> , �i.� �,. .,• the Tw�entielh of e�ch aed eve munlh,unlil�afd Muo i�full psY pGat aid pemba�nd on Ikh Mottp�e <br /> �,����;: : � �. �' �nd the Bond srcured Ihercby,befae deNnqucncy:furahh�ppruved inwranee�he butldings�hereun in�he wm of S 8�450.00 P�� ��• <br />.,�,E�:,�i' , n- , „ ;, to oid ASSOCIi41'TION;repay 1u saW ASSOCIATIONupon dem�nd ill moae�r by il paiJ fur:uc6 laxes.�sseumanb and inwnnee wlih intereat a1 � <br />�,_;�• , � tl6e maximuaa iepl nle thereon from dale of pymenl�I I nf which Morlp�K 1+ereby agrees lu pay;permit m�raue m w1A p�embn;keep and campb �--� <br />_ �, with all Ihe q►eemenls and oondiNau of Ila BunJ for S 8 9�yQ.�� Ifib d� given by 11ie s�id M�Hlg�ga lo oid ASSOCIA7Y�[V.and }�::' <br /> �° � wilh aN 1he roquGemenls of the Con�litutfon and Byd.�w�of said ASSO('IATDON:thcn �hesc prescnt:slull baome oull a�d vaid.oU�envbe t�hey i���• <br />.`" � ,,4 ...•:tis;;;•..',' tlull remain im fuH face snd msy be forecbsed N lhe uptiun uf Ihe said ASSOCIATIUN afler lailuie Wr throe months to make nty of ald — <br /> ..!1•:, <br />'r .'::�. i.^� • ' , �i p�ymeals a 6e lhrce monlht in arran in makin�nid munlhlY p�YmeMa,ar Io kap anJ rnmply wilh Ihe a�reements u�d oundilions d sti0 Baad; -- <br /> ?'" ',• . "'.,'lf;,.�+�t�yT''�� �nd Mortgaga a,pm lo hava a recairer appoinled furthwith in:�kh forccMNw�e p�oceediugf. <br /> �, ; .s..; 7 :- <br /> �� t• '�,1,, If lilete Js�ny ehan6e in uwncr�hip of the�eal ctlda muqgtgcd(M�em.O�Y sak ur ull�c�wiac,tiKn Ihe entim�em�ini�indebledaea hetabr T;- <br /> �"` i'�:�:. "'�P" � aeewed sh�p,ai Ihe optbn otThe liquilable BuUdin and l�mn Assucislinn af Grand Island,Nebuska,beoume Unmediately dre�nd psy�bk without <br /> g �� <br /> l+. �` ' �•��''��� � � slurlher notke, snd the amour+l rem�inina due under nid bond,oad any other bund fur any addilional sdv�ncx�made thercunder.stull.from Ihe � <br /> ; , �'� • • dyle of exerel�e of wW oPtbn,bear In�erep a�Ihe m�ximum k�tal rate,aed Ihi�murlgage msy Ihen be foreelu�ed lo s�lfsfy Ihe amount dua on dd � <br /> ni�+�. ' ` �, ' :•. . bond.�nd s�y mlket 6ond for addiNnnal aJvanoes,logcther with a11 u9�+paid Tv!aid 7 h�fqniuble Buflding mJ Lom As�oeiation of Gnnd Istand. ; <br /> t • ` Nebrs�k� fa iaw,mee,toxe��nd�sxs�n�enls.onJ�b�lncliry�o��e�i�ro c9i��ges. widr inie�e�� U�ernm, (rom d�le uf payment sl the mucimum <br />: �•� �.��.w .,,.,._._, �i�r�c. k- <br />`'•� ' ���� A�p�ovk7ed in Ihe Bond secwed hereb y,whik tliu�mrt�;r temyino in effcct Il�c mnr�g�gce ma y heraflar ad a s o e a�;Z�t i a i a l a�m t o 1 h e � <br />'`t; '"'���.;s�' ' ,1,`! riukat�o�'l�id BaMI.lheir avJens w wcceoou fn interest.wpic'h aums shaN be within Ihe secwlty of thix mortEsge Ihe tane as n6e funds ori=in�y ti <br />.'�• � � , � '� �� . • .i �ecare0lP�enby.lhe Iwal amiwnl nf prG�cipd debi nut lo exceed�I any tfmc Ihe o�iginal amnunt of Ihis watp�e. <br /> , k � '�..,� n.n..�v 93 � <br /> `>4t,,1:; � ;i<;�,,�'���� • on�a�aas 3�st� aayor, March <br />;h�,�.,,�: ; � � . �, �:s',�`:�::"� �j,�,�,�.� ��Sz�� � , �{ <br /> Xr �,.� �r 't��: ••�r� l��tf � �+:�� � \ r�t� <br /> �:�tr'r: ,.f��.,:��i�, .:'tr�' Michael lb. Paulick` ' � .--�. 1 • <br />�'�- .. .r.�;�. �s�j . <br /> ..�,•.Ji. �� ��;r�,itf;i;}i,.{�.��_i�;' �j,, �c�/.i�/�I�.�.✓'. ;lj�/�/�'J �,�,.�. <br /> :,{•i,c': 1 r e r�+ ,� .. <br /> .;,•,�;,: ���'`5�`'s. .. ' � Harbara E. Paulick 5. <br /> �,:�: ��;bb;:� � <br /> ,r°,�.;ti:�� - ;1 . ,..,� : sc`rwie�irasici�Rw. w. o.ur. 31�t ,t.yoF Narch 1993 ,�efwsr. <br /> , -�`y .;'...r COItI�RY OF NALI.� � <br /> �a' :1'; .�• s lhe wtdertF�ed.s Nnt�ry Publie in aad for afd County.Pera�ave � <br /> � �:: ��--�:"�`�'��,",': Michael D. Paulick and HarY�ara E. l�au2ick, each in his and her awM�right, and a�s spo�b <br /> ,� ��, ;��'�,�;:y,;;;���:�'• �y�.ti;: of each oYher are <br /> : . ,�,.;�;,�.,':' �ae lo be the identkal penon g wbon�rae g � aliixed to the�bore inslrualeM a mo�l�or 8 �nd �y aevmaQy <br />' � ,a�,��,`. ��:1:�.;�.� � aduwwNd�dWeawinaromen�eobe t3leir rnlun�.ryact.ndd..a. 4 <br />_ .:., ; 'a... � ;..:� 1V17NE33 my hand and Notirial Sal the due afores�id. � � <br /> � ` '� � � �� .��' ; <br /> �' My Com�iop ppi�p � <br /> _ _ � � �t,�e �i'C- �- �r !�J <br /> ' � . .y �s�r a �AS.LMIRA WoWy : <br /> k .• __:':;, bO�ai6�.rqll,� <br /> �a` , ... � <br /> � . <br />