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- �..++Ata �n��v : .... . ;$� yl,�r,� _.. <br /> 'K'1 ,. 's�iR""i'°rT'���•' S ,+l "----- <br /> _. w . �. . .,�- `t• .. ....►�:�t.y �7fs� , ���� <br /> . . ' ^ '. . .. . , , -.i��^'��. <br /> � . .. <br /> . , , .• ��� . � . . 1 t y.s V,l• <br /> _ ,. � 1-4 FAIV.CILY RIDER � � � .�� <br /> ��'� ooz�oxea�� . <br /> - .._.. . TMS 1-4 FAMi[.Y WDBR i�m�do thi� 18T �Y af /IPRIL • g3 . __ <br /> wd i�iaootpor�tod lnw and�11 be deaned ta atnood�nd wpplanaq�he Mort�o,Deod of Tru�t ar seaidty <br /> t�ned (tAe ��Secuii�y lw�rwaaa") oP tF�e awio �Wo �von by the uadm�ned (tho •,Bmrowor�•) a �eauo <br /> Bnrrower'�No1e to <br /> Th� Equitabt• 9uildinp and Loan Assoc4�tfor� of �rand� i�land� <br /> N�brtska� A F�d�rsl 8avinQa Bank ��..�r..� <br /> �- ot�be aura d�e s�d ooverit��he Pwpaty descrGbo�in�he Seauity Instrumdit and lonoed�: <br /> 811 W OMARLES. aRANO ISLANO, NEBRA8KA 88801 <br /> -= 1���ae�+a) <br /> -- - i-6 iFARifi.Y CBVFAfAAi'Y' ddilion�o ii�uuv�uts�i agr�.,nts�(�r tLe Se�.wity Ias�vme�i. � _ <br /> Boiruwer aad Lender furlber ooren�nt rud�gree as followa: <br /> = A. ADDITIONAL PROPHtTX SLIBJECT TO THE SECURITY INS'l1tUl1�NT. In addition w�he <br /> ikoperty dacdbed In the Savrity Instrumau.the following items are added ta the f'roperry desc�iption.and shall _ <br /> - dsa owuciwte�he Propeny ooverad by 1hc Securiry Instrument:building nwterials.appli�nces�nd goo�dR af every <br /> ' n�tum whAtsoever now ar hercafler locatad in. on, ar usod, or intended to 6e used in oannenlon wi�h �he <br /> Property. including. but not limited to, those for �hc pu�poscs of supplying or disl�i6iMing heating. 000ling. <br /> ela.-tricity. Bas. water. air and iight. fire prevention and cacNnguishing apparatus. secudty and accxsa oontrol <br /> ��F�;. app�ratus. plumbinQ. bzth tubs, wacer heaters. water closets. sinl�. ranges. staves. oefrigerators. dishwashera, <br /> - ,;'� disposals. washers.dryera. awnings. storm wfidaws. storm doors,screens.blinds. shades. curtain4 and cunain <br />__�����` radc,attachod miROrs,cabinels.�wnelling and attached floor oover�ags now or hercafler atached to the Propaty. - <br /> _.� all of which. lncluding replwxnneacs and additions thereto. shall be deemod to be rrd remain a p�rt of the <br /> "=:�' r:, P►op�eny covered by tl�e Security InstNmient. All af!he foregoing togethcr with the Property descr�bed in the <br />•H'`"�' '� t Securiry Instrument(or the leasehold estate if the Secur�ty lostn�ment is on a IeascMld►ara n�ferred to in this I-4 <br /> ;'r"<5'r,. � �� �� <br />�,�!�''; � , >• FAmily Rider w�d the Security last�ument as the"Property.•• <br /> - � �'1 B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPLIANC� WITH LAW. Borrawer shall not seek, agree to or make a <br /> `.'"��.,� . r4:.p�: change in the use af thc Prapeny or its zoning c0;�a+etication, unless L.ender haa agreed in writing to the chonge. _ <br />--�`"`'' a,t Bormwer shall comply with all I�etiti. ordinances. regulatica�s s�nd requiremenls o( any govenune�ual body <br /> � yp�{:..�. . <br /> A••'1y��' applicable to thc Property. - . . <br /> - ' . C.SUBORDINATE I.IENS.Except as permitted by federal law. Borrower shull not allow any lien inferior <br /> •' �r;;'�.».;li� • to the Serurity Instniment ta be perfected ugainst the Praperty without L.ender's prior written pem�ission. <br /> :;.4..,,.t,r,,rr —_ <br /> - r,s:k;�;�,;? D. RENT L05S I?VSURANCE.&irrower shall muintuin insuretke u�;ains� rent loss in addition to Ihe dher — <br /> � '�;; h�.ands for which insur.uice is required by Uniform Covenant 5. <br /> ,'s�r.:, <br /> �s:;�,� .�'"•'•�.,t��,� . ' .,a�, E. '•BORROW�R'3 WGFiT'tt�D REINSTATB"DELETED.Uniform Covenant 18 is cleleted. <br /> ���: ° •�' • ' '= F. BORROWER'S OCCUP�i,VCY. Unless Lender und Borrower otherwise ugree in writing, the first <br />