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i �..,-,�:r t � ,.: . ;rt , . .. ...: �;N� . :;::. �i�",,�1ii:Y�rx�.Yn�:.z.�. <br /> - � _ .7;.,5i?' S , w•.. : ...�.�:iJ�id�, -. P:1'' !�� �{' - - -`- <br /> :, ,ni`•% '� rYV�R a � .��;i��� �P�.,�:�. .y �'r" ,�,' �+Vr; ,.. > <br /> r � . • <br /> e �rAMI�piMMw�iAY '�11aRU111�iVihM�luqe n'.�l'�tlM1ltMMSree:�.in�Wr+�....,,�� J]�'.�e.k�.-'l�fefi� ..,,� •..�..:.n.:,.-...—a.-�r�.G:,.++�1+tiYl�f.ia�wml�v'"�'-"°°=�'nsr3-�:_ 1, <br /> � �.�r.±� ,t1. •� . <br /> � '. � ��....• <br /> � ..�rd�1ri41�1G4FtYUlt�t�"_ ' _ ._ . <br /> . ... ,, ,. , '"�' - <br />. . , .�riM''_`�i,l�� � ...,_ �. .. _. . • � _ -- --' ._._.---- <br /> �fArsut,er*==___---- <br /> �L7L���w_-r.a�vrc;-- <br /> ��,'___ __ - . <br /> I —+�w�y:�:� .�`:-'Yt, , .•, w��-•~u-.=._— <br /> � .. -'q iCiLr --1f�'.1 �III tlY____ <br /> �`:.�`' � 91--- 102403 ���� <br /> ., ...�.:�. , �,:------ <br /> ��.� . • .. <br /> :��.;�"u'��ra�t' <br /> �" y � .�` ,,...�.Q., . <br /> n ' '�' -- <br /> � �am3• <br /> � " '�''' If Lender requi�ed mortg�Re iosurance a�A condition��P makin the kwn ucured b thi�3ecunt low�rument, °-°-_- <br /> . . fi,,,r 4�.xk'� a....:• � Y Y ir=�.;__:.� <br /> &►rrower shwll pay the premiums requi�ed to maint�in Ihe�nru�ance in eA'ect until�uch ume a��hr r ui�ement Por the �-=•-=— - <br /> W a�.::,-e���.;�.=-= <br /> ��� insurance termmu�e�m aceardonce wnh Qe�rrower's and Lrnder's wrillen upreemem ur upplicable law. � • ��'�"= . <br /> 8, laspeclion. Lcndcr or itc agent mwy m�ke rcxwnuble enttles uExm and�aFpccuanx of�he Prapeny. LenJrr --------- <br /> ' �hwll4ive Bonower notice At thetime of'or priar taAn inspection spe�ifying reasanuble cautie f�r the in�{xct�on. �=,t,,> w,_;�,,,�-=::_, <br /> ' � � , 9. Condemmallon. The prnceeda aPany awArd ar�loim for��r conaequen�iul,m wonncelion wuh �__,��„yf_����._ , <br />�!��' � ��"'°� "� � any condemnotian ar other�Aking of any p�n of�he for canvey�oce m lieu af condemnoti�n,�re hereby --�-•••: <br /> usi�ned und ahpll be paid to Lender. �.'�°`� <br /> � . In the event of a tot�+l takmg of�he Property,the pracredc�holl t+eupplied to thr,um+.ecured t+y this Se�:unty ��,,�� <br /> • lostrument,whether or not then due,with any cxcess{wid ta Horrnwer. In t he rvent�i'a paniul tuk�ng uf the Propeny, �- ..�.�.�. <br /> � : ' � unless Borrower and Lendcr otherwise agree in writing.�he sums sccurcd by thic Securily Instrument shall be reduced by y�,�;����`f..+, :'�_ <br /> . , , the amount of the pm�.��eds mu7np4iied by the following Prnctian:(ul thc �mAI amuun�of thc sumfi se�:ured immediately �.t� ., <br /> . before the taki�g,d�v�ded by(b1 the fair markee v�lue oP the Prapeny imrncdiAlely lxfore the taking.Any bulance�halt be ' �� �� <br /> —. -- ..- paidtoBorrower. "`°� '�.i <br /> If the Pr�peny�s abandoned b}�f,alter noucc by Lender�o Borrower thut�iir wudeuuwr uttre,to �� "� ''� �"„ <br /> •' . ' • make an award or seule a claim for damages,Borrower faits to respcmd to I.ender wilhin 30 duys uPter t he Jatr tEse nut�ce ix '• '�'�+'-���� <br />. '. ::,�tL^..� . given,l.ender is auth��nzed ro caltect and apply the proceeds.nt its option,either to�eslorution or�epuir nP t he P�oprrt}or �------�: „'�""': <br /> ^y c:r�.�: <br /> ' � �::�'�' to the sums sc�:ured by this Security Instrument,whether or not�hen dua ` '•' °' '� <br /> . -"���: ��•� "`� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wnting,any applicalion of proceeds to pnnc�pul shall not rn�end or �y'��6{�.�""�� <br /> ,,..,,., l4...'.,._.__. <br /> • ,� ;.�F?•�` postpone the due date oi'the momhly payments rcfened to in parogruphs 1 and 2 or change Ihe nmount of such payments. ,,,:,,.;;. <br /> ,�!.i't:.,i_::�:� � � <br /> '•.:�,:.:�;,•,N..,;:. 10. Borrower�ot Reka�ed; Farbearance By Leoder Not a W�(ver, Eatensian of the nme P��r payment or �'�' <br /> :':j`;,�,�;,�;•f. modification of Amonization �f the sums secured by thi� �:unty Instrumem grnnted by Lender to any+uccessar in �' ;i;;:.;:��::._ <br /> ,�,,•. <br /> ,. .,,J,.F}:i;,.•�.•.Fi� interest of Borrower shull nM operpte�o release the liubili�y oi'the original IMrrower or Borrowe�ti succeswn in inter�.t. ";�,� <br /> � ' ';}{;�}�:^.:.;'�••�l�' Leader shull not 6e required to rommence praceedings aRainst nny succetisar in intere�t ar �efuse to extrnd umr for , • ,,..:__� <br /> ,t ' ,�'� ��{ �;E��•� a men�or otherwise modif amoniu►tian af the sums xcured b thia Secun� Instrumeol by rea+on oi anX demand made � ' .-a=_� <br /> , � .�al+�',�"%�,��4 � _ <br /> �`:'; ���'•'•1+`+':{"};����%�Y'rf�' b the ori mal Borrower or Borrower's successors i�interesl.Ao forbrarpnce 6•Lender in exercis�n an}right or remedy ',. . ;;,�•�; "` <br /> '�' } �,�t�����'�'';�f�•%�y��'�+�� shall not be a waiver oPur preclude the ezercise oi'any riRht��remedy. 5 g , " .'.�{'";:T�= <br />' :,.,r i�;;:+:�;;,:r��•.+�`� 11. Suceescorc and Assi�w Bound;Joiat nnd SevePAl LiQbility:Co-s(gners. Thr c�n•enants and agrermea�s of j,�+r;,^r;;�:?;:,:..,. <br /> , ' • .1 ` . `„�'�'��';;;!r;;;;� iho�5r�urit instrument shall bind and benefi�the succesu�rs and assi ns of Lender and Barrower,subject�o the pr.n•+�ions �•�•;:.. :•;�:,— <br /> .'; '�; S 1�I�`�}ti.�;�?j',` � of paragraph 17.Borrower ti covenants and agreemrn�s shA��bc�omt nd se�•crul.An��fsormW er wno r�*�igu.ihi.Scti u��:y '"T;�,{� _-- <br /> ,�, f,,. :.., Instrument but dne,not eaecule the Nute:(a)i,co-signing this Securi�y Instrument anh tu mortgp�e.�ram und convey rr�,�- .,� <br /> ' �. that Borrower's interr+t in the Propeny undrr th�t�erms of this Se�urity Imtrument;(B)�s not personallc ob ligat e d�o pay _ <br /> � ;. ?����'' ��_ <br /> ;. � r the sums secured by�his Sc�cunty lnstrument: und(c)agrees thnl Lenderandany other Bcxrow•er may ugree to extend, ` . __ <br /> ' . ",�•;:;:�'.�;�:'r`.;;. " modiPy,fo�bear or moke uny a:c.mmodat�ons w•nh regord to the t�rms otchis Secun�y Instrumem or the Noic v►�i�hout �,- <br /> '.. '' .,'',�;:, � thal8orrower'sconsent. 4 !��' 9��, <br /> , r r '�1'�;:...: , ',--- <br /> � '��; . , 12. Loan Ch�►r¢e�. Iffhe l.+an�ecured by this Secunty In�trument i.wbject t��a luw which se�s mnximum i�u�n .��•;.i." <br /> '� � .. '''. - _ <br /> charges,and that law ia 8nally mterpreted ,o that the inter��� ur other loan churges cullected or t�i be cullected in ' ' <br /> ` ,,„•a,._ <br /> ; �. connecnon with the laan exreed the permiaed limits, then:(ul any +mch luan �harge,hall be reduced by the umount � .� <br /> � • � necessan•to reduce the churge to the permiurd limit:und(h)uny+um�alreudy collected from Bcirrou•er which exceeded i <br /> �• . '��"� peJmitted limit�will hr refundmd t�Borcower. Lender muy choore�arnake Ihi+refund M rcducing the principnl nwed � " •�_� <br /> �` under the?rote or by making A direri�+ayment to Ri�rroacr.lf a refund reducesprinapal,tfir reduction will Me treated ns a . ;1�� �: � :__ <br /> . �, <br /> ' : � " paniva prepu�•rn:n!withaut any prt�+ayment charge under the Note. <br /> • 13, l.eg3s9artion ARectinp Lender's IYurhts. It'ena�tmcnt nr rx�irotiun uf•rppli�t+blr lawc ha� the effec� of� ;�'"• •= <br /> . . ` ' � ' rendering any prnv�sion oPthe N�um nr[his Secunty Imtrumrnt unrnli�rrea6lr a�curdmF lu U�termti,l.ender,at i�.uption, � " <br /> • , � "'�� may require immediate paymrnt in full of all .ums.c�ured by thi. Secunty�In�trumrnt und may im•okr um remedieti ' :"" <br /> � ! " "�:�i�'��� permined by paragr�ph 19.If L�ndcr exercises thiti optiun. Lcndcr�hall i�kc the�tep,.p«:ificd�n the xeconJ par�gcuph of :._, ':�: '.� _;";,._�.-� <br /> . , ,h;.. ,:; �,• . ::s'. . .�'�-:, <br /> •,� ;�t paragraph 17. . . , <br /> 3 ,�r: <br /> 14. lotices. Any noucc to BurroK•cr pro�•idrd fiir m thn 5ecunty 1 n+irumrn�.hall hr Fi�en:r��d�rhvenng n or by <br /> ' � n�ailing it by first clasy mail unles+appl�cable law reqwrrti nf another method. 1'he notice yhafl be d�rected �o the � • -- <br />� ' " ' Propeny Addretis nr uny othrr address Borrowrr designatcw by natice���Lcnder.Any nnure u�1_enaltr shall be g+ven by •;, <br /> " � • • ' . firs�class mail to Lender's address slaled here�n or any�other addnw.Lender dr+ignate�by nulicr to B�rrnwer.An��notice �C�' ': . "��:�• <br /> 'a'.i:'n� ) <br /> . �• 'v . <,�i ed � '•s. -��• <br /> '�-�tt<• �� ci irroW rr or Lendrr when � rn•r. r d <br /> , v � & P <br /> , � �, - _ prmtidded Por m thn Secunty Instrument shnll be deemed t. ha �becn gi en B f. . . <br /> ' �' .. !,��C%�p'' ' in this paragrnph. ' , <br /> ' ` � r"'?t�� � � Srrunt lmtrume�t vi'aaC�z ��<<rnrd hy tcdera!I.��ond thr luw af the <br /> 5j„��..y,�;.� 15. GaverninR l.�w;Severnbility. 1''h�, y F <br /> ,��` '��~�"P<f��'� unsdicUan ir wto�ch the t'ro rt is located. �a�e�e event th:►t any n+��>c;n.�r clau.r af thi+Srcur�e�ln+trument or the <br /> •�,,.�; :'riy;;ih�� i.�, 1 Fx 5' �` . <br /> ':f�. ?�'�•�.:?!:.�'"• Nule�onflic�s Kith a I��eblr law,tiuch runfli.t shall not aflect othcr rau�wn+��f thn 5etiuru} Imtrument or the h��te <br />. �•, �',.,�,•:;�..,;.:; pP".. , , <br /> � .N.,:��..�.J.,';f w hicte can be�;a�an rNect wuhout the conH�cting pruvuion. Tu tha end the rra��.i��m�,f�hi.�unty Instrumrnt and the '�11�' <br /> � \��`';.,'t•„�'� <br /> �h �ti•�,-��s��;;, Noteared�la���totxxe�•erablr. �'` <br /> ,.,+tt j, � ,�,� "ri <br /> ,:.. �,� . . 16. �o�nwer's Copy. liorrowcr.hsl!hr gi�rn�,n�r��nt��rm��l c��p�•o(t lir N,�tr and��f thi�Secun�� In�trumtnt. � • � <br /> ���'•i.'' ' 17. Translfer of the Property or a tleneficial Intcrest in Burruwer. It'aU ur am parl ��f cht Pra�eny i�r any <br /> . . ,:•, <br /> � •� �,� intertsl in i1 es.L�',s��r tr�mferred(ur if a lknclirial inlrrc�� �n H��rr��wrr�.W�Id ur tramlerrrd and Hoec��wer i.not u nutural <br /> t prrv��r�►ai16+�nat 1.�ndrr'+pn��r w�rmen cun�nt.Lendrr rtea�.ae u,��pi�uu.rryu�re immedi��r pu}mrm�n full o�all�um. � <br /> ,`'�',� �e�w:rtt 4�} ciko.:5e�uret} �rr.r.rer��w. NuNe�cr.thi�uptu�n .(�all nnt hc:cxc��i��d h� Q.radrr rt erercise i.pruh��:cd b�• <br /> •�� � � <br /> Pc(teerat{aw ax��r u�:e�d�t��Y ir�s j�wunt�In��rument. <br /> It Lendrr�R�trciu�th��opu�m.Lender.hall gnr K��rrowrr n�,cc.c�darcclrrrnnn Thr n�,t�.c.h�ll pm�ide a�en�xl <br /> , 7 of not le�s th�n��i�ays freim t hr datr�h�•noucr i.Jeli�erctil�x mail�d wechm ahi�h li��rrowrr n�u.t pa�rll,um..r�urrJ h� <br /> - - _ .�.,cr.. �.. �cn. �o...�. .a... .�..�n. .•�.,�ne�.m�•i�h�.rxv�.xi.I.ender mar mo�,kt�m <br /> � remed�eti percnuted�b}�th�,5ecunt�•In.trument wnhuut lurthrr m�u�r or drman�l��n H+�rtnwrr <br /> 18.BoROwer's RiRpt io Reinstnte. I1�&ttnw►er mc�t�irrtscn .�m�i�t���n..ll��rc��wrr.h:dl h�<<thc ri�zht t��ha�e <br /> rnfarcement�f eh�.S�xuruy 1ns�roment di..��nunued st sn}amr pn.�r n�Ihi:C3��[�r��r fa1�J.e�����r wrh�`II1�f rCfl��d� <br /> i ' appbcable{rw m.►y,�c�fy f«r r��n+tatrm�nr►htf��r��..d�uf Ihr. PCu�rrry punu.snt r,�.�ny pow�r��f..�Ic�rnt.urirJ�n thi� <br /> Secunt) Imtrument,ur 1b)tntr} uf a�u.i�Zment ent�tt�m�Ihi.ScYUrin tn+r rumcni Ih.�.c.�m.lin.�eti�are Ih.�t llarr��w�r <br /> � F:a)pays Lrnder rll wm� whith then wouW he due unJrr th��S�iunt. �n.rcumenf and thr \otc had n�� .��crkr�u��u <br /> c.c:�urctd: Ibl�ure,any d�K'ault ut an� ather cu�rnanl.ur agr��mem.. �,► pr�� rll �•�{xn.r. m:urrcd �n rntrr��nE thi. <br /> • �:unty Imtrument, in.:lwLn�x,but not lim�taf tu, rea��nrblr au��tne�:f��. a��d�.i��.►l���u:h.i.uun .�. l rnJrr m�} <br /> ' reawnably rec}wre���a�tiure Ihat the hrn of thi� �urn} In.trumrnt_ Lrnder'� nght+m ihr Pro�xrt> .�nd ti.�rr�+wrr', <br /> obhgauon i�� pu� �h� �ums ktiureil by� th�s Jrcunt� In+trumroi .hall�unnnur unchangrd l{�.�n r�vti�tatrmrrn M <br /> • Borrower,thi�5�:unty Inrlrument and the uhligaa��m.ecured hcrch>+hnll rnmam fulh�tTcYt��e a.�f n��s�.rlerauun had <br /> �xcurred Howe�er,thn nght to re�mtale Shall ntri appl��n Ihe ca�e��i ac�derau��n unJrr�uragr.iph� I 3��r I" <br /> I <br />