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_�.. ,r �fi, . ,, , ' ' �.h....,.�.r...�..,.-.... . '� ., . 1 . . .. _��'^.w:;��sre�y_= <br /> __.....� ' - . �� . . - ' , - . .. ;7..�..� _ - _ __ <br /> 't ""— <br /> � � �r�aia►wu�oa�Me�+�o�o�o��a�r � 93, �, .. <br /> ����� - � V , , � � . . <br /> . �`'"' ��Mor�MnkM�aiil�'dea�witN�tl�o►M b�oiA�M�Il�idd7h�t�nd�Ma�o�ipl�ndtl�tMMpaw� ,''` <br /> d lorM1MMO�d�fTruNp'aldM����MM�t��dal�io�»d7UYMor�nA Iu�Y! <br /> a:�i�i�..onao��w�n+�w�.o�a��naaKeaa�re���,.n�+.��a��� . <br /> ey N�.11nMM.wilfwwi�Y►�►ludiRUl pi�MdMp. , . �RJMMw�� <br /> '��lO'!*�9�•a���o��. , . �; �, . <br /> - ---._.,-�-----,----�,�,. . . <br /> . .. <br /> . . � .�. .. � . ,. �•(Cua J�. Iwrron, Ha ) <br /> ' � , � <br /> � (8 IC. Iv�s�on.�'"� Mi��) . <br /> D�ED OR TRl18T WI'TN FUTURE ADVANCEB ' � _ <br /> --- --_- -_�_._�:_� �'�s o�a oF rn�r.�.m.a.u a un_litt�..aar� sa=L--- .�093,gr.nd.+na� <br /> �TM�. Caaa� J ir�r���res c_ iv�r�on. 8usbaM 8 li4fa <br /> 68802-2371 � <br /> IIIIIOr��ddfMi I�� °1•= �,�71� rr� A iol ie�1� tiR (hNNll"1tIN1Df"IMI1MINf 41M Of IIIOf� <br /> . <br /> _ - ---=_= ., <br /> _ . - . � th�T+us�se, FLVIS i'OIN15 8111� A Neb�ea�ka CorpQ�eation . i <br /> w������ P. O. Ho7[ 1507� GraAdrl[�lYad� NLt 6880it-1 S07 ��„T����„�� <br />- � q»��y, FiVB POIti�'3 B� . <br />- ---- = w�'����,,�b n 0 Boz 1507��� Isiand. NB 68802-1507 (����7, <br /> '�'„'-�''�� FUii�VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,inoludinp La�d�r's erAEx�slon of cndlt Id�ntlfled�to� J_ Ivera n <br /> �� - §��r�++ �- 3vereon Hnbban� b Wife (hereln"Bonowar",whethsr oho ar mo►e)a�d tf�truq hsr�in craMd <br /> � Me t�pt of whlch ts h�nby acknowledped,Truttor hereby Ir►evocebly pMnts,trenWen,conveys arid�m to'hu�,IN , <br /> _�—_— TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE.lorths bsnelll�.n�sacurly of Lw�d�►.w�de�and subjectto fhs tam�aiM¢wnditlorn MuNn�fMr N1 <br /> (orth.'Ua rwl prop�rty.d�scrlb�d u tolbwr. ' , • , <br />-�: - �,I� The .Soath 6.8 fest of thn Waot 116.2 faet and the South 2.0 feat of the 8ast �4.� � � <br />•��; fest �oi Lot Thirteea (13) and all of Lot Fiftaen (15)� in Block Fourteen (14), . <br />.s= <br /> in College Addition to Weot i.a�ru. in tha C9.tq oP Gr�m� Island, Nall Conntq� Nebtcaa�a , <br />`:�; �, Together wlth all bulldlnps,improvemente,flxtures,streets,alleys,passagewaye,eaaemenb,�Iphts,pdvllopes and app�ir(e- _ <br /> - -- n�ncea located thereon or In anywi�e pertalnlnp thereto,ancl tt�e rents,Iseues and protks.reverslons and r�tndes theroof,ond <br /> � such personsl propery►that Is attached to the improvemeqas ao as to conetltute a tlxture,includinp,but oot Itmlted to,headnp end <br /> ���'� cooltny equlpmenX and topether with the homestead or mavhaC IMerests,if eny,whlch interesb a►e heraby releaMd�nd wWved;all <br /> �. of whlch,locludlnp�eplecements and additlons t'he�eta,ls hereby declered to be a paK o1 tho roal�tata Wour�d by fhs IIM�of tlds <br /> �._ . Dwd oi TNSt and�II of tho forepolnp belnp re4erred w herein a�the"Property". - <br /> �•�.,/:iy..�: .: -- <br /> �.� �;���' . r Thls Desd ot Trust thall�ecuro(a)tho paymant o}MB principal�um and Intarest evidenced by a promf�eory npte a cndlt _ <br /> �' ..�r,�t,t't'i}•.";'l�., a y r e e m e n t d i q d A�ril 6, l993 ,fiavl 1 p d rtwtu►1 1 y date Of_A r� 17 6 r 9AOR .- � <br /> !� � �'����:'f'���r'� _ <br /> �t'�'�="' ' � in tt�e orl Inal prl�c►pel amount ot s��000.00 ,and any and all modlflcatlom,extenWons and rer�ewAb <br />'.�.�,:� �oi���.-- .j n � <br />- - �r� ..p;h�x.4;�:;:p .. thereof or thereto aac7 any and all future advonces and readvaecea to Borrower(or any ot them II more than one)hereunder <br /> — �,�.�� � � Y�,�j(• ry (b)the payment of other suma adranc6d by -. <br /> ��. ,�� ,,, pufsuant b one or mare promisso notes or crodlt apreemenla(hereln called"Note"►; <br /> •� «•�,�.s•. lei�dar to protect the securNy of eh�,Note;(c)the peAormance of all covenents and ayreemenia of Trustar set toAh herei�;�nd(�ell = <br /> ''•�,: } '�. �� preao�:and future Indebtedness and obllpaUons ol8orrower(ar any of them If more than one)to Lender whether direcd,Indlrect, - <br />�� -� ,�.>: �•��� abiolute or conUnyent and whelher erislnp by note,pueranry,overdraR or otherwlse.The Note,thls Oead ol Trost and any and all = <br /> �' ^''�'''' l•' other docuenW that aecae the Note or otherwlae execuMd in connectlon therewltl�,Includlnp wlthout Ilmltatbn yua►Antais,�vCUrity <br /> �:;� �=; , <br /> '°"°� �� � `.. ��%� apreemenb snd aaflpnmenb of leaces end rents,ahell be roferred to hereln as the"Loen In4trunwnt�". <br />"� � :' Trustor covenenta end egrees wlth Lender as tollows: <br /> � �;;;.';�. t, parm�nt ol�nd�btrdnM�,All Indebtedness aecured hereby ahall be pald when due. - <br /> '�' 2. TNN.Trustor Is the ow�er o1 the Property.hes the rifl�ht and authorfy to convey tk�E Property,end werraMs thet the Nen <br /> •�.;:� <br /> — � �`�. �� • created hereby Is a�iret and prior 11en on the Property,e�cept(or Ilens and encumbrances set lorth by Trustor In wrlUnp and - <br /> ._' `.;..,. - <br />:`������=-�,s.w:�',�M dsllvered to Lender before execution of this Deed fl1 Trust,and the execullon aod deHvery of thls Oeed o1 Trust does�ot violate any <br />'-;��^! conlr�ot or other obllpatlon ro whlch Trustor�s subjec� <br /> `�' � � �-� 3. T�xu.Aswsu�nb.To pey baforo det��quancy all texea,apeciel asseasmenta and all other charyes apaimt tho P�operty <br /> ,,:•;;,�,,..:...'..'.;`'' � now or herealter levlad, <br /> `;;`••'�•��•��'� 4. imw��.To keep the Property Insured apainst damage by 1lre,hezerds Included within the term"extended co�recage",and = <br /> °'''�•t°'}' � �•:;:��' such ottwr hosards as Lender may requlre,M amounts and wit+�companfes acceptable to Lender,nartNnp Lender as art atldttlonal = <br /> �';��',,:�'�':".`;,'�, nem�d Inwred,wlth lofa peyable to Me Lender.In case of losa under such pollciea,the Lender is authorized to�iect and <br /> :�'.:., <br /> "•;;.�:-'�,.�.,., ��, compromles,all clalms thereunder end ehell have ihe opUon of applying all or part of the insurance proceeds(i)to any Indebtedness _ <br /> �:.:': . . ' �•< <�� secured hereby and In such order ae Lender may determine,(U)to the Truator to be used for the�epair pr 7escowGOn of the P�operty = <br /> . � t:�+ - <br /> �-�}:^,�! yi`�_� ;;:: 4 oi'(��ID br any ofher purpoYe or obJecl�etlsfactory to Lendar without aHecdnp the Ilen of this Oeed of Trwt for the full amouM securod = <br /> - ����.{! .,>;,•.,,,:�. heteby before fuoh peyment ever took place.Any applicatlon of pruceeda to indebtedne�s shall not extend or postpo�e the due - <br /> ���:�.���� � � dato of any payments under the Note, a cure any default thereunder o►hereunder. <br /> '�'� 5. Worow.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to such manner ea Lender may dealpnate.suflicient <br />.._- '-"'= __�._. ��..�.�.....�.�..�..wa w..w.v�wf N�IiJlnr.l�•li►�11 hrM ��rr..M�..�e aw.1 wM.�.wl.a...�.�...t.w <br /> _ '_�__��_"�� <br />-` -� -.SV.°CR t.',-, . N1f�li U!wN�u�C�onYfn w May o�u�o�..wv............................�....�._.._...._ .,. ...._..._ ..............v...... .y.,...y....... <br />_� �;r�"�.►- z �.: .5,+.�I ' - <br /> �°�'�"'� �"'"(`'�`�``y.`t� nqulrad��(ilsnder.p�iums on ths propeAy inwrance required heraundar,and(ifi)fhe premlums on any mortqaye inwranco _ <br />° :�''�":_.,., a. �iwy�p��i�aW and CamR!lance n+tlh La�xa.Trustor shall keep iha Properry in yood condltion and ropair;shall = <br /> `'`•'" '`�`�`•'� tl k Y C� oYed:shall not commit or permit anr watte or = <br /> ,`_ .�; promp y►epa , or repl�ee�ny Improvement whlch ma ba dama or deeV <br /> Y ���f�'�:'", deterior�tlon ol the Prope�l�,shall not romove,demollah or subsfanUally alter any ol the improvements an the P�op�rty;shall not . <br /> ` .��. �.`�-•'' ;;-''::r commlt ouffQr a pem�Narql act to be done in a upon the Properry In vfolatlon ol any law,ordinanoe.or ropuladon:and shall pay and i <br /> � :`'�'��,��`' �-3 <br /> �r(� promptly dlsahupe ot Trus1or'a cost�nd�xp�ns�all Il�ns,�ncumb►ancM and charqai IwrNd,impowd a aavurd apainq tlN = <br /> �,� .`:;.����?�� Properry a�ny parl tl��ol• � <br /> '•'�tu��;�°��'� 7. EroNNnI DanNn.LMid�r is h6reby AifipnEd all Comp��M�,damapa and other payments or rN�l(Mremaflsr <br /> .k�� � "P►oce�d�")in connecdon wAA cond�mnatlon or other takinp of IM Praprrry a psrt thenol.w lor convsyance in lieu of cond�mna- � <br /> !lCCt.lLttQCr ShB!!�e end!!84 e!!b 4¢tfi�!^C^mrRSr!CS.���!r�n�M�rn�wr.�dw in dts nwn nnmw eny wctlon a proeeedlno�.and <br /> ,::'��;,��, ."4�' shall dw bs eMiWd to mak��ny compromlw w wttlartwnt in conrre6on wAh wCh Lklnp or dsmeq�le�i�aN�ny portlon of ( <br /> ,.�s;��.. .��L't �!• �.�._G• I <br />, �,�:,,� .> iwcaus��on� <br />. :�`�`�,�'„ , . O nM Mrrw wr d c«�wrw t�wl.w sw.w a...r�ra►MeMn.ww�w <br /> 1`�a _ �� . `. _ . - <br />