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..SZi'�:i�, .yj�:�� ?��'i1 � ri�:��j5!�`�1i�!�7� dl'fl�;:A I�{� � ` .�.. _ `."11'.._�. ..�_ ." —_ <br /> ,j � �� til�stY� f:l� _ _� _... _ <br /> •�� � �f 's3/YfI1� , <br /> 1''" • ~ ' � I'� '" .�- <br /> • �.�.- ._, . -- - <br /> � .. -`.s�:j�''. «�rr.� . �• __ <br /> . ..' ...r: " � .' . <br /> .�f�. : .�in i - . ., , .. <br /> .. :k�i !la�►{�/�'ia��.,�. _'- _' - - . .. <br /> � <br /> ♦ <br /> � —°- <br /> � �ry 9�—� io�a�s <br /> A i..�'`, �� ' <br /> .' ���rfni�',_��11 <br /> " • �• .TOINT RIJItVIVOR3NIP DB6D - NEBRASKA <br /> -- --,�,.-r---.,.,_, �- - - <br /> _.�.. <br /> ��'�':�.v�'e,. <br /> • •,__ �i� �,. KNOW Ai.L MBN BY TA�BB PR�9ENTS s <br /> �'" T H A T J a a k K e a►p. 3 e c r e t a r y o f H o u e i n g a n d U r ban Develo ptaont, o! <br /> '��� � iiashingtoa. D. C.. Grantor, in conoideratioa of the eua of ON6 AOi.LAR ($1.00) <br /> ...i;�!s�..:;;;;�:.5_ <br /> - --- • „y,�;,-. ... and ather valuable con�iderations in hand psid, does haraby grant, bargaia. �e <br /> ' .W;;.. : and convny uato Lee J. Newport and 3herry A. Newport __ <br /> tt.��—.a.�l�i�"r'y �"_ <br /> �.��a._.:_, of Grand I�land, Nebra�lcn. Gcantees, •s �oint tenant�, and not a� tea�nts in =-- <br /> � comwn, the folloving described real property �ituRted in the County of Hell, <br /> ��'�" State o! N�bra�ka. to vit: <br /> 4 '" - — <br /> - '� ti`'�o�rw�•�;; ' <br /> ; � A tr�ct of laad loea�ed in the Southe�st Quarter of the Southveat Quarter �c_�_=_ <br /> ItFt�,•• -- -'" ;" (SEl/k SiIA/d) of Section Fourteen (14), TownahiQ Bleven (11) Porth, Range _ _ <br /> , 4 `, ,�:tfl{�,'r �.�• •i.� — <br /> �� + °��� d;� ir�`N�' Ten (10) 1dESt af tfie 6th P.M., HRil Countq, 1��ea�'�ok+►, more partilcularily <br />♦::�l][��� ....1��;,1.i{x:Jii r''��t':::r <br /> „ � daecribed aa fm�i�awat Beginnfrg at the Southwest corner af the Sau2'hea�t � <br /> �. ,.:,.,� --- - <br />:.?,.•,�,,•.:.. .:_,;, �. °.� Quarter of the Sauu`uweat Quarter (S�1!'�� 5i�aFa) of Section 14; then�e 1� a <br />°:�;d�'�.; R�.�..,., �'?cy�� 'Degree 56' E alons tEae Weot line o�r t�e S�uth�ast Quarter of the Southwsst ���:_-- <br /> -�.�`^�•'':' �� ,���'�"'<<, Quarter (3S1/4 SWl/4) of aaid SeGtio,� 1�+, a diatance of Four pundred Nine -- <br /> _--- " .nr.+�4 4 . {'r....., <br /> ="� ` (409.00) Feet; thence S 84 �egrees 11' 30" E a dietance of Two Hundred ,;...___ <br /> �%�.,; , +,;':_`__ . <br /> d °�'� Sevenrh Four end Thirty Four �iandredthe f274.9k) Feet; ths�ce due Sauth a �� <br /> ,::�, �. .. ��{�r <br />='s-;•-� "�"'�`"";�•:•,� '� dietance of Four Aunared Nine (b09.00) Feet to the 3outh line of the �i�:- <br /> ,,,�,, , _ <br /> •.;:,,;�'• '•�•� ``• 5�outheast Quarter �f the Southweai. Quarter (SEl/A 3W1/4) of eaid Section <br /> ;�'a1,: ,:.:. . � Il�.; tl�nce K 89 Degreee 12' W a distance of 7�o Rundred Eighty One (281.00) ���'_.'±�� <br /> t ..11,� _\��!�_�._- ��?fl(1'.._ <br /> nT - ' " - ��L LC �!:e goiAt of heginning. ..` <br /> ,`!.,1;t; � ° <br />;i�,;i: �i <br /> i., <br /> .�{ ��.� . .. ���� <br />... . ."° � . ., .. <br /> " �. _ <br /> i 4. - <br /> - . �_� <br /> � BEZNQ the same property aaquired by the (frantor purauant to the provialona � � _ <br /> • � � of the National Housing Act. aa amended (12 USC 1701 et aeq.) snd Lhe Depertment �'�'�' <br /> �.. :,_'� , <br /> . � � �� . �•.,;,,, • of Nouaing end Urban Development Aot (79 5tet. 66�). -- <br /> ����x: <br /> � ' � � TOOETHER WITN all tenements, hered itamenta and appurtenances Lhereunto L__ <br /> ' � �; belor�ging. and all the estete. right. title. interest, olsim ar demand rhaLaoever �--�=--- <br />.�''�'� •' ' of Lhe aaid Grantor� of� in. or to the same� or any part thereof. �`-� <br /> ';.(iS':�,�,., ,. .. �ti.z�, <br /> ��'�'� IT BEING the intention of all parties hereto Lhat in the evenL of the death --� <br /> ^` nIIr.�...:..t°.," •, '. <br />.�:;:�,"' ,,., ' �� of either of said arantees. the entire fee simple titile Lo the real eetate ��___° <br />'�'�,i`;:��j� � .,.::"`• deaoribed herein ahall veat in the surviving 6rantee. �_�__ <br /> ;,;��,i; <br />�:1-.:.1�.�`.1. �,".�,t ' .Il'���.'.` . —___. <br />��•�'•�� • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deaoribed premiaea� with the appurtenartcea. ��- -- <br />::;��},�. � . ' I�:t R�:�? <br /> ,:�,�� � �" � ` unto the said Grantees as Joint tenanta, and not es tenants in oommon, and to u;:�;_:,_, <br />;:�'�;:�;• � ••'�'.�. 1 their asaigna, or to the heira and aasigns oY the survivor of them. Forever. and �I`', � _ <br />��,: ; ` � �.,��;��°;:;�� the said Seeretary of Housing and Urban Development. and for hia sueoessora and 11 <br /> � �"''���~�' assigns� does oovenant with the Crantees herein named� and with their asaigns <br />'._'S'..�,,� .. .' �' '.�� 1' � <br /> �ir;�,•. ' t !;•;;�t. and with the heira. and assigna of the survivor of them, that Lhe aaid Grantor ; <br /> � �;;"���.'�^�� is lawful�y seized of said premisea; Lhat they are free from inouabranoe; that <br /> ''� ^•"�!':��� • the said Orantor has good right and lawful authority to sell the same� and that {' <br /> • ��,��:.�. the said SeereLary of Housing and Urban Development. will. aad his sueeesaors I <br /> ' ,�f, and assigns. ahall. WARRANT and DEFEND the same unto Lhe nemed Cranteea and unto � <br /> � their aseigna and the heirs and asaigns of Lhe aurvivor of Lhem� !'orever, again�t <br /> the lawful olaims and demands of ali persona claiming by. through or under them. , <br /> . . • and againsL no other Qlaima or demands. <br /> SUBJECT to ali covenants� restrictions� reservations. easementa. oondiLions <br /> . .. .wne. ��..�a nP Onnt■ an aflPlll+ALH <br /> � 1 and C��1TiS appearing OL f'@COI'O� df1U .�7uouq�.a i.v oi�j .+........ ..+ -.�_�_ _.. _____ . - <br /> '� J survey would ahow. <br /> 1 <br /> . . _.� <br /> �.c: • � � , . <br /> � , . � . ., . <br /> . ' <br /> . � <br /> , °. . <br /> . , <br /> i _ <br />