<br /> • gg 1�4284
<br /> r
<br /> . i�i;ill(Si'i "i1"
<br /> /1 '1'iiI1CT OP LAilli C;��li RI�II�v A 1'llli'P 01� SGCI'101J '1'lJ'?.iJ'1'7 —NIhIC;
<br /> ' �7)) '1'011ilSIII1' I:LL�.V�y (1.1) , tiCli'1'1{, i�nrac;L•' N.II1L (9) , lJl,3'1' 0l'
<br /> '1'llli G'1'If C.ft. , IfALL COUId'i'Y, IdtiUfl/i:,iCn, nr�D �1URli PAit'1'ICULlI1ZLY
<br /> UfiSCIiI13Cb /1;; ]"OI.C,011,;; UIiGIt111IIJp �7� � YOIIJT Ot1G 'i'1I0U3AlIU
<br /> 'l�tlise� nUidUitt:u Y�u�,��1�Y t�1vL•' nran �LVLId �1�Lirl�iis (1,325.�i) 1�i�L 1�
<br /> 11�51' nriu '1'Idp 'Z'lIOUS�IIU 1'I'll� IIUI11)IitsU I�OIi'i'Y-1'ilI1G� AiJU '1'If1I;'1'Y
<br /> —SGVCid IIUNUIiGI?'1'll;, (2,5h3•37) I�li�'[' SOU'I9( Ot� '�IIC I10Ii'1'llLllg'l'
<br /> C���IiGli 0� .;�IID SLC'1'IOU 1'I1�IJ'!'Y—t1I111; (29) ; '!'iIENCfi IlUIJid,I19C
<br /> ���5'fGI1LY n DI37'/11�CG 0� OIJ� '!'IIOUSIIIlU 'i'410 IIUIdUR[;D SIY.'.CY
<br /> (1,ZG0.0) I�C1:'1' '1'0 A FOIII'I' CIJ '1'lIG C?/1S'1'GIILY LIIJE OF '1'IIG 5'1'.
<br /> JOSCCII L3RANCII O[� 1'lil; UFIION F/ICIPIC lil1IL1;0l1U CO�1P�tJY, SAI17
<br /> POJhl1' ULIWC '1'ld0 'i'1I0U5AFlU 1'IVis" IIU�IDIII;U TIfIR1'Y—F1Ihlii /11ID '1'i11iGli
<br /> , �rLi�rns (2,5.i?. 3) rr;�•r sou�ri� or rn� i•iorz7�n t,zwc or S/I II)
<br /> SGC7'ION '1'IJGiJ'.CY-19IPJL' (29) ; 'i'iI�fJCG IiUiiMI�IC SOU1'ilCfiLY lILUIJC
<br /> 3lIIU HICII'i'-q1�_�•llly LIIJ[i /1 UIST/1NCL•' Or SIX IIUIJDItiSU TllLLVC
<br /> AIlU I'IVI; 1'L•;tJ1'll3 •'(12.y) 1'LL•"1'; � 1'1fLIJCG IiUTJIJIiJO LAS!'GIiLY
<br /> A(1U PAItALLL:L '1'0 't'i:C� lIDOVL" LA5'i'-I•!LS'f LIt�C A UI51'AFiCE OI�
<br /> 0(�i; '1'110US/1t1U I�IVii AIJU 'rIJO 1'[;N1'►iS 1 00
<br /> IiU1JWIIJC Np►Zq��f�iiLY /l llIS'1'AIlCI� Ol' 1'IVr ifUlJ�lirp,�1 ICIITYI,/1 JD
<br /> 1�IVL TliNT11S {�pp,,) 1��(;'1'; '1'IIGIJCG JIUWIlIId(] Lns�l'LilLY A
<br /> UIS'1'/IFICG OI' '1'lJ0 IIU�Jpftf;h I.�IP'1'Y /INU LIGiI'f TLIJ'1'll5 (7.50.Q)
<br /> I�I:G'P; TIfL;tJCC IiU�JN1NG Id01;'1•IILRLY A llIS�rniic� or 'I91II2'i'Y-T1/0
<br /> �32.0) FI'sL•'T 'I'0 't'lIC POI1i1' Of(1f�CINIJING, ]iXC�P'fIIdQ 191�fiG-
<br /> I�JiO�I /1 CIiR'1'l1Ifi 1'I111C'1' Or 1,11dU bL::IiUCD '1'0 '1'lils CI'1'Y Or CiIApIU
<br /> ISLIIIJ�, IJEUf;ASI(A, '1'Ilii 511t11� A;; ItI:COfIUCU IFI UL:GD IIOOIC 172
<br /> rnri, h0U IN '1'lIL•' O1�PICIi pl' IiI;Ci;,'1'lR OI' bL;till�, IfALL COUI!'I'Y,
<br /> IJLDR/1^1./1.
<br /> I�ND
<br /> n tract of land Yocated in ttte Southwest Quarter oP the
<br /> Tlorthwest Quarter (SW1/4 NW1/4) of Section Twenty-P7ine
<br /> �29), Townsi�ip Eleven (11) Nortt�, Range Nine (9) , West of
<br /> tf�e 6th P.Pi. , Iiall County, ldebracJ;a, and more
<br /> particularly described as follows: To ascertain the
<br /> point of beginning, commence at ttie Northeast corner of
<br /> Section Twenty-j;ine (2g), Township Eleven (11) North,
<br /> Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska; thence runnincj west on the north line of said
<br /> . Section Twenty-t�ine (7,9) for a distance of One Thousand
<br /> Three ilundred Twent}�-Five arid Seven Tentlis (1,325.7) feet
<br /> to the nortt�east corner of the D7ozthwest puarter of the
<br /> Northeast Quarter {NW1/4 NE1/4) of said Section Twenty-
<br /> Nine (2g); thence running south on the east line of the
<br /> West Half of tJie Northeast Quarter (W1/2 NE1/4) oz saiu
<br /> Section Twenty-Nine (29) for a distance of Two Thousand
<br /> Five Hundred Forty-Three and Thirty-Seven Iiundredths •
<br /> (2,547.37) feet to t11e northeast corner of a tract of
<br /> land conveyed to Jon F. Luebs recorded in the Register of
<br /> beeds Office of I�all County, NebrasY,a, in Deed Book 161
<br /> at Page 571, being the actual point of beqinning; thence
<br /> continuing south on the aforedescribed course for a
<br /> ' distance of Thirty-Two (32) feet; thence deflecting right
<br /> and running west on a line. parallel to.the north line of
<br /> said tract of land recorded in Deed Book 161 at Page 571
<br /> for a distance of Two Flundred Piinety and Four-Tenths '
<br /> (290.4) feet; thence deflecting right and running north
<br /> on a line parallel to the east line of the West Iialf of
<br /> the Northeast Quarter (W1/2 N�1/4) of said Section
<br /> Twenty-Nine (29) for a distance�of Thirty-Two (32) feet
<br /> to the north line of said tract of land recorded in Deed
<br /> Book 161 at Paqe 571; thence deflecting right and running
<br /> east on the north line of said tract of land recorded in
<br /> beed Book 161 at Page 571 for a distance of Two Flundred
<br /> Ninety and I'our Tenttis (290.4) feet to the actual point "
<br /> of beginninq, except the East Thirty Three (33) feet
<br /> thereof which is a part of the West �Half of IIlaine Street
<br /> in the City of Grand Island, _liall County, Nebraska. �
<br /> ii �•
<br />