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<br /> �• UNIPORM CovBN�NTS. �orro�veru�d I.ender coven�nt�nd�Qree ns follows: whrn due
<br /> : .;:�:=,.�, l. M�at of PrlNClpl�I�tentti�NY�st�od l.�te CU�. Borrower sh�ll pmmptlY P+�9
<br /> . . t.•..
<br /> �!►e principN of md interat on Ihe debt rvidaued by the Note and any prepayment�nd late ch��ges due under the Note.
<br /> .'".� r`• r�,��,�: �� 2. Fa�tar Tac�wd I�wa�ee. Subject to�pplic�ble law ar�o a writlen waiver by Lender,sortower�hdl psy -
<br /> •'.�.s .
<br /> •; . .a.. - to Le��der on the day monthly p�ymentc�ro due under the Note,until thr Note is psid in full.�:um("Funds")equd ta
<br /> `� . �.. �. one-tMelfth os (a}yarly taxa aad use�swnents whieh nuy �ttain priori�y over this Security Instcument: <b) Y�rly P =-�_-�.�---
<br /> Y' `''�" � lessebold paymrnts or ground renes on tbe P�opehy, if�ny; (c) yesrly hu.ard insurance prcmium�; �nd(d) yearly __ _
<br /> �,, �: �� . —
<br /> �o martQa�a in�u�na pnmiums,if sny.TF�ae items are c�lled'•escraw itMns."Lender m�y atimue the Funds due on the
<br /> Us�is of currrnt d�ta snd rasonRble alimates of fLwre escrow items. C�^"�."--"
<br /> _--- .ti�,�,.:.�A. The Funds shdl be held in an inttitution the deposits or accounts of whicM�re insured or gu�ranteed by a kderal or _
<br /> � ' �� st�te a�ency(;acludi,o�Lender if I.ender i:such an initiwtion). l.ender shaU apply tbe Fuads to pa� the escrow ilems. ��
<br /> . � a�en
<br /> ,'°'� ' Lre�►der aaaY na char6e i'or holdin��nd app�ying tl�e Funcb,aa�lynia�t�e acrcwnt or verifyin�t6�esc%w item:,unless :.
<br /> - �,.;... .: e_� --_-
<br /> ;�.:.� ::.:'•:
<br />--'��� � .;��•. � I.,;.,' iaoder pays Borr�ovirv iaterat on the Fwd�ud�pplic�bk 4� pennits I�ender to mAke sueA a charRe.�o+rowe��n =
<br />-- -- °:�`�.. -' .'� Iwmder may sgree m wripug tbtt intaest slqll be pa�id ae the Funds.Vakss an agrament is made o+r�pplicabk faw
<br /> `:��' . . ,����s'��, roqujrq�imterest to be ptid.l.ender slWII not be roquined to p��r Borrower�ny �ntetest.�r am�ngs on tAe Funds.l.endet :.=--
<br /> ��• f�/i ��. --'
<br /> ' ;�f�,y,` sh�ll give tp 8orrower.without char�e,an�newl a000untitKt a�tAe Funds show�n�cndits and debits to the Funds a�d Ihe --
<br /> ,x:y� - ` -;�f�,'`�e'';� purpu�e�r,r w{iicb each debit to ths Fuads xas asads.The�Fundis are pledaed as wddi�ionsl security fot tl�e sums se�waeii by �;a s.a„ •-� _
<br /> ' '� %;`•:� �!i tbis SeCUrlty Iiatrletnent. -�1 _
<br /> °">�.. �•'.��}(��SErr'^ 1P the amotmt of the Funds hdd by Lender.to�ether with the liatun montldY pwyments of Funds paYabie pri�r to ,!---.
<br />:-: +,. �;:''�`�`,```?f�� 1he alus dates of the acrow itans.shall excood the amount rec�wued to pry the escrow items when due,the eacess s�ia7l�be� --��,��j
<br /> r �,��;`ti''�1'�ti`�. �s 6iunawer's optimn,tither promptly re�id ta Horrower or eseditod to Borrower on manthly pnyments of Funds.IPu?�e ,.,`,__
<br /> ��j��Ycf�'#+`,•, amiount of thx Fu��tl�fidd by Lender i�not�ulGcient to pay the acmw ite�s when due,Horrower shdl pAy to Lender any „�.;�
<br /> ••�',..�, •
<br /> ' . . .�,y_.,• � � ao�unt necGwry t•o make up the deticirncy in Pr�e or morc payments as requircd by Lender. ��-^''
<br /> � :�. . (3pon paymem in Pull of all Rums sacurecl by thia Security Instrument,Lender shall prompdy rctund to Bonower �
<br /> � ,;,..�.:;;, anp Funds held by Lender.tiunder puagnph D9�p�e property is sold or acquirod by L.ender,Lender shall apply,na later r �.�_:__
<br /> than immedhte�y prior to the sale of the Property or it�acquisition by Lender.any Funds held by Lender at the time oP t�� ��'
<br /> r �pplie�tion as a crodit�g�inst the sumf socured bx tbis Secwrity Dnstrument. e.. �--
<br /> >'. •,�' '� 3. Applkatloa ot P�ymeab. Unless app➢ira�le law provides othenvise,all payments received by Lender under
<br />" � � . • 2 shall be s lied:flat.tolaite:h rs due under the Note;second.to prepaymmt charges due undet the �-�_ 'y��'�
<br /> para�nphs 1�nd Pp �8
<br /> ' Not�tbird.to iunounts p�ysble under pangraph 2;Paurth.to inrcrest due;and Isist,to principrl due. �,w N:•
<br /> � � 4� C6ar�Le�u. Borrower shdl pay aQ taxes.asse�smente.chuges,flna and impositiona attributable to the -
<br /> , • prc�peny whicd m�y atuun prionty,over�bia Socuriiy Inairw�c�it, wnd feasehald paymrnss or �rouad smts, if any }�' -- -_
<br /> • • HurroMer:lull p�y these obligatione in the mmner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in th�t manner,Borrower sFudl f;����`�:�"
<br /> u R
<br /> � � p�y than on time directly to the person owed payment.Borrower shdl promptly furnish to Lender all notices of�mounts ��.s�
<br /> f. . � • ' " to be p�id under this p�tsgnph.If Borrower maka thae paymentc dirxtly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender �!�'��"�=°
<br /> � � . . � recdpte evWmcing the paymrnta. �:�.��`...._. . ---
<br /> . _�1l:r��:,-�._
<br /> � ' Borrower shall prompUy dbch�rge any lirn which hos priority over this Security laetrument unlas Borrower:(a) �,:_AYx�'�T
<br /> �' ' �aras in writi�g to the psymrnt of theobligwtion secured by the lien in a m�nner acceptable ta Lender,(b)contests in good '��•�..�;�. -
<br /> 7 . � fait6 the lien by,or defrnds ag�inst enforcement of the lien in.legal praccedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to 1���• �'_"'
<br /> e ---° --
<br /> ' �f- �n
<br /> •. . � prrvent the enforcement of ihe lien or forfeiture of eny part ot the Property;or(c)secura from the holder of the lien�n p.����,F�ft;'i_�:.�._......
<br /> �, � �� . � • agreement aatisf'utory to I.ender subordin�t in the lirn to this Security Instrument.If Lender determi�a that any part of �
<br /> 6 �.".,
<br /> ' the Property is rubject to a lirn which rn�y auain priority over thia Security lnstrument, Lender may give Botrower a ;;....W._,..�;:._
<br /> ' •!•�•;;, ,'� �otia idrntifying the lien.Bomuwer�hall s�►tbfy the lien or take one or more of the Actions set Ponh above within 10 days �,;�;�y;,���:��_"
<br /> � •"�t��;, : � of the�iving oinotice.
<br /> � ,. �:. . :. -
<br /> � '.��. ,��.;�'�trt;;,.:�,, . �� .� . ..,
<br /> S. H�ard inwrance. Borrower sholl keep the improvements now existing or hereafter e�ected an the Property
<br /> �'' "��� �'', insured a�ainst loss by firc.huards inclnded within the term"extendod coverege"And any other hazards far which Lender , '
<br /> '�,� ��'� � � �'•�' •� requires insurance. This insurana shdl be main�ained in theamounts and for the periuda that Lender requira. The _
<br />�', Q ,,+�,��,}�,�•,r, : inaurence carrier providin�the ituunnce sh�ll be chasen by Horrower subject to Lender's approval which sOwU not be � ' '__�,��,.__`_
<br /> .:,,''.' ,.;r" ' unreawnably withheld. .
<br /> ` - :,-a....
<br /> ' :' � All insurance policies and renewals shall be aceeptable to Lrnder and shwll include a standard morlgs�ge cGuuse. i .
<br /> . , • Lender sFull htve the righl to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires,Borrower shall psom�+tly g6vt to l.ender '
<br /> , ' � oll rxeipts of paid pnmiums and renew a l notices.In t he even t o f loss, B o r r o a e r s h a l l g i v e p r o m pt no3'soe�o the insuranoe � .,,_.�_,_�,.... -.-
<br /> � ' ' ' • prtiet Rnd l.ender.Lender may mAke praof d'las.g if not made promptly by Borrower. � ��� '�` �__
<br />- � � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agra in writi�g,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restornian oT repair j . �:�•�.�.:.;. .'„�"
<br /> ' of the Propeny damaged.if the restoratian or repair is ecanomically fwsible and Lender's security is not lessened•Df the � ; .:•.;};��t�,r •.scr�;
<br /> ratontion or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insutanae procee�d�slwll be
<br /> � " applied to the sums aecured by this Secunty Instrument.whether or not then due,with any excess paad to BoROwer. IP
<br /> � �'�'' Horrower abandons the Property,or does n ot answer within 30 days a notice from Lender thet the;nsunnce csrrier has ,
<br /> � , . '"�',`� olfiead to settle a claim,thrn I.ender may collect the insurance praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repsir or restore
<br />� . 'r��'�, �' �.� t4�Property or to pay sums secured by this Security instrument,whether or not thrn due.The 30-day period v�a7��beBin
<br /> ;+���• ��',';`,i
<br /> : �,� .+. when the nrnice is given.
<br /> ,��, " �• . � :'.�'�`� �Snte�v i.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wnling,any application of procceds to pnccn�a4 ehall n�t ente�Gi or .
<br /> ,,;r � • •,.•� r;';� postpone the due date of the momhly paymencs referred to in paragrap�s 1 and 2 or change the aaxwnti�oEohe p�yments.lE
<br /> � �'1' � .:•, '• � �, ,� under paragraph 19 the Property is acquircd by Lender,8orrower's rtghc to any msurance policies ana�toceeds res�c�ung
<br /> `''� '�� fca�m damage to the Property pnor to the acquisition shall pass to Lmder to the extent of ohe sums secured by�Pocs Secunty
<br /> ,;;�', "t
<br /> � )ustrument immediately pnor ro the acquisi�ion.
<br /> ' �' � . r 1 it
<br /> 6, praervatioa a�i Maiateninceof Properfy;l.caseholds. Borrower shall not destroy,damage or substanually
<br /> � � change the Pcarxrty,allaw+the Property to detenorale or commrt K+ste. If this Secunty Instrursta�t�s on a leasehold.
<br /> n_�_.���._o�.,...�.�.....:�I.�1.�..�nvicinntr�f Ih�I�acr ■nd if Hnrrower scawres Pee tNle to the Ptcspee¢y,the leasehold and
<br />.. ' ' t .__ _' 'i W��vw4��uo.w..•ry .........�p...-.�.�..'_'..._ .__._. . '
<br /> � fee titk shall not merge unless Lenderagrees�o the merger m wnt�ng.
<br /> 7. Protectioa ot l.e�der's P�is in the Propeny; MoK�pRe Insunnce. C�` �ortower fails to perferm t6e
<br /> rnvenants and agreemmts conta,ned m �his Secunty lnstrument,or there is a le�l proateding that may s►gn�tfranrly aRect
<br /> � t . � Lender's righis m the Propeny (such as a proceedmg�n bankruptcy,probate, for condemnauoe or to enforce laws or
<br /> rc�ul�tions),then Lender m�y do and pay far whatevc r is neceswry to protect t he value of the Property and Lender's nghts
<br /> in the Prope�ty. Lsnder's acuons m�y incl ude pay�ng any sums secund by a lien which has pnonty over this Secun�y
<br /> Instrumrnt,appesnng irt coun,p�ymg rasonable attomeys'fees and entenng on the Propeny to make repaus.Although
<br /> Lender may take action under this p�ragroph 7,Lender daes not h�ve to do so
<br /> ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender u nder t his paragraph 7 shall become adduional debt of Borrower secured by t h�s
<br /> Socunty Instrument.Unlas Borrower and Lender agra to other tenns otpayrnent.these amounts shall bear�nteres�from
<br /> the date of disbursement a�the Noie rate end shall he payable. w�th �nterest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower
<br /> . requatingpnyment.
<br /> �
<br /> . +
<br /> F
<br /> . . ,
<br />