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. . . <br /> ���..y.•;._,� ,. . i ;' � �n e�t:. �, e>:,�e',rR1�l.s,`f�':c•:K�;y�,•�' .. . r d' .,.•�C?k..�y� <br /> :ti�1�, a�'.r�, � , �'f� . � h.�, ,.n.�!t's?,��•�! • . , , . ''� .�':�Yr -_ <br /> '� � Iltlw d'YIIM1�11'OIrC110 011 dM p�Opl'�y.�I�/�l�IIII�•��1f�Mi M� f' ,..� <br /> �TM� 1�110VM�f � <br /> �r� llUr bC kMNAM' • �i1 Ot 1ti0 OIIp�MIXr � �tl�t'� 11� �� �4�'O�NfN� � � '.' .a�� �. <br /> �.��1a1s'/Al�y�I�fid W�11�t�q�l��M I�M�O�ly.' . . � <br /> ' . �ap'�ll1l�'i'!drt i0i+�+�w k�Inr�r Mintl at11r��NIMr 4M'�AY coiMwrii wd Ir1Yr tl�t.lsi�li�t���==-':;• � <br /> � ocln�ty tM lroprty�1!1W IM h�opM�r'i��b�l�eRapt lio�'�oumb�woM at wowd. *or�+aw�'MMell�b��W a <br /> � d�d�t�r dn th1.a ttwi Mrop.�ny+iptwt au pl�dm��.e e.wwidt,«�bl�ot w Nry�o�rword. . . <br /> �_—� � T�tB ABCIJRI7Y iNSiR�7A18�1VT c�ia�ifartaa cavenstq�tor nado�mf uu�ud�lE���IiyMM. . <br /> varfitiau by Jurldialon to aon.dtua a u,�Uorm rourity ia�rua�nt aova�ln��wl propany. <br /> _� °°""�-.'�' UNTFORM a4YBNAN7'8.Barrawor wnd I�r�der eov¢aant and apnsa aa tollou►a: <br /> l. !'r��t d iti�dpd �d 1�tw+�i �!�� �'�� Bornwver�IWI P�y P�Y wben 4w tbs <br /> P�P�ot�nd inta�at on 1he dabt aviAet�oed by tho Note�td�ny propaymeat�nd We duu�es due uuder the Note. <br /> 1.P�be Tw�a�d La�uianor.Subject w�ppliaible law or w a wrivaa wdvu by L�dex�Bonower dyll pq a <br /> La�de�on 1he d+�y monthlY P�Y�+�re due uoda the Note.'uaNllhe Note Ir pW ia fWl.�wm('Fur�')for:(a)yeady wca <br /> and�which mvy�tain p�iotity over thb Sxudty Tnr�ummt a�a uen on the�ropatp:N)Y�Y la�d�old p�ymena <br /> or�rauid�oa t6o Propdty.if aqy:lc)Y�Y�d�P�P�Y�uanoe peaniwra:(d)Yae1Y dood lasiuruioe pnaootua�. <br /> it+�oY:(e)Y�Y�Y�iawnrice pnmiu�.if aaryr:�ad(�+wl��P�Y+�bS►�orro+�er w I.ender. in�000nd�ooa�vlth <br /> tee p�oyidwn of p�nip6 liou of the pq+ma�t of aw�t�a�o ia�uhuioe premium�.Thae itanc�ne dled'Becio�v Itaas." <br /> Laider m�y.wt�ay ti�ae. edbct md hold Fu�in�a unoant not w euooed tha m�uci�a�um aaoorwt�knda�fa a faleaqy <br />_ trJ�ted mong�ga lan uny�oqui�for Borrower'�escrow acoouot uadcr thc tode�l Rq1 8tt�tc Sealana�t Praoedu�Act of <br /> _— - ----- - ---. <br /> 1974�c ameadod fiom timo W time. 12 U.S.C. Sa:tion 2601 et ssq. ("RESPA").unksa uiothu law tlWt s�pplid�to Ihe Fuad� <br />= ats a le�er amo�unt. If co. I�nder may. �a�ry tlme, coiiact and hoiri Fuatia ip�n s�muwa�r,t w e;c� cucr a�. <br /> � � _..�._ <br />. I.a�der ta�y a�fa�ato the aroauu of Fu�ds due an the basis of cu�a!doW'i�ad�anbk atim�ta of a�paadipua , <br /> - Fsa+ow IteTae or otherwiso ia aooa�danee with�ic:d�la+M.., ,. , ' � • ,; „ <br />_- -_= The Fuada sball be heW in:au iwstlwdon whose d'e.¢osits a�ae i�su�cd tiy a federnl agrnry. insWbr+caLAliqF�'ar capty <br />=_ =:���.. . (including l.�der. if Lencler is such sui iu;ntpdW�,l�iro nny�ellexa��lati�e I,.oan Banlc.Lender stwl!�pply�t0�e�u�tc��u9�1fih+' ' . <br /> ._:;���� �,: �scrow Itans. Lender awy oot clyrge B�rrawer for 9aolding and uWPll'��the'i�unds.onnuWly aiwlyzing lhe w'�uucu�nl,�"Ar :;',r>`.'`',' <br /> r'�-- �� verffying the Escrow[tema,unless[�ender�f�s�orrawer interest oa the Funds and epplicable law permit�Lren�er to dtaltt;it)ch �' ' <br />- ,�.,��� � a charge. Hawever,lx�ckr m�y roqJui��Borrower so pay a onc•time charge for an indcpendent rep!�atate,tax reportiqg•srexvlqe ''�'��;,•�., <br /> ���` usod by L,ender in rnnnection wilh this loan. unless applicable law provides othenwlse. Unless an�rgr�neat ia ma�le vr `„ ..,.)�, <br />-- - applicable law requires intercst to be paid.l�ender shall nat be reguired to pay Borrowu eny interest or arnings on tlk Funds.' �''�� ' <br />_.;i� Borrower and Lender:nay agree in wridng, howover,tlut intemst ehall be pald an the Fw�d�. I.ender s1w11 givo to BoROwor, �.` � . <br /> wilhout chtuge,an annpal accounting oP the Funds. ahowing ctedits and debits to the Funds and Ihe pu�ase for wh�ch eaet► �`, <br /> _ . <br /> -- -- debit to the Kunds wes�e Funds are piedged as additionai security for eii sums secuned by tiii�Securiiy iraiirua�eni. � <br /> ��' If the Funds held by I.ender exceod the amounts permiqed to be held by applicable lew,I.cnder shall acoount to 8orrower <br /> � , �. �'''�C for the excess Funds in accardance wid�the requirements of upplfcable law. If the amaunt of the Funds held by[�ender at any <br /> . �,,., <br />�;y�' '� time is not suf�icfent to pay tha Eurow Itcros when duo.I.ender mny so natify eomawer in w�iling. and.In such case Bornower <br /> .�;. shall pay to Lender the unwunt nocessary to mnke up tta deficiency. Borrower sFwll make up tho deticiu�cy in no nw►e thap <br /> twelve monthly payments.a�l.eoder's sole discrc�ian. <br /> Upon payment in Pull of�11 sum. �sccured by thix Serurity Instrument. I.ender sh�ll promptly rePond to Borrower any <br /> . Funds held by Leuder.If, under parng�ph 21,l.ender�hnll ncyufrc nr�ell�he Property,L.endcr.priar to the ovquisitian or s�le <br /> : � of�he Propeny,ahall apply any Funds hcld by Lender ut�he�ime oi acquishion or sale as a cr�edit�oinu the eunv�securod by � <br /> : < `� � thi:Security Inslrument. <br /> f`�"�'' � 3.Applk�tion of Piayments.Unless applicablc law provides otherwir�,ull puymems recefved by L.ender under parograph: <br /> �: �,r� ... .. <br /> - '�' ''r1r�" ., I ancf 2 shull be uppliad: flrst, to anY PrePeYmroi�i�urgrx�fue uncier�he ivo�e: u� smwunlR payoble under�wrag�ph 2; <br /> ��'����}��� inrercst due:fourth,to principal due:nnd last,to any lute clwrges due uixler the Note. <br /> _..,�; <br /> •� ` ��.};�';�.,,�,•�`; 4.Ciunges= Lienx, Bormwer shull pay ull�uxes, assessments,churges, fine�ond impositions att�butoblc to the Property - <br /> ,;;� � �a•�;�t�?�:r;� which muy uttain priority over this Security Instrument,and leusehuld puy�rn:nt�or ground nents, if nny. &►rrower shell pay _ <br /> ''�" `�'�` � �'•r?""i� �� these obligations in the manner provided in parugruph 2,or if not puki in�hut nwnner, Borrower shall pay them an time directly - <br /> " . t � ', .�.,' '`;�`'`'�' . ta the permn owecl puyment. Bormwer shall prompUy furnish�o Lender all nntice+of amounls W be puid under this paragraph. <br />- .::*'�'"'�'"``�'�;y���''.:''��. If Bonowcr mnkex�h�e p•ryments dircctly,&�rmwrr+hull prompUy furnish to l.cnder re�eipts eviJencing the payments. <br /> ��� �, :�,.�.f i�';; Horrower shall prnmpdy Jiuhurge uny lic�which has priority nver�hi�Security Intitrument unless Borrower:(a)agre�in _ <br /> `�i�'� ,', � a�Lt�;. , — <br /> - • ..�.� ,:;�,,: wrlting tu thc payment of�he obligution secured Ny thc lien in u munncr arrcptuble t��L.cnJcr;(b)contests in good fuith the lien � <br />;i;;,'� ��,{ � ,�;�:_ by. or dcfends ugafnst enfonement �if thc lien in, legol proceedings whirh in the l�nder's opinion ape.rnte to prevem the _ <br /> _ �r'+'�'�'%+�:.,•�, enforcen�ent oP the lien;or(c1 secure�from thc hnlder nf the licn an uFrccmem.uti+l'uctory to l.ender subnrdinnting the lien to <br /> ���',{5�11:;�. <br />_ - Y�':°:?` • •���'a.ti�ti`.,, this Security Instrunxnt. If Lender determines tha� uny part of�hr Pru�xrty i�.ubject ii�a lien which n�uy atlain priority over = <br /> �,•+.,. ,. <br />_ � ''��:.>r �t.:,�c;�• this Security Instrument. I.cnJcr nmy gi�•e Burmwer a nutirc identifying Ihe lirn. W►rmwer shall satisfy Ihe lien or�ake one or -: <br />-.. �. .:f�;r,-.-....°�f�(�;.��y <br /> � , ':�+�.;,,,:.:�. more of the actions set fonh ab��vc within 10 duys ol'the giving of no�ice. _ <br /> • �:�:,;i. �,.:+,r. ,..�_ - <br /> t� ''> . '�;{��j'.��'' Fam 3028 9/Y0 = <br /> - '���•i. .��-�.:�, v.o.sms -.. <br /> •,... , - <br /> �y':. `.��!:`.' •� - <br />-- �: .��.,; , . <br /> . :4 - <br /> �...... . i . <br /> �' , i � �r� y. ..Sa;. � , `— ___ <br /> y,. '� . . . ... . ��l!'Jr�,,�'�-�sm rr. .. <br /> -r. . . , • .. '. � :.. - ' � �y~ . 'Q�5'iF�ep�+. �r_ M'.s'�-r..�.: <br /> rt P � ���1� . '. ,...'. , ,,. ' , _' . , .. 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