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<br /> ° „ o:�a�',i%:i; UNIPORM COVBNANTS 8amow�er and L�ender covrnnnt and��ra as fdbws: �,h�due
<br /> ; %.. . . 1. Pa�l of Priseirl�M I�taw�PnNywMt�i I.at�C1srp�. Borrawxr sh�ll promptlY psY
<br /> ' �be principd of and interes�on the debt evidaiced by t6e Notr and any prrpr�ymmt�nd I�te char�es due under the Note.
<br /> '�f�':•.�;,. � 2. Fw�is tor Ta:a aiwl l�. Subjoct to applicabk I�w or to�wntten wa�ver by(.ender.Borrower shall p�Y
<br /> • " W_ to l.e+ider on ihe d�y manthly p�yments ue due w�der tlu Note.until the Note�s paid in full,�sum C`Funds")eqw�ta � ��rtp-
<br /> . �� ,. o�ttwelllb oL• (�}ya�ly wces and a:sessmems which may an��n pnonty over thu Secunty Instrumenr. Ib► yw�ly
<br /> � katehdd p�ymenls or ��ound rcnts on the Propehy, if u�y; (c) yearly hua�d iosurance prem�ums; snd (d1 yearly
<br /> � ' � mtut�e in:ur+►na prcmiums.if any.Thae items aro callod"escmw items."Lende�m�y anma�e the Funds due oo Ihe
<br />"' • ". �• bssi�af eurtent d�u aod rcsson�bk atim�tes of future escraw dtems. —
<br /> The Funds shsll be held in an imtitution the depoaits or sccounta of which are io�u�ed or�wranteed by a foderal ar _
<br /> state��cy(iocludina l.endec if l.ender is sueh an iostitution). Le�der shall�pply the Fund:to pay the escrow items. ___
<br /> i.ender nuy not chsrge far hoTdin�and�1yln�the Fundc,an�lyzmg the account or verifying the escrow items. uolas �__.
<br /> � La�der p�yt Borrower interat on the Fw�ds�appGcabk 4w permiis Lender ta m�ke such a charQe. Borrower an� — ...
<br /> . • • ' , Lende�quy a�m in writin6 eh�c mtcresc atta[t be p�on the Funds. Unless an agreement is mada or �pplic�Die ar
<br /> , � requica interat to be paid,l.cade�sb,all aot be requi�to p�y Borrower any intercst ar esrnings an�soe F�s.L.e+ndc�
<br /> �,�LL'QIVQ 10 80170NC�.WLIL�OiIR C�iPQG.an�nnual acc.�oucr.eia�af the Funds showueg c�nedits�nd debits to�6e Foands ae►d�he
<br /> 4 pv�tpae ibr which ac6 deDit Ro tbrc Fwoils was made.7'he Funds are p6ed�ect as additooea�security far�hr suws secrsred bY �-- - -
<br /> .� . • thi:Securiry lestrumem. �
<br /> . � �, If'Ihe ani+�w�R oP thes Funds held b�r l.ender,tagcther a+ith the iat�are monRl�IY paYments oB Funds p�Yabk prior ta ____ , � -
<br /> ::; , �• the due dstes of the escro.v iteaas,shall excxed the amount required to pay tAe escrow items when due.the excas�1�a11 be. ��:�'�:.-.-,,� -
<br /> '� , u Boaowrcr's option.atber p�anptly repaid to Borrower or cradited to Bonower on monthlY psYments of Funds.lf the �•,,� -.
<br /> � amount of tbe Fuads heW bX lf.ender is oot sulscient to pay the acrow�tems when due.Borrowe�shall psy to Lender aoy .,3.x.,;.Y::.�.L�
<br /> • amouat necassry to make up R4ie de�iciency in ane or morc psymeets as requirod by l.ender.
<br /> , ;•, : Upon payment in fWl aPa01 sums secured by this Security lnstrument.Lende�shall pmmptiy rcfund to Borrower -`�;,.:�,;�;..:s'-,::__
<br /> � � ` -.� � • any Funds held by Lender.!P undcr pa�ragraph 19 the Property is sold or acqwred by Lender.Leodcr ahall�pply,no later ���f �, :���
<br /> ' �`�"�� '' than immediatdy prior to the s�le of the Propeny or its acquisition by Lender,aay Funds held by Lenderat the time of �•�_'�""
<br /> ._:�,i_.:' ��, >�
<br /> t .:�,� applicatiaa as a credit�gains�tbe su�secured by this Security I�strummt. '
<br /> t �...,...
<br /> . . 3. A//Itallo�of P�y�eob. Unless applicable law provida othervvise.�I)p�yments received by L�dec under ' �;y-
<br /> �'""`,`,'� ' Parqraphs 1�nd 2 slull be applied:Arst,to late chuga due under the Nate;second,to preppyment charaes due ar►der�he � "����'�
<br /> . 1. 4' '
<br /> " ' � Not�tbird.to amounts payab�0e under puagrapfi 2;fourth,to intercst due;and last,to principal due. ,. ^�-�'
<br /> ' •�.� .• 4. CWr�Lleas. BoRawe�shall pay all wca,assessmeMS,charges, Bna and imposilions attributable to the .�,7,��:;�;yi:�.':.:�
<br /> .. ;�� .' _ . ?, ,��._�� property Mhicl� may attaia p�io�ty,over this Secunty Inatrummt, and IeasehotQ payments or gmund renu, if�ny. ;,�,� -- °—
<br /> , ;;. _ �,�t`c: HorroMer shall pay thae a6�9e�,a ta�ns in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not pa�d in th�t manner. Borrower shall � � � •,.` ,`� ��_
<br /> ,.•,.J,:yi;•;, ., . pay tAan on time directly to it�tr.person owed payment.Horrower sh�ll prompdy fl�rnish to Lender all nutices of amounts ,+ `',; ` . , '�y
<br /> . � .' . to be paid under this paragra�9�.IP Bonav�Yr maka thae payments dira[ly.Bonower shall pro�apwly furnisb to Lender �„•r�!'f,'' ., -,_°_
<br /> reai evid¢r.:in the men�s. � r'^•��,. --
<br /> , t.�•.,,;, Pts B WY !•:•.•".��f�►',, �:r..--
<br /> Borrower shall promptly diachuge any lien which has priority over this Security Instruaa�ent unless Borrower:(a) . ��l�'%s:..�
<br /> • a�roes in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acce�tAble to Lender.lb)contests in good , . ,.••�f•„•?"�.
<br /> � • � fsith the liea by.or defends ag�inst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings whdxfi�n the Lender's opinion operate to i .-��,::_��
<br /> �� prevmt the enforcemrnt of the lirn or forfeiture of any part of the Propeny:or(�)secares from the holder of�h e l i e n s u i �� �� �
<br /> � � �� • „ agroement satisfactary ta Lender subordinating the lien to this Secunty lnstrument.Df Lender determina that any paN of i. �t�b:
<br /> . � � en Lender m� ive Botrower a � ... ''%�
<br /> � , • the PropMy is sabject to a lien which may attain priority over this�x:�c�unty lnstr�am t. Y B --:-
<br /> � natioe identifying the liea.Eorrower ahall satisfy the lien or take one or more of'the ae��r�s set foRh above within 10 days '!��,�, ��• �'�;Cu
<br /> ;,:t;,'�:;'� ,L;•:�s
<br /> . oftheQivingofnotice. �',:•• ;��:,' A. .�:-
<br /> � S. H�rard Iawnac�. �orcower shall kap the nrreDrovements now exiscing or herpRer erected on the Property , ,
<br /> , �r �. 1,_, ,
<br /> �� insurad agaiost lass by firc.hazards included within the Qe�"extmdad covem�e"and�ny other Bozards far which Lender i ; ,
<br /> • • requires insurance. This inautance shall be tn�intaine� in the amounts and for the periods tha� I.ender requires. The � � `
<br /> � F , insurance cunie�pmviding the insurance sha01 De cho9en b Horrower sub' t to Lender's a r��al which shall not be i .. �• �' �{i��`'•".•�;�;,r
<br /> Y � p� ; •�ii;�j�;'., �7'�i�!5;;��i'r:
<br /> , . � �ra.�o�.b�y��nn�ia. � , ..
<br /> • ' All insunnce policies and renewals shall be pcce:ptable to Lender and shell indude a seandard mongage clause. �� �•'
<br /> , „ .
<br /> " L.rnder siult have the righ�ta hold the policies and renewals.If Lender requires, Bc+�ower shall promptly give to I.ender
<br /> 4.., all roceipts oPpaid prcmiums and renewal notices.ln the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance � ya����:n
<br /> carrier and Lender.I.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptE�by Borrower. '-°"��
<br /> " Unless Lender and Borrower otherw�se ogree m writing,ins�•bn�e procetds shall be applied to rcstoration or repair
<br /> � of the Property damaged.iFthe restor�tion or rep�ir is ecar�omicaG➢�feasible and Lender s secunty is not lessened•If the
<br /> " ratoration or np�ir is not economically kasible or I.en�Jet's secunl�would be lessened,the insurance prooeeds shall be
<br /> , ' �:�,s,, applied to the sums secured by this Secunty Instrumene.R�hether or not then due, with any excess paid to BoROwer. If
<br /> �: ;., , '�' Borrower ab�ndons the Property,or das not answer within 30 da.s�notice from Lender thu�he insurance carrier hss , ,
<br /> ,.� _..�,.. , ',�' ��:`�:;I
<br /> • , .:�;.�.; offercd to aettle a claim,thrn Lender may collect the msurance procreds.Lender may use the proceeds to repa�r or ratore
<br /> �•�' "' � the Propeny or to pay sums securcd by this Secunty[ns�rument,whetbe�or not then due The 30-day period will be�in • ''•
<br /> :,,�.1..,��; ;,�1,i.1•� , •! _ .
<br /> � •� c,�„y,<<;, when the notice is given.
<br /> ��•�; " •';;?�'� •.:�'. Unlas Q,ender snd Bonowe�otherw�se agree m wnemg,anv appl�cauon uf pr�xeeds to pnncipal shall not extend ur .
<br /> � `�'' '1`����'� poslpone tha daoz date of tAe monthly payments referted tu�n paragnphs I and 2 or ehange the amount af the poyments.I( !`
<br /> ' �'�,. ., .
<br /> �`' under pars��a 19 the Propcny is acqu�red by Le�sder.Borrower's�ght m an. ins�nnce polk�es and praeeds resulung
<br /> ';�, �. fmm damage co the Propcny pnor to the xguis�cwn sAatl pass tu Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secunry
<br /> . �ostrumrn�immed�ateip�rws to the a�.-queutcon
<br /> � ��������' � 6. Presenatio�d M�torace of Pro�ert�:[.eaceholds. Burrower�hat(n��t destroy.darn�ge or subscanually
<br /> : - � etrange the Propeny,a�t�w cftc Propeny �o dcten�xuc or commn w•aste If th�s Secunty Instrumertt �s ae�Itasehold.
<br /> . . .�n_ r.....�.�.,�h.O.nn.nc e!v 4aahnld and
<br /> ;�. . ' • flqrtowuseaii cumpiy wnn iirc prc�n�vny vi inc icax,a�iu n w.:.-r:...:y^L•..........._._..°---.- • ---- --- .
<br /> ' , ,�.. ' fa tnk seaCl mc�t merge unless Lertder agr�es to the merger in w ntmg.
<br /> 7. Proteetioa of Leader's Rig6b in the Prope�ty; �fonpaRe Insunna. If Borro�er (ats co perform �he
<br />� � j covenanes aad agreements contamed m th�s Secunty Instrument,o��here�.•r legal pre�ceedmg Ihat rtt�y sc�nr(fc�nrly aRecl
<br />� ' Lertder's rsgqes m the Propehy Isuch as a pr�eedmg�n bankruptcy. pmb�te, for condemnaaon or to ert(�or�a tiwg�r
<br /> � ' reau{atioas),then Lender may do and pay for whate�er�s nn.essary•to protect Ihe�alue of�he Property and Lender's nght9
<br /> � in the Pro�aerty. I.ender's actions may mrlude paymg any sums+�cured by a hen ah►ch has�+nonty�o�er th�s 5ecunry
<br /> lnstrummf,appanng m coun,paymg rwsonable attorneys'fees und cn�ering an cha Praperry ro make repa�n Althuugh
<br /> � I.ertder may take action under th�s paragraph 7.l.ender does not h�Ye tu da+o
<br /> � ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender under�h�s paragnph 7 shall ba:ome;►ddu iunul det+i ol'Bannwrr secured by�h�s
<br /> • Secunty Instrumenl.Unless Borrowrr and Lender agree to other�ertns of paymrnt.these amounts shsll beu�nures�from
<br /> ' the date of dtsbursement �t the riote rate and vhall t+e pa}able, wuh intetett. u�n no��re from Lender to Ei�rrov►er
<br /> • requating paymmt.
<br /> • .
<br /> 1
<br /> • �
<br /> , _
<br />