- � ��� �njJr.1!,..':.�.._'
<br /> - ` __'"`_" -�-... .. ..�4
<br /> l ?�
<br /> � . _
<br /> � . ' ..'4-:.
<br /> , -�''�.. �. _.__..
<br /> . . ... '�^�Y�I,'d��YA�l . --
<br /> tf
<br /> S` _ _- _--_ '".... _____��......
<br /> .� . . 91-� �.o23so
<br /> �� —
<br /> tnwra+w cov�n�on furnl�ln�u�d otM� /ew ot P���a►�l or otlw� ProOi+'tf► e�la�i1M !o _.
<br /> ,�. � �n p�� and pblto 11sOilltr oow�eN M1tMn Meh rult� or pr�/� N�11 E� tfr �oU �nd dinot _
<br /> . °:;. r..ponr�p��ter or en. «.+e•arn.� arr.4t, .�w eh��o.ra or 11��M.c�ator�ane eh. �.�oo�a�an ���
<br /> �° � � � = Mri no rMpofN1b111tY t�Mhtor. _
<br /> ,,�; a,.�,
<br /> ��
<br /> .�:.,s.7.'s.�
<br /> '^ �.�'f}`%.��% l�fttfafl 1. 11�1ntMWfC�. r---
<br /> ' YI.._A
<br /> ` '� ��N. Th� wtt� owN� �11 hav� th� ob11plfon to NMi�tatn lufd kwp 1n qood np�ir th� 1nt�Nar --
<br /> �wrfacM of M�lls. d/11ty�. and Iloon (ineluAtnA earWtiM. L11�, wllp�p�r, pNM a' oLM�
<br /> �•��j¢b.$y,;F, cowrlM) �� wll u �ll tixturw. uti71HN. M1rin9• Dlu�binp �ed �ppl��nc�s. locat�d M1th1n wch
<br /> - �-, x�v- aN��'s wft�. An owrr tl►�ll not 0� eyWondbl• fo� np�ir to coNOn �1�Mnts OY eawMltY. u�l�q
<br /> ���`+�+��- weh cln�wlty 1s du� W th� �at a' npli�nn Of !IM oMfM�r, M• giwst�. iovltM� o� LM1�e1ts. All
<br /> :-:t;y;��:;.` ' r,o�x��7MM1L n111ntMnnc�. inolWlnB 1�Mn onintAiNnc� �Ml sMw rMOV�I� r�Wirs an0 1'plaqiMnt� to
<br /> - `•,,�'Q''„"."�" tM 9�n�r�l ca�on �l�nt�. �11 b� �ad� by tlwi Asa�tallon and 0� charp�d to�11 th� w1t� aN+�rs = --
<br /> � .,
<br /> ..w..,p��,,;.�,--, ��a caw�oo�xp�np, unl�ss auch�int�no�. hp+�ir or►rpl�aMnt 1s n�wsNt.�t�0 bY th�rniliyMC�. `
<br /> µx.,,�;^,w-r�••.. riwM or �Ml�et of •wib awrr. In wh/eh aaM� weh�xp�nM�71 b�cM�rYW to wah w/t� eww�.
<br />.;-;,�'�'� ' 3i1i(iJ�_"'.,••r.. , ,
<br /> ,i�:'rL�, .y Mntlon 2. A�ratldil br sWt� OrMIf.
<br /> -" �. _;'�yY�r �':';. —.-..
<br /> Hp su;t� oMrN�r sha11 wk� any �truatural �ddition, alt�ralion or iwprww�e►t {� o�' to �;•
<br /> -�:�.!��c� :,�:�'�" suit�. or LM 11�it�d ea�on �l�nt�p�rtainfn/�llNf�lo. inolud/ny any�xt��/ar Ikie►tSn�or �xt�Hor -----
<br /> ,•o,+. ,. -.,
<br /> � :%�.-.. .-.:.;�.. •lt��attion or addttian (Ino7udia0 wnin�� yr41T�. �ta.) wfthout th�Prior w�itt�n canMn!tA�r�to of
<br /> _ . :`" � LM 6oara of Ad�lni�traLor�. Th� /wra of Atl��Risl�aton �hatl f►�v� ttM abHgattaa� to arrlwr aeeY �- -
<br /> -="r�r :°...... -.�.., MHtMn erq�Mat by • suit� owrr *a' +PProvsl of a propos�d struetur�l add9l;m. alL�rat9or► or �
<br /> � i�prorM�nt fn weh arn��'• �9t� r�tMn tMrtY f30) duY� �ft�r wdi r�sL� wnd *�11un to ao w
<br /> ti'r;.� ' ,� Miih9n!A� st9PUlatW t4� �ha�l cantitut� a eonNnt by tA� io�M of Ad�1nl�tralors to th� preOOMa
<br /> �:_��.;i,j7'.Kw•-�-: � nr�nql authority tor a p�r��t to
<br /> �.. addilion� alt�ratiare or i�prorw�nL. Mr appliutiqn to anY 8ov�
<br /> .i�� �" .. �ak� �n addition. �lpralion or irprov�nt in or to �ny wit� sh�ll b� �x�cutW by th� eoard ot
<br /> - ��. , .�. A�1M�LrwLOr� on1Y. •Sthout. how�v�n ��rrin9 anY liabiNtr av� tM part o* Lh� Ilowrd of
<br />-=!�rTF' �r�.ia, IIQ�1M�Crwtors ar anY ot LIMw to anY eontracton �ubeontr�ctor or w�t�rlal�n an accoiMft oT �h
<br /> '�`�"1'��. t°�'�`;i- addition. a1t�r�tion or irprov�nt, or to �nY Wr�n h�viR9�nY clai� fo� in�urY to p�rwn or dral�
<br /> n-..
<br /> �J"� f�; to P�rty �ri�ing th�r�fra�. T+r ProWNons of thi� 8�etioe► 2 aha11 not apply to wlt�� oMfiW b1r
<br /> '-,�: � ��' ,,:�.:..
<br /> . �i,f1
<br /> ���r_ ••fZiis;' ��" ' iM D�v�lapr unti 1 wch wil�s shsll h�v� ONn iMt9a11Y aald by th� D�v�lap�r �nd paid for.
<br /> --.�:�+ �';:.�.� �.1_
<br /> •_�_.� �'.�,y��,:•' • R�otian ,. 117L�r�t9a� nr EM�r�w�t�9��L��hLl4Y_9H44il�1Qf1. _ _
<br /> �:'� .'' � a
<br /> �'� `�,:� �� .�� 1. TA±re ehe11 w no �ntarqwwnt o� th� cow�on�twnts nor�tldttion th�r�to if suoh�nla�g��nt 3
<br /> �w
<br /> _.d� = or �ddition �17 cwt �or� than F1w Thoutand Dolla�� l�'�•�.�1 a+rtny any Hn91� ii�cai y�ar. � �
<br /> unl�p �nd unttl such a prapo�al i! aPProwO in w�9t9ny Dy orrwl'� holdlnp a! 1NSt MwntY-Iiv�
<br /> � �;� . ,� p�rcMt �A3R) ai th� rM�b�r� of RM A��oci�tion.
<br /> � ,�.:��� • ,
<br /> f� �!: '�"� .. ,�i;�u.'�
<br /> �h .u�,;
<br /> � ,• "�°jF�� . �3�1an 1� UM NMiv'j�.iQ[l�a �r,
<br />- � ... , In ord�r !o Provitl� fqr eong�nial oeeuA�ney of t1w Ca�do�iMa and far !h� p��tlon of Lh� �"r
<br /> , -= valu� of tM suit��. th� uM of tM P►'�oW►'tY �►+11 b� h�triclW to and ahal) !w 1n acwrCanC� with
<br /> _ 2M fol1ot11f19 ProW�ions: __=
<br /> b " • (a) Th� suit�s sh�ll b� us�d fu� re711C�nc�s only bY tM ��� or oMfMrs th�nof. tf»1� �
<br /> • fw��li��. 4w�t�, inWtN�. 'IasaM�� +nd liunsN�. �
<br /> .',i°'� ..-4^�h^'.- �•ty;�;..
<br /> �
<br />�_,'���}��:'q " � . (b) TM aaron ar�as N/1d IRN1iCi�a. 111C1Ud1fiq tM liAib�d CO�OO a�'M{ �W T�Oi1�Li�ir �
<br /> �>.;r:4•'. a:9 shall b� us�d only tor t1M Iurnl�hfny of th�wrviu� and fReiliti��fo�MMch tMy �r'1 _
<br /> ... .,,t�.,,,� ...__
<br />.��%,r��%��'�.i�� � �,�eff. ��w{OfMbly sYii�d wfld N�9C01 AI'r ifIClWlli t0 tM YN �M OCCUP�ICy Of Z�M Wlt��. `;:_
<br /> �:"ft��)''\i�.�} 'ti�'�� ''��..+�;_ � �
<br /> .:.s.��:�1..� rr4(":;i::,'; 4
<br /> �.,;�'���;�;., ��t;ti._'tFi.'�.�Z (el Ho nuiwnus sha11 M R1larad on anY R�yiw� nor shs�l anY us� o� Practtp bs wllowd �•
<br />, •,� ;_,,t.., ;<,��„^ ., rhith it w W4rp OT �n110yA71G� LO 1ts htidNlt� Or rhiCh 1f1t�N�f"M M1th tIM p��WfYI �itt:�,
<br /> .'.'fF:r i,�, • i.n ,. poswnion or P�W'»r ua of MY R�p{M. --
<br /> :'',iJ,�*., ,'�'i.,. . —
<br /> � �""� (d) No i�prop�r. oTf�noiv�or unl�wful uw �11 D��atM of �nY R�gi�or au�y p�rt tlrr�o*,
<br /> -�r' •'' �:'..i;,$����.��� 1vW wll wtid laws. zoefng taMS and nilulations ot �11 gowrr�tal bod1�� havtng --
<br /> _ �,
<br />- � � 3urisdictlan tMnof�hall b�obs�rv�d. ViolaLions of lar�. ord�rs� rutti, nyu7�Norn —
<br /> or r�quir�nLS of any�ov�rnwntal �y�ncY havin9 3urisdiction th�rwt. r�latin9 to any ,�
<br />- � � portion of trw R�g1M �hs77 b� corr�cl�d. bY and ai tM wl• �xp�r►s� of tfN sWt� �..-
<br /> • owM�!or th� Ba�rA at Adlnlatrator�. �hlcnsv���hall hl1v� tM obliyatian to Mint�tin
<br /> . ,. , `�� or r�p�9h sueh portion of tM Contlo�i�+ur Ro9'1N. �`:
<br /> �J.f;:'��. , �'� (�) 7M RoMPd of AdA11fi�Ltitol'f fhall hav� +ui9'ority to pro�GfiW th� atoray� Of fWl,
<br /> ����4x�:n�' � ���� �KO�Oi��/��� CFIMiCaH a710 iffY OtIM� wAt�riAl it d�MS 4MI�r�IOIl� 1f1 W{C�� Or 9iri�f. S •
<br /> . '�:,.:;t:l�°`. � i.
<br /> : {,,.. ,�ti' I''r,.
<br />' ,�•• ,,t�,•`'.i3'd•f!�7!J,i' 3lS�L..19Q T.�_ R91!!Q�.�d4Ct. �.. .
<br />.���+�.??:i�;tf �.��9�''Sri��`��.'�ti����'I
<br /> �. •.;i' i;,:..`!i���:• �
<br /> "i;•:�;%:`"�� , , ,�,, ', qu'�es and r�9u7�t1on cone�rntng Ch� use ot t►r au,4�s. tM gar�9�s an0 tlr caron arN� and
<br /> a.•;cp :.:_f . . .i� �. ;.•••,t.t)�i
<br /> �: ,�•a ",��,;�.�.. �i., � .�. }�Gi11t1�+�. �ncluding th� 71sit�dcoMlOft A�NS and *acitili��. tiay b� Prawigat�OarW wndW bY tM
<br /> 1'';�i�"��F'': �;:t�e�•:�,.; . ..,' 6oaftl o� Ad�iMstrators. Cop1�s of suth �W'Q19 •n0 r�gul�tfon� sha11 b� furnistw0 AY tM �rd of
<br /> • ;,y,�:�`•,;�'; ' Ad�i�lstr�to�s to oact wit� orMr OrSor 4o t9ce NM wMn tM sw iMll bKaw�Kt�etlw.
<br /> , . .'� •� �`�cr�+,;�' ; �
<br /> . , : � �`:(I �otlon 9. Ri�i4_4F AsS�4!• �
<br /> . . � . �r i
<br /> • � ' .` A suit� own�r sha71 gra+a7 a right M acc�s� to ni• wit� or g�rag� to th� �ana4�r an0/or
<br /> _.____ -- '` � �' • --.� w�M�ing�g�nt uM/ur any otR�r C�rsa+ �uRAC��2�C DY th� eoartl of Ad�ini�tr�tor�. th� �anay�r or tM
<br /> -- - ��naging agMt. rw tn� ou�P��or wk�nq .nsoecc,vr.s or for i.i�. wrw�oT c�.-:c..:-� :-.: :�••'�.
<br /> � origlnating i^ n.c s��E• ar 9�rag� •�a tR'+wt�nfnq anotMr suft� or gar�� or a cawon a�w or
<br /> � �� f�cilitY. or for th�purpoa� of p�rTO��+�3 *rtsLa11a4ron+t. •lt��atlons or r�p�+rs LO th wcnan+cal p
<br /> ' •1�eL�lew7 wrvie�� or oth�r facilitf�s �n nr+ w►E�or garag� or �IMwMr� fn t�lurbG:n�. pr�ov►Q�0
<br /> th�t r�awsts�or �ntry �r��aa� in aovar�t+�nd tnat rnr r�+c1+ �ntrv tis at a t+� ►�a+on+aly Ro�yM*«^t
<br /> LO tM W4t� Of 9arag� W+Mf. Ifl Cif� O'I � i�M�4r''✓Y� �VC� rtght of �t1L�y NtJ�ii b� rw0*�L�.
<br /> MMtINr tlu suit• or gAP�9� OMMr is pr��nt rE tN� tfN or not.
<br /> ' . .. 9�etton 1. Ab+t�N�t ano E�lointrtg of vto�atteM.
<br /> ' TM vSOl�tfon of anv rul• or r�{Nl�tfon adoDt�d bY th� ooard Adw�n+�trwtors or tM b1Y�ch of
<br /> ' �� �ny ot th�a� 8y-L�w�containW Mr�i��. or tM br�ach ot u�Y prov�etana of tM Ma�t�r OMA. ahall gtv�
<br /> • ;
<br /> s. �
<br /> � f
<br /> 1 _
<br />