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CZ ,S �. �7. . `;.vtM�, � . .. ��� r�.' .r��L�;l�. . �� .. �� � .;�tk���7�+:i'1�5'a��i�t��;uufj,_srra _ ..... <br /> ._..�u+�ir�:;� .:�r/`• •qrc. .:e�HS++� � � . . .. ,.,� �r�.`'yin�r�°1�'fy�'�.a'!`^"LFrIF�=-� <br /> . `_� ' ' - �• ? t�`����r:f`�V <br /> - � -, _ n 'a:' f��{�i N . •r,y��5,r'�e.-. , <br /> jK/i�aQ�'�1���{������������� '' ,,` Il7�it ii-+'� _ <br /> Or � � � � �� �OI� � rktl(c — <br /> ��WtM 11dN Or � � �6 a�Y� � � ��,.�yk�� tit..�::;;:;.�,_..._ <br /> ��`� � M�.u:K_-- <br /> Ia�m�qt.Ap ot 8re ir 1riNi�d!o ia dde�►.,�i�rMr�IM tr IW..'!Mu/�q: , . �. •;r�, `S:.,�..._;.,_�.-- <br /> `,`<' �K��Xi�rt�dMr,sd�a�s 4 i+��ii�►'�bNd pt�wrr M�ry�+ry�tiN�k�t tae a�ht t��;, h�'" ,...�. <br /> � <br /> � � .,,, �ORR�OryV�31t KI� Ho�a� ' �),., ��' __ <br /> , . oonvey ths P�qpa�ty.Md tidt die PiqppRy ia Yi�ou�l�dd.e�ta�M �or'lnonn6�MO�d A+�+�'a�, .� ,•..:z �.,,, <br /> �dp[pd Rtnontlly tho tide 1od�Ptopaty�ptrt dIC�altrili�nd.Aeatmd��w�j�ot b rq►iaQa�l�b�+moi0�°�t°°°��' 't``�'.°.fi;,((''=;'.`�-:. <br /> S . �� <br /> ' 771[S SB�tfR1TY lNSTR�MBNT coa�ioM ar�ifarn aova�rw fbr ationd n��MI aoa•�wiPo�a►ao�eaiNs wi1� . ' r ,•- <br /> _ � . �bY� �fiiiiiita8 i� . ,. t ��f.u� �l v,�:�m. <br /> - . . a�itwe��w�y �i P�' I� ! „<<,�� _,�� <br /> _r ---- —�----- � tINIPORM cOV�NAl�'fs.Bmrow+xaea Lerdercov�nt a�d�a�tollorw: X� ,:. � �? � , <br /> ; . 1.!�'�t at�t�iNel�nl atl LiM�li N�P�11�M � �CW� BonoMa�t�G�11 pmmp119 P+Y� �`�;E,s,.�tz5�,:..':• <br /> � `�:�}�;� da�p�I of aad i��ten�t oa the debt evidraosd by the lYo1s�ar,�►p�ep�ymaM wd IKo cdr�a due under tho Nato. '!':..`::�j:;k��;,:.�.-.•' <br /> ,,` , ,t. , ,�.��-�.,.. <br /> 'p • ..Z��pad�[ar Traw��wl I�wrarot.Subjea w�pplicabla taw or w a written wdva by l�aider. Bamo�er�,.�,�p�►:�tt�.; :';,,�:`�',`' <br /> . w� � 1: ....,,._ <br /> ,'�'�. � � � ��'!.cJ,���'����;('�;,'y`iav. <br /> . �Rlldlr.l'Ai1 t�0 dAY�Y P�Y���dYC MIIdNthe NOtO►p11d)�10 Nof01��Mld M�11�{.A WRI 'FYOOi"�tOf: • �,. <br /> ____ �nd�e6sntemt which m�y�pri�ty over tl�Secudty inqntmmt�a�lion on Ihe Pr�npohy:(b)in�iy la�hOb �tn�rt�`+�:';:;;;;'s`- <br /> -= -_---- -- or�raUiid�tcme an tho Pr+opaty, itanY;(�)Y�Y��«tx'�P�Y i�unnoe p�a�Qu1o�;(d)Yar1Y flood�oep�jiitl�+:;:,;.,,,:;�," <br /> --��---° _ = lf�qy;k(b�y�wdy matgaye inwr�nce ptapiup� iu►y�and(��nY�I�Y+�bY Hormw�er ta�oc�wdRno��vvi� l';.;�; <br /> ' 1be p'rnviaion4 of.'�a�aBr+Ph lieu of the pymeat of anoit�a inwnuae p�anivar.Tfiere item�are aatlod 'BscmN►it�x�"'.::.• ,r;." <br /> �a'�ii dma.aaNea�nd hold Fiu�d�in�n oa�ount nae a euoeed �he alaui�aum aamunt�la�der fwr. tbdar�l4ly..'�;-;;�iEi►R��s <br /> �� :UetldBt:�fc!a3'��: y.: <br /> �qtatedl,mdrt$ega=loarlmxy►+eqnino for Bono�re�r'e�raa�voauat wider�he tedanl Ral Bwte Sattlemern Prooedu�s Mu,of. ' '�f=�;�;1 <br /> 1994��a,arnondM fiem ume to time. 12 U.S.C. Sxtion 2601 a up.("RBSPA•)�unbu�nother uw�h�t�pplles w the Fn�idR s;;�:_�;;�;:�-`�;,` <br /> ��►1�sscr amot�nt. (f ao, l+atider ayy. a ary tlme�ooflaa�ad hold Fw�da in m aa�ounl nat ta exoeed tUn lawa amoiiqt:��-':;;;'.:;`i <br /> �---` - -- , Lp�d�r+uey as�lmate 1fie �unount of Fu�ciue pn�ho bssci�af w�treat dda aod �a�d ex�o.�ittsaa d f4ilk�s:��;�;���.-;�,;: <br /> � �=�..,..,.� ,. , � <br /> —� — — �'F�oraw•It�rea or otlKrwlse in a000Nanco wlth�ppllo�ble I�w. �;�t;; <br /> ---- — - 'hh� l�unds �Iwll be held in an instkudon whose deposilc are i�uurod by •fala�at �gaiay. faWrume+MdhY, or u�itY. .. : ��:;,, <br /> . =— ° (inClndin�l.ender.if Lenda ir such an instltution)or in any Fedenl Name Lotn B�nle.La�der clwll apply tha Fw�di to pry 1be•.•,:�. .,;. <br /> --== - Escrow I�ema.l.ender may not chuge Borrower for holdin�and applyln�the Funda�muw�lly wdyzin�the e�crow�000wnt.or , ::;:, " ��<- <br />===�`�"�'"""'�� verifying the P,sciaw Items.unlecc l.ender pays Bomawer interest on t6e Fundn t�nd nppHcabk Irw porniia�der to d�e sud� ;;': " '.,., <br /> �_-_" o chnrge. However. Lenda may roqui�Hornower to p�y a one-timo chuQo for�indcpenda�t ral esuae lax repoida��n'1ce '.. �.'•`� <br /> -- _= used by L.ender in connectfon with thie kwn. wiless appliablo law provides otharwlro. Unlaa iw �roement b mde or '..: '.y;':;� <br /> _ -�-= ApplicableJaw requira intaest to be paid.t.ender shall not be rcquirod w pay Borrower any intetcct or�nrnin�on Ihe Ruado. ��..; '' <br /> ;;�rt��� Bornower and l.endcr:nay agree in writin8, however.that interest siwll bc pifd on 1he Furda. Leeder�hall Qive w Borrowa. • <br /> _: <br /> -- withouC charge, an ann�s�l acoounting of the Fund�. slwwing crodiG►�nd debit� to the Funda and 1he pu�poee ior which e�ch �,� .:��,` <br /> __ _ dcbii�ta�!�Funils�as rnadc. Tht Fu�s sre �ledged as addlsiona!ss�rfiy fo�n!1 sue�s sec���e�!hy�bia Security In�trument. ., ' <br /> . 3f�the Funds held by l.eader exceed the amounts permittal to be held by�ppUcable low.l.ender slwll �cc�ount to 9arower �' <br /> - � for th�excess Funds in accordance wfth the requi�ementa of upplicable law. If the wnount of tho Fundn c�W by Lenda'K any <br /> qme is not sufficieal tu pay the Escrow Items whea due.Lender mey so notify Borrower in wch caze 9orrower <br /> ,�� ahall pay to leruler the amc�uni ncce.�sery to make up thc doficiency. Borrawer clwll moke up Ihe deflciency in no moro tlun <br /> twelve monthly payments,at l,ender's sole discretion. <br /> � �1pon gaym�nc i� full ot all sums u�urod hy this Security Insuument. [.ender shall promptly rcfund ta Borrower Any <br /> _ _�� Funds held by.Lender.lf,under puragreph?I,Lender shall xquire or reU the Property,[.ender,pria�tu thc acquisilbn ar sde <br /> • �¢''`� of the Property� shAq apply any Funds held by l.ender nt the time of acyuisition or wle as u crcdit ug�fnst the wms�cured by <br />�• -"` this Securiry Instrument. <br /> , .�� 3.AppUcANon of Poyments.Unless appli�able law provides atherwise.all puyments received by l.ender under pnr�raphs <br /> ` I and 2 shall be applied: first,to uny prepayment charge�due under the Nwe: second,w nnuwnts payoblc utxkr parc�raph 2; <br /> `-° i�� , �, interest due;founh, to prfncipal due;and,to uny late churges due under th�Note. <br /> � `'•�c,, 4.Clw es• Lfenc. Borrower shall a all tazes,a�sessments, char es, fines and im �itions nllribumble lu the P rt <br /> . .'�r t � , P Y S p�►• � Y <br /> :;�. r�?";r��: , which may atmin priority ovcr this Security Instrument. and lea.gehald payrnent,or graund rems, if any. &�m�wer�hull pay <br /> ' � ` �+i , f' these obiigatians in the manner provided in parag�pt�2,or if not paid in thut nu�nner, Burrowcr shull pay them on tim�:Jircilly <br /> � '1'w �,j;•:t� <br /> •• ,� .�...;..� to the person owed payment. Bottowcr sh�ll prompUy furnish to Leruicr ull nutires of amountti to t�e pold unJcr Ihi�par+y{rnph. <br /> .. ,.�r;��:, n <br /> ,, -�:;�;�.,, : )t��,��' If eorrower nwlces these payments direcUy,Borrower,hall ptompUy furnish to L.e�xier receipts eviJcnring the payrtuntr.. <br /> � „ y�� � Bonower sfi�nll pmmptly discharge any lien which hus priority ovcr thi,Scwuri�y Im�run�ent unl�.s Bor�uwcr: 1aI agrc�h fn <br /> - �� � �z�.'. � ��wriliag to the paymeni of the obligation secured by the licn in u rrwnner acrept�blc to l.cndcr.Ih►r�m�crl+in��MKI tullh�hc licn <br /> �'r� b or defends v sinst enforcement o( the lien In, le al r�eedin ti which in tl►e l.endcr'. o iniun �► ru��lu �vent the <br />_-'=:.�'. 1�l�. .� ' ` Y. g F P 8• r Ik I�' <br />•� � � �;�yS;_ .�• entitircement of thc licn: or(c)secures from the hoWcr of th� lien an uErcenunt.a�iwfactury tu lAnJrr�uM►nliiwting ih�lien io <br /> _j ,�_��` '�'�^^ti thic Securiry Instrument. If I.enJer deicrminc+th�u uny p.�n of ihe Prupeny i+,ubjcrt a�u lirn whirh nwy utiuin priariiy.�ver <br /> ti .•.,h�fj;y,:;;:;_;.�, this 5ecurity Inxtrument, Lender muy give B�rr�,w�er a noticr identifying thr licn. Hnrmwer shull thr licn ur tul:.unr ur <br /> �' more of the acti�ns set fonh nbove within 10 day+nf �he giving�if natice. <br /> —r—=---�:-- <br /> . �;. Fann�0� �110 <br /> �;�1-` <br /> ,t a� :K�,i�� P.o.t oi s <br /> - r� •• .�.A�. <br /> ... �•. ,•,r,y � <br /> �`�'.; .�:� � - <br /> � ��"�' ,�`x�`i __ __� . —. . <br /> a;+ � '��1� },' N�P�)�'(� Wn;Y�a?:r.x�,�,.F�����,�..,,..�....�..�.-•T.�.� ;...., •a�r��vA��z.�r�swd�acu�w�ati.r„�,m,_--- <br />_ � — .. .t��- •r:�t�.�! y t �, � ,�.�} �g �S� y�ji•� •.' �,���{.I 4?r�9k�' K..a— — __ "_ <br /> t. ��"�.5+' '�i}°1� �. j ��ty�' IY +,�l' :}SiN �y� �'fi4� � �...r,v�f'��1'b_;..�._�.�,o..{�-.�-- <br /> 3lJ{ � � �'� t .h:)a U r y4� `��. <br /> ? (i��t�t tf � , �°�.. .�� <br />_• 'l�•:;1�.�f,�'1�.�Rr�i1:"1l;�[r,�';:f:4`1$tk�?►1��si•i41��i:9'i:f';,�c:>,�ti�:;t; r• h�?j '!t{J'rt•f,� �y n_..-- �F�:w,.�.:.�.�= - <br /> �� I. } � �i �� r � i � ` .a � fIC�(t i a.�" {.il , ��1t��nt' � .v.—s ��� - — <br /> iH1:2Q�• 1 .,ti�.��i'11�L.�+ �:1:��ili« � .if:�.�dlJ.�_S�7 �dllX�I� rE.'9. _LL.. . _a.�. _ _ <br /> � - �-�.— .i� r �ti72�rZbV�i C�6:i� irt'T7"�+��� i'�j�i,�.jj�, �� � ..� --- — <br /> 1 L��t ��-R-�r� <br /> J`.��'`x..l�' �i�iPi������'� ! ,� �i��j �.6i�� 1�� � t i7��� i�� _ t"� .fu�`�- ____�.�...���.,e�.,...r..,o.... <br /> � �1,'f hf a r� 1( • � .� )� �1l� � � � 1���iy�„y � !A„`� <br /> � .'7' - �_ �r �7 .'d. C 1 - ' ,1�i �'i(. . `�... . _ <br /> _ ' e � .... ,i. ,'.��1� .:,�i61'�;'S1: kqk�i ,�f� St� 2 tit,,,, �•r•�•d�";;�,�".� ��"' •� IG��`�,: ,r�- ��`�����nn� °.��-_, <br /> �� ��� tie•� d iV t �r � t .{h .�. s:..'.:�•.�r,.k*� -i,:�: i.. 1- .�i .�, . 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