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�,�_�:;,,: �rri.�.. .. t ��.- . . _ ..--- <br /> . . .... ..,n^z__.--- <br /> :tw ..�i . - • , . . .. . . �n ' .,.n... <br /> ...-- ----� _ � . . ,-, ' . , •'�'c-- .. <br /> IIOIY'Gf�f0!'�E�b010id OI1 IMO •��'�11MI�OIM1. ��IYil0i11rOM. <br /> TO�i6RiHR WI�PH tll 1hQ laapt�re�a�nl� OroP�Y <br /> � A�aow a M�Ik�r�pn d rbe prapaty. AU npl�oaii�nb�d additiom�h�U d�01»�wrod'bY t�i�8e�i�► .� _: <br /> , ' �iqpnia►t. AII of the torqaiq u rotarod K*in t6i�Seautity Inet�itn�art a�tbe'ltiopeity" �� <br /> ' HQRROWBR ODV�NAM'S tb�t Baroaar i�iaNrlWly�eilal at d�e aqMe 6enby chevayed�d Iw dre r�ht w� " <br /> aad oanvey the a�d dW tho Propaty it unenaimberoci.e�ep fa eonm�b+aaoior d nx.�ad. &*to+ua�vrr�ol�wd <br /> _-_ ___ <br /> �IY�to�d r�dtb a tha Prapehy a�iaa vl cuim�aad daaaad�,wbjax a aay mcu�a6r.noes d recard. <br /> - -�-.._.P.--==-,-,--,�.,..,...� THiS �BCUR17'Y 1IVS'1'RU(�RP.N'1'oom6incs un�fami covawMs far nWon�l use�od noa-uai6o�m t�o+enrts vi� - <br /> liiriled v�riatlau by Juti�dlctian to oonaitaoe a anifarm�ec�arity�covs�ia�ra1 prqpe�ty. - <br /> IJNIF�DRM COVR�TAlV7'S. Bonowex aad I.ender aovananl a�d a fotlo�vs: <br /> i. [��n�at r�.ctpu ana�nw�,�:t�ea.�n�wa��s... ao�we,�sn.n n�np�y a►r w�a�e u�e <br /> �pinci�ot and intaiecl on Ihc deMt evide�ta�d by the Nme�ad a�Y Pq�Y�+���cs due under tho Nale. <br /> FYu�dt tor 71�ua a�t imura�oe. SubJoct w�pplic�bie law or w�wriaea v�ver I.e�der,Bamawcr�1u11 pry w <br /> l.aider on tho d�y atanthlY MY�t�uo due under�ho Nate. uaW the Nate Ia paid ln full.A sum("Iiads")lar:l�l Y�Y <br /> - — tuos aad asscssmenn wbich nuiy utain piaity ovu tdio SecttrUy insmmw�t as a liou at 1ha Prape�ty; <br /> lb)ye�rly ka�oW <br /> Prym�nts or giround ants an Ihe Prope�ly. if�ny; (c)Yeufy b�.ai+� ar propeny lnsuance pemiwns:(d)Yea�qr fbod <br /> inwaanco Pnmiutns. if any: (e)yeariy mort�go Nwn�n�x IM'aniums. if aay: aod(� +u�Y swas Wlr+�ble bg Barrower w <br /> l.aider,in�o wlq�tha p�o��sions d'p�Bra�h lleu of�hep�ymau ot mortg�e irwntiaoe p�emium�. 71�se <br /> ilaos a�e called"Escrow Itcros." I.ender aay tu�ae.coUect aM IaW ii�nds in�n a�tiount not to e��eed tbe mUCiroua�n <br /> amoaet a la�der for a foden�Uy reWad mo�[g�ge Moan may r�equi� for Barrowcrl�cscm�r acc�oum Mnder 1hc foderal Rcal <br /> Fslate Setidanan Ptncedutes!�t of 1974 u amended fran time ro tlate.12 U.S.C.$2601 et stq.l"RESPA7.ualcss anod�er <br /> l�w r1�t�plies w the Fi�nd�sets a ksser amouM. If sa La�d�er nwy.u�ny time.callecl and Aald Rudt in m aawunR aot ta <br /> _ -- - cxrr"w w� k,�cr�unuunt. i..ender m�y esdm�te ti� amo�cnt of Fu�rcis duo cm tiie iz�sis uf cw�r+d Jww,vu�t r�s�ouaDfe _ <br />- eWmittes of ex�eMiwrc.c of fuwro Escmw Items or vthawise in acco�darnx with applic�ble U►w. <br /> '!Ue FLnds ahall be held in an instiNdm wAosc depaits u�e inturod by a feder�l+� aUitS+ <br /> (including L�ender.if Lcmder is such an instiwtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. I.�ender shall�pply�he Fi�nds to WY <br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not chargc Borrower for hoidiag and applying tt�e Plmds,nnnwdly analyzing tbc�w <br /> accoum.or verifying tl�e Escrow Items. unless Lerder pays Bortower intercst on the Rinde and applic�ble la►w pnmita <br />.�� l.ender to mokc auch a charge. However,L.ender may requirre Barnwer to pay a aie•time charga far an independem rcal <br /> y� estate r�c reporting service used by Lender in connection wi�h this Iwn.unless applicable law provldea othenvise. Unlas an <br /> :}'�_ — ag�eenKnt is made or applicable law requira interest to be paid La�der sh�11 not be requircd w pny Barowcr any interat or <br /> - ---- c�mings on thc Fyods. Bomower und L.cnder may agrce in writing.however.Uw1 intcrcst shall be paid on Ihe Funds. I.ender <br /> .:�— -- - shall give to Bortower.without annual accounting of Ihe R��ds,showing crodlts and debil�to�he Funds sud the <br />,,� purpose for which exh debit w the Funds wxs made. The Funds arc pledged as addidawl security for all�ums secwed by <br />__= Udr Security Insdument. <br /> 4 �<<: If the Ii�ods held by l.ender exceed the amiwnts pnmined to be heid by appiicabie iaw, i.ender shaii acc� iu <br /> , '� "'�"'.'� •� Bomower for the excess Funds in necadance with the roquircments of applicable law. If the amount of the Fu�+ds held by <br />'�'� I,ender at any time is not sufficient to pny the Escrow Items when due.l.ender may so notify Bomower in wridng,t►nd, in <br /> _;�; such case Barower shall pay to l.ender 1he amount necessary to moke up the deficiency. Borrower sl�ll m�ke up the <br /> - ��,- --- �,.,J , deflciency in no more rhan twelve monthly paymen� I.ender�s sole di`..crctioe. <br /> �: • Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security Insuument.Le;�der shall promptly refwd to Bor�ow�er any <br /> s�, ,..,, fi�nds held by Lendar. If,under�uagiaph 21,Lender shall ncqui�r or scll the Property.Lender,p�lor to the acquisition or <br />. ,+j, .. `� r�%, ' sak of the Property,sholl upply any Funds held by Lender�t the time oi acquisition or sale as u credit against�he sums <br /> •� � '�s.� ' :.�� ' . i secured by this Secu�ity Instrument. <br /> '� '' ���;; ' 3. Applkatbn of Payments. Unless appiicable law provides wherwise, all pnyments received by I.ender under <br /> - ' -'.;•g.F:_.• � �f�8�'8 P I 14 I tltld Z SIIIIII IfC II�IICd: onY P�PAY��charges due under the Note;second,lo umounts payaWe under <br /> _� ��� •��•=;`�r•��3° , rn h 2;� interest due;fauah,to nci al due;and lust,to un Iwe ch es due under the Note. <br />,� �.,, <.,;.r�• . 1�8 P {m P Y aB <br /> 1�.- .:.�',,::�~,` 4. C6ar�es; Lkos. Borrowc� sh�ll pay a!1 laxes. assessments, charges, fines und impoxitions attributable to thc <br /> ,�`, r+� ' properry which muy anain priodt�r o�.• �'�� •eiurity Insuument.und leasehold payments or ground r�ents,if any. Borrower _ <br /> -,;:. . `'•�.a, <�^ � shall pay these obligations in the� .wk�l in parograph 2,or if not paid in thnt manner,Borrower shsill pay them on - <br /> � '��;:•h= ;'w I time directly to Ihe persan owed pav�n�e,:.. . ��TOwer shWl promp�ly iumish to Lender all notices of umounls to be paid ander <br /> '�"'--'� � cMs paragraph. If Bortower makes tFkse pu;a�ents dircctly,Barower sh�ll prompdy fumiFh to Lender receipts evidencing - <br />.'�'. •,,;r� � �,';,%,".:� the nts. <br />•`;t} 'y: . ' :,�,, paYm� _ <br /> � .. ..);�,':�'���;�: Bomower shall promptly discharge an� .. .u�hich has priori�y over�his Security Insuument unless <br /> ��� �,�;..:'=' <br /> �'•; r. ,' '; ;, 'N in writing to lhe payment of the obligaiion secured by the lien io o munner accepwble ro Lender,(b►contests in good faith the <br />=,' ���� ,+o��.;,,,�;�;;�;;;;�;,:; lien by,or defends against enforcemenl of the lien in,legul proccedings which in thc l.enders opinion opernte to prevent the _ <br />'�" :�`�'�:�-+�"`•,.°;' enforcement of�he lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the licn uo Agreement wtisfactory to Lender subordiru►ting the lien - <br /> n ���"��'•�•� to this Securiry Instrument. If Lencier determines�hut any part of the Propehy is subject to n lien which may attAin priority = <br /> _��� � ,'�;,`� over this Secur�ty Inswment.Lender mny give Borrower s�no[ice idemifying thc lien. Bomower shall satisfy the lien or�ake °-_ <br />'_'� � �. one or mor+e af the actions set fonh nbove within 10 doys of the giving of notice. _ <br /> "�' .""'�� . 5. Hu�rd or PropeHy lasurance. Borrowcr shall keep the improvemems now existing or hereafter erected an thc <br /> � � Pro p en y insured agninst loss by fire,haznrds included wilhin the�erm"extended coverUge"und ony aher hazardx,inctuding <br />�� ' +�`•` � �• floods or flooding. for which Lender reyuires inxuronce. Tbis insurance shall be maintained in the amouna and for�he - <br /> :i. ,,;�•_�:�;,• ; <br />.�Sj i , . �s.._;,.^ ' <br /> .1� � <br />'-t,l,�i�f '.. , ',}t.,r �0���� 9� I/10Rl�OfAPO!jY9) ec <br /> „+f <br />�.1ltl�H7EYll �''' . ' - <br /> "Yli�}$j(��j,� <br />�iL;�d� �7Y* . <br /> ;,(f' <br /> ,`•'rs .�t� <br /> �`dlr'1!E ` ° <br /> a�4� ,Y_. �>:,vi� q .•_. <br /> i��,� , � . t . �•r�`F�f�t! � . I�r�.� '-���{t;` i� � �i Y1�;u�'�`. <br /> ,ul g �.S�'� . , �rl� y� '', �� 441 �'Ip;::.�.•� .,a.. � C. �N r t � <br /> gi _ "':�' .. - •. . �- �';`if����f .'tiS��{jf`,�*� ,r /�J �� i � �*��, �.�`t � f/ti• <br /> — `1f1Aiu_4,t_i�l_��atti, � :Y ' � ti� �.3.itat....1•�' ,����.'KSz,[�t�'� �'a�.�.�...'�v <br /> _ ...� -,- •• - y - ---•:- —•�—,-- _-__-. ._ ._�_ �___r'__ — - < '`^ .w.a�+w�.�� ' ._. . _ _ -,. <br /> o� ��:_ , : I' _ ' ' ' 3'lL1 ` ' ��y"'C!i..�-. <br /> i� ' V .. ;,�., tb Nif i r:f 1� - ' , �' � . �� . _ t ��.J^ 1 M�'��.5�� � x. r5 . .. ... . . .. ,. - <br /> �� 3- ,.';t.' �` �teN� r ,�1.• ` . ' , • : , �.. . <br /> �L +i:.�-.= . � ._ , •,���_ �:, � (,t't, , ,� . , .,+ �'a ` ; ' .t <br /> ..-�+ �,P'l�aY',.``.., �t�.�'� � . 'V�SI'� , �. 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