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-r'•- . �,. .. , �,��w �r <br /> _�lM1�S ^..� "��'I -1� .�}t�r{' h -i ��jt�. �� �. � I,,,s1��{ . ,. .. • . �-�ran .. <br /> J��' . � }� r��� , <br /> S,y, • ..uiri'�� . <br /> ,. . .. <br /> �r --— <br /> ' -' r:�� <br /> — ;:�• <br /> , ����� <br /> ---�. L1. f.wr CM�e�a. it die lo.n�acured by d�b Seawiry iaarument i�.abJea a�I�w wbich.aa muci�awh laa <br /> darQes��ud�fu�t uw it flwlly iate�praed w tlWt tbe i�or atber looa chu�a cdlected or w be oolladed in co�uiociton <br /> ud <br /> ' , whb tbe lo�a a�coeed the permiued Iiraia.ti�:(�)�ay wch lna clur�e dWl be reduoed by tbo amourq noaa�ry w aed��e <br /> �' � . die cba��e to ebe pennittod limbt+�ad N)+ny wna vrn�dy cdlactod flrom Haroww whid�exooeded permittad liatitt wW ___. . <br /> n <br /> - .-•— be�eflnded a 8ar�er.t.eouer m�y cboae ta audoe d��etWw try rouucina the prlac�ptl awed wider�he rtaoe ar by m�ktn� <br /> � ":r.:�:i;:��`.. �dl�ect p�YmeaM to Bonowe�.IF�rotiu�d roduoes prlacipal.tho neductioa wW be dated a a P��P�'eP���'� _ <br /> -'� , -" p�yp�Yment ch�e uader die Na1e. `_ <br /> n �.R 1�. Na1bM. Aay notko to 8or�owet provided for ia thi�Security In:tr�unem�lall be 4iven by deliverius k ar <br /> . .r «�., �_ . . � <br /> - °-��-� ., . hy mailiqa it by flnt clw m�ll ualeu�pplic�bb Gw roquiRa u�o of anod�er mellwd. 7'be nolioe�11 be dirocted w�6e <br /> s'�:�',��''�� _'":.;�: � pnqKAy Addnas�or any ad�er addrcu Bo�tower dal�uoes by notioe to l�ender. My notke to Leader�nll be�ivan by - <br /> , 7�' ' A s!. •: <br /> :;t�����,� Mt clw nWl to l.ender's�dd�e+s qated hercin or wy aher�ddrc�l,eader dai�by�otloa to Borrower.Any rwtfoa � <br /> �!v provided far in�hi�Security iaqnuneAt dWl bo deea�+d a b�ve bea��iven to BoROwer ar I.ender wba��Ivea a�provlded -- - <br /> ,�t,"`J°'ad' ---- <br /> - v�,. k _ io d�porytaph. �-��__- <br /> �. , . . 1S. Goretd�Lawi Ser�ab0lty. This Secwky ln�1nunent sh�U bo Ravemed by tederal bw and the law af the <br /> .� . � "�`',r„�.�°'a •M <br /> ',{P.,, ,, . , ; .•..,�. ju�dlction ia which tbe Propaty it lacated.ln�ho ovem d�t my provistoe or otwse of tbi�3ecurity Inibua�ent or the Note �:.-- <br /> _�; • ooaflicb with appllcsble law.weh ooaflkt�uU aa1 affax otUer proWsiaas of tbis Secudty In�aument or the Nale which <br /> �.. ao bo�ivea ettect witbout the oodlk�tias pmvisia►. To thi�end t6e provisio�of tbk Soaurity ta�nurbnt a�d die Nae �.�=_ <br /> 1 . -�� �ra doo�rod to 6e�evetaWe. •�'`~• <br /> lf. Botruwa's Copy. Bortower clwll be�ivea one coafortned copy of the Note aud of thls Secudry Itwtument. ��-`�� <br /> :,.,•-�;.. ., �•.,"''. ����s,,.. <br /> - . 17. 'I�arder ot tre Property or�HaidkW IaterW In Borrower. If aU or aay Put of�he Praperty or any <br /> �-- -, . •�-�� iatereat ia it is sold or traa�femed(or it a beoeflcial inte�at in Botrow�er ic sold or traasferrod nnd Borrower is not a aatural '—_ <br /> ;�' .' .?'.�,�;r�.�:i Penon)without Lender's prior wriuea coaseat.Lender may,at ia option. ro9uire iaunedlau WYmeat ia fWl of�Il suma ��" <br /> w <br /> }: ' " � r• . .,; ; cea�red byr tGis Socudty Insuument.However.thls aption stwU not be exe�ised by Lender Uexercise is proAibited by federal ��;� <br /> " ;. ..;.''� law�of the dae of this Security Insuumeat. �•-_n <br /> ;`..�,;;.;',"",�•"�` � If Lender eaerciKS this optton.Lender:ball give Borrower notia af aoaleratioa.The notka shall prov[de a pmlod =---- <br />� ;' :'". '�. of nat less tt�n 30 d� s from the dato the noticx is deliverod or mailed wlthin whic6 Borrower muit pay aU sums cocured <br /> . � �; �'?�.*�.r;,:..:,4< r �i_4�� <br /> � �.,,�:�.�. � , by this Socutity Instrument. If Horrower fiils to pay tl�ece swns pria�to the expintioa of th�a periad.Lender may invoke <br /> � �., .:'.�.;?�,:.:.-:-�• -- �ny remedia pertnitted by this Sesurity lratrument witiaut fur�her natlee or denwnd on Borrower. ' <br /> ' � 18. Borro�s Rl�ht to RelasWe. !f Borruwer mats cerwin conditlons.Borrower shaU have iMe dght to have �':'�- <br /> i � ' ,. ; 'a enforoeroent of�his Security Instrument discontinucd at any time pdor to the earlier of:(a)S daye (or such other pedad =� <br />`::''��':;i:�:� ,' ', u appllcable lew may spxiFy for roinstatement)beforo aile of the Properry pur�uant w any power of sale contvined in this - <br /> ..,.,.,:;,� �A�. • .. <br /> i!`:,?;�;�� -.-......,:`'_;,.`'---':; Secudty In�uument:or N)entry of a judgmesm enfarcing this Socurlty Instrumeat. Those candltlons at�e tlu�t Horrower: �_ <br /> ` t(n.' , , . (�)paYs l.ender Wl�sums whicA tAen woWd be due under this Securiry insuumcM and iho A1aia�s it�w�xxiur�ihm htt�1 f�_ <br /> occuned;(b)cures any default of any dher covenants or agreements;(c)peys aU expemes lacurred in enfor�cing thia Securlty �� � <br /> ,i,.,,y. •• � , ,;;�:� , <br /> �� Insuument, ipcluding.but not limited to. reaconable attomeys fees;and(d)tokes such action�s Lender may rwsonobly � <br /> `:�� ;S. :�':.•' .`.'�,`'. '��';;' re ta Assure ttwt the lien of this Securi Instrum�nt,L.endcr's ri ts in the and Horrower's abli tion to s�.. <br /> �u, .:�.. �. _.,�._..`_ '.:���::;,:. � �I' 8h ��Y Ha PaY <br />.Y:j�••1;,.- • ••t`• the suma secured by this Security Inswment sholl contiaue uncha��ged. Upon reinstoameM by Burruw�r.�liis S�urity G►- � , <br /> � . �ut and the obligadons secured hercby sh�ll remain fully effective as if no acoeleratian had�ccumed.However.this F;;;,�r. <br />`�•`(' .' dght to ainatate shall not apply in the case of accele�ion under paragraph 17. �,�;_. <br /> �t�"��`." • " "�{���• 19. SWe o�Note;Chaoge ot I.wn Servk�er. The Noto or a partial interest in the Note(tagether wkh this Security �=�"��� <br /> j:;_: ' ;,`.....� o;= '-- <br /> •: ��.���,_� ' � �� 3• ;t•,:'.;;��.�, Lntrument)may be sold one ar more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity E._,:��. <br /> � '�� • '' °!{:!�i;{ (Inww�us the •'Loan 5ervicer")that col�ects monthly p�yments due under the Note and this Security lnstnunent.There .� <br />., j.• t .�._ <br /> • � ,.• � "`' " ' �lw may be one or more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nota If thcro is a change of the Loan <br />:t{'j', ' . Servicer.Borrower will be given written notice of th� ch�nge in accordance with paragnph 14 above and applicable law. �-�. <br /> r�J. „ The notice wfll strte the n�me and addrcss of the new Lwn Servicer and the address to which payments ahould be m�de. '�---"` <br /> .��.;�. ,. . r:.•_e-. <br /> �, � ., The notice wUl also contpin any other infornwdon required by applicable law. ��;�ti,;, <br /> �:r;�''. : � � 20. Ha�rdous Substances. Borrower sFwll not cauae�r pertnit the prosence,use,disposal, storage. or release <br /> �",i;:i!.� ; '�t���--� '" of an Hazardous Substances on or in the Pro Borrower shall not do,nor allow an one else to do, an thin affectin �� <br /> r;::• , y Pert3'• Y Y B 8 <br /> 'S'' � ' the Property that is in vlolation of any Environmenwl Law. The preceding two sentences sFwll not epply to the prcsence. <br /> ,„�, ;,' •._: ;., <br /> • � ;,�, use.or slorage an thc Property of smell quontitles af Hmardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate �:'� <br /> - 1 � . � � ��-�I��Y�-:. <br /> ew:<,, ,• �� �,;�''��''{t� to nomnal residendal uses and to maintenance of the Proptrty. r'� . <br /> �T'���"� � ' :;��°:;`,. Borrower shall promptly glve Lender wrinen notia oi any invcstigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action Ey <br />'r�;;��+-,r"t ' ,� `�-;` . �'s,;;•;•,•;;; any g�vernmcnrol or regulatory agency o� private puty involving the Property and any Hazardaus Substance or i , <br />' 6nvironmentel law of which eorrower hu actual knowkdge. !f BoROwer learns.or is naif►ed by eny govemmental or <br /> + � �. � � .;;'�; - � regulatory authority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting tF►e Propeny ia necessary, � <br /> �,y,�;,• � : r ' Horrower shall promptly take all necesssuy remedial actions!n accordance with Environmental <br /> : As used In thia paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"pre those substances defined as toxlc or hazardous substances � <br /> �`�� � ' by Environmental Luw sud the following substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flemmable or toxic petrokum praluc�s,toxic <br />.,�;,: ` <br />•E .,I.;;,.„ . , , pesticides and herbicides,volptile solvents,materi�ls containing asbestos or forn�aldehyde, and radioactive materials. As , <br /> t, ' x �.,..�' used in this para8rnph 20,.•Environmental Law"rneans todernl lawa and lawr ot tt�e�unsdiction where the j'roperry ia focated . <br />:;•>j�•��� •` thet�elate to health. safcry or cnvirorunenal protection. <br /> • .. � i <br /> '�' . <br /> '� � � ' �•, � NON•UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and I.cnder fl�Kher covenant and agr+ee as follows: , <br /> -;�. <br /> • � ` "� � , 2L Accekndoa;Remedies.Lender shaU give notke to Borrower pHor to�eceleratton[ollowing Borrower's � <br /> �:t��" �,��' ., � breac6 0[any covenant or pgreement in thls SecuMty Instniment(bW not prior to Acceleration under�wt�agraph 17 � <br /> ' tlnk�APP�kaek!aw provides ot6erwise).The notke edwU specify:lal tl�e det�Wt;(bl tl�e actton required to cure the . <br /> • : • det�Wt;(c)�date. not les�t6ao 30 day�fYrom the dtle t6e notke is given to Bon� whkh the defauit must <br /> •�.: � � be cured;and(d)t6at iltllure to curo t6e de[ault on or be�orc the date apecif led ie the nodce rtwy nsull tn Accckratba � <br /> �"-_-,- '.�._ _- eI Nr ww.�o.n�lwl hv ti�ia CwM�rihr Indn��n��ml ul�nf th�Pme�rtv.'t'Me mtice slull flutber inform&trrower . <br /> � j� ! ; : ^ ot t6e rl�dt to reiastote aher weceleraUon and the ri�ht to bring a court actfon to s�ssert(�be aoa-exEstence ot a detauli <br /> ' " . or any other dehnse of Borrower to acceteratlon ond sala If the detpult Is not cured on or betore the dpte specified <br /> ' t,� . la t6e natiee�I.ende�at ifs option may reqnire immediok payment in IWI of all swns secured by this Security Ins�wnent <br /> •;w• o, ;r� ��. wit6out fluther dnuand oad m�y i�voke the power oi eWe aod any other�nedies perndtted by opplk�ble 4�w.l.ender <br /> ; �`,',;� : '.j ..,•.�.,i� �..,�� ��entNled to collect all eYp�es incurred tu purauiag tbrc remedks pr»vided W tYb pora�{raph 21,iacludM�. <br /> . , ,`v.�:. .,,':�� 6dt�l O�dted W. rea�on�de iqtorr�e�'f�a ao0 oo�ts d titic evideoce. <br /> :•� • ;;: <br /> - (i •.�.,;�t�1�`E°',t <br /> ,� , • �}�j+!� <br /> ' . ' ':tl�f'�,i(� fMAi� N'r0 /0��o1SOoi�1 <br /> ., <br /> ' i >�t: ,7•,(;;,�� <br /> . �;M,�c c <br /> , �.,t. <br /> ' ,, ���.,.�ii�t• <br />_ I /`.. - � . +� . � t• � <br /> . � <br /> V� , . _. . � , t <br /> , � . ' ' <br />