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—`-mrNlk'.sn.rr.w� ,:t�1::��J.,+�.:r.�.",,,.r. I . .;1.� :.-e.�.sn..r <br /> y.,.,w,�yF:,... � � f::.:�.:,_ <br /> ,�. : . N ''•:, .tif. :... � , .. -- <br /> ; .� � . �..t.::�.;.�:��;•... - , _- .__ <br /> . <br /> . . .,..: <br /> . �� a. — <br /> .. ., . . <br /> .,�. :����.:.. .. � 93- iO�S?4 === <br /> . ... � <br /> .E 1�{�,.�..'sr • . .•� • <br /> r ���M:.___ <br /> "�r,��� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bot►owsr end unda cov�n�nt�nd aprM as lotlows: <br /> � '•� - <br /> �. a�,� , 'u-}<, �.p� �ofp�1p�1�nd InMn�L BoROw��shell p►omppy pay whm du� Iha pnnc�pN ol snd Intsral on ths <br /> :�',:.;'.;�;.�- . 1� � <br /> :, ,y�q..�. ind�btsdna�evld�nad6ytl�Not�,Pr�pa t�ndl�uch�rpn�IProv�d�dinth�Noa.andlh�Pnnclpalotandi�t�tton <br /> � .,: ,, • �' ' my Futurs Advsnca s�cund by the of Tru�� _- <br /> :.;` . �. Rulld�taTaxNand Inwnna.Sub��et to�ppNcabb I�w or to e w►fltNi w��wr by I.�ndar,8onower�h�ll p�y W L�nder --_ --—_ <br /> - • * ;�g.t.aM►r��,-�, a�ihe6aymoniNtyin�timwiaol pdnelpUandtnWr�taropayableundartheNote,unlHtMtsNoteiep�idinfull,�eum(h�r«n �� _ __- <br /> � . ° ... ^Fund�")equel to on�-1wslfth ol th�ywrly Wca and awnsments which m�y�Itd�prforiry ov�r this OMtI of Trw�ond � <br /> �a .- Ar��`` groundrenaonthePropsrty,llany,plusons•twNnhof�Mrqrpnmiumimqllmsnqlorh�s�rdinwrance,plusono-tw�tflhot �„_ry„ ----___ <br /> c •' '�'`�•� ysa My pnmlum instiNm�ntt br mort��Os inwnnce,il�ny,�II u�e�son�bly�s�m�Nd fnlri�lly and hom dm�to Gm�by ;,:,-•.��'�__- <br /> • .,n,�. � �. -- <br /> ;- +• . , ;; Und�r on fhs biub of aasnm�nb sndbl0��nd rMtonabt��dm�bs ths►eot. �� °- <br /> � • � , E Th�Funda ehsll be hsld in an fn�ftudon ths d�posils a�caounta oi which ars ineurad or 0ue►antesd,by�Fedsnl or stets �? __ , <br /> _ ;. ;. epenay(includlnp Lenda if lendar is wch en m�dNdon►.Lend��ahall apply the lunds fops y wid t�xe�.��tm�nts. <br /> . � ,: � In�urancepromium��ndqroundrents.l.endermaynotchergeforaoholdin0 and�pplyUgthsFund�,�nNyrJnq�aid�ccount s�°,;•':i� � <br /> ,�' � orverllyfnpandcompNinps�idaas�asmentnandbAlsu�les�Lendsrp�ye8a�owsrint�reatoothsFundsandappliaebtel�w _. <br /> �� � ps rmqaL,endsrWmek�suchechorye.Bonower�ndLsnde►me���iowrilinpattheqmsM��c�cudonolthis0eedofTrust �"" �r�--• <br /> �. - , �� .1, . � Ihst Intere�t on ths Funda shall be Pa�d to Bonower.amd unlss�such apreement is m�da w ap�Nadbs la�w wch ' _ _.--- <br />-: ++ , . 1„�'. � Intere�t to bsp��da►ahall not bs requkad to paY 6oROwa�ny int�st w e�m�nps an t�+e fund�.Lan�e��piw to !�-„" <br /> .=� � i�;t„�,';` ' ' Borrowsr,without ch���e,an��u�l accounting of the Fuads aAOw�g crod�ta and de6its ta the Funds a�d tM �Ooas lor � �,:: <br /> r?•„ 'i' is .. . ,,:. <br /> -�= .,:r r . . ; •�a which�chd�Wtto1h�Fundaw�smade.Th�Fundsare asaddidonalsecuriryforlMs�m�acundby OMdo� k;��•, �''�°-` <br /> � ;...��� P1ed0ed �� W„�;�,�1r., <br /> � �� ° � ' Jf• T N�e amountof ths tuoda held br Lender.toqether Mnth the luluve montht fneUallments ol Fmnds psyable prbr totlwdu� �i ti� '!, <br /> ��,: ' ' •:S, d�tq pt taKq.Assqaznanta,inauraroce prem�um�aad ground rents,shall exceed the amount rpuired to,p.y saw w�os. � ���di :' <br /> psss�ISmanb,in�urance premwma a�d ground rents as th faN due,auch ex�ess ahall bs,at BoROwK s optiOn,sltlre► <br /> � . � ���v.•';t;�`'•;.:.. .;'.'r;;;:I; �l y �;...:.,�.•-_ <br /> ' � �r'','i '''�.�'�'� p� repaid to 8ortowar or credlted to 8orrower on mon 1 lnstellmenq o�fund�.li th�amount ot Mw Funds hsld by <br /> �.::4r'.•V�.� :..� 1% <br /> ' �:;4,`•(,'�.�.�r L�t�she�llnotb�euNicfanttopeyt�Kea.esfsssments.insurancep�amiumaanagrpu�dreNs�stheylalldue �8oaow�►�1� ;-,L. ,� °._._ <br /> }r�' �+��f�3 t�:�:•.�f::��:..• pay to tende►any amount neceasary to make up me d�hciency withm 3a dray�rr um the.iAte�oUee fe.+�sde.i ty Wnd�r ta �,��� � -- <br /> •';pSt,'�r''� :•• , +1'� —_ <br /> � �� ��;•i• � }� i��ii#.'� BoROwer reqtte�np paymeM thereo'I. +C! )�r <br /> ������i";'" ; '''';°�< <�rj;;�'�`��°`: UponpeymenNnbllotallsumseecuredbythi�DeedofTrust,lendershall�rampdyretunq•tp9oROweranyFund�heldby t !�,''�. <br /> ��� .�.�1.iw.,: <br />�'�`� • ��'>>•�„ ," t,��r, r1y Ay i..._ <br /> �•,��;;;:�'�`�;''';1�:°',� '?;� olsbrthieimmsdlaelqp�lortortl�ieaa8eoftheProperlyoNtdac�qui�sit(onb�hlondera�FundsyheldbyLend eatt�hed�pol �'r'is'`� <br /> Y �.�f._f.T.,.- <br /> �;.�•'� � opplieadon u e credit AgNnat ths wma�ecured by thi�Ossd o1 T�ust � - <br /> � � � • 3.AppNaaqorl o�P��ynwnb-Unleas epplicable lew providea otherwise,all paymenla received by Lender under the Note s <br /> ��.�� .,.,• end paregrephe 1 anq 2 hsreof ahall be oppUed by Lende►hrst m payment of amouMs payeble to Lender by Borrower under . �� •��°%;-=`— <br /> . , ; {�, pa�ap►aph2hereof,thenrolntorestpayabteontheNota.thantothepnncipaloltheNote,andthentointenstaridprincipalon ,'���;�:;�,?' <br /> ,; , �ny Future Advances. � �� <br /> ..� �,�.:F,(,�..;- <br /> �. ClWrpM;U«a.Borrowersehellpay alltaxea.aaaessmentsandotherchargea,finesandimpoaitlonsattrlbutaWetothe ��� ��;(°:' <br /> • ~` '-'�� P�op�Ry whiah mey attaln e p►ioriry over thla Deed ot Trust,and leasehold payments or ground reMS,il eny.In Ih�menner :f,, _; <br /> • :°� provtded under peragraRh 2 hsreoi or,N not�eid i�aueh monnsr,by Bor�awer makinp paymenR when due,dfrectl�r to the "!�i�• <br /> f. .'` �`.,.� <br /> �•t•, "' yes thsreof.Borrower shell promptly fum�s�.'o Lender ell noticea of amounts due undsr this pereqraph,and in the eveM �� �1�,r . <br /> - �M.� �{,y� <br /> ,.<, , nower ehell mekcpa yment diroctly,Barrowe�ahaU promptly lumi�h to Lender recelpte evidencmg auch peym�ts. , �i Y, <br /> '�"! , ��;;::.;. "�"' BoROwer ehell prompdy diachargeany 6sn whn:i�i�as pflc►riiy over'ih{s Desd aS Trust pravldsd,lhat 8anorser shall:tot be .,, _ <br /> :j;r� ;�i� `r��' requlredtodlachergeany suchla�solongas8orrowerahallag�eeinwritinpWthepeymentoHheobligadonaecuredbyauah ��`�`.: .,_ <br /> ,� ,:,� ,�;�;� , �r Nen in a menner acceplBDle to l.enaer.or ahall in yood foith conlos't such lien by,or dafend entorcement ol wch Ilen fn,legal �, <br />,,, , . . ._,�;,.y �i �, proaedinps whiCh py+erate to prevent the enforremeM of the Ilen Qr brfeilure of the P�op�rty or eny paA fhereof. r�.c,r: � <br /> ' • � �•� •u.„� d. Hwrd Inwrreee.8orrower shaM keep the imp�ovementa now exisling or herealter srected on the Prope►ty Inaured � p _. <br />,-cq'.;�..•,�, .� � ,fitit:.w...,.:'.�:•. �. L,._..s,..:..::�-.. <br /> 5:.,�= :;;;�:;•i,ti '_ ageinst loss by Nre,.aea�d�fncluded within rhw term"extended coverage".t�nrl such other hazuds as Lender maY�e�lulre ____ <br /> '::,, end In auah amounts Aa+n tor such perioda aa Lender mey require;provided,that tender shall notroq u�re ttwt the amouM oi e �- ' -" <br />.,��.,'�� ' ' . � ` wch coverage exceed that emount of coverege reqwred to pay the sums secured by thfs Dsed of Truat - -- <br /> ` "° '• ����� ' ' �� � Thfs ineu►ance carrler proviof�g the msurance shell be chosen by Bonower aub�ect fo approval by Lender;provided,ihal �"j'-'��-�= <br /> `��'";`'•�� �C��►�`'" '� •� euch approvsl ahap not be unreeaonably w�thheld.All premwma on insurance policies sheN b�paid in the manner provldecd <br /> � �. <br /> .Y j,:�y' � ' •,.,.., .... , , • �� <br /> �,,;���,'.� . ` u n d s r p a r a q r a p h 2 fi e r e o f o r,d not p e�d in suah mnnner,b y Borrower mekin g pu yment,when due,direcUy to the insurance ,��,:��:��i4.��� <br /> `•,�,,�Gt� ,�;,�,' carrier. ;}; 1r•-, <br /> ' `�';&:��� .•..�._..;• All inaurance poliCies and ronewels Ihereot ehall be In form acceptable lo Lender and shell include a�tendard mort9age ';?"`. '��`f4���•-• <br /> � �• �' - ��f%•�?�� �� claute in favor pf and in lorm ecceptable to Lender.lender shall have Ihe r�ghtto hold the pot►cfea and renewala thereof and • '• !•'•")•� <br /> �'?�•'"` ��`71:�•!�i:';�+•:�':�'� BonowershaUpromptlyfurniahtoLendetallrenewalnoticesandallrecefplsotpaidpremwms.Mtheeventof Ioss.Borrower �•�Y;;.', <br /> { 1� <br /> , ti ('��:•�:.,� .�f•.,.�;'fi,,;` •• <br /> ;r�`:r.: •! aFwll glve prompt noUce to the msurance carner ond Lender.Lender mey make prool 01 toss if not mede prompdy by 8orrower. <br />•:�;,!� � ` ' ,� ��'�` ���� • � UnlessLenderandBorrowerotnerwiaeagreeinwnting,msurancep�oceedsehellbeappliedtoreato►alionorr airolthe • '�'%`� •��� <br /> - �,. ,+ .'•'?� -�'.,:' , `- .i,;,, 6P r •„_....,,,.b=�-: <br /> ,.„ t ., . . Properry dama ed,p►OVided suCh restorahon or repa�r B econom�celly feeafble and the secunry of this Deed of Truat�a not °�,,* <br /> 'r : ,:t''��.., �. 9 . <br /> , ;,••1;;..,�;y,l: . thereby impaired.II such resloration�r repair is not econom�cally feas�ble or il the secunly of Ihia Deed o1 Trust would 6e <br /> }` � �� Impaired,lhe rnaurance proceeda ahall be apphed to Ihe sums aecured by th�s D�ed ot Trust,w�th the exces�,d a�y,paid to � � "�- <br /> i:. �• '�„ •�.•. . '�. .. <br /> �}" •• • � Bortowar.H the Prope la abandoned by Borrowe�,or�f Borrower lails ta rosoond to Lender wdh�n 30 deya Irom the dete <br /> ��"� +•,��.` ;,;�+ notic9�s mailed by Lender to 8orrower that the msurance carner oNers to settle A cla�m lor insuranCe benefila.Lendet is � �� '�` <br /> � 9uthorized to collect and apply Ihe msurance proceeds at lender'a opt�on edher to reatwation or repair o1 the PropaAy or to � . 4 <br /> Y�'�•' �heUness ende�randh8o�o e oherw�seag�eemwr�Ung.anysuchappl�cationolproceedstopnncfpalshallnotextendor ^'� <br /> '� postpone the due dete of the monthly installmenls referred to m paragraphs 1 and 2 liereot or change the emount of such .%i.• <br /> � mSlallmeMS.11 under paregreph 18 hereol the Property is acquued by Lender,all nght,title and�nM►est ot Borrower m and to . . <br /> pv�y insutanCe pollCtes and fn and ro the proceedslhereot resulhng tram demageto 1he Property pnorto the aalew acqwsilwn <br /> ,, - t,, ghaS±nflss to LBnder t0 the extent ot the sums secured by thfs Oeed of Trust immedietely pnor to such sale or acqwSiUon. . ° <br /> 8. �Re�nvstloaandMalnha�nceclPropNty;L�aNholdrCo�dan�Iniums:Plsnn�dl]nHD�v 8orrowerahall ' , ,� y <br /> " � � keep the Prope►ty m good repau anU shell not comrnrt waate or pe�mit impaument of detenoratlon o the Property end shall S . • <br /> comply w�tA tfie p�ovls�ons ol any lease d th�s Deed o1 Trust ia on a leasehold.IHhis Oeed ot Trust ia on a unit�n a condommlurn . ��, • <br /> � or a planned unit deve�opment.Borrower shall perform all of 8orrower's obligaUons under the declareUOn or covenents i <br /> i . creating or governmp the contiommium or planned urut development,the by-iews and regulat�ons ot the condommium or � <br /> � � Borro w►and eacaded together with�th Ueed ome ust�the covenama ena agpreeme ts ot such�pdeeanau be�ncorpoealed � <br /> � int0 An:d sha01 emend and supplement the covenants and agreerrents ollhis Deed of Trus!es if the ridet were a part hereo� <br /> � � • ' i� . 7. �uol�cflon ol Land�t's S�curlty.II Borrownr fads to pe�torr,Ihe covenants and agreements contemed�n thia Deen of <br /> ' ;: • ��� � TTUS�,o+�f any aClfon or proceed�ng is commenced w�th matenauy aNects Lender'n mtereat in the Prope►ty,includinq but not . <br /> '.r� hrniledto.emine�adomain,insoWency.codeentorcemenLorarrangemeMsorproceedings�nvolnngabankrupbrdecedent. <br /> ��r •� � t�en Lentler el Lar•Ber s opUOn,upon notice to Borrower,may make suc»A�AearanCes,diaCuroe such su�=5 and teke euC� <br /> '' � � �.'� a�Uanesisnecessan�eoprotectLender'smterest,mclud�ng,butnotlim�temt�.d�s�burs6mentolreasonahleatt�mey'aleeAdnd . <br /> ;.:},��_` , �i�,� e�c+�u¢�onlheP�operrytomakerepa�rs.1lLenderrequuedmortgage�nsuranceasacondiUOnotmakingtneivansecuredby � . . <br /> tRe D�a9 ot Trus�Borrower ahali pay the premiums reqwred to ma�ntain auch Inaura�=ce�n ettect unt,t aucn bme as me , <br /> ?` ^` �• • req�o+sement tor such ineuranceterminates in accordence w�th 8or�rqwer sand 4ender's wmt;o^agreementor appI�calbe'aw <br /> j:: . , Borrower ahall pay the emouM ot all mortgage insure�ce perm�urn.s�n the manner prov�detl under paragwph 2 hereol. <br /> Anw amounts disbursed by lender purauent to this paragraph 7. wdh mterest thereon, shall become add�t�ona� <br /> ���z:., . l�_._. _ �ndahtadna�s of Borrower aecured bv this Oeed ol Trust.Unless Borrower and Lender egree to other termsof payment,such <br /> � '� ;� � amou�ts shell be payable upon�oUCe Irom Lender to 8orrower requesUng payment hereot.antl snall bear�ntereat trom me <br /> � clate ol disbursement at the rate payeble lrom hme lo bme on ou�alanding prmcipal under the Note unless payment ol mtetest <br /> � at suc�o rate would be contrery to applicable law,�n wh�ch event such amounts shall bear mterest al the h�ghest rate <br /> • permissiDte underapplicablo law Nothmg contamed m Ih�s par�qraph 7 shall repwre Lender to�ncur any expense or mkeany <br /> il BCbOf1 t1E�lunOEr. <br /> � � t. Imp�CUoe•lender may maMe or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and�nspect�ons o1 the Property,provided <br /> thet Lend�r shall give 6arrower nouce pnor tr,any;u�h�nspecfwn spec�h,�mq reasonable cause thesai•,re related f0 L@11de�'S <br /> � � intenst in Ihe propeny <br /> , + <br /> ,. � ; <br /> a • . - <br /> . � , <br /> r� . � <br /> �'� � .. <br />