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r <br /> ,�, -, ��� -,f __ _ "_.._ .�_Y�!!�:_��i��.,��T....__' ' <br /> Y- <br /> =.i .. . 1.1 . } . �.+�� . .r. - ... . . ' r..' � . • . .— _ <br /> .�,..�.:. y . • . � . .'7, <br /> __« . , ACKNOWI.�tD�#�AA�1T Of D�D�fP YINI�T ��� ��� � �. <br /> 11M111�1�OIIIIEI1DT111SB�01!l�8ifilhlMi�i; " � � ':�'•�1�4+"'+�� , � . <br /> k . ., � <br /> , �rw�ar �rh.ea�o�n�nt��r�a►.�..eou�ro.�.ow.w.o..ea�.nd��n�o��o..ner+rin�v�w�r <br /> aa•i.p�o,�a.d�oNa a�a�owe��.w�rd���a�m�or�wna�x��y� <br /> nf�dNMdtor bn�ah d obND�tion undK 1h�I�i dl'IrwR InoNrdinp,but riot Ipnlid Ih�LM�dK��IpM b h�w <br /> _ bY.11M 7tuMM wlM�o��t�nY h�dlol�l Woo�di�q.Y�r��nd Mran�rMr IMI wN�cknowl�n�l�lt!��IMIfjA�d.A�l _ <br /> �r�n.r�.o�.o��a+a�-aa a�c ;- --� . <br /> , ' � rwMor <br /> _„_ NMl� NooM jlruMa , <br /> � OEED OF TAU8T WRH FUTURE ADVANCE9 � . . <br /> nas o�o oF ntusT a mw..•a u�._2�_d.y a wr. - .�a�.ar.nd.�o�w <br /> ,�.a= tlw Trwlor. ��M Il �fooM i �Nl� YooM . MrMwd ad trli� <br /> - wlww miwwl0 addnw b �16 ■ O�'iN1� 6°�'a�d Ial��Ir,'T.u� w�•a�i��or uwry <br /> -- �— <br /> .��= Fin Fo3�Q.� 8�. a Cob4aai�o C�a�a3lt�m � <br />�v,�' ---- - _- ----- ttN 7fuAe�. <br />�rs� �� <br />.,;_�'��, ������� P.0. Bo�t 13�1 Qraud I�l�nd. � 6�/Z ��rn"7turry,�rd <br />�,',��� �c- y,��y FiN ►s�►�s Mak . <br /> . <br />`"�1���;�p wlaw mdlieg Add►�aa h �iS N. Bro�dnll (irand I�l�sd. --�. '68N�-i�l �hsrein"l�nd�r�. . <br />_<;:��;�1' Baq�l�ocr N N°°p� <br /> FOR vALUAdLE CON8IDEMTION�Includinp I.encNr':o�wn�ion o}cndit id�naNed henin to <br />=i� <br /> - .�g�J� ��_. lheroio"Barowa".wheMwr ona a mor�)and tM hu�t ha�i�e uWrd. <br /> _ the reaNpt of whlah Is hsreby�aknowbdped,Tnntor hereby irrevocebly panb,qan�ers,canveya�nd assi�n�W Tiwtrs,IN <br />,z'�:; � TRUBT,WITH POWEfi OF 3AI.E,br ths beneiit and tacudry ot I.onder,und�r and wbjscl to tlw tarms a�d ca�Aitlora h�rNnallr Mt <br /> - — lorlh.!!1�reat pra,�e�ly.c�eearlbed ee inM�w�s• <br /> �,�,,��.,� l.ot '�A1i't� �13I� t�llot S�bdivi�ios in t.b� Cil� ot Q�'and Inl�adr il�ll �Atf• <br /> , ,��;�.;;,,. M�bra�lta. <br /> � <br /> •.,�� � <br /> — — -- -- <br />.-•-�Y4S, .-. , <br /> * Topethe+�wNh aoi buttdinps,Improvemente,rixturee,�treets,alleys,passageways,easemente,riphte,�pr�v»r�es and Hppurle� <br /> _�!i.�ti �.'.`5..`• �nces IoCated thereon or In anywite pertainlnp thereto,and the renb,issu9e and protNe,revenions and remalnders therea},and <br />"_ �. '�,�:+�;:;�-�%�=N�''�;� �uch penon�l property that K atteched to the Improveme�ts so as to cansdtute a Iixwra,Includinp,6ut not Ilmit�d t�.t+et»la+p and <br /> �;�. cootin�equlpmen�and topether with the homestead or marit�l�.naarests,if any,which intereals are hereby�sleased s��r:Q waived:all <br /> � '�,� � ol whloh.includinp replacemente a�d addlllons hereb;declered to be a part of the�eal estate secured hy tfie Gan.of fhl� <br /> '; �+;�.�.<:��•:'- D�d of Truat and all of tha fo�apoinp beinp reternd W he�ein as the"Property". <br /> �'•' • . ,��. <br /> ...�:t;°.,7Y;•.� <br /> -��� 'r '•�'=� �� � This Ds�d ot Trust sh�ll seoure(a)the paym�M ol tho pdncipal wm and Interait wWancad by a promisaory r+ote or cndit <br /> .� :s�,��-.;.�,...� <br /> r���r: '. c�•:,:,-�,�,. .� :+ apreement dated �••y,�• 29t�. i993 ,havinp a maturity date of Oalob�' irt 19� , <br /> -;�, � <br /> � c •'•" .�.x•_:...��•l.. 7.625.00 <br /> "��i.'.1-'- in the orl�lnal pru+c�i�oa1�mount of S ,end any end all modiHcepons,extenrions end renewals <br />_j' • ..q-:....r ,. , <br /> ',) •. .• , thareoi or therek+a:�J any end all future edvancea and reedvences to Borr-ower(or any of them If more than oneJ he►eunder <br />- '�'' ��:r'i: •� �. � purauant to one or more promiasory notes or credit apreementa(herein caiiea"�Vote"►:(b)the peyment of other aums advanced by <br />, • � ' ' L.�ndet to protect Ihe securiry of the Note;(c)the pe�forrtu�nce ot all covenanls and agreementB ot Trustor sei lorth herein;a�d(d)all <br />- � � � � present and luture Indebtednesa and oblipptions ot Borrower�ar any of them If more than one)to Lender w�ether d3rec7.Indirect <br /> '.�°�'" V ' �ibso�ute or Contfnpent and whethe►arleinp by note,puaranty.cverdraR or otherwise.The Note,this Deed o�7ru91 a�+d any end all <br /> :��,. `,.�cX� , � <br /> ,..--., �• .�, • other doCUenb thet secure the Note or otherwtse executed in connectlon therewith,Includinp wfthout Ilmllaaion puarantees,eeCUrily <br />'�:;�, apreemente end assipnmenb ol leates and renta,ehall be relerred to hereln es the"loen Inotrumonta". <br /> Truator covenents and eprees with Lender as lollows: <br /> `;;. �,��`��Y'a�;.;;;. �,`' 1. Paym�nt ol lnd�bt�dn�a.All fndebtedness secured hareby ahall be pefd when due. <br /> 4,,, ,; � ;.;r;r��s-.,7,,;�; ,�,��,Truator is lhe owner ol the Properly,has the ripAt and aulhalty to convey ine Property.end warrants tha4lhe Ilen <br /> �� ° �"' �;'�,�^�� '� created hereby la a Nrat and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrances eet torth by Trustor In wn4inp and <br /> -._�,';, ��7,�;,��'G����� dellvered to Lender before eaecutfon ol thia Deed ol Tru�t,end the executlon and delivery of this Deed o1 Trust does not v7olate any <br /> ��._..... "a.1cY.R_ <br /> V'.:s��. �.�utv,-.-.�•r-~ . <br /> _ '� . - ContrACt or Other Obllyadon to which Trusior is subjeci. _ <br />_�, � : ;��;�;,,ti�;,'f j=,.?':�� ' 3. Taxa,Au�sm�nb.To pay before delinquency all texes,speclal assessments and all other charges againat the Propeny <br /> f •:F���,�;,�t now or nereaRer levied. <br /> +, " �'��f�`•r r•�'�. �1. Irouwne�.To keep the Property Inaured apelnat damage by tfre,hazards Included witbin the term"extended coverpge",and <br /> ..,,, <br /> _ ,�• ��+���L,�jS;,? such other hazardE ae lender mey requfre,fn amounts and with companles accepteble to Lender,naminp Lender as a�e additlonel _ <br /> _ � '��'% ."���f'ti f°�1'�� nemecf inoured,with loss e able to the Lender.In ceae oi losa under such policles,the Lentler ia aulhorfzed to edJusL collect end <br /> , Y` `�.`'�''���fr}'r�� ��r,�.� P Y <br /> , . �, „�.i.�,.1 ��C�F� �,• �. compromise,ell clalms thereunder and shall have tl�e oplion olapplying all a pert ol the Insurance prxeeds Iq to any indebtedness ' <br />_ , r�a�����1�1�ty. �,, sr eecured hereby end In suCh order e9 Lender mAy determine,(ii)to the Trustor to be used lor the repair or restoratlon of the Property = <br /> 1�,� �:�•(�����„��'�j�'4�`�`�l• vr(i!h lor any other purpose or ob�rct sadsfactwy�Lender without aHecdn�the Ilen of this Deed ot Trust lor t�e full emount secured <br /> � ' ,"".;i+Qi{;,;�cs'' � 'Q�ereby atore euch paymeM ever took place.Any applleat;an oz proceeds to Indebtedneas shall not extend or postpu�+e the due <br /> "'�'�'� �'+'``�'r� � .� claie at any payments under tAe NOte,or cure eny detault thereunder or hereunder. <br />'�= ,,�'c4�r� 6. F.�orow.Upon w�ilten tlemAnd by Lender,Truator ahali pay to Lender,In such man.rcr ao Lender may dealqnate,suflicfent <br /> _�--.�� • j,,:,f�,��?=Frfr-�w°,�;- eums to enabte Lentler to pay as they Decome tlue one or more ot the lonowinfl;(i}au taxee.assesements ena omer cnargas apemst <br /> ;�y,�° ; tha P�opeAy.(II)the premiums on the property fnsuranca requlred hereunder,and(fif)the premluma on aoy mortqaye insurancQ <br /> ..:�'� ,�i Y Y�'rnli roqufred by Lender. <br /> ° "��"`r�' 8. Il�alnto+�anaa�R�paln and Compllanel wIN Lsw�. Truator shall keep the Property in yood condiuon ar.c9 repair,shall <br /> _: . : �,���.. <br /> ��ca,�,.�i,., prompUy repalr,or reptace eny Improvement which rtay i�e al�maped or destroyed;shell not commlt or permit any waste or <br /> �.,�,.`,¢'��r r'•�.• • '• d616NO�YU011 Of fh6 P►Op9r1y;shall not remove,demol{sh or substantlally alter any of the Improvemente on the Property:ehell not , <br /> .;; � ,��• . comm l R su H sr or perm i t eny oet to b o done In or upon t he Property In v lo ta UOn o f any l ew,or d lnence,or repu la t lon;an d a ha u pey a n d <br /> � :.�„'. ,;,,,,:�.;;�s� prompNy dl�charpe at Trustor's cost end axpense all Iiens,encumbrances and cherpea Ievied,lmposed or as�ed apeinst ttw <br /> -, '.` �:;..,:• �.. y , Property w any pert thereof. <br /> • �.;"�y:� 7. �mY»nt Danaln.Lender le hereby easipned all compensedon,ewarda,demapes end other paymenW or reliei(herelnaker <br /> ' �� ''; �' �•�' �����'�'; "Proceede'�In ConnecUon wlth condemnatlon or other tekin ol the Proporiy or pert thereol,or for conve ance in liw o1 condemno- <br /> ... ;. _ ��F� c, •�..,' 0 Y <br /> , y„, .:'.��,; E . tion.Lander sh�ll be endUed at It�optlon to commence,appear in end prosecute In ita own name any pction or prxeedinpa,and <br />' „ ,�%,.,+.-K, shall a�w ba ontltlad to mnke any compromiw or wttlomant In connactron wNh 9uch tokinp or dameye.In the event any portlon ol <br /> `;; <br /> — � �� ' �• ,. :`+.•••e+���' 1NCS1i71MMiprft�MUrNO�Wlllwi tOiM � � '�:�� � • <br /> r .. .. . OI/MMMMnMMNdCMrwnMaTrwl�rMi�vrpsAroew�rtVesKMiw4 _. <br /> ,. , . ., <br /> � .. <br /> .,�A. �i, <br /> f - —-- - _ _ - - _-_ <br />