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<br /> �� n. un�w�nnvn�u�xri covn�rn�a uwi e�►rruwmr 9],�-�'10233'�
<br /> __ UtdfottaGrv�tot!loftbeSeauiryloqnsment4�owa�edtor�aantoUowi: �.----
<br /> 1:.Odtw�r�itT I�MeMMIi�'+���t w�i S��wW 7'hi�form at 3e��uitY I�trumeat combinw udtarm co�auou ta a�sUanl�w
<br /> .,i;* wd aoa�twitorm oovrnaots wit4 Wited wtLtiaor bY l�ui�d�on w caatt{tute�udfam�ecuriey imtrumeot mverio�ral pro0aty.TMi�
<br /> �.,, Sea�ity lnurummt�Rs116e{oYeraa!bY Fdral!aw�ad tl�e Vw ot the Jtuiuiictloa W wb{c6 iha PropatY b locacad. la IMe erW tW ao!'
<br /> �
<br /> .,'' provbdoo a al�ua W th4 S�cudtY h�uua�ent ar tbe Note ooaflk�wIW�PV�+�law.ach oonflkt�haU aot�tfea otlnr pravkbr ot thM
<br /> � " ° � SeCUriry la�ua�at or the Note wNch can ee aivon effad witbout Ihe aoaNednt p�oridoa.ud W ihb dd Ihe Prori�ioo�Of tbit S��r[tY
<br /> �Wi .
<br /> . :; „ , �-_.�,
<br /> I�� � �: Ia�um�t�+nd tIM Note uo deol�r�d to be�evwrWs.
<br /> nd
<br /> '. ' �. �•(�' �
<br /> ;°"�s'�.*,'•., � R 7'RANSFPJt OF THB lROtV.it1Y OR A�ENFb7ClAL IN7F.RFB7'IN BOitROWBii
<br /> ' � i5't�;.. _
<br /> ��'�':.', � Uaifarm Cowa�at 1T of the Secu�ib IaaruaMnt u Raia�dad�o nad iu idbws:
<br /> ;,•:.5:�•w..s,,,;i;_ , 17.'IYo�tw of 11�lr�ey a�MwdkW[q�nst U Yar�o�ra.It dl or wY p�of the Propat9 or ta tataat thada i�wW or trna�te�d �.,LL_;
<br /> ,�^_ , ,�,.r: =- (or it�b�meflci�l iotaat fa BaRaxer u soW or aanffenod�nd Borrowec i�aot a aatunl pason)without l.cnda'i prior wrinen oonsint, �p-� ,�4-
<br /> beae
<br /> thit it;,:;.
<br /> �y+�;: .�� I.aader w�y.�Ot I.e�d�er9 optiao.dec4ro all the wm�securod b9 tbi�Sc�xr[ty Laiq�cn�t w 6e ima►ediRtdy due and paY�bb.Howe��a. --:�.�
<br /> � .� ..
<br /> :. .�,.� ��,,:,.�-:,.• ��•oe Eee�acfred bf t�e�ab�+�t[execi�e k�ooc awla.iaed er�cda�[m�.�e+ad�ec uap►w.ive�he exerclse of�ht�op�toa iR(•)�� ,,
<br /> _� .�.•�:�.rr i�., .:.: . car�at,oo be aab�itDed ta laader iaFa�raasiow cw�wiced 6�r I.e�rder w rv�tu�acc tAe 1t+kea�edi tr�mferoe as it�ne�v lo�a wero beiN�to the ,,:,-,-
<br /> Y7Q ''�.`i.�.,.�.
<br /> �:::����.��� .,,`' a�..e�ea•�c���n.�o�h►a�c����.���+�.�im��►�r u�e io�aa�r,ioa.na�aA��ae�oi ebe
<br /> - ��:_ _,-'_� brach or W►oo�rewnt or yree�rea►i�tAir�Secac�las�t n ac�x�pto6ir:�a�.�eork.. -°
<br /> t
<br /> '"%:;��'�'�.�"f'�1,,,.. ': To tLeextaat permttt�id dY�Pd����",lmnder mwY chw�e o reasana�le�xe as a coadidoa w Lendet'a wnieat to tliee low wumPdon. �_
<br /> tt
<br /> -°__ � .°. �,--LL„ l�er may�ho requira l4e a�wStaee w kcep a1:ttx pro�nbes o�0�esn�enee msde in the No2e u�d in this Secudty Iwhument. �,�t��"
<br /> . ;, . py �., ,.'..
<br /> r'``��---
<br /> _ ,'.�� .� ,' 'yf l.a�der acaclxs auch c}�uuaa to aocderue.Lenda shali m�ll BoROwer nodce oi accer�ae�on in accordanoe with pu�nPh 14 heraof. �r;t`3:;�;i
<br /> 'aa
<br /> _, "� . `, of not las than 30 d+�ys f�om U�e date the aottce is mai led�vir�urn.rlti�Bonowa�naY W9 tho�uau dedated �``.„,KY
<br /> :l!��.z;;:�:., • . SlIQhnOtiCtthillprOYk�etpefi0i3 :;i•ni;'.�:--
<br /> - `--�v. • due.If Horrc�wer fa�+to pay tud�sums pdor to the exp�rndon of:uch pePiod.Leader may. witaouc YcrzGer nodca or deauind oa Bottower. _v'-'��"'
<br /> ,'t�"':�. •� ' iavoice wy remedi•r�pe�mitced�y tl�s Secudty lnmuman.�• Gti`�
<br /> �� r' �
<br /> �,wa�.�.�nY: ��NotwiWsw�din�a saBe or trwia.Borrower wW conWue to be obli�atxd undor the Nou aad tbis�curitY IastturaaK uNw I.endet h�t
<br /> .� - - , . .---�g rdeaed Borrower in wridq."
<br /> -__ .�.. ,�,t ..,;,, ' —
<br /> ==:.r� ° :. ,
<br /> a�� F. LOAN CHANGFB
<br /> �"��� . `:=ry� �•"ir�'..: If tlie lwa�ea�red bY lhe Savdty[�utrument is:ubject to a I�w which a�s meaimum loan char�es.wnd that!aw is fln�Uy interprcted w ---._
<br /> ..��llfY��. �• Yl'� •� . �I
<br /> . �.���,.�:
<br /> =� ; t�r;�.:,' th�t tda iatapt or otha loao chwr4e+collected or to be coqe:ted in connecdon with the loave acaxd Pe�cmitted Umlu,then:p1 ony cuch IoRa -
<br /> vt��r�`��'. - aY?:
<br /> : .�;- �, ,-; -- �: i �hu�o shali ix roduc�+i by t�z am�ust�xassry ta sMtsce the chnrse to�he rermined Lea'Q:aad�21 a�r suuu alrcadY callatedowod uodet the � �^-
<br /> t r}."�: � ,`
<br /> ,_�J�•.: ����i�. , whleh ocoeedql pamittad Ii�piu wiB be rcfundod to Borrower.l.ender rtwy ehoose to anYce tl�.'�s�rPund by reduelnp the principal ^
<br /> d
<br /> eat under the ;,:�::
<br /> •;+�, � �,`,,�,�c�:�'.a.�.:.�^ �or bY m�kin�a diraet paymeat W Borroa�er.lf a retund reduca princi�l,u0ie reduction wW be treated w�putW PKWY�
<br /> '•i.: F�����< _.�----
<br /> .:_', � k;%��,a �.:Q.:�
<br /> • ,.•.. IN WITNFBSWHBR�OF.BorrowvrnaeMedlMbAdjwt�blelhteRWer.
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