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. .. <br /> , h t`, "� • . , n *,^s;-- <br /> _ ;, sr i. i �------•'�--� c: _ - <br /> , ,J' . ...�. r . ._.-- . ,.4r�' . <br /> _.....,_el.,...� � , . ' ' . <br /> ..;` �.��_. <br /> � �. . , ADJi1fiTABLE BATE �ID� 9��'��,Q�� , ,, <br /> t�Y..r'�+��.�.nR.�.ap� <br /> ' t'Nd AiJ�U�1'A1118 RA78 RIDBR ir�Nd� ��sT,—d�t d IARRCH __,19 93 --- <br /> �� .*a M t�oo�pRwa+.w«�a�w a de�r.a w�ene..e..vq��a�e Monwo,a.a or r�w«s��n..a t�•��� <br /> � 1.wrw�'h ot aK«��br�w unda�ipMd t�M.��8an�rNP�to now�.eona�r.P�w�dUmubM wa Naa t�w°Nao•'1 w!� <br /> .snsra sAVI��L�,�ARfOf�A?ION OI�GRAIOD ttLAND.NE�AAQK�_I��•1�•'l oi ta�dM��0 oowri��M <br /> - — °-- p�ri�d�Fibr�Oi�tis�S�►ia�pnmmtadleotrodas - <br /> _ �__��,_ - ' 212 8 218 E. 2ND, GRAf►D ISLAAD. NEBRASKA 68601 <br /> (PrapeMy Addnea) <br /> ' 7Mo Mle co1M� Mwidw�Nwly far eM��ps M i4 I�wwl�N nA �4 MMrb <br /> _ . MI��T�ir rIM IAM IWO IM wM�t q I�tMrl�rle er eM�p N W�M qM r/ <br /> �IM�YI���MIMr1lui�e�Mlwt�q. .� • • . <br /> _ ._.�`.�_°__-°`�° Annrr�otVAi.coveNwtri's.1..ddwm a tb�oov�au a�d qrom�ota m�de ia etra seau�lty�lm�cuza�,&rro+er�ad l.saaR <br /> fqrtbaoowa�t�udyneufoilow�: • � � • . . <br /> w_�T,� A. IM'f�l'!A'I'�AND MON1flLY lAYMBNT CHANIiFB <br /> 71a Nae praides for an iaitW Werwt rato at 6•� �Y.9w�ion 4 oLtha Nae provlda f�'cArq�ea.�lp Ibe iotaat nta 4d fOR <br /> - mat61Y0�Y�batollowa: , ' . .. • , ' ' . <br />= ^ I, ,lNT6R6ST RA9'B AND AIDNTHLY PAYMENT CAANpES , - <br /> - . <br /> .c ' (A? �11�ta <br /> � The iutaat rau 1 w(A P+�Y�Y�on the fir:t day of NOU ��� .19t��[t ..ond oa tlyt day every <br /> � 1? moMlu tl�aiita.Bach d+�te on wAkh my interat rate could chanae b cl�lled a"Ch�a�e�." <br /> ..• . F�yr� @) 71tIMa <br /> . ' �:,�.yAr i� , . gegipniuu�wit6 the tlrst Chsa4e Pate,my interat rate wfU be baaed on an Indmc.The"ladac"i�ihe weekiy pvaae�Ykid on Unitoci Staus •. <br /> - �'`i , '�'aasury teayritip�dj�Wa{lu r coasiat�t mulurlty of 1 year,ai made avallable by the Pedaai Ramrc 9oard.The maet reant�e <br /> '�.;�1 •'.�wi4Abk as otlhe d�te 4S dRy�before eacA Chuiie Dtle i�called the"G1�rrcat Indez." <br />,'.,'/� • ' I f ibe Iadex i�no lon4a�vailaAlc.tbe Nota Holder wUl choae�aaw iadea which b Iwsad upoa oumparabk latorasatioa.The Nae, � ' • <br />�.yf.'r?:> • .�i,� - , .. . <br />��r�s `r�' ��lt WN�YC IAC QOI�C!Of lWi C�IO�Ct. <br /> �� '�iji�A <br /> �.f Pl�f� � <br /> ��,�?f1Li4.;,�}�" ((.7 Ca1adNloaafCM� <br /> z_—� r�t�e� n�� on�-Hfl�� �r�wt <br />.'"::�ess7�` 1};�t' &fore taeh(�nQa Date�tUe Nota Holda wlll c�lcut�te my naw interwt rate by uddino � _ F• <br /> w <br /> :'��; `i'" ;��'� , p��r 3.5 Ab)to the GLrrmt Indac and rouadina to the neuat 1/Yth of 1�/.,�ubjat a cha Iimiu�wud ia Sectlon N�)bdow• <br /> �`t <br /> ��� 7bit rounded�mount wiU be my new intaat nta undl the ne�ct G'h�nae Date. <br />--`�- , � 7be Nae ttolder.W tLen detarmina the unount of the monthly p�ymem�hat wauld be sut(kien�►.o rcp�y in fuU the prindp�l t Nn <br /> -'.� ; '��"r. expectod w owe on tiuu Charye D�te M:ubsandallY aqwl p�ymenu by the m�tuNty date�t my naw intarat rue.The rault ot tbia cal�ulatiap <br /> ="�y�, y /^j� wiU be IAe aer ufwune of my monthtY PaY�t• <br /> . 11��T A�F~- <br /> ~ i���E�•s.m ' (D) �Inits a 1dlfMl luq(��a � <br /> .� ti ;�vS��.�:i� a^ y'be ia1aat nte 1 am nqWted to py �I �he flnt Chan;e Wte wfll not be �reater �han �•0 � or leu th�n =. <br /> :,�[b�rle�t�;." ' � interat nte will never be increased or docreued on any slnale Clun�c D�te by morc than T� e <br />��� :�a,`�±►4x��1;��`'. � from the nte of intueu I lurve been p�yinQ for tho preadin��welve mon�hs.The minimum Interat ntt on th4 tan wW a�vet b� ` <br /> ��'�'3 pp� 4.0 ��nd�hc mufmwn interac nte will nover be�eater th�n 11 .0 M�. <br /> -?!Y;�: ;r,s��'d� (� B/fectl��DaMOICb�a - <br /> '-`• ',"'•';''".;� � � ' My naw interat rau will become eUcetive on each ChanQe Date.l will pay the wnount of my new monthly payment beQinnlnQ on the 8nt - <br /> . . '.:•s,;;,'r}t,% � pbntqlY paymeat date after the CMuKe D�te uadl the amount oi mY monthlY paym¢nt chan�a aeain. _ <br />,, '•.�•.:;',r<<- x � <br /> � yK:;��anr:�;.�. <br /> � �,{�����' lFl NoticcOtCYuQa <br /> ,:..p� '.i�•,,��„Si'1t:°<. , - <br /> { '1Le Note lidder will mdl or deltver to me a aala before each Chanae Date.The aotke will odvise me ot: <br /> '�"`�`` � b^"� �� '� �^ '� (f) the new interat r�te on my Iwn as ot the Change Date; <br />_ -c. q-��,.,; ' . <br /> • ,r,�.A.r, � : (If) tMeamount otmy monthly payment followfng the CAange Ua�e: - <br /> �`ic•. ^. ..'w :. ° - <br /> • � e tg �:,;�,;� (iH) any ndditio�ul tn�tters whfch the Note Holdsr is required ro discloac;and <br /> :'�� �,;.°'�; � ,�"•r (iv) theaddrasott6eawoci�tionyoucouWcontac�tegardinQanyquationsaboattheadjus�aimtnotia. <br /> —�..� �.� .i�/{� L,i —� <br /> ]'� ��.O:.j�.4'..11�:i�•. <br /> r, �.:1r�t '•4Y.;,,':' � CHARCFS:IJE:VS <br /> � F Uni(otm Covenant 4 of tAe Security Inttrument Is amended to rpd as fol0owe: <br /> ;� ,„ � � 97� ti�: � <br /> � ����.• �,CNarqai lkwr.Borrower shatl pay a!1 taxa,assessments,and a�ter chargn,tines,and fmpositiom aadbuable�o the Property which may �- <br /> _± t��;Y,.i.::;��,�� : <br /> - , � �i�n""•j. anain a prforfly ovet thia Secudry Ini�rumcnt,ond IeueholQ paymanu oi ground cents,if any,in�l�e mmner provided under puagraph 2 hereof <br /> �w• } � <br /> ;��tr,�<<�ti ��,� %x, a,if not paid in such m�nner,by Borrower making peyment,when due,dircetly�o the paya thereoi.Fiorrower shall prompUy fumis�Lendn �` <br />_ i�•,�,,•,.,..'�' = <br />-_ ':� 7+ - " � ' all noNas oi amounts due under this paragraph,and in Ihe event Borrower shall ma6cr payment diraUy,Bortaw�r ehaG prompdy furnish ro _ <br /> � ' :�(•� '�� � � � �1. l.ender receipts evldenclnQ such payments. BotroMer ehall promptly discharge a�p lien which hu ptiodty o�er this Securfty Inatrumenr - <br /> !� � <br /> : '� ,� ;��_;�'�:,�,�. � � however, Borrower shall not bc requfred to discharQe any such licn so long as Bonower.(a) sh�ll agrce in writing to the paymmt of thc r <br /> - �'��`�;` � . abli�t(on securod by such lien in�he manner acceptabk to Lendv;lb)shall in good faith contest such lien by,or deknd a�ainst enforcement of � <br />-_ - , snch lien in.k�al proceedlnas which in the opinion of Lender oprrate to prevmt the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Propeny or any <br /> �` ,�. • <br /> ,r'.,��.;• �,�, put thercof;or(c)eholl securc �rom the holder of such Ifen an aarament in a form satisfactory lo Lrnder subordinatina such Ilen to�his � <br /> .'`"� ,� ' SecurhYlnstrumen�. - <br /> +'�Gii}�!?' y.'�� If Lender detmnina that all or any part of the Property It subject to a IiM whf:h may attaia a priority over�hia Securfty Instrument, � <br />���=� r� +^, `:;-- Ltnaer fnail pvc norrower a no�iec idemiiyind suco IKn.nurrowar v`wii si[i�iy oii�i'i ik��Gi i�w2.�c :w 5.w::.::`.:«........:.���2~....^t'C = <br /> � �r''�;;:)��,' .hhio ten days of the�ivina of the nala. <br /> '�r� �''`�:�```°:�,.•'�~.:� ° <br /> ,i��. <br /> 1 i.,� <br /> ':�:��,(�� �,[ s��}"�o�(}"" � C. lVOr17CE <br /> ;�`��:; V.,r?;f��� ,- <br /> �' �.� � �x��� � �••�:• .E�I�ir Unifmm Covenant 14 of Ihe Secudty Instrument is ame�nded to read a+follows: , <br /> 4 � •�,y�����;+,, � ( <br /> �, � 'r,�. �� 11. Madce.Except ior�ny ndice requircd under appliqb�e law ta he given In onaher manner.Qal an�+ notir.e to Borrower provided Sor in 16K <br /> , . ' t1�:4��• �y�;� T. . •,, . <br /> '�.-���`t.;�� '4� �. Securiiy Instrument shall be�iven by dellveHna It o�by malltn�{ii by Crst class mail to Borrower aa the Pr�operty Addtas or at such mt4:re addras <br /> �' ,.��,����..,:���a.'� <br /> ��~�,.. � �� �� .�,�;.�y�� ,. a�Borrower may dai�ute by naia to Lender as provided herNn,and(b)any notice�o Lender shall (x 8iveo by fit�t cl�ca mail to Cender's <br /> 1; � �:'.� . .�f:° '�,i.\ <br /> � " y r��!��4�- ' <br /> �•-• �.;-��".�. �ddras ilated hercin or lo such other address u l�nder may des1gnale by nolice to Borrower as prov�dec!hetein.Any r.oiice provided for in ihis <br /> i•^�<. . .. �.�,.�,:^., . <br /> = �.:!dj.� �•�1�:±�' Seeu�ity(nflnuneat thdl be deemed a lure beta airm to Borrower or Lender when alvm in the rmnner de�igna�e�D herdn. _ <br /> -.�k. �,.�..`. p\'�I`��.��Wf;'• .. <br /> . y, <br /> - N. . " <br /> �� <br /> . r� <br /> ..t . � _ <br />