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� i �'�� i��:::�q�- - _-_=—, ... <br /> ',_r � . , ,. . . ;,... . ���;�,---� �_--.,�„s <br /> . _ �,• , , ��-���;� <br /> _- .�,,��. _.�' . • <br /> . ; ..... <br /> � 93- i.00�� :, <br /> . .. .. . , . <br /> .,,�, �,, , <br /> . ,..�.�«�.�.�.. <br /> iy�w�r dM AM�MM�.6utMiNon a111N tl�bt p�yn�M a inodlo�Mon d�Mon d 11y�u�r Ma�r�d b�l tllf� <br />_ ...�. _ . <br /> �. �1�iMe��eaw.�,n�iarba�•r�ioowo�s�InM�M►�M.a1��'�Inawn��k�dw��a ny�.w.W�bNlqr <br /> M1o11MKfo�M0�o1'�MIM�b�ItMlldiMNtOr�y�MMMOr0�1MwIMeld�►��ai�IMMM11{Mpwil�d Ii1hDM1� iNM " <br /> --�-�---_.�--�---� e�r aaon a�nr a.nMna.nMe.ey tl�.odptn.�eonoww.ea eoROw.P.«�oo.�.on tn InMna. <br /> (b).1.sMNr•'ew.n.wltlwut.dNati�O tM�I�auhr a.ny ah.►o«�on IIibN�a au W�.nr abMpwon h�n <br /> nNnqo�wd�aadwithoul�fMaNnpth�Weoroh��dthbOMddltuMupon�►Pa�a1h� nal�na�Molon <br /> nbaMd q s�auriq►lor qM lull amaunl W�II unp�ld ob1lp�Uon�.�M�da n�y�ban WM b tluM�nd wN11o�R f1oMo�(p rMMM�ny <br /> p«.on so�w,�.�tul.xt�nd a�.m.w�ro.aar,u�y o��n.annsa.n�wd�oeua�aoiu.pi�pnntoth.rMau�o«�o..,(w�nNa. <br /> =� or noo�w�r�a c.�..a a�.a...a a ncomw�a u.n�r w+n.M a.�d.r• a►o.l,aomon a w a a�.P�op.ny. <br /> („t�a�MMM�ny oth�r or additional�urNf►la u�►������^��°����or atlNr <br /> �n�np�lq wifh d�bton In nttlion thw� <br /> _. �� (a) �+�+�h►��d�r q41�M►�iw.My wrbMU+mc�b��MCI�r in s�aret�irp�ripht or�wdy 1�wndee.or <br /> oth�wiN aMord�d b�►�plv�+�M ta�r.swu not e��w�iwr w a pnewo���x�rew d�t we1�ripht ar n�dr Th� <br /> p►oCU►�rNntoi i�o►Iln P�Yn��tWt�xM ot Whsr UMM orclyrpMb'1►LMd�rsf�notb�awaiiw�d LA�rIM'ISdpl�tb <br /> �NraM qw mqurit�o�M�IndM�Md�s wcund b�r this Opd d Tnnt <br /> = (d► sume.�.e�.a.a INN�.sow�a:�oNa.�a L4b�er��ks n.n.M+e�on- <br />==°�--�.- tNrNd NMM bind.�nd IA�ri�hb h�rwnd�r�huN leun to.tIN ratp�clfv�wcuaont�nd�stlpn�of L��dM and TruMOr,11N <br /> �� c�nt��nd a�n��d Trustor�h�ll b��oint and av�n�1.71r c�ptlons�nd f�din0s ol lh�p�n�pA�d IIM�OMd d <br /> � -- �,,�.�,,.. Tiu��r�e t�.on��s e�►«wl w not to b.w.a eo l�aKprM«a��N na� <br /> .7 � �� '���.�`� (y IlpuMt IorMeroM.YM p1�Na henby wV�tMt�c�r a.�y�w�c.a aaaun nwaw�ano a co�►a�r nolio� <br /> + of�N hKw�b�n�flW to e�ch puty b IMs Q�sd af Tiwt at th�addn�s ast brM�bow in ths�nanrwr P�crib�d b'!I <br />. ����`.s'. . �p p l l a�b N I�w.E x e�p t b r�ry l o l h�►n o 1 i c�►p u i e+s d unda+�P P�icabt�i�w b ma�giwn in anoflfw mannM.any�wliw Prov M <br /> 1 :Ih`. <br />_, r f br in Ntb DMd of Truat thall W�iv�n by mnllinp s��ch nottas by certiNed m�fi adclresad�o thi1 WhK partl�a,�t 0��dd►Ms <br />. foM�bow.My noHc�provW�d lot in thK De�d of Trust sh�N be elNctlw upon m�ilinp in 1M mannw d�iyn�t�d IwW�.M <br />-;` %� �{:� Tru�b mon thm ons pwtal�,mwUes a�nt to tt�e�ddress axM toKh abow sh�ll b�notla to aN such p�aaw. <br /> � � :r���ttV,. m IMp�eYon.Lend�r may meJke or caus�ro be m�ds reason�bk entrlss upon uid in�p�cdons ol th�Prop�ryr,prorid�d <br />:.`"���P�����,, , that L�nda�hdl pive Trutbr�otico p►ia to�ny wch Inspsedon sp�eiryinp rwonabl�cauw tl�'Mo►rN�Md 1b i+M�'� <br /> '� Inaro�t In tl»Propsrt�r. <br />;:„`?-�-�� (a Upon p�ym�nt of all suma�ecured by thi�O�ed ot TnnR�+�dK����N�Truste�Oo r�co�wy th� <br /> '� il Proputy and rh 1��rvrendK thl�Deod of Trust ond all notea evld9ncinp ind�bbdnes�s�cwed by thl�Owd of Tnat ta 11rus1M. , . <br /> Tro�tae�h�ll reconvey ih�P►op�rly without w�nanq and wifBeoul oha�ye W Ut�p�rson or pKSOns Np�Mfl M�Md h�w1�. <br />::.� .�i�i�� Tnutor ahdl p�y�II cosb of recorWqon.If any. <br />°`- -- -°- fiy p�p�ay�op�i�g�sudi�i A��ani.Ju addti3a":at�:ufty to� tht payment of ths�!ole,Tiuel�r he�by gn�raA <br /> •�r Lend�r und�r fhe NOb►a�ka Uniform Commercial Gide e securlry int�raat InsP�Hxture�,equipmenR aed otlw►P��p�P�' <br /> ' uwd In conmetlon witl�th�real estate o�improvemanb loc�ted thereo�.An�1 not Otherwise deeler�d or deNMd b bs e pitPt09 �• , <br />��' ' ' the�ql�t�a�curod honby.Thts inatoumee�t a�a+l be aonatrued as a Securiir I1�roemeM under wid Cod�,�nd th�I,Andsr <br /> __ —_ - � �'> aha14l��ve ell the rl�ht�end remadi�e�a a eeculAd party��n+k+r sa�d G�de In addiuon to the rtghts and rem�dNs cr�ted�nder� _ <br /> — �,,.T-, .,�, <br /> _� „��.,,��,.` .�J'. eaq ac�orded the I.�nd�r punuent to ihis Deed of Trus�prowded that Lender'e rfqhta and rem�edles undar fhis parapraph ohall <br />_ .�. • y be cumulodve with,and in no way a Ixnitadon on,Lender'a riphta and remed�ea under any ot�er�curiry aproaaw�N slpned by <br /> • BoROwer or Trustor. <br /> � � •� � (1) W�»and 8ncun�bnneM.T�ustor heraby werrents and reA*eaeMS tt�at there Is no dof�ult undor the provition�of�ny <br /> . ` �•% mortqaqe,desd ot t►u�t,lesiee or purchaae conhact deacribing all or any pa►t of the Property.or other conhact,IneVumMt or <br /> - ;Yi,e�,. � <br /> � ).;, apreement eonsHNdnp a Iian or eneumbrance apelnst ell w eny part oT IAe PropeAy(colleetively."Uena'q,exlapnp ae oi fhe <br /> ' `�,f�u!;i dsW of thls Dsed of T►ust,and that any and all exispnp Liens remain unmodlfied eKOept as dleclowd to Lendsr In Trusto►'s <br />���� 't � " '���� nMlan dlrctown ot INns�nd sncumbrancea provided for herem.Truato►ahall timeiy perfam all of TrueWrs obllQadons. _ <br /> � ,`=' <br />.up, cown�nq,r�presentatlone�nd warrenties under any and all exialtlny end luture llen�,ahall prompUy forward to L�nderCOpies <br /> of�II noUces of dehuq sent in connectlon with any and all exlotinp or tuture Llens,and aQ�a11 not without lender's prior wrUan <br />':;� ' y� con�ant in sny manner rteadNy the provislona of or ullow any iuture advances under any exlatin�p or iu�A,r�e liene. <br /> '. �,{,� �r' Q) AppNoarionol Parm�nb.Unleis otherwlse requirod by law.sums pold to Lender�ereunder,Includi�g wNhoui Ilmitatbn <br />,`� " � -„ � � paymonb of princlpal and Interet�Inaurance proceeda,condemnatlon prxeed4 end rents and protlta,ahall be applled by <br /> ��� �'�"` ' � l�ndsr to the emounts due and owing hom Truetor and 8orrower In such order as Lender In it�sole dlaCretlon deems desirable. - <br /> r < (k) S�ablNty. N eny provleton oi this Ooed of Truat conOkts wtth appliceble law o� la declared inveNd Or otherwlte <br /> ,�;�i';.'•• �,n.; •i <br /> �, _ „ uneniorcqbls,such conHict or Invalidity ahell not allect the other provisons of this Oeed of Truat or the Note wh�ct�can be <br /> ' �,-�-ac•=,.��,:�h �Iven ef(sct wifhoul the contllcpnq provision,and to thia end the provi�lons ot thla Deed of Truatand the Note are dec18�6d to be - <br /> _ .ti °. • sevarable. - <br /> � ' . �' �, (q Tinnf.Ths terme"Trustor" and•'8orrower"shall inalude both al�yular and plural,and wh ths Trustor aAd 8orcower _ <br />. ;, ., an the tame penon(�).thote terms es ueed in thls Deed o1 Trust ahell be Inlerchanyea0le. - <br /> � �• � � �-���� (m) Qowminp L�w.This Oeed ot Truet eha11 be governed y the law�of the 3tete o� saska. - <br /> �.� + . •:�� .;Y�;1 Tnntor hu�xecuted Mis DMd Qf TNSt q of Ihe dete wrnWn obov = <br /> �.:^��� `J`-'',�`y' / , _ <br /> � 'k'�Cf" 1"�� ,�+` _ <br /> - '�v;�.�re.z. Mi 5p�nel r 9�ad <br />.. ;,r;^ ...._�.� —. <br /> • . . ���:kt���;;' ii� _. <br /> �5?:�-,� a �11� M Sp� • rust <br /> �.. , . ;, ,� <br /> �<'�``is 7;�� �'�y1 yR',.. <br />... ��yl�f'�.����C�{}�yl�j � <br /> ��k�s <br /> ! ' �l�;s.,t�.s,� <br /> �•,w„M,;�n•�I <br /> y�sy r.S„Nt..,a.�r� _- <br /> � �. `'.�����Y7I!h"� - <br /> --1e ���:� ��`'r\ZF�•,..�.k . <br /> �• � <br />, —i��; .`}1;.- ;,... _—....,-`_„ . <br /> :. 1� .'��'..�, •.'• .•',...�,'�c —. <br /> '=0' r::yi�'�'`-: ., <br />._ _�;] .. ;�,. <br /> — 'tcr`' , •.;i�' . _ <br /> � , <br /> ___ �I..� ' .. <br /> — '' _ <br /> �, . .i = <br /> - �,:..�. .. � � <br /> :� <br /> .�_� ,.+•y _ <br /> , w`� ,y;. <br /> ,�,,,. t, <br /> '� �4�7,�=•` _ <br />_ �"y�r:. ' <br />._- � ,.„�i.� I. <br /> . . � .J. _. <br /> �� '' ' _ <br /> � .r. <br /> ►� . � � . __ -- <br />