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..7 .4 "•� • „ a� -E:--- <br /> , � <br /> . . <br /> . . �b�- . . . � — - <br /> ...=: � . . ' • .. <br /> - �: .. . i� , ! � ----._.� ..... . .._. `- <br /> ili..!•�-'1 ._. �I/S'.� . . . - . -.. •-- . -•. . . ., � - - <br /> -4r1-�..r.•�r—i <br /> .,a,:,i:s� . • . , : <br /> ACKNOWI.EDtaiiMENT OF D�D Of TIlY�T g3"'� ��ia"� <br /> 111L1dT�011 RQAD T1M4�Ef�ORIE iK11�N�0; '''�1•°. <br /> 7YuNorwidw�W10rM1M�doatnMnl�tTniMOryabo�dbs�a�(��OMdalTtuM�ndu�t�InappoaitdMMlMpowK � ' <br /> M aM br In tlw DNd of Thip M����Y dMM�wit�b�nd obNpttloM b T �nwrqip�(n N�wNM <br /> of s 1 N a bnaah of abllp�Hon undK th�OMd d Tru�R Inoludlnp.but nat Ilmibd to�1M L«� NpM b h�w tlu Prap�y�otd <br /> by tlm 14sasee er!lheut�nf►1tMleIN Pr'oo�edlnQ,fialo►�wMaa a�d qNt wh ��f . <br /> _ trw�or bMa.lh.a.alloe a th.a.a a 1r+�M. <br /> - _ - - = OELD DF TRUST WITH FU1'URE ADV <br /> Tws o�oF�+.�.a...d a�.��a.y a �'• .�a��,a.�� <br /> -� q»�, Milli�w N Spwa � Ni,a1w11� M Spta�l . hn�►and nd rit� <br />':;;����� ' �311 Cl� �d GraAd J�l�ud IN 6AlM�-1�19 � <br /> -._- - who�rt�ilkip�d�ints i� (haN�'T�upa."whMl�on�or a�on� <br />=--`��"•'�;— �.he�twtM, Fi�w i�oint� 6�nk. o iiRbra�ica �orpor��i�a <br /> _ . <br />..�� v � � wlwa aa��q�as 1t �•Q• /oat 13i7 Liraad I�aad• N� 688�2 �h�nin'T�'1,and <br />,:��� uN�,�ry, F;tN Poiati� iD�va , <br /> - � ' �M����q� 2�13 11. �road��ll �irand Ialond. N�. 688w2-isi7 �hsrein"�'�. <br /> �� -�'�`;�:�i , FOR VALUABLECONSIDERATION,iactudinp Lendsr'�ext�r�slon of andit W�ndti�d ho►Nn tpMilli�A M Sp�11f1 <br /> cq°�i��'r <br />_ . ��� `;;`� '' i Mioh�ll� N SOan�l (herNn"Bonowe►".whelhar one or moro)and Ihe truat he►ain araatad. <br />' ��' •'� '" .r •� '•' the r�cNpt of which is M►eby scknowledyed,Tru�Wr hereby Irrevocably pranb,trannero,conveys and as�ip+es to Truetus,IN <br /> . TRUBT,WITH POVYER OF SALE,tor tho beneNt and security o!Lender,undar and subJect w tlw terms and condltlons heraintihw O�t <br /> - - :� ,:�,.->•-,1.�.,.•° f�ii+.ihe r�i pra�riy.dezc�ibed at tafiaws: <br /> ";=;• ,�;, •..,.;.,�••r;;(;�, I.o! gnr�p �71, iA Cl�uqeu Suedivioion b�iap • � ai t!N M�at Mali oi tb� <br />-';`�. ,.-.�,.;�n�;f�.;;�;:�, gouth� an�rl�r fMi/2SMi✓4) oi S�atioa Tro �2 Torntbip Blsv�n 113) Mortb• <br />; ' 3 i.•���)�r�� "'�t' It�a� T�a <1�) W�t o! tb� 6tb P.Il. ia �11 Coua�y IMbra�ka. , <br />., _�. d - <br /> �, ,^fi,' ..:� i <br /> 4, F; ".�. <br /> , '?�.�;y;,,i�•.•:.!?.,.���i,i _.. <br /> ��;'�?x•s�.:�-�•::a;�Y Together with all bulldin�s,fmpravements,fixtures,streets,alleys,paseapeways.sesements,iiphts,privileyesand appurte- <br /> ,��•��'�`� �'�,�,�`U` nances IocAZed thereon or in anywlee perlaininp thereto,and the renta,issuea and prolita,�eve+s�on�s and remeindero fhereoi,and <br /> '"����+t t aueh enonal proqrty that la ettechecl to the Im rovemenfa so ea to consUtute e Iixture,Includi�n but not Ilmited W,headnp end <br /> h*% '�<<�i`r�%j° coolinp equ�pmen�ond togelher wltA•the homestepad or maHtel fntereate,lf any,whlch intereats are hereby released and waived;all <br /> . : , ��'�•+::,;�., <br /> - � :� ' �i���' 01 whiCh,includln�replacemente end additlons ihereto,Is hereby declered to be a Fact o1 tho�aal ooWW waurod by Iha li�n of thls • <br /> t�. f. �'•�' ��._ (�S� aNd of Trost md aN of the t�orepolr�belnp rofo►rod to horoin as tho"Property"• i <br /> �,,•'��'� ,�>, ,. = <br />:=.;l" %•�'�w u'�'�`' ' '� ThI�D�ed o(Truat ehall aecure(a)the payment of tha principat sum end Interest wridenced by a proml�sory nota a oredlt <br /> `��� ����=� 11.r�5 31■t 1993 Aoc81 l�th 1998 <br /> . �, h.-... •�"�=� ' apraanwnt dated .havinp a maturity daw of . <br /> ' � L . . 7S.� N <br /> � " �'�"'`'' �?"` In the orlpinal prinalpel amount of S • ,and any and all moditicatlon4,extens�ona and renewels <br /> •1�:'� . <br />" � � � �. '�� . thereoi or thsreto and any e�d ell luture edvancea and roadvances to Borrower(or any of them If more t#�an one)hereunder <br /> � ��''� punuant to one or more promiesory nOtes or credit apreementa(herein called"Note");(b)the payment of other sums advanced by _ <br /> , �'�. � ` , „ Lender to protect the security ol the Ncte;(c)the peAormance ol all covenanta and epreements of Trustor set torth herein;end(d)all _ <br /> ,y��.�, �� . " prea6nt ar��1ulure Indebtedness and obligatlons of Borrower(or ary ai them II mae than one)to Lender whelher dlrecL intllrect. - <br /> _����� ,..<�,;,� � a , abwlute or contingent and whether arising by note,8uaranty,overdraft or otherwlse.The Note,thls Deed ot 7�ust and any and all ; <br /> t� � � other docuents that eecure the N4te w otherwise executed In connecdon therewflh,inGUdlny without Ilmitatlan guarairtYe�,0eeurUy ' <br />-- `:�H • a ' �"" Ypreemenb and asaipnments of leasea and renta,ehau be relerred to herefn as the"LOen Inatruments". <br /> — r ' • Trustor corenants and agreee wlth Lender as follows: <br />,_-� � •�.x:s..•� t. PaymeMof Ind�bt�dn�.All indebtedneso secured hereby ehmll be patd when due. <br /> 4��;' '"•• ,r� . 2. THIs.Trustor In the owner of the Property,has the ri�ht and authority to convey Ihe Property,and warrants that the lien <br /> created hereby Is a first end prior Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens end encumbrances set fohh by Trustor In writinp and _ <br />'"' r•• .� " dellvered to Lender before execution of this Deed ol Trust,ond the executlon and deiivery of thia Deed of Truat doea not vlolete any - <br /> �.. .._:�.•:�;•� _ <br /> " � �; -'�,,� .���; contract or other oWlpadon to which Trustor le sub�ect. <br />-•- • � t•> r�,'�,•';I;:'` 3. Tixq.AtttWm�nb.To pey before delinquency all taxes,apeclal ease9smenta and all other cheryee aga�Mt the Properly <br />- ..F� now or hereafler levled. - <br />_ . { ,� �`•.Ffi���` 4. In�u�anc�.To keep the Property fnaured agalnst damage by fi re,ha2ards Included within 1he term"extended coverage",and - <br /> = 6�,:�� ��� � • • , such other haierds ea Lender mey requlre,in emouMS and wfth companles acceptable to Lender,neminp Lender es en edditlonal <br />-- y,�.: named Insured,with(o&s peyable to the Lender.In case of loss under such policies,the Lender ia authorized to ad�uat,collect end <br /> �� �' ,yt , �''�,� ���':�' compromlee,611 CI�Im9 ingreunder and shell have the option o}applying all or part of lh�InauranCe proceeda(1)to any Indebtednees <br />-��i+ � �� :� �, ' • ��•>:� , • tacured bereby and in such order as Lender may determine,(iq to the Trustor to be used lor the repalr or reatoration of the Proporty <br /> � 7'��'�'" �;�i'ir"•�' or(111)for eny dher purpose or ob�ect satlslactory fo Lender without aHectlnq the Ilen of ihie Deed o1 Trust for the lull emount iecured <br />:_=?u;r'�" ; ,f�''�.� y,.; � ..•�_. .. <br />�--._:"� , „�j'�,�,_�p���1��,,,.,, hereby befae auch payment ever took plece.Any eppHcatlon of procesda to Indebtedness ahall nol extend or poatponQ the due = <br /> •�n., r � '' �i� �• d�Ea of any payments under the Note.or cure any delault thereundar or hereunder. , <br /> - =---- — 5. E�cro�r.Unon wHffen damand bv Lender.Truator ahall oav to Lender.In such mannar ws Lwndar mav deafonafa.auHlclaM = <br /> �xt�'y `z�F,`�:;;��,,,:,"• .'�:..; aume to erwble Le�der to pay e�they become due one or more ot ihe lollowing:(i)au 18xea,assessmente and oiher cnerges apefnst ' <br /> � � ' the Property,(N)the premlums on tha property Insur�nce requlred hereuncfer,and(�1i1 the premiums on any mortpape insurence <br /> ,.,; � ,,.,�z1�." requked by lender. <br /> ' � t..� �_ �;f�Y��;.' 8. Malnt�nmc�,R�paln�nd Compll�nc� wNh��w�.Trustor shall keep the Property m gaod condltion and repair,shaU � <br /> __`. , �'�;f:;�u;;> , promptly �epalr,or replace any Improvement which may be dama�ed or deat�oyed; shall not commit or permil any wasto or � <br /> �����",�f,� deterbretion o1 the Property;shell not remove,demoliah or aubatanllally alter any o11he Improvementa on the Property;ahell not <br /> -- ,�},ti, ��''�yE��' � commit,suNer a permit any act to be done In or upon the Property in vlolatlon of eny law,ordfnance,or repuletlun;end ahall pay and ': <br /> �`;: i,{� .':���I ,��„-�t., prompdy dltclurpe at Trustor'a cou and expense all Ilens,encumbrancos antl charye�levlod,Impowd or�asessed apainst the <br /> T;. ��4�� •, <br /> � '� 4�,; � ,,�G���'',(.'r,i�z Properry or any pert thereol. <br /> f��'•.'��,� tif..<._,..y <br /> - ,�.,�:�,ir f����j(. � 7. EmNNN DomHn.Lendar Is hereby aeslpned all compensaa:on,awards,damapea and other payments or rellef(herelneRer <br /> � �` `' ' � � �S���� 'Proceeds'�In conn�cdon wlth condemnodon or other taklny o1 the Pr�operty or part thereof,or tor conveyance fn Ileu of condemna- <br /> ' '�� !;�?' don.Lender ehdl be enGUed ot Its option to commence.appear in and profecute 1n Ite own name eny acllon or proceedlnpa,and <br /> �` ��• �:`��:� `s:;.p sholl alw be entlGed to make eny compromiw or�atGartwnt in connocffon wNh such takN�p or demepe.ln the event ony porGon of . <br /> - . , �„j•.�.�. ,. , <br /> _ , ...,.y�'`.', y j' � • . <br /> .I�'.:1::r ,::.�. N�C�1671MW�prKWIw�IWM111w10��! Y ... <br /> � • �. . 0 I�M qnio�Ml MN d CoMnKa Trw1�M twra Arxwrn,lu�ooMi.N�brNU <br /> !a4 . <br /> ,;k. ' . <br />