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, . .. .��;'r',7: Si`•;L }.'''1i,+.G�i'at"�:'ii:�': .:`l•!.Y°,+!}"�,t y7�>�, .��: +iSpp''."'�'n����t?��vi.G.� '(�'S.' �/ . n r4�`�( • � :;� ,.r�• <br /> >'��!i+d�: s�, ��Y!s �V,rr�i� �C j h 1�.+"�. �'� �'•'4,�^ �:1.� � �1=..' ' 3r, _ <br /> � � ��Fif�'i yl +lt ��� � y i}�:�� N t iii i., a'�.nb.�t,.�� ��= ' __ - __.� — <br /> .,�. . . .•�j,!4 4 3"t<�'i� 7��� ,; `�i��,•,ry� �•..u�+..�+_.�_�a��-r°-r------ . <br /> ';i'�"�y!'e ' -- <br /> - . -�..:..n..e.- _ . - <br /> _ i)...-.. , a'j`�. . -. <br /> � .:�=:�;t".-`,�- .. <br /> r. . . . .���_.�.�V.�_.:.:b�.�-'_��_ __'—' <br /> ^ . <br /> +..�.._� - ___ ..... .. .. _ . .._� • _ "--_" _'_—__"_OI].:.:_.. <br /> .�. . <br /> 1 � _ + �� <br /> . " � <br /> ' �`'�°� N�BRABKA DEED OF TRUBT - <br /> �� .;.�. , ., 91-- io23�o <br /> �r�� -� (Witb Porrer ot 8w1e1 - <br /> , . • ^: ,_�" Amount of Flnt In�talmant{ 135.00 Amount oPOti►��In�twlm�na:135.00 <br /> °...N;,�:. �. Ma 23 1 <br /> ., � Total of Paymenb� 6480.00 Flnt In�talment 11w D�t�—�--.-.-----.19�. <br /> � .. • Numbr of Ulonthly lattalmmb 48 . PYnd Inq�lm�nt Dw D�to AD.Ci 1 23 10-.�� <br /> �;;� <br /> THIB UEBD OF TRU6T,made ehi� 18 a.y or . Aari 1 -�--�� ---- <br /> _ , �e 91 , r=..--- -- :_ _-. - -_ - <br /> ���„ Rick�,T. Orent and Vickie J. Orent husband and wife , <br /> �n�.�m,i��,�„aa�,.�, 4219 Norse�nan Q�and Island, Ne. 68803 , <br /> , „��„r„�,, John Cunn f nnham �ttv - _-°��r-�--�� <br /> � . . .�„�,:�,a.�,,� 222 l� Cedar� G^arr� Is I ar�d. t+�e 6880 f -- . -_ - <br /> ss Tnwtee,�ad No.seHt F4saacist 1�Ic�Ix�o�R,a time. +ci�a.e 688Q3�� �,_•� _" <br /> �3T KQrth ll�bb Rd. Grand IsEand, Ne — . ��. ..;.. .`°,. ,- .. '. <br /> �r.rk`,�<<r`���` •�; <br /> . � YY7TNEg9ETH.Trurwra hereby ireevocably,graoL,bargaio.eell.and convey W Truatee i�truet.with power oi eale,the following de- ?��k',�u°f?�'i�.�� ~., <br /> `rs� ,.� ecri6ed property in Nal1 County, Nebranka: '��,���i�.'���,���',•'�r'- <br /> : —�.�R—�.,-�.,,, <br /> . :,� -- - - <br /> °- - � Lat Thirty (3Q�� !.c Fteights Fourth Subdivision. in Hall Cnunty, Nebraska =---____ __ <br /> � �.;;�:^'�c�_ ___ _- <br /> , �:;�:::t.- <br /> I •, <br /> �` . . ,' TaK�ther wlth tenan�nu,hored�tprtwob.und uppurtn�uncvr thonunto Iwl�mpinK nr In wnywiw wppennlnm�t und th�wnU. �wuvM xnd � ^ -"� <br /> � proliu thvteni'. . . . <br /> Thle rnnveyrtxw 1�Intendld fnr the purpow��d+ecunng lhv papmrnt In Iiene11c1�r�• �d Tn��turM p�r�m�rrxy n�de�d�•vrn drk �n Iha i .,,,,;.� <br /> emount�tated ehove as'Total nf 1'n�mentN . Wid'Tutol nf 1'eym�mti'�+rrp�yuhk m thr numbrr u( muothly m�t�lmenu�tyted wlu�w � <br /> The wmnunt of the�mtwiment p�yment�duo nn x�ld Imn�M etoted nhnv�� Th��Or�t and 4oa1 m�admrnt du�d�t��un w�d liu�n orr rt�trd , <br /> • pbovr. 1'aym�nt may tw m�de�n pdvanm in nny umount at any t�me I1rG�uit in �nnk�nu nny paymrnt�6�11,rt th�� IknrOciwry'�optfan „�__. <br /> . �nd w�lhout noUa or demand.�+endNr the enUre unp��d halwnce nf Ku�d Inan nl oncr dua aed payahlP,lew any rpwred rnfwta of ch�ry�er � , .' ,-���� <br /> � ' �-- <br /> .__.�____;. To prattti tt�xrnrity of tht�Ikrd of Tru�t.Tru�!o!c�v�n��u■.,d�qna«w � +«•�•s'— <br /> 1. To keep the property in good condition ond mpair,to perm�c no wpate thereof:to rnmpkte any hwlding,++trucwre nr�mprovement ��y 1 <br /> 6einK built or e6out to be�uilt thereon;to reetore prompdy nny huNdinp,stn�cturr or �mprovemrnt thereon which mny he damuK�d or � , . ___ . 1-- <br /> • • dntroyed:und to rnmply with all laws,ordinancev,regulutions,eovennntx,mndidnns and rexu�ctwnR nffectmR the ro rt • � • '�—:- _ <br /> P P►> Y <br /> `,i t�-. <br /> 2. To pay before delinquent all lawful taaeK nnd assrvsments upon the property;to keep the pmperty free and clear of pll other eharae�. � ,;,s_.�_ <br /> liens or encumbranee�impoiring the eecurity of thia lk�d of Truet. � ' i#�t".=_,� <br /> �,. <br /> ;, 3. 7'o keep nll bu0din�{e now or hereaRer erected on the property descnbed herein rnnununusly maured agninxt loxv by Ilre or other �� . �=: <br /> hunrda in en emount not lersn than the total debt Necured 6y thfs I)eid of Tmxt. All pnlicies ahall be held hy the fleneficiary.und Lx � '�- <br /> G � in guch companies ae the Benefitiury mav nppro��e imd huve los�payable firxt to the Nene4einry uri its mtrreet may app��ar and then � �' <br /> • to the Trunor.The amount eolleeted under nny insurnnce pnlicp may be applied upon uny mdehtedne:�hereby rrKUred in�uch order i�s <br /> the ilenePiciary ehall determinr.:�ucF�application by the lieneficinry ahnll not ct�uxe dixuntmunnce of nny�proc�•ed�nKa tn foreeloar th�s ��.� . <br /> ; lked of Truet or cure or waive nny default or notire of del'nult or invnlldnte un�•nct done pureunnt to xuch nohee.In the evont of foteclosure. <br /> all rights of the Truatar in fnaurance polfcies then fn forcr xhnll paHH to the purchaxe�nt the foreclosure Kale. <br /> 4.To oblain the writlen conaent af Henrliciurv tx�foro xellina.convoying nr utherwlae trunsfernnk the property or uny part thereof and • <br /> any euch Male,eonveyance a transfer withvut tJ�u HeneOciary'i written consrnt ahnll conrtitute+�defuult under the term9 hereof ;',.,.�..;� <br /> ' G.To defend nny nction or procerdinp purporHng to'lH�et the�Security hrrenf or the nahta nr powen+nP flrneliciarv or Tnistee. ''``,;.,. <br /> 4 6. 3hould Truetor fail to pay when dut•a���{y�eK.�4uw+t�ents,ineurnnee pmm�um�, lien+.i�ncumbrnncec or other charRea ARefnst the <br /> • property hereinnbove dPecribed.Heneficiary moy pay the xame,and lh�umount nn p:ud.w•rth interext i�t the ruu•:�et forlh in the note <br /> � secured hereby,xhell 6e edded to and become o part of the debt Recured in thlv Ueed of Truat uK perm�tted hy Inw. ., <br /> � IT 13�1UTU.4I.I.Y A(iKF.FII TFIAT. . :.' '.: <br /> � ' 1. ln the ewrot nny port�on uf thr prnp��rt}• is tnken or dam�����d �n im a•mmrnt domnm procerJmK, thi�ennm umounl uf thr aw�ard , �;,.�,..,��:. <br /> ? or Aueh port�on thereof av mny he necraH:�n• 10 full}�Nnb++fv the oh1�Ka«on secured herehy, ahnll FK�p:ud tn Renefic�an• to bt• applird to �ti;;.l.;•� <br /> . xeid obliRation. , ' ' <br /> 'L. R,V+�ccepting payment of unv,+um Fecured hi•n•hy nQer rtv dui�dntN.Hrneficiiirv d�x�n nut Na�c���tw right tn rnqu�re prompt pu�ment ,, L <br /> • ' when due of nll othcr eums Fo xncured or tn declare defnult(or fnilure to su p��}•. � � „ <br /> � � 3. Thr TruAtee�hnll recanvey uD or nnv p:irt nf the prop��rty c��v��rrd h}• thiv I)r�d uf Tru+t tu th�� �x•rwm i�nt�di�d thereto. un wrdlrn <br /> • requext of the Truytor nnd the Heneficinr�•. �,r u�Mm �nU+fuehun u1 th����hh�;,�uun rrrurrd and �vm��n n•yurst fur r�•run�•oy;mcr miidr hy <br /> the Ron��ffciivy nr thr perKnn enutled th�•mto. <br /> I <br /> � s�� ae+iNei � <br /> I <br /> , � � <br /> •}. <br /> .� <br /> � . <br /> . . ,; . <br /> ! � <br /> ' i <br />