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' � -.�' I,-? . . . , ' .. . ' �' , . [Y�.L . an.l+iw+- {�L IrMH�'.+J�"�L... <br /> _y ti��a . ,. �V.qt' . ' f,. �trl� ''r�(.' °"i'" �,, �.Z�1f�.,�~ . <br /> , ' ��YMr�Y�IM��•���,' ,�� ' ��,���'• J�•��„��`-` <br /> a ' . MA78RIilaRi�MltdiM.��.�bef�T_.�,r�. , �1l.�.��+..+� ',• d" <br /> 'tMl/A'OJlJOA�I,a �• �F'•,'. <br /> � .`:.'M�MYMie��Ma'�NiWlbdwN/Aaa�w1�.A��dM1.M�ee/��fw/�f7Yr�.erA�o�rNyaM(W�"l�a�Ml1���'/� '•? _ <br /> ' .,:'�f�r11l��iM�1N�r'7 t��rMM�bM"�e11oM'�1 M MRIR�rM1YMAh1 A�RM�11�M�I�"�'��'�1 to . <br /> ���1 a��ArM'��1�1�MIM�Mf M�0011l�N tA��NN�iR�1r IIU���MhAlwl�MO�Iy ali • � - . <br /> . . . 1?, <br /> ...._._—mr. —.. `. ..�-'..t._. .. . .'" .. ,. . _ - � . _ . .._.. _.1.� <br /> °�_-�--°��°- . .. 43�4 Strattos+d P�__ Qaid Islnrd.� 68803 — _ <br /> ���►��) . . .. <br /> .. 7'�U MM oMli M+NdM��Nw1�L fM dM+w 1��v iMw�t de�/�►�WIr . <br /> MtMM�.11N M1t�M N�W tM�w�!�f MMwwM AI��Vw/M r4 rM�Matr � : ` • <br /> MM IM il�r ri M��q111�M�M�wM�4. <br /> - ADA1T10NAL QDYBNANT9.In�dditlm to dN oaNa�aa nd qieammta e�de t���eu�y►1�u�wt.6a��v�rr a�d�dr <br /> _ ronMroa+eo.M.�e.�.t..roaaw: . � <br /> A. IM�RRB'1'RAT�AND MQMi11.Y tAX�/'��AN(� �4 d�e t�lale paWs tat cM��n b the lat�wt nf�atl tM� � ' `(, <br />-= 7'Ye No�e pro�vides tor a�i�GW ipterst�of , ,�, � <br /> , wonMl►p9nn�M�.a�faYu�c .,. �( ;� :, <br /> _ , <br /> _ . . _ !' . '��'�, `'';�`� ,a•iG <br /> -_ -_ -_— - - . L ���'�T��'/WO��Q.Y�1�r��{���I�� � . �. . - '�'� •�r'.r�l1��•1`�r,_ <br />_-_,t� � ��� i. . ' . - . � <br /> � TYe tott�wt rat�1 wt0 paY aMy cMn�e m II�'ffi��+c A�ot �� .19 9�� �.wd a�Wu dW ew�f � , ,, <br /> - �2 Ipppth{1�1�1C,�iCM10iW¢�li p�C�l Yly�fi/f�'011ld L�4Ef0�f Ci�w���E�tQ•° <br /> '-''' � iM1�i1s • . '� <br /> 'ii` <br /> _ Bl�pp�M�ul t�1Q fjfit GTtl1�0�/(h mY�OICl�lR q1C M�bC�i0d OO��OQC7t.1LG°�QdlR��b JI#N!lltly�YlqjQ y�OII VldtEd St�tlf . <br /> �y-- -= Trmury.eauilia wlju:ted to a c«waat awtudtY o��ycar.os mode available by the Faderal Raerve Boacd.T!x mast reoeat lade�1l�ure � ', <br /> 'i�:; <br /> araWbte as ot 1he d�te 43 dsys betore arh Chu�e Dote is wlled the"Clurrnt Indeu.•• ` . �'. <br /> If the ladac b ao lon�er availsbk.tb�Note Hotda�vW choote a aew iada w0i�h b bued upon canp�rabk tuformatioa.7l�e t�ot� ��?- : � <br /> '�� <br />''-T Holder wip dve a�e aatloe of Ihis cholae. ' <br /> ��.�. ,�, <br />:.;. '"' <br /> (Ca t�laiLqorMA�M . . ,�� ,. <br /> ,�:;�i;� 1� eefw.aea ca�au�qe ti.�e.ihe Nae iioiaa wi�«caic�d,�mr aew i��urac�p�Ls��t � and one—!��,^� . <br />.:'.:;�:,�:.: ' �ti+'�a• �� 2 S �)to Ihe Curtent ladqtt art�raundini to the na�at 1/Wh oi d�N�•suEjxt to tbo Itmiu sWte�l xa Sectlou IN)bdo+r. ;. <br /> .�F�^�� <br /> •:<� � 'It�it rounded amount will be my new intercst rate uatit thr nact Ch�ng Due. . <br /> s_:y_., Tfie Note HoWer will then detm�ino ftw amaual of the momhly paymrnt thAl would 6e sufficient to rep�y in fuU the principal I am , <br /> � �'f �"'` '��;r acpected to owe on ttwt Ch�nQe Date in subiundallY,eqwt psymem�by the muurity date u my new inlercu rate.The rauit oi this ukulotioa , � <br />'-'��. �����-r.�.: . . � <br /> ti�• � rill bt the Dew atnount O(mY��Y MYmml. ., <br /> r,.:�.:,. -::ti <br /> �• <br /> ..A, •��': ; '�•', �'':, , ID) /J�IISMIrleratR�OeC�es , <br /> ,:� 7.25 yi o� las than <br /> The intaest rate 1 am roquired to psy at the tlrst GhanQe Dwte Will not 6e Q�ater than , <br /> � -! ' � • 3_25 yi,Thera(ter,my interat rate will never bc increased w decaased on 4ny sinQle Chan�e Date by morc than �-_ <br /> �:�r:,,;�..a �• .�• <br /> � � ,!..�� ' (2_O�1 fram lhe nte of intereu I luwe boa�payinQ for�he prccs+din�twclve monlhs.The minimua►intereu rue op Ibis lan wllD neva bc <br /> �' ; '.';� "�'�'' � � , kss tb�n 3.25 �lY and�he mauimwn incereu rate wiU nevet�r yres�v�baa 10.25 �t,, <br /> -,,,... � ,6 . . <br />;;, , ' .�;,, � (� Effectlre Dtle oi CM�a <br /> •�'r••�••�� " 'f!�',':, ,'� My new interat nte wili become effaUve on ach Chanae Date.I will pay the amount of my new monthly paymmt 6e�ianin�on!Ae flat <br /> • ,. varth�SC��' i , 1aolqWy P�Yma►t date after the ChnnQe Date wMU tbe amouat of my moMhlY WY�t ChanQCS a�aio- <br /> . ��•.., ry"},.�1'�•. � , <br /> :�. 4.. ,:�HY•� � <br />,;�;,,�: �;;5;,.��,•Y., � i� (F) NotloeotA�r�ea <br /> ; �l :�v��,��'�I.�A�%� 7'he Note Hdder wUl m�il or deUver to me�noda beforc each Chanae Wte.The nolloe wAI advhe me of: <br />:r,.� q.� ' •„ ;,;... .; .�"'� (i) the ncw interat nte on my loan as of tha Chanae Wte: <br />_1��;`� �+� '�'.: ° - (ii) tAe amount of my maNhly payment followin�the Chan4e Date; <br /> �� '^' � (iii) any additional dutun whkh the Note Holder i:requirec!to dlsclose;and <br /> �` �-`' ^ " (iv) �ae.aara•or�de nwe�adon rou ooua conu�c��ud�M any y�dom abou��ne.djwcme�u oaiae. . <br /> '�:: �. '�*� ' <br />� . .•.:r.. ,, <br />_.a ft;;)� ,��s:��',:��i'•j S. CHARGFS;I.IEi48 • <br /> ' � " ��� Unitatm Coverum 4 of Ihe Secudty Imlrument Is amended to rcad u follows: <br />'Jl,�',,, . ..�: <br />"r � �:. ����,'�;::'•.�':.�. <br />—, ' , j,� �.�. . :t ' � 1. CMu�t IJan.8ortower ehall ppy aU tana,assessmenl�,and othe�charaa.lines,and impo6Nions anributable to the Property which may <br /> '�ti�'.r,� utafo a prtority over Ibia Securiay la+crament.aad leasehold payments of around rmts,if any.fn�Ae ma nna provlded under parajraph 2 hereof <br /> .�,�? '`�''�1�'�'`f#�•�:�+•�, ' or.It na p�id in such awnner,by�arowa m�tina payment.when due,directly to tbe p�ya thercoP.�onower�O�all yrompdy furNsh Lender <br /> :,h�ti��;��•., };,;^.�, <br />�'•,�',, ••d'.:��?!':r,;i'�*t�:' dl notioa oP amounts due ander thia pua�aph,and in tAe event Borrower shall make p�yment direetly,Bonower s�aN promptly furniah to <br /> ���,i :r-,,r..• kf,t <br /> .i,;. �lt.:i�•�i Lenda reaipts evidencinQ such payments. Borcower sh�ll promptly dischuge any �ien which has priority ov� ;tiis Secu�ity Instrument; <br /> � �°`.. ''r•rf howrever.6ortawa afwll not be requfrcd to dlschuQe my such Ikn so lonj a�Bwrower: (al shall aQ�a in writina to the payment of the <br /> Bw <br /> "';`,t,.t'': ,,�' !, J obl� ,�c secured Ey such 8en in�he manner accept�ble to Lender,lbl slull in�ood falth contesi such lien by,or defend aaairut rnfaaemet►t oi <br />_ . � a_, . . . ��. <br />__� �',r�'� '•,: .ti ." � �uchl�en�o,�proradlnQs whkh In the opinlon ot Lendcr operate to prerent the entorcement of the lien or for(aitute of tRe Proper��or any <br /> �,,. �'.'"'.;� ;�.•i , , <br /> put thaeof;a QcY yp+Al!securc from thc holder of such Ifen an a4reement in a torm s�Nisfaclory to Leader wbordnw�ins such Ilen to this <br /> y.'�' ,,�r:,:,y:::. �°�, ' . SeCUdty Imtrumerli. <br /> ` 1/l.eeder determina tlat all w any part of the Propeny is subjec�to a lien wM1icF inay at�tin a priority over this Secur{ly Instrummt, <br /> � <br /> . <br /> -:,��-� .,.. --__-+. ,-- - - uCOatl aiMti dvc wnivw2i i i�iwws wiinCiiji:q iiiCu��u.�w:3wwi��w.w. � -���. -�1__—_'__.�....��.._'-.'". .. ._ __. ' - <br /> .1.�11� :.R.w�..`IL�w��� ��r�N AN�A/1 �{Mt fM�M��1\�MW! <br /> -- - --.— �M �� <br />:.�'K� '�'`- ' � � �rithio uo ay�or the pvio�of the wv:�ce. <br /> �^t�� 1?�....,. .,', . . '. <br /> �;�:�,. ��5:�,. <br /> �^4� ,�;�,� <br /> _� -`�r°�` `')����'��:�J'�.;' C. NOi10E <br /> � `�"�.��'��''�l� Udform Covmant 14ot tbe Securicy Instrument is�mended to read u follows: <br /> - _ •�;�j�'���x,�'i:� <br /> a'. 1�. N�ee,�,�rcept tor ae�y nocDoe requircd undcr applkabk law to be Qfven in anaher manner,(al any notice�o Borrower provrded fa in this ; <br /> -= V J+,�° Securiry Ins�rument shall be given by ddfverinQ it or by maflfnQ i�by first class mall lo Bnrrowcr�t�he Property Addrcss or u sw:h aher�ddras <br />_:: � • ' ' �T � as Borrower tn�y desf�na�e by notice to Lender as provWed herein,and Ibl any notice�o Lender shall be�i�sn by first da..mail ro Lender'a ; <br /> � ��`.�- addrcss suted herefn or to such aher address as Leader may dnignate by notkt to Borrower as provided herein.Any nonee pra��d,cd for m�h�� ; <br /> � d.ti.. <br /> .. - Seeurity Initrwnea�diall be deemed tu hsve been�{iven�o Borrower or Lender when Qirm m the manner desf4nated hercln. <br /> •1. _ <br /> 'o .��;�1;ti} '_i� � <br /> . ;�, _ <br /> .��:. , . <br /> .. <br /> .. , � <br /> e �• <br /> . <br /> b ' � <br /> . <br /> y � . .,., . . , _ - _ _ - - <br />