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��� . ' r., � _ _:-. <br /> ,--�, � --�..,. -- -__- - �-. <br /> �-._ ..r.�.�.`� . , . g�•''it�?�2•' . ,_ <br /> .ot p«ya..�b u� tae r�lof.oe ava�r eh4 ueea Qe T�u��+�na(�).�S uu�t t��►oW.r Boee�.r � � <br /> b�twfid�r wuy►yne ta e�tead�a+odi�r.fbel�r.a wafo�w�ot6ee�a�ommodato�u w►th�ard ro tIN taem�ottbis <br /> O�d d7lnt�t a dN Not���itboat tbat Borro�•�oowst aad wttbort t�iealaa that Baera�ar or modll�tbb DMd . <br /> a�7tiwt�lotl�t�oeto�e's Inta�t iat1N l�op�t�. <br /> 1y Ni.B�oap ibt w aotia nquired mdae y�plicabb I�w to be�en in�aatbor m�rmat.(�1�oq aatio�to . <br /> �ro�t pterid�d fa ia ibh Dred of 74n�ihall Be dwa bS►d�lire�iaa it a by mditna woh aotioe by cartilkd w�il <br /> Ibdnw0lo ioerawu�t tbe PropeetY Addt+a�oc at w�d6er addroa u Botro�er m�q daign�te by notloe to Isadee <br /> _ --- ---- a���e�tb1 e�Rwlce to I�eeder e!�!1 be giren by ce�!!ed ma!to LenAe:'s add��t�d bM+la a tn <br /> --- snch abtt�rw at l,esder my Qc�►ate b�r aotke to Boee�n�er u pro�ided ba�eia.Mq natioe pe+odded toe ie tYi� <br /> _�-.�_ Drd af 71ewt�II b�dNaed b ba*e ban airao to Bon+n�ror ar Iendar whea�tv�en in Wa m�ded�ted ha+eV. <br /> t!.�Irn�h•Tl�se syta and IaaallRws�pplicabk a tbb ueed of 7'tu�t sbdl be tbe la�rs o[t6e <br />.:�_�c��. J�tidkt{o�(n whleb tM lh+ope�ty is located.'i�he foie�oia�ceateaae sb�ll aot lhnit tqe dppilaabitfty of f�eder8law to <br /> - thM i�d d 7�euu. ia tbe e�eat thu aoy prarl�ioa ot ot�use of tb�Deed of Teu:t oe tha Nate conabb�vltb appl{c�bM <br /> - - bw�wch ooaAlat rhaU not dCee!other prow4ciae►�af thi�Deod cf 1'rust a the Note Nbicb o�a be givea ef�ect vvlthout tbe <br /> -- - _ _-_--_- oonAktiN prorWon��06 b thb eed the pnovidmn af this Doed of Trwt��ad the Nate aro deolared ta be te�veeable.As <br /> -- 1{��IM�M���OOi�1���a�1p110�Mn���aK01'OOfi�f'CE�'�iaclude all�tums W the eri�at not pe�oblbitad by appHaable!s�ot <br /> ---- --- -- �ap1��0�11. <br /> i�. /w�w�e�i dp.Borrowu sbtll be NraW�ed a confarmed copy of the Nate aad of this Deal of Trwt�t the <br /> - tla�e ota�eautba a aRar nead�tba henof. • <br /> `,"-„�, ,( l8. R�ii�fWw Iwr A��Botrower sh�ll PoIflU all of Boreower'�obli�ation�under�dy home nhRbilit�- <br /> `;�'r�'' tloa�improMetnoob rop�le or alha lo�o a�eanent whbh Uarroaer aiter�into with Leader.Leader,at Londer's option. <br /> -�-- .i .-My�-_,�_5 snas ts�nlre @astowee to eAecwte esx!ek!lver to Lsndcr, 1n a fc�rm acce+rtAble to Cender,en asRignmrnt af en��1�: <br /> -° ' • •�.,�. ., ,r .' cldms ar detea�whkh BonoMee may bave a�dact parties who suPp�labw�m�tarf�ls oe setvias la coaaeetioa rdth <br /> ,�'.t•��. �r`. �',',"."��ai�, Imp�aamoptam�detothe�e�peNy. <br /> ' ' ,! . '.'�� i�.Te�tK ot�l�o�A�a�MefkiRl I�terert ia Borraw�u.!f aU or any part of the Property or wny interost <br /> ' `,�• ";����ri:rh in it is wld or tr�n�tarted(or if�benetkW i�tterat in Borrawer ia soW or tr�uuferred aad Horrower ia not a natural <br />" � '`� � �,��,��.' pera�)without I.ende�'s prlor written oonsent.Londer may,at its optlon�requlre ianmedipte paymeat W fuU ot�ll <br /> • .u.n+.r!cu�ed by thi,��vl n/Trua. Hnwever,tM�o�tion eball net I�e ex�rcind by L�nd�r iP u��rcire b Qrohiblt�d by <br /> - ��;-�. . . tedud I�w u ot�he d�ta af thi�Deed ot Truac. <br /> __:, _,,;.�._.;Y',�,;,�y,a;,,,�;,,� It Lendar aterclte� this option. Lamder sh�ll aive Horrower notice of acceleratioa.The natice chaU provlde a <br /> `��� ��� ' - .:�_,`a;� period ot not leu than 30 d�yi ftom the d�te the notice is delivered or mwUed within which Borrower must pay all sums <br /> .;. ... ,. -�<• �. <br /> • ' �. �ecured by thi�Deed of Ttust,lt Borrower hiu to pwy these suma prior to the eupiration of this period,Leader aiay <br /> - =- �'��''°�?���`'��� lQVOkt ney romeQk�e�ml44�!�y th�Deed of Tru�t wlthout further notice or demand on 8onowsr. <br /> ' �� ':���•r� NoN•UNIPONM�VBNANTS.Borcoweeand Landecttirthercovea�nt�ad�reeuidla�s: <br /> , r :. : <br /> s.�. '. �, 17. Aoo�Mntl�l R��.Lso�t��li�d In p�eyrap616 harot�apM Wn�wer'�b�c9�otwy corane�t <br />' ;,,:�•,-�.� � . K�t d&e�w�r I�eW D�i rf 7'e�l•I�da�Barower'��aUar�to pe�.b!'de ead o7��admd�Q d�y�adt� <br /> `. . ? . .��.. .�'. •• d��n dM� �y��r Morni M�IW D�/�t Tr�t, Lroda pei�W�ce�lentlw�Qhe�otbe t��'lorrower d <br /> r���'.' proHd�d la p�n/espr 1Z iwwt�Ihlyt Ill tM brMebl(Z)We�oeHo�nqulni h c�e�s�arl+�ir�aieM�(3p w d�te�a�e <br /> `;..,:,:• .� . , �;. , '�: Iw I6u ZO d�,p 6�or tM d�t�IM MUa M■WMd to rLic6�ocb bea�ch ovi+i Oie caredi�nd(I�d�t <br /> : �:� : ��:;.;:.: .� .: '���. �-. /�Urrs a o�•�bn�ob o�K bJnr IV rW.�a�i�d W tb�MWce a►N ewdt 1��o.lastion or tbe w��eord b7 <br /> � ::• - , d�Y DMd d'iir�t �od ul��t lir P�ety.'1'1»wetk��hdl f�tfl+er ldo� Hsno�er oE f6e dahl W t�dmhte� <br /> '; �co�Mntba wd Iw tlRbt W 1��a�i�ctM�q w�rt tb�nos�Y�tmoe ot�drfide or�o�otber deteae ot Hoe�wr <br /> �?�• •� � : • '.,. .� to��tio��d qM. It 16r bn�ci r wl c�d oa or before t6e d�t�sp�cid�d 1�tb�aolke,l�eader,�t Lead�e'r <br /> 4. ' � ',�• .��� �pUoa��y tbelw�11 W tIM��ae�i y tW D»d ot T�t to be Imm�di�td�dae�ad pwy�bb Mt6oat tarlMe <br /> , � • s.. .,;.,. .�:. '•' d��d M d�y I�ro l a t M/�w�r�t w M M i�y NMr nmedlM p enWtted b f a p p lM�bM I�M.L�oder rball b�e�tltled <br /> ' � ' ' to eolMct dl nw��ble cwb�d��I�rnd W panul�tWe reaMdir Pro�lded In fhb p�et�apb 17,ird�dl�, <br /> f � ' �" bat oot Ilslqd t�,��bM dl�„'fi�. <br /> , . �� �. U tb�po�r�aM b I���k�d�TertM�WI ncord;noN�v af dkt�a7�in ereh coonty in w4kh�he Prope�or wme <br /> , . , p�et tb�rwt Is lasbd�wd�II�II e�pM��f s��Mia Uo tM m�noer peacrlbed bl�PPIk�b1e I�w b Borrower u�a� <br /> ' , W tb�otlwr p�r�oM pewcdbd by�p�Ik�bM I�w.A(br tM I�p�e oE sncb t1�ae a may be�eqnJued by�pPfipbk I�w, - <br /> '�'t'` 7�tM dWl�1r�puWk�otla of�M 1�tM p�A�u�d b tM m�nner preccr�bed by app7�cabk I�M.Trartee,w!tlioot <br /> ,..r.. . <br /> � dem�nd oa Bono�,rb�ll��II Ib�P�opi�ty d prblk�ctioe to t6�61�hat bldder�t tLe Wne w d place au�d under tbe <br /> ��' • �� , beaa dM1�Nd Is tM wolla d wM W aM�r�p�nvY�ad la�ac6 order�u�at�ee mty determine.'iYartee r►ay <br /> �� �!' '. Po�tpoM wM ot dl a+uiy p�r�yl ot tb� Pnp�eg' b1 Prblk�enonncement at the Wae�ad p7�ee ot aa1' proNorlv <br /> � •. ,��• <br /> `' , ,�".=i:'��� �cbrdabd W�.I,wder or L�a�•s dMl{��uy precl�s�1w Prop�rty Rt�oy��,le. <br /> .��. Upoo naipt a1 p�Ma1 ot tb�pela Wd. TAtM�Y�U ddl�er to t1�e pnrc�hwer 7�te�'�dted sooveyln=16e . <br /> .�; P�op�rh'sold.7'IN Nclt�b la lb�T�beti��lull b�pd�tacl�aldeaoe oi�l�e hatb of t6e afatanents oude <br /> • � Ihenle.Tru�t«rY�ll�PP�y t6�pro�wdr ot Ilr a�M la tM��Ilowlq ord�re(R)b dl rsawnabb casd�nd e:pena ot the <br /> � % ud��Incindlas,bd aot Ilmibd lo�Tro�lwS�I��1�11�I�crrnd ot eot more th�o .............b�'.ot tUe Qra�s ui]e <br /> ���;� •- . � Prla�ra�on�bb�ttorn�r'�iw�ad cab�f IIW�rl�M�at(b)w dl wm�wcaeed by thb Deed ot Tru�tt�d(el�be�- <br /> ' �.i � ; cw�It�sy,to Ih�p�noo a p�no�Mpl��NItW U�W. <br /> �:.j`'��.: 1 � 18. Bon�o�nr'� W�hl fo R�lab. Nalwitb�landlnQ Le��der':acceleration of rhe sums secured by this Dad of <br /> � t-X;.• ., " Trust,due to Borrower's bre�ch,8otrowu�hwll hrvr�he ri�h�to h�ve any proc e e dings b egun by L e n der to en Wrce t h is <br /> •�'`' ��!`' Deed of Trust diicontinued at�ny time p�ior to�he arlfo�to accur of lil the fiRh day before the sale of the Property <br /> `. �. .. <br /> ;��.';��!`:?: �� ��� . punuant to tha power of s410 cont�ined in�Ms Dead of Trui��x lii!entry of a judgmens enforcing this Qad of Trust if: <br /> . �•��� �''''�:��"� � (�)Borrower p�y�Lendor�II sumc whirh would b�then due unde�lhis Dced of TrusII and the Note had no acceloration <br /> , 7�:�:•..�. .•.. <br /> �.._;��� + ?'• ' � occurrod;(bl Bortowor cures�II bto�cha of rny othe�coven�nb nr a�neements of Borrower contained i�th�s meed of <br /> :L-� ��,` : :•;;�',,;:` --�--- '!`nut; lc) tlotrower p�ys pll ro�tonable oxpcnsc� �ncurtea ey i.enaer ana Truscee ia errivrcing irx coveoanis anca <br /> , . ' ��, .. ' oQt�eements of Borrower cont�lnod In thia Dcod oi T�us�and in cnforcin�Lender's and Trua¢ee i remedies as provided i� <br /> ;'.�. � ' puagaph 17 heroof,includin�, but ont IlmUod w,rc��un�blc�tturney�'feei; and (d1 Borrowar takes such action as <br /> •�:, , <br /> � ;� L�ender may reason�bly requiro to anuro thtl the Ilen of�hli L)eed of T�ust. Lender's interest in the Property and <br /> ' � .,.: ,��: : . . Borrower's obli�ation to pay tha:ums secured by this Decd ul'I'rust shdl mminue unimpaired.Upon such payment and <br /> , ,• • � . .,:.;.; „. cure by Botrower,thit Deed of Trust�nd the ubll�a�ionc wrund Mnby shdl romain in full force and eft'ect as if no <br /> � , . , ,�;,,.`�.�:c.• �coeleralion h�d occurrod. <br /> � `�' 19. ANip��t�f itwq� A�Irt�1 �t R�nl��r1 lw�ier 1� Pwswda�. A: additional security hereunder. <br /> ` �°� , , �.: i:,; : ,.; <br /> ;•�s,;;,'�, . �k,'. . ' Borrowcr hembr�ssi�u to l.endor tlw rcnl�uf the Pn�pcMy,prurided�hwt Borrower sholl,prbr to acceleration under ; <br /> ; �" �" 4 �- . pua�aQh 17 beeeof or�b�pdoemant of the Rupeny,havc�ha riyh��u cullrrl and retain such rents as they become due <br /> j a''. ...+A �nd Wyabk. <br /> _ � � � • , � Upoa accekntion uMer patyt�ph 17 he�eaf ur�bwndunmrn�uf Ih��Prup��ny, Lcndcr,in pe�son,by agent or by <br /> + judicially appointed rec�iver sh�ll be entitled 1u Cnlcr u�K►n,luke�w��+r��u�n��1.�od mLnnQe the I'roperty and to collect <br /> , ,+ •' . <br /> � �� � �. <br />