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... .. <br /> Il;,,�.a�;�;t.'.�;ia�� � b.�a. . . <br /> ��� '• . . . . � M�K.... • . �_ __ <br /> -- � .�.. -uL•�II9d1.�Y11!.l�•tr.. . ' - . ._. <br /> • :���.r�~'- . , ....��_..... - . .. �_ <br /> .r��'N ! ..� ' . __..- . ._.. . .... ." <br /> . �� .�.;.�:,, ; 9�— 102 29� ---------- <br /> , , <br /> .��;��:s <br /> :�t. ., ,.. <br /> '!'�'�?�'`�`�+'';:!'°' 1.hl��ot 14re�M1�hMnM w/I.�N C��BoROwfr rhW paY when due the pdacipal ot.wd Interat oa,Ih�debt <br /> �` �?�.�•�^' ridenoed by�he Noto aad 4u chu�a due uader tM Nou. <br /> '""' � � 2.�M�W4 hyw�p af Tw��IrweMet Nd MMr��eLa.�wer�h�!include in acb monihtY P+�Y�4 tasether with <br /> _ .4:. �q_ ��.`.��'.. �.. �N� W� <br /> , .•e,,. . . � ; :.� t6e nrinciWl�nd in�erat u sel tath in the Note�nd any late cfiu�es.�n initallment ot�nY U)�ua�nd�pccW auessmenu <br /> ° . `:', � kvied or to be levkd�lau the Propeny.(b)leasehold WY�b or�round rontr on Ihe PtopertY.and tC)Prc�u� f� W-- <br /> • ,.,..., � . . <br /> T,�,C :,�..;r,.A,�i iuturonoe tequirod by Para�r�ph 4. _ <br /> ,� ,�..,,, �, <br /> • • .. . _:.,,,;.�:._ :_ gach nwathly incallmcat tor item�(ab lb)�nd(c)ih�U e4w1 one•twelfth of tho�naw�l(unaunu,as rason�bly eqim�ted by <br /> . '". . L.enda�plu�rn unouat�uttldem to m�int�in�n�ddiuonol twlAacc ot nat marc than oneaixth oi�he es�imned�mounu.The �:`..�':_-�_^ ---_ <br /> a r�%i•'': •' tuQ�nnual aa�ouat tor euh itan:hW be iwcumulatad by Lender witM��pedod endia�onc month bofore+u� item would - <br /> �, .�>�'�•? ,#•'•.'y� '; . beaane ddinquent.l.ender sh�ll hold the amounu collected in irwt to p�Y itemf lU�(b)�d(c)before they become d�flnquant. <br /> � t;a,.:;�;;� It at�ny tfaie tAe totd ot the paymem�held by Lenda tor itans(�l.(b1��nd(�etha With the tuture monthly paymenls <br /> :•�;..,.. ., <br /> ; •��°� ° �� - tor such itemi pay�bk to L.ender prio�to the due dues oi wch itemi.ouceed�by more�h�n o�e•ri�th Ihe atinuued unount af <br /> em pi��oa the Note we curnnt,�hen Lende�shdl eUhe�rcfund the <br /> L,.,:r ; •��,; p�ymmu roquired to p�y auch items whm due,and if paym enu to subscquent <br /> .,.. QxCEfs pVC�OAQ-si�tM ot the atimued p�yatien��or ctedit the oaass over ona•siath of tta estim�ted p�Ym <br /> '�'' � .: .' ' ia�uftidrnt to ps�the item h dae,then Borrower eh�U Wy to Lendar�uiy am unt�n b�t m�ka pihe deflckncy on w <br />�=•�;•. • � before the d�te Wt i�cmm becoma due. <br /> �•: . . . <br /> f , . .�.� ;, , �����x I�i�p."��r••me�as the Savetuy of Houcin�+u�d Urbm Development or hist of ho �- <br /> „ � " � ��,.M����es f�ued bY t!rc Secretuy ua Insured under pro��u which require�dv�nce p�ymeri <br /> � .,;,�.__. ,�,ag tp���ty lasuument ia or�+u in:ured under a proYram which did not require advance - -�- <br /> .�. i.,,, ., . mt�rc oiwrt�e imunaa Drau+ -- - <br /> ' •.�..�.•• . . � �' papmmat o t t A e a a i n e mo r t t�e insurance prcm�um.tden aich monthlY psYment ahdl also include cither:q)�n in�talUnent oi�he _ <br />- �unual mortpte ins�a�nce pramium to be paid by Lender to the Sec�scarY.w(��)a monthly chuBo inae�d o f a mo r t�e <br /> _ . .. � �u <br /> ---`- iosuraooe pmpium if tbit Secudty lastrumeat i:held by the Sea�staey-Each mouthly inuvlment of the mortQ�ae insuraaa _- -- - - <br /> ' � • premi'um shdl be in�a anount:uifldeat to accumulate the tutl uauual mat�e ins�raax P��"'�th Lender ona month : �f�� <br /> p em� <br /> .J „ prior to 1he due the full aaawl mort�e� �Pr�� to oae-tweli'tb�o�i oqe�Mli percea oi the utst�adin�e1Drinc�Da1 �Y��_�'_`_��^ <br /> Secretuy,each moathly ch�rQe shaU be � _—__ <br /> •� ° • balance due on tAe Note. — <br /> , __.,�;;., <br /> �� if Horrower tenders to i.ender the full paymeat of all sums secured by tAis Secudty Inauument.Bortowa's aonwat sdall be �Y�:_�, <br /> ..'.. ,. �t��th tho balana remaini�6 for all instAllmienu for items (al. laD a�:d(�)��y mortpBe insurAnce Premium r , . , _;,�;_ <br /> � � inst�lhamt thu I.euder h�s not become ebli4a�ed to pay to the Secretary.and�.ender:haH promptlY refund any excas fuads to „ <br /> ' ��;�n �� �, Borrower. Immediately p�lor co a foreclosure sale of the Propeny or iu acqui9idon by Lender. Borrov►'n's kcount shwll be �".��,4 H <br /> . . �',i��tl;•���'�• cradited with any baWice remaining for aU instaWnents ior kems(a).(b)and�cl• - _... <br /> :::.��:1«�:;%�.,. ' ��T'f a <br /> • 'SNir.?. ' '.,G�j•1c <br /> . �}��� ;,f'h..:;'� 3.AopNnu�o■ot P•rwe.a.AU paYmenta under para�aPhs 1 and 2 shaU�e applled by Lender w folbwa: ,• �: <br /> j�J$,,�,to the mortQage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Sec2aary or to the monthly charQe by the Secretary ! - ,_;� A � : <br /> A',�.,��� iostead of the monthly mones�e insurana prcmium.unless Borrower W�id tP�e entue mort�e insurance premium when this �Y��y Q�_�, <br /> �.�Yij�i�\�ii��� <br /> ____ $�'Yf�ty�1IflfUlllql�a'YS 5��11lG�� <br />....�, ' . � any taxes.spe�iaC as�r�ments,lca�ehold paYu�ena�ar�ouad ranu�and fire.tlood and other Iwzard insuraace �r, <br /> ^ praaiurtw,as required: � -- <br /> �'1 t : �i�i• <br /> � ', " � :'Af�".�.;, :.;.e•.," �,to interdt dux und¢r the Note; ���;.:__ <br /> ,),,. �� , � UR .to arraanLza�ian of the principal af Rde Notr. ,„�R,�«.,_�. <br /> ,, g¢ t5...,.••�� .. : _ <br /> �,F.�,;:i .� E��.to late chargea due un�isr tde Note. ���`' <br /> .:..�;. ���1��+�q:`iic*.�_;c <br /> ' 4.E7m.Fbod qd Qt6er H�aar�daw�x.Borrower sholl inaure aU improvemmu on the PropertY.whether now in e�iatenc;e (,�..:;tik�,'::;:. : <br /> ' ,�...•.•-'i ,•�. <br /> .•,`..�r�•:..:i; . <br /> • i�;: +;; or subaoquendy erected,aaainst any hazards.caaualda.+�nd continQencia,Includin�Bre,for wbich Lender requires Insurance. 1�' �:,;:,:+��-1, _,. <br /> """�!,'�.,,,,i1�• This insurance ahaU be m�intained in the amounta and for the period�that Lender requires.Borrower�hall also iruure all , . -•�,� <br /> � improvements oa the Property.whether now in existmce or subsequently erected,aeainse bu by floods to the atent required by ��� �-�' <br /> � the Secretary.All insurance shall be carcied with companie.4 approvod by Lender.The insurance poUcia end any renewds sfull ( -LX.S�,_'•-.-..� <br /> be held by Lender and:hall include loss paya b le c lausa in favor o f.a n d i n a f o r m a c c e W a b l e t o,[.e n der. � =��•.. , __ <br /> n la the event oi bss,Borrower�hall Qive Lender immalftte notice by meil.Lender may nulce prcwf of loss if not mnde prompt- 1 =- <br /> ^ ly by Borrower.L�ach insuruice company concerned is hereby auihorized and dirceted to make psYment for such lou direct4y to �� _____ <br /> Lender,instad of to Borrower and to Lender joinUy.All or any p�rt of the in9urance proaeds may be applfed by Lendr,r,at its 1 �.:-_ <br /> option,either(a)to the rcduction of the indebtednas unde� rhe Noie and this Securiry Inatrument, frst to any delinquent � • . , -. , <br /> � amouats applied in the order in Neragraph 3,and�hen to prtpayment o!principel.or(b)to the ratoration ar repalr of the �„ ^.;,,�i�S;. <br /> d�m�eed property.Any application of the proceeda to the princlpa�l fhall not extend or postpone the due dAte ot the monthly k .�x•,;�;;+' <br /> .�� ! <br /> � • ����"• � payments which ue rekrred to in Parayraph 2,or ch�nge the amaunt of auch paymenta.Any eacas insurance proceeds over an ::. ;� ;�• <br /> � " �.:, �r�;:_;•t,,� �, amount requiral to pay all outsta�ding indeDtedneu under the Note and tMb Secud�y Instrument ahall be paid to the entiry le�al- . :�___ <br /> i,-. . � t�� '�...�.•RS�[, <br /> •."'lr�vrc!; ly entided thereto. � _t;;.'T- <br /> �. In the event ot forcclosure r7 this Security Inetrument or other transfer of tide to �he Propeny that extinguishes the in• nLL___ <br /> � . debtednas,�II ri�ht,title and inisrest of Bonower in and ta insurance policia in force�haU pass to the purchaser. ,,,�,;r; <br /> " � S.'Are�en�tlw ard M�te��ce ot 1he Property,I.auehdd+• Borcower ahall not commit waste or datroy,damaBe or <br /> eu'bstantiaUy ch�nge the Propeny or allow the Property to deaerdoiate,reawnable wear aad tear excepted.Lender may inspect , <br />;,'r, the propaty if the property is vacant or abs►ndorad or the IoaT is in default.Lender may teke ieasoruible action to protect and <br /> preserve such vacant or obmdoned propeny.If this Security I�strument ia on u leauhold,Bo�rower shall comply witb the provi- <br /> „ sion�of the leate. If Borrower acquira ke title to the Propeny,the leasehoid and fa ti�te efiaU not be metged unlass Lender �_ <br /> ' . a�as to the merQer in writinQ. <br /> '�'`"`'� �� 6.ChuYa lo Borrower�nd Pro�ectlos ot Leader's Ri�Yb io t�e Properly 8enower eCa:l�na4�Bovernmental or municipal ' <br /> �;. •�;. <br /> � charga,fina and impositions thaa u::not included in Puaera�h 2.Borrower shall pay these�03�%�8���ons on time direcdY�o�he <br /> !� '� entity which ia owed the paymeae-Cf Jailure to paY would�dv¢JS�iy afiect Lender's iatera�in Ihe Propetty. upon Lender's re- <br /> quat Borrower ehall promptly furnish to Lender receip�s evidenc�nQ thae Rayments. <br /> !f Borrower tails co molce these paymenu or che poymenrs rcquired by Para�apb 2.a fads to periorm anY ocher coveo�rtes and <br /> . • agceeatrnts contairied in this Security Instncar,eac.oQ there is a le�al DroceedinB�hat may s�gnificantly aftn-c Lenda's rigAu in <br /> e <br /> rtt}e pmperty(such as a praeeding in bankruptcy.for rondertw�ooLender�s riQh slin the Pnspeny,includln�paymenc nf eaxe+• <br /> , �«i'wnever is neceswry�o praat the value of the Propeccg <br />' •� &a�rd insurance and other i[ems mentioned in Paragrap8 2. <br /> , � .�. . �:_...._y,�..�M.a......a...�,;.v�..oranh chall became an additlon�l debt of Bortower and be secured by tltis <br /> ..--- --•--- <br /> _ . . '. _'_ . � fU1y NINYI�tDY�iVY�iM1V v� ����v�� r«��. ....�.� .. . <br /> Secudty Instrummt.These amouMS shall beu intereu�frnm the dato ot disbursement.�t the Note rate,and ai�ne opiion ui <br /> ' ' Lender,shall be immediately due and payable. <br /> l.CoNerrWo�.The proceecls of any award or cl�im for or.onsequential,in connectwn Nith any condem- <br /> nadoa or other takin4 of my put of the 1'roperty,or for convtyanee in place ot eondemn�tion,are hereby ac�igned and shaU be <br /> + ' paid to Lender lo the extent of�he full amount of the indeb�edness that rcmains unpafd under the Notc and this 5eturity Ins�ru• <br /> ment.Lender shdl apply such praceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness unde�the Noie and�his Sccuri�y Instrumcnl,�rst to <br /> =, any deUnqueat amounts applied in the otder provided in f'aragraph 3,r+nd then to prepaymem of pnnc�p�l. Any applrcnuon uf <br /> the proceeds lo the principal shall not extend or postpone the due d�te af�he monthly payments,which are referted ta m <br /> �� • Pangra�h 2,or chat�e the amount of such paymrnts.Any excess ptoceeds over an amount reqwred to pa�+II��utct++aJiaµm- <br /> debtednas under the Note and this Security Instrumem shall be paid to�hc en►uy le¢+�Ily eouUed thereto. <br /> � �.fea.Lendt�r may collect fees and charQa authorited by the Secroury. <br /> . � <br /> rQa.2 oJ. I <br /> ! � i <br />