<br />THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this �-/ day of January,
<br />2004, by and between Mick Wissing and Betty L. Wissing, husband and wife, Blaine K.
<br />Packer and Deb Packer, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as "Sellers," and Jason
<br />D. Real and Staci Owens, hereinafter referred to as "Buyers."
<br />(1) That the Sellers are the owners of a tract of real estate in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, legally described as follows:
<br />A tract of land located in the SE' /4 NE' /4 of Section 8, Township 10 North, Range 12, West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the
<br />east quarter corner of Section 8, also being the point of beginning, thence on an assumed bearing
<br />of N 89 °47'57" W along the south line of said NE' /4 a distance of 33.00 feet, thence continuing N
<br />89 °47'57" W along the south line of said NE' /4 a distance of 527.00 feet, thence north 00 °36'23"
<br />W a distance of 819.00 feet, thence continuing N 84'19'28" E a distance of 306.42 feet, thence N
<br />46°31'21" E a distance of 318 feet, thence S 90 °00'00" E a distance of 33.00 feet, to the east line
<br />of Section 8, thence S 00 °00'00" W along the east line of Section 8, a distance of 1,070 feet to the
<br />point of beginning.
<br />(2) That Buyers and Sellers have entered into an agreement wherein Sellers
<br />agree to sell and Buyers agree to buy said tract of real estate.
<br />(3) Whereas, the Sellers, Mick Wissing and Betty L. Wissing desire to obtain
<br />a driveway easement across said property to maintain access to adjacent property; and,
<br />Sellers.
<br />(4) Whereas, Buyers are agreeable to allowing a driveway easement to
<br />The Buyers, Jason Real and Staci Owens, hereby convey and grant to the Sellers,
<br />Mick Wissing and Betty L. Wissing, a perpetual easement over a portion of the above -
<br />described land, which is necessary for use for driveway purposes for ingress and egress to
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<br />THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this �-/ day of January,
<br />2004, by and between Mick Wissing and Betty L. Wissing, husband and wife, Blaine K.
<br />Packer and Deb Packer, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as "Sellers," and Jason
<br />D. Real and Staci Owens, hereinafter referred to as "Buyers."
<br />(1) That the Sellers are the owners of a tract of real estate in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, legally described as follows:
<br />A tract of land located in the SE' /4 NE' /4 of Section 8, Township 10 North, Range 12, West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the
<br />east quarter corner of Section 8, also being the point of beginning, thence on an assumed bearing
<br />of N 89 °47'57" W along the south line of said NE' /4 a distance of 33.00 feet, thence continuing N
<br />89 °47'57" W along the south line of said NE' /4 a distance of 527.00 feet, thence north 00 °36'23"
<br />W a distance of 819.00 feet, thence continuing N 84'19'28" E a distance of 306.42 feet, thence N
<br />46°31'21" E a distance of 318 feet, thence S 90 °00'00" E a distance of 33.00 feet, to the east line
<br />of Section 8, thence S 00 °00'00" W along the east line of Section 8, a distance of 1,070 feet to the
<br />point of beginning.
<br />(2) That Buyers and Sellers have entered into an agreement wherein Sellers
<br />agree to sell and Buyers agree to buy said tract of real estate.
<br />(3) Whereas, the Sellers, Mick Wissing and Betty L. Wissing desire to obtain
<br />a driveway easement across said property to maintain access to adjacent property; and,
<br />Sellers.
<br />(4) Whereas, Buyers are agreeable to allowing a driveway easement to
<br />The Buyers, Jason Real and Staci Owens, hereby convey and grant to the Sellers,
<br />Mick Wissing and Betty L. Wissing, a perpetual easement over a portion of the above -
<br />described land, which is necessary for use for driveway purposes for ingress and egress to
<br />