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�`��J __ -- _--_� -- - <br /> --..— . . ' '- -_zar� <br /> , � <br /> - .. <br /> , , r > --- - - -..:._.__._._ . , <br /> � __.'..,�. ---..��.,..,� . . , , . .. y . , ;_;,;�,*u�vs��;,����.,n:.... . . . , :��-. - <br /> '���ii;i�.:!_. 1 <br /> . .. ' . ' ,� , ' .. .. , . ,���� �� r-' - <br /> }, ��y�L�r�t �,�b 4�p, Dorro�w��YY pa�F MrMN 8�.11�p�aipd a�ard irlerrM a4 � <br /> 1r i�bt r o�A 6�l 1v I�a1��d 11r�dM�r 11�Na1t, p � - <br /> .1 MMtM��IeM��7M�.1�wr��i Oli�r litlr��r�I�i�da b a�eh wo�hlyyyp�►me�, . ., <br /> ��h d�a p�dp�1�d i�at M �in ie No��aay _IM�d�.p��� �i)_�!_ _ � . <br /> �pCW s�OMm1aM�isvild or b�t levied t�mt P�opw'�Y.(b)lea�ehoid pyMMrM ��opr�y , <br /> _- -- (c)p�tar i�et�ae wqyind bY P�p��. ' <br /> B�M woMhly i■M�tY�en ta�ile�t(a).(b)�nd(o)�il aqap aae�tweNd�d 1iN�aawii �unuuat�.� �:aa�Wy - _ <br /> � �-� �Sed by l.enda�. �n a�a�et �aimt a nMtnpdn an ddWaawl b�l�na a�Not aa�e IWo aoasi�qb o�tho <br /> __ �— eMiti�bd anouaw. �tbp aawal�aAO�mt fi�ach ibm�latp be�aaMnnl�ted bY l�aidar vrlthb�perioe�aae _ <br /> a�oatb beforo an imm waaW bmcaae delinqueat. i�nder�b�q hold 11a�n�oanb oo0ec�ed iR pua to p�y i�oau(a�(b �ad <br />-w`,. (c)Oefate diey beooroe deliuquap. <br /> .-,..= U rt�ny tbae 1be total of tbe p�s beld by Laidet tar ite�(��N)�nd(a). wIW IUa pMUre rao�ly <br /> paypear� far wcb ilda� pryable to prior w the duo dqes of a�cb it�am,exae�by a�ae than oue-�tqh tbe <br />-- e�wed anount ot p�ymaps[�equG�ed t�op ay w�Y i1a�wUen due.aW if p oa tUe Nooe aro cumau,lha►Lender • <br /> sbdl d�4et iefimd dio oxoes�mrer aqa•ti�1h d 1Ro a�ed p�q a t the ezcw wror aoc-si�lh d the e�tinWed _ <br /> �_- = 1�eu6caqoau PsYmaw bp Bonc�oir[�r'.at tbe optioa af Botrowar. !t tQ�e toul of tMe p�yomts m�do by Bonnwer <br /> �a�(b).a(c)4 i�cia�l to p�y Ibo it�m Mhen due.dw►Barower sMall p�y to l.eader ary amouw aeoas�►t�o <br /> mdre ap 11a deticlaaay ot�a befae tOe dtle Ibe jrem becomes due. <br /> °- - Aa uaed in thb Secority Inqnu�a�t."Secrdary"means the Saw.tu�►of Howi�g�d Utb�o ar 1is or ber <br /> - = lo my yar in whkh the Le�der aw�tpy a mortga�e imurmtx poemium to t4e Socneury.e�aronR�r P�Y� <br /> ^;-; �.ko a�oloae eitha: ci) �u���omt o�f th�mnwu mo�tgage �ur�u�ro pternium to b� pua oy t.a�der w me <br /> - - ,. Sec�ury�or(iif a ma�whly c1wQe iastead of a matgnga insutaooe promium if U�is Saurity�t i�held by�6e <br /> -°"'d'- - — SenearY- R�cb mo�ly nuWlment of the mo�t�,�a i�u�co Pr�ium�lufl be in�n aroo�mt suff'reient to�ccumuWe�he <br /> � � f�U ana�al mottg�e ipuumca promium wiW 4a�der ane montd pnor to tha dwe �he fuii annuai iirouu,rwo <br /> mort�go �ro <br /> ;; .pemium u dua w ihe Sec�r,tuy:or if thia Socwity Irnqutnent is held b the Secteury.each rtwntbly c,h u�e r E i W be in an <br /> a�oowu oqual to aie•twelflh of a�e-half pereeiu of the owsumdl�8 Princ�l Mlanoe due an the Note. <br /> � � �. � 6 SlCUl�L LIiIIURRiIt,BOfTdWC[t BCCOYM <br /> yment of all sums secwed b thi <br /> ,. lf Borrower taKiae w Lender t6e full y Y <br /> w <br /> . . � siwll be 4�edited with�he bilanoe naa�ining for all instaliments fm items(a)�(bl and(c)rad any moctg+iga�,�r�ae �', <br /> �± ...+�;, .•. �i. � . premiwu�nstaUment tlut l.ender hss aot become obligated w p�y w the Sa�netary,ond I.ender shaU P�P�Y <br />- . �;� ` ," exass fucula to Barnwer. ImmediwtelY.prior ro a faoclos�me sale of the Property ar its aoquisitian by Lender.Honower , <br /> ,..�.;;;��,�, . : aocow��4�uU be crodiud with any balwnce rom�ning fin ell installmen�s for items(a)�(b)w�d(c). <br /> - � �' . , 3.v�pA Ucatlo�d Pl�yoieap. AU pxytnents under Paragrapha 1 and 2 ahel!be applied by l.endar ar foUow�: <br /> - -• ---a.-...-:-.. F�g�.to itk:�'.oiig�gc itssurartcc prerttiutn to be prld by Lender tn tiv Gr�xry�r to dte rnonthly d�ar�oe by Ihe - <br /> ' :� . . ••.'�.: S�cre�ary instewd of the monthly mortgage insura�rce p�emium; <br /> �rc <br />-;..,�. .;,:.Zt`.: ;,;:: �� .Gi �•lo Any t�xes�epxial asse.�sments.kacefw�d paYments ur�aund ieM��and fue�tlood au�d otikr hatand . •. <br /> . =, .,u�surnnco p�emiums.asreyuired; . . <br /> � . - -���-_-- _ . ' .io tnierestdua under thC Yuia: • - <br /> „F � <br /> •`;;j�,�;r;;; �.w�nonization of�hc principal of the Note: <br /> ' �:�, :.�,_'.::' � �.to late charges due under the Note. <br /> ��� • �•� ••r,;�,.�.�;: • . ^ � 4. �9rc,Flood aad Otber Hazard Iasuranc8. Borrower shall insure all lmprovema�ts on tho Prope�rty.whcthernpa <br /> '* '.." �`�►.r•i`=.:,�:�` in exicience or sub�equently erected,against any hazard.c,casualties,and conNngencies,ineluding fire,for whleh l.ender <br /> , .'L': ;S;'. -^,`.���:. SY <br />-_,'v';'•.:S,i '�' - .. <br />+��r .1 , �",-j•y- `,)�f�.:,,. x i)r� ��117G3�114U�811C�C. This insurance shall be maintained in tAe umaunu end for the periods thut Lender rcquims. vrruwa► <br /> � . *-� -'.N+'_v:. ,; j� shaU also inxure all improvements on�he Property,whether now in existence or subsequendy etected.ugalnst loss by flooda _ <br /> ' ���'=t�::�"'`':''''�``�`�' to the extent requimd by the Secrctwy All iosurance shall be currfed with companKS approved by Lender. The insuance <br /> _ " ���;".,`:.; '' .:'�r.���, policies and any nnewals shall be held by Lender nnd shall include losa pAyaWe clauses in favor of. w�d in a fomt <br /> __ � � ' •�' �t acceptableto.Lender. <br /> -% . •����::•����:"Y�•�' In thc event af loss. Borrower shall give Lender immediatc nolice by mail. l.ender may make proof of loss if not . <br /> -_�'� ' ''�=� � °`;'`� mede promptly by Borrower. Each insurance company concemed is hercby uuthorized and directed to ma�e payment for <br /> ..,;..., ��' � :�..,�;; <br />,�¢ . % ,,+ � y'1�5� ` such loss directly to Lender,insteud of to Bonower and ta l..ender jointly. All or eny psut of the insurance procceds may be <br /> � ;;. '•:....,�... ; ;�, app lied by L.ender,ut its option.either(u)io the racluction oi the indebtedness under the Note and ihls Secudty lnsdvment, <br /> � �' "'' : first w any delinyuent amounts npplied in the urder in Parngrnph 3, und then to prepaymcnt of principal,or(b)to the _ <br />: °4 ; ,s�1::.. ,;�,a�• restoration or repair of the dunaged propany. Any npplicatian of�he praceeds to�he principal shall not extend or postpono = <br /> ' • ^��•� •� ��'�:��1 the due date of the monthly ps�yments which ure referred to in Paragraph 2,ur change the umount of such payments. My <br /> . r 9 ',('�}^,,,;;, <br /> ��•.� ` Q.-• •<-4= '�+�; � ,.r eacess insurance proreeds over an amount required to p�y all outs�anding mdebtedness under the Note and this Security = <br /> '- ''�"�%'K'z%%� lnstrumem shull be paid to the entity legally entitkd thereta. <br /> • �• ` '��''`.' .��' �` in the event of forecloxure of this 5ecurity lnstniment ur uther trnmfer of title to 11►e Property thal eztinguishes the = <br /> ',JY���;,;;;': . �, indeMedness,ull right,�iUe and interest of Bormwer in und to insur,u�ce policie,in force shall pu+s to the purchaser. - <br />'�`'. �»�����;>• .;, . . ��' S. (Mcupancy, Preservatbn, Malntenance and Protectlon of'the Property; Borrower's l.ostn ApplicaUoo; - <br /> r�::�.•: �s • � ' �'�.. <br />�,;;,��.�. ,., ,.��..,;, .,,.• Leasebolds. Borrower shull oc:cupy,establish, and use �hc Pmpeny uti Bnm�wer+pnncipul residence within sixty duys <br /> -:•�-;+� •��' i:. ' ��'• after Ihe eaecution of�his Security Instrumenl und shull cantinue to orcupy�hr Property us Borrower's principAl re4idence <br />..,,�\,��. � ��n.� . 1:�...'_, _. <br />_.., �,;, �`''' � .t�,:;,•� for at leust one yeur afler the dute of nccupuncy,unless the Secrctury detertninea tiii�rcyuircment will cuuse undue hardship <br /> �, �x, • ,�F,�fr, _ <br /> } �},, �` • ,; for Borrowcr, or unless ex�enuutin�e circurri��unces exist which arc beyond Borrower+ control. Bortower shull notify _ <br /> ��� � �'.�. . <br />,;l �" � •' ��� ;. Lende�s of:u�y extenueting circumxtuncer. Borrower xhall nnt commit waste ur de+troy,drmage or substantiully change _ <br /> '%�rii;i;:;. <br /> Jy� ` •'�� � the Propeny or allow the Properly to deteriorutc,rcusonablr wear unJ tc;u exccpted. Lendrr muy�nspect the Piroperty if the � <br /> ?1ii,,,. ' " �Y �.'<<r'�'r�i� 1'ropeny is vuc+�nt ar ab;u�doned nr the loun defuult. Lender muy tukc rcasonable uciicm to protect and preserve xuch _ <br /> 1;����:• ':'�.'�•.''� vacant or ub:u�doned Property. Borrower sholl alsu t+e in deFuult if Ei��rrower,dudng the loan upplication process,gave = <br />;. '�� ;"'• ,� ; . '•�;ii�!;';��: rnnterially false or inoccurute information or siatements t�, Lender lor 1'ailed io providc L.ender with uny materi�l - <br /> • :,,., � �'• f ., information)in connec�ion with thc Inan evidrnred by the Notc,includmg,but n�t limited�o,representutions conceming <br /> `� '',": ',� Borrower'.s occup•r►�cy of the Propeny us u principal re�idenrc. !f ihi.5ecuri�y Insirumrnl is on u Ieu,ehold.Borrower shall - <br /> ,i,f . �: <br /> :.,. . �, comply with the provisions of the Ieuse. If$orrawer acquire+fee tiUe lo the Ympeny,Ihc Ica�ehold unJ fee tiNe shull not <br /> ,i. : � 'S',�:;). be metged unlexs Lender ugmex to thc mcrger in w�rilinF. <br /> '��'•' � � ' '•'t",,;`� 6. Char�es to Borrower�nd P�ntection uf I.ender's RlRhts in the Property�, Burtow�er shall p•ry ull governmental <br /> f:�... <br />'��;r�;,� ..;dj�:`;�; or munici al char eti fines und im ositionx ihat ure nai included in P.�ra�ru h 2. Borrower shall r these obli ation+on <br /> , ± P B •'• P 6 P P'Y � <br /> a;�,''„' ' �' • ' lime directly to the entity which is owed Ihe payment. If failure to pay would advcrsely �ffect Lender'ti interest in the - <br />�{���. � � 'r,��1 „ �, . Propeny,upon Lenderk reyuest Bormwer zhull prumpily t'urnish to Lcndcr rercipt,cvidencmg�hc.c payments. <br /> }; '' , �•�.;�.,:+'` °�' "' If Sorrower fails to make the.e paymemti or �he payments nyuired by Parugruph 2,or fuil, tu pe�furm any other <br />.�°�%,+�•'� �i'�"`��{' -�•`, covenants and agreernents contuined in thix Securiry Instrument,or there is u legul proccedinF thu�may siFnifieantSy uffect <br /> U��l}L.�:: ���a�- hC1G�i, �_ �.._�._.._ a__.. ...i_ .�.. ..�:. 1.. nul�.�inncl <br /> 1""�:1•"T. -�[�- ' �i^+. L,CIIIICf 1 fl I111 ll)ll/C 1'IU 11 l.lU<II Ql U IIV�.L1:V111 Ilt Vqllnlu i� �v��.�.��u�.ii.iu::v.i v .:. ..::� ...wa-nr ru .. <br /> F,�_T-•7;�..�•� 2i }� y � � N 7� �C............. <br /> �. �p;,� . .' . <br /> .,�,':;��f �. � ° '.�••,. + then Lender may do and pay whatevcr iti necessary to prrnect the value of the Pn�peny and LrnJer;rights in the Propeny. <br />;�;.�:,�t'��'� • '�,�;•'�.;t.�;��i:+�:�' including payrnem of taxes,hazard in.urancc;u�d athcr items mcn�ioned in Purogruph 2. <br /> '� �� ' �•��1•� � �'�;`����►�� Any amounts�l6sburscd by Lcnder under this P�vugruph shall lxcome an uddilionul dcbt of Burroa•rr and be secuted „ <br /> ' � � � �' �,'��r'� by this Se�;urity Insirument. 'I'hesr umountti zhall bcar intcrrst from the Ju�e of disbunement,ut�he Note r�t¢,�uod ut the <br /> ,�y'�� `';� :�� ' � ��, ���'%��' option of Lendcr,sh�ll be immedinlely duc:�nd payable. <br />� ;h'• ` ,�. �'� ;'. . '�;;`_��i 7. Condemnotioa. The proreedr;uf any uward or cluim fur dumugex,dirert ur ronxeyuential,in connection with an�� <br /> �� , , x .�.;• •,;E�; eondemna�ion or o�her laking uf:u�y pa�of the Propeny,or for conveyonrc in pl;Ke uf condemnution,we:hercby iiswigned <br /> j �, ' �� ' ... • �• wid shalt be paid lo Lender to the cxtrnt of thc full umount nf the inciebtcdnc.ti 1ha1 rcmuins unpuid undcr thc Nule und this <br /> y . ' ' ;, � .:��. �<� Security Instrument. Lender shull apply such pnxeeds w�hc reduction uf Ihr indebtednr+�unJcr the N�He and�his Securiry <br /> I` '' -• � ±� InstrumeN, first io uny delinyuent umounts upplieJ in �he ordcr pmvideJ in 1'um�raph ;, unJ thrn t��prcpuyment of <br />�! ' ' � �;'�: ' . L principel. Any applicetion of the pnx.�eeds to�he principnl shull not cxtend or posqxmc thr Jur Ju�c ul' the m��nthly <br /> � �, , .. .:�.. ?y, <br /> , � �� , �'. <br /> � � - ��wxe=uj4 page.�� <br /> .� ' � . <br /> 1 . , <br />