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<br />'°_-_�.. �.;,...�:. �' � ef— — �
<br />- -- •- • �� RE71L ESTATE L I�N —
<br />':�� _ , '-
<br /> 4�. � WHEREAS, Ffchard and ,�l�ristine Y.ina�es_ huaband and vife �-�-
<br /> �° --- '�'---��-� therei nafter usually refers�d to as "liomeovner"1 whether one or �ore `1 0 __ _ _
<br />_,�:y� :�4,��;. � have entered into a cextal� wri�ten A(3REEMBNT FOR REHl1BILITl1TI0N on the \ o
<br /> t.,�d .. , ,. .�; . 19t]�,,, of March. 1991 , with the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, a ��
<br /> �':,
<br /> .y,,. �„•�• munlcipal corporation (hereina���r usually re�e�red to as "City°"D ac n9 ..' 4�-
<br /> th=ough its Com�nunity Development Agency, for rehabilitation of a ;�r"`` `�'
<br /> .�:,�,.� . `:.-..;;-.._
<br /> ��'"�`' I `� dwell3ng on premises av�ed by Homeovner wi�lc'h is hereinafter described, -----
<br /> :' �;'S_ : . i T•.;,...�:, ., �!;^�Jknx�.
<br /> �.��if s'� ar►d for the grart3ng b� City to Homeovn�s of Federal Funds in the amourat
<br /> �� -�f 1��'������ Ot c^iIFTE,Eh' THOUS,�1l71D ANU N8/lA0 DOLLBQ�' (815 L��0�,11 t0 b@ appiied in ,-
<br /> �'i�'�5! ,. . � ., , ;:�'
<br />,_� ,' payment of the co�x of such re3�dII�i l itat i on and
<br /> ,•:1. --
<br />-,�;,���� � �o� WHERE7IS, Homeownexs have, among other things agxeed: — _--_�
<br /> . , " � " (a) to repay such aauaunt or, as the case may be, a gart thereo£ to ��[r�-_
<br /> , . , v�.:,.
<br /> ° ` City and �
<br /> ., .. �'_�
<br /> ��;__' __._ (b) to execute and deliver to City an instrument in recorda�a�e fnrm -
<br /> � d gzanting to City a lien on the pzemises �o secuc�e �uch te�,uyt�ent� - _
<br />` � ,: •. a"r�,�` :•
<br /> _ �� .. t�,�;r•i f�
<br /> �' '-��'`� ' � ' `� NqW 'CHEREFORE in consideration of �uch AC�REEHENT With City� . . ,,.,� .�,,;
<br />��s::i:��''� i:�'�����' `~;r' � ; , .
<br />:�r,;,, ���,;l; �,:,i: :i. ' A�rharA ane Chri�tine Linares do hereb rant to the CITY t�F GRAS�U ''��'��-`-
<br /> ,�. Y 9 >`.�).�,=��;,,,.
<br /> :,, .,.. ,U••..
<br /> ' �.;:�;,,:'•;,{, .` � ISLl1ND, NEHRJ►SKA a Municipal Cazporation, its successoxs and assigns, a �;�y.)��3-�
<br /> �;�..;�. �,....�;:��
<br /> ���.r��� �• ,tir;��� ' lien u on the #ollovin described real estate situated in Hall Caunty, ��'-��'�I-'°='—
<br /> �"} p 9 e�e,w:_��
<br /> �:.a.lvi,:�•rr�
<br /> `�i��: , ► `' Nebraska: '�"� d` ' -,
<br /> , ';��.i.' _ Lots One and Tvo (1 � 2), Block Thirty-Tvo (321, '� �41�t �
<br /> • `���'?�"i �°> John W.Lambert Addition '"-�;�::�"
<br /> ,;ti,),!„t:�,�z9lev' ��.:`:`a.,:.:.. __
<br /> •'��`��.�:'�� � � �� an addition to the City of cirand Island, Nebraska, accordi�ng to the ��w�w;-."
<br /> ;•,:;;� � '" '� . , record plat thereof, �:;s';;; `,�,.���
<br /> :•:�,:,:;,�.,�,..
<br />; ,::�, , �, �' ;: ,`"�` --
<br /> • ,� �, _ ' �,;.,__.
<br /> i,t- , r. 'C �.:niy+14?�':'-,�:r �- �
<br />�; „ :� �:y��!�� t � • to secure repayment to th� City of Grdna Isl�nd, Nebraska, its ;;,�;, ti,.,,
<br /> � ' '' 1``"� sacceissors and assi ns af the amount af the rant hereinabove =eferred ,�",i,�f�`;s�t��'y;;K","
<br />_ • � ��;,��, 9 . 9
<br /> `��'�'�i` :�,-.�F'''.' to or,. as the ca3e may be, a part thereof in accordance rrith the terma ' `�yS;��h'F�r-��
<br /> ;��� �:,,,,, �.'�%��n�t
<br />:��;<< • i�+;�rs., �;.,�;j�� A�f•°:-' ''�'"�'?:�i;==—
<br /> : �:r'� 'r and conditions set forth in the AGREEMENT FOR REHABILITATION to which �,�� ;,t,•�
<br /> , �:,; . .. „i:�l', r ,-``'•.,!,-
<br /> . ,'.t .,��;. f:, }�.�� ,-- .
<br />;�'''�`'., „ ..,�1�;;; zeference is made hereinabove. � . �..��'%'f�'t11'•;t.;;-
<br /> ;,....; �,;,
<br /> . f,l'hS'L'"...
<br /> . . ��1�.� ' ,•i.,.,� . .....r�
<br /> '.�:.'�i
<br /> ;F. , ;; The lien herein granted sha11 tun with the premises untia such time �n-=�--
<br /> ' ' � ° . ::,.:,,� a� title to the property is transferzed to another orrner. At this time, .. '"�°:�"'
<br /> ,`,, . 9,f' ,�1:::,; '
<br /> '•��!��� f„".,. n ;y:
<br /> ;,,, . , ;� s.;;,.`. � �Che elc�atire amount of the lien shal] become due �nd payable. �. ,,,�,:
<br /> •;, ;f�i, � •t
<br /> �" 19�,�.
<br /> � { '� f?�'" ,'r :ii'(�; �`�'� Dated this 19t day of March • �P.
<br /> , ., . i4�::��,�� • ��'.l;`�ii� t
<br /> . r.�,!}�.. .•� .1�. . � � 1
<br /> . ,� :1.;f.1 y E
<br /> (. :'�:': ��� • '\\� � L.�-� -- i�' •,
<br /> �::.�.�_ .
<br /> .. ' Rier+ard Linares, �}�vreer Christine Linares, �C�vner � �� ?�:.
<br /> • _ �, .,., �'�t��+ , �
<br /> . STATE OF NESRASKA, County of �a�: �s ��+�� ��
<br /> On this 9tti day af March , �91 , befoce me, the �
<br /> • undersigned, duly com�isslnned and actic<<� in and for �uch county,
<br /> �. �_ a.. .
<br /> - ' " perso�atly appearea iticnara and �n� �s�i��e Li��oic5 tir.�vL �v ��c �v
<br /> , be the identicaII petsons whose signatures ace afflxed '_o the foregofng '
<br /> ' ' •• � in�trnment, and they acknovledge the execution of such instr�ment to t,e
<br /> � their nwn voltsnta=y act and deed.
<br /> ' In vftnes� vhereof, I have nezeunta �et my offirial hand and seal
<br /> the date last �rritten abov�.
<br /> � � l�' Y�_:.i��d ^c ti w� c�.�
<br /> i O�i�a ��dj N��taxy -- - - -
<br /> . I
<br /> � I
<br />