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<br />-"'�", .. �`. ""�'� tt6�i. ESTJiTE LIBy V� ._�._ -
<br /> }~'� WHEREl18,,,. Georae—S,and Dorothv E Mo1��Vk husbdnd an8 vife � ��-
<br /> -�..ii.�:.LG_.�.;RM..- .
<br /> _,-�,;�i-,�,, �� YY_�.
<br /> ---_�.;.,_�._� _ :, � (hereinafter usually refezred to as "Homeovne=") whether one �r a�ore
<br /> =:��;"'i,'�,.• • ��� �� have entered lnto a certain written 11(3REEMENT FOR REHI►BILiTI►TION on the _� ,
<br /> i�;{y anri 7= 19<11 , vith the C1ty of Grand Island, Nebaaska, a �.�,,,�.� .
<br /> r.' ,�..�, 3zd of
<br /> -' � �'����t� municipal corporatian (he=einafter usually refer=ed �o as "City"1 acting ���==
<br /> _'�, , ,,�•:^u+.; for rehabiAitation of a �
<br /> ° `� t,' ;;�`•H�iriFr�' through its Community Develap�►ent AgencY. F,��-�
<br /> �„
<br /> �.•• :• �� ��f;�.�;�j dwelling on premises owned bg Homeown�r which is hereinafter described, - r,-E.._�
<br />-�`�� � �.;.:.. and for the g�eanting by City �v Hom�ow�Mner of Fedexal Funds ira the amount —_
<br /> ` : �..::.r� --i�1 T "'e�ni n� 11�1� � I� "1 AN� �Q� _,___
<br /> " .;rfi;f�,';: Of
<br /> � �>�� ��'�"`r�' � to be applied in payment of the cost vf such rehabilftation and �� ;
<br /> :, ;.' � <�ti;,;��1�I���...;; .'
<br /> 3..:;
<br /> .�! �.+"'� ' WHEREA9 Homeo�rners have, among other things agreed: �.
<br /> <�.:_�:' yfi��,���'�7r!'?'r'�y.� I
<br /> ,:;; �'•�� . ., r (a1 to repay such amouot ox, as �he case may be, a pa=t the=eof to �
<br /> . �';,�a.,.,;� �,r,�: City and �R
<br /> :,,��,�.;r.. � .. . ,r:�:'.
<br /> . ,� (b) to execute and deliver to City an instrument in recordable �orm
<br /> . �.� " granting to Gity a lien on the premises ta se�vr� sueh repaymenit, :��.,:,;
<br /> . ' � ►J::
<br /> '� � ��" l�. �• • � NOW THEREF`ORE, in cons3daration of such AGREEMENT Wi.tr� City, ��;;�:��__
<br /> ' .�•`'�:' '•• r,., � �n�lr_2vk do hereby gxant to the CITX OF dR1�ND
<br />, � ,�F�� .. Qeor4P S an� Dorot �- �,���..r..._�_
<br /> :��; �J,�,,(•>'l�;�.�:.
<br /> � • .. ��,. ,�;, „ ,-.;�f: I S L A N D, NEBRASKA a Municipal Co=poLation, its successors and assigns, a �a..
<br /> x ,..._.
<br /> ' �'`"�� lien upon the followinq described real es ta te s i t u a t e d i n H a l l C o u n t y, t...u�L,�:��:i.��r"
<br /> ,. . c�,,,� � -----
<br /> � V u �
<br /> • :�,;t'��;�'�.(���'' Neb=aska: -_
<br /> ., ;{ . •--
<br /> � •si;,:;�; � �:�,,,. ' �._...
<br /> ;�}���{�..�,� '
<br />' "a'�'.�:'�'��+ �s���%- 7 , Block One Hundzed Tventy--Seven (127),
<br /> � Lot 3even ( ) �;�.y,;-.__.
<br /> ��c ��.� ,�
<br /> �!A,f��,!,S��a���`�^{F,7;ri� U.P Railvay Cos, 2nd Addition • ��.-,..;_...
<br />,. �i' } at,�v:s.s .
<br /> 3,��,.
<br /> �.:.,:;.:,.;,r �•,4.�`�;,._�..
<br />• .;����'��`,.t`v'`l'�. „ -
<br />- ;,:, �����!.���' an addition to the City of axd�a Island, Nebraska, according to the E._��__
<br /> 3 ?;<}�,.t-.. , , -- _
<br /> '� record plat thereof, F�=---
<br /> •;�i.: ./� - �• . -
<br /> �.,�.� .�.,r�,:��:' „ , - --
<br /> ��.==-
<br /> � �����;>> �� to secuze repayment to the City of Gzan�i I�land, Nebzaska, its
<br /> , . ., �'f:.,ffei,_... .. �r.`"'`._:-_�„
<br /> �;. .r�r.��" successors and assigns, of the amount of the grant hereinabove referred V��� ^
<br /> ;... ;,,.�,��� � :-.r..�a
<br /> to o=, as the case may be, a part thereof in accardance with the terms E�`��.w_ -
<br /> . � t,:f. . °��'`����,... , and conditions set forth in the AGREEMENT FOR REHABILITATION to vhich �_�_��-�..
<br /> LLiY•l:^wr�-�.-
<br /> r r,��.cz
<br />; ;f�' ,;,•�. a�?'•"'� re fe=ence is made here inabove. . �.�=� =-
<br /> � .��,. .�- : r�_L_
<br />. � .��,'A � .
<br /> !ti :l.;t,• ,� .
<br /> �, ••.�r,,.;,��� The lien herein granted shall run vith the premises until such time ��� � `����,•••
<br /> � �•�-"��`��r�� as title to the property is transferzed to anothec awner. At this time, ; �;,�?:,I��:;I`�f':
<br /> '.�'� the entire amount of the 1 ien ghall become due and payable. ,,,':�,;,•��E''r}�•".
<br /> ��.. ' . .. • f��,,;;;.rf.,,: .
<br /> �ti: 1� ;,,:,��, , ..
<br /> � �' r�i�%•'�!;� Dated this ^xd day of �p,��_.� 19_�. �.�',,��'.�
<br /> � ,•I+� ,i`��:;;t��
<br /> `r 'tsij<;�;.'!: �f�//� � z.•� �, �/�"� � `�'�..
<br /> Y`�i ' �
<br />. � t+;��;; , ' Dorotl: Mulczyk, ��'w� r
<br /> .�.,�.�,, f3eo e 5. Molrzy , tywnez }' ;
<br /> , � .
<br /> � ,' �,,�`;. : .
<br /> � ••.;ti��;.f•:.:'(:i
<br /> ,'t �'c�`'�,:�;;t��_ . ST'A":E OF (VEBRASKA� �:•unty :f H��11 �:, .
<br /> ' ��'�;�;�;,;,�;����*r-- On this 3rd da}' rf A�,ril _ _, 9 }�.., befoce �►e, '�t�e .
<br /> �'�'1�:,,,'r;�r?G _
<br /> j Sc1Ch ��:unt .
<br /> '�� ��' • undezsigned, duly commi�s�aned=and actitig in .in�l foz Y.
<br /> ��:i'.`!''� �sr��, �,^�garq� ; and Dar�*hv E Molczvk . kROVn to me to
<br /> •..;:;. personally app
<br /> be the ic3entical pPrs�ns Whose siqnatuzes a=e affixed tn th�e foce�aing
<br /> � � � inAtrument, and they acknowledge the execution of such instrument to b�
<br /> : ' ' their ovn voluntary act and deed.
<br /> In vitness vhereof, I havc, hereunto spt my ufficial hand and :�eal
<br /> • � the 3ate last written above.
<br /> .. i�l oTAh,Sq�d wlr�sq
<br /> �EIMKd.WM�T� ! � 'n d'k.�-�`�
<br /> ,' ���`� tary
<br /> -- -- —� -- - _ ___ _
<br />