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<br /> �� . �' �' WHERBl13,, Garv� L and K mber y ro _ husband and vife �
<br /> -�.,'�".-�.�.:�-.�`;?r��:•'::t4, ' n n -
<br /> 'f' � (hereinafter usuallp teferred to a� Homec�_n, c 1 � hethe� �ne rt more
<br />:::.,..: �;..,�,� ' �''•�} °
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<br /> , ' ���"��'�` " h�ve' eatered into a ceztain vritten �OREEMENT FOR REHl181L�T11Ti�:7 a� e
<br /> '�l�:t`•����{ •' q�• ? Cit af c3rand Island, Nebraskao a --_
<br /> � ������.. ti -� ° " 19th of March,�,:._ .. , wi�th tn�. y s=�---
<br />._;,,•;�� �:�`�.t:��y��1��.°".''��,' municipal corpo•ration (hereinafter usually referred to as "City„) acting �.. ,
<br /> ''t'r..; � � . �"��` through its Commanity Development Agency, foY rehabilitation of a
<br /> :;�:�..;.. � .,�
<br />�.5;�::;�: . ��,Y:.• •;� dwelling on premises owrted by Homeownex which is hexeinafter described,
<br /> ���''};��7' . � � _ and for the gzanting by City to Honeovner uf Federal Funds in the amaunt -----�.:�
<br />' .'�tis ^. af .�F`�t`�'FN THOIlSI►ND J►ND NO/100 QOL•LARS 1315.0001 tv be app7.�led ilt r
<br /> .+'�"'�`•"�" p�aysasnt of the cost of such rehabf litation and �u�
<br /> ��1'...---
<br /> .'.��`�J =_
<br /> �',�,i'' ' ..,, ;� ,
<br /> �" � � �� , WHEitEAS, Homeo�.rners have, among other things agreed: �
<br /> �.'�. "t�.`-- ��
<br /> -- +Yy�f�•+�- F ;, ta) to repay suc�h amouo�t �r, �s tt�e casE may be, s pazt thezec� te ��":.
<br /> . � �;� x:,, ,
<br /> rti �, City arld r,;.,,�;•.:i'.'S,.o..w
<br /> � "± '"�`������' �� (b) to execute and �eliveL ta Clt an instzumen�. in recordable f��m �� ��'�''"-"�'
<br /> • .�,��,. ,�. . y __�;:��_-
<br /> ; .�.�;r���r: � _-
<br /> .,�:`i' ; q=anting to City a lien on the pzetaises ta se�ure such repaymen�t, __---�_�
<br /> •,,,`�?",�•� • • NOW THEYtEFORE, in consideration of such AC3REEMENT with City, ��S ��_:
<br /> ��'� � � T.- nd K berl l3rotz do hereb zant to the CITY OF' GRAND ISLIIND � f�•� -°
<br /> : , : ,� 4�Y.� .,... �_ ��Y Y 9 � ��� ,, ..�,��':
<br /> " NEHR718K1� a Municipal Corpo=ation, its successors and assigns, a lien ' �t�.; ,,-
<br /> ,:`i upon the following described real estate situated in Hall County, �'�3�'..
<br /> -;Prnzs•,�K,
<br /> � �;�:,} � Nabraska s �;�� �. -
<br /> � ,', .. ,,��' • . . .
<br /> ' ' � �•�1° �'"" Lot Two l'L) Block Thirty�3ix (36), Russel Wheeler Addition u�•°��''�__
<br /> , �%'';:�,�,s.,��--
<br /> •,�.. .<<..�.;:�� , . .-
<br /> , .�.•,.:, �'�'��j�`�":_._--
<br /> ' •?�r�'�:;n',`;;�,:� • an addition to the �ity of Gxand Island, Nebraska aacordin to the ' � 3":`
<br />