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<br /> - -'•'' A tract oi land comprising all ot Lot6 Fiiteen 115) and Sixteen � 16) ; the �,�;__
<br /> ��'�-LL'�'� easterly Exghty Eight t88.0) Feet o� Lot Seventeen 117 ); the Southerly Fiity �::_
<br /> _��m�.��.=_.
<br /> �-' , Txo ond Sixty Seven Hundredths l 52. 67) Feet oi the Itortherly One Hundred �`
<br /> ��Ss�,-�i�'t`r
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<br /> _ "�`�`'� Hvndrwd Thirty Twp (132.O) Feet at l.ot Sev�niec�n l �71 ; and !he h'esterly ,
<br /> �i�`_���'� Thirty Tvo 132. 0) �'eet ot the �asterly One Hundred T�enty t 120.0) Feet ot tAe �'?'�'='
<br /> ::;�,��,:yr;�� --• Southorly Onp Hundred Fiity Eaght t]58. 0) Feet o« L�ct Seventeen t17>, oll in
<br /> � ----- — Homr S�abdiva.s�lon �r► the C�ty oi Grand Islarvd, Hal� �ou�ty, Nabracka; /►ND �:-
<br /> +M.� - o�_ -
<br /> •�,,.��'_ .. . =
<br /> - �' • � A tract o� lard co+�psi�ii�g all �o� Lot Sir t6), kicme Subdivision in the City ,...,�
<br /> ,, � 1 � � of Grand I�land Nall Cov�t Nebraska �Y.CEPTI !:r 7'HEREFRON the Westerly Tvo `��-?='
<br /> .,t�u�_,:;. .�. . � Y o . �
<br /> •���''���""" :� Hundrod Fi�ty 1250. 01 Feet t�� th�e Northerly One HUndred Tharty ii�e c135.0) �'$•�'-�
<br /> .-.,..jii0ii,ci,.x �1 t�:t��-
<br /> ,�;;,;;,;,;,;�;,��.:; . Fevt there o� lLN_D the 1+esterly T.+o Hundred Sixty c260.0) Feet a� the �•,
<br /> -----r 5outhvrly Qne Hundred F�ity t�50. 0) Feet thereof ; AND � �'
<br /> ,, .
<br /> •:y���`�t ��.��:�•� . `
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<br /> ��*�• A tract ot land camprisirrg a pert of Lot Five t5), Hrme 5ubdi�zsion, in the • �
<br /> , ��'�^"��;h� Hai1 Caunty, Nebraska, mure� parta��larly described a� ,�,i`�'�r
<br /> • City oi tirand Island,
<br />---=.'`,?.;�s�i���� iollov�: Hegin»ing at a point on the South line ot �xaid 'l.at FivQ 15), sa�.d 'y�
<br /> — c:�M�xt�c�ti� - point De�►ng 'ivo Hundred Sixiy t260. 0) F�et £as: �� :!:: Sauth�est Cz+r!+�r •,x `r�
<br /> ` �'•';" �vid Lo� Five IS) ; thence Eesterly along the Sou:h ]sne of said Lot Fi��e i�), �
<br /> --'"���'•�'�; '� �•� a distanee oi One Hundred 7�enty Nine and Sxxty Fe•�r �}iundredths �129. 641 Fee� �-
<br /> - ;,.',�:•..:.:�� ..
<br /> }::��E �� ''••+� . ' to the South�est Corner oi Hnliday Garden '=�cond Subdivision; thenee
<br /> -.,._, G,�;.4,`, ti
<br /> _ _ - ` ...� �� � Northerly along the west 13.ne oi said Haliday Garden Second Subdivision, a �"
<br /> �"'�� � � . distanea ei Three Hundred TvQnty Itine and Fi Sty T�o Hundredths �3�9. 52) Feat —
<br />°�-'?� = -ti=��q to th� Northveet Corner o� said HoliCay Garden S�cond Subdivision; thence
<br /> --=-`'=....,.�.�
<br /> -LL'� �„••.:� " ,; ' Westerly alonp the North line ot said Lot Fiv� t S), a distance of Forty ---
<br /> ;;�'��, . �•����' t40. 01 Feet; thence Southerly parallel to thv M'cat line oi soid Noliday
<br /> _ ��� Gorden Seeond Subdivision, a distanee oi T�o Hundred Nxneteen and Fi1ty Two
<br />=•'i':�i H�ndredths t219. 52) Feet; thence Mesterly parallel to the 5outh line of sa3d _
<br /> =...K1�f4. .. ''•� �,
<br /> �4
<br /> '''+�-a� .• Lot Five t5I, o distance ot Ninety c90. 0) FcQt; thence Southerly parellel to �_:w
<br />_ N, .r.,�E•:4'ir_: � , �
<br />"��°,;.;� �•;w,.;�, �-,,t, {he West line o� said Lot Five cS), a dxstance ci Oi�e Hundred Ten ( 110. O) �
<br /> , • Fe�t to thv place ot beainning.
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