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<br /> :m:;"`:� • —.
<br /> _r��x+�,;:��.,,� . 91'-' 1022'7�
<br /> ��:.auuwe�=�-.7'�_'_-�''� ---—
<br /> «_�`� i �,i•�. anA snauabraao��. Truator h�r�by warrants
<br /> -=:�-•��r��� a�nd ripr�s�nts that th�r� is no d�lault und�r th� provisions
<br /> `'��''r'' ��!� o! any aortgag�, da�d o! tru�t, l�a�s or puraha�� aontraat
<br /> ���-��v� � � � d�soribin9 ell or aay part o! th� Prop�r�y, or oth�r
<br /> .�_ '.��a.�:..�•f�::;-.: ^ aontraat, instrus�nt or agraw��nt aon�titutinq a li�n or _
<br /> ���i4f,�t�s4i _ .� . —
<br /> tix��,, ,. �nouabrsna� against all or any part o! tha Prog�rty —
<br /> �,�� � (aoll�ativ�ly, "Li�tts»�, oxisting as o! tho dato o! this
<br /> ����� D�wd o! Tsuoti, and that any and all �xi�ting Li�ns raaein
<br /> ��,�;,.� ......
<br /> _ ��,E;;� . „ ' unraalili�d �xc�pt as disaZo4od to Iwnd�r in Trustor'�
<br /> �:.. writton disclosu�� o! liens and �nauabranaos provid�d !or
<br /> --='-'=�=� hsrain. Trustor shall ti�aely p�rlor� ali ot Trustor'a
<br /> .N r"._,L;-.. ,
<br /> ����� �•���� obligations, aovanant�, repreRanta��ion4 and warrsntiaa undor µ-�- °
<br /> - ,.#':.. any a� all �xisting and latur� biaas� �1►all promptly
<br /> r .���51, for�ra►rd to I�ndsr copi4s af all awtf��s o�! datault �ont in ,_?*�
<br /> _ � s t��= :'_ •� �onn�c:tfon yilh a�t►y and a�i wc�a�i or fl�ture Liena, and � ,.;
<br /> osrt-.a� :�
<br /> .r,�.;,��!'� �.; ;;, : : �halb not �aftAout Ywr�dsr'� prfor wr tt�n consu�nS� .�ii any ��Ft,�-a!r�t
<br /> _.tiS!}S��/�1>.{,�.:r"_ . IW.r.�r'__-_
<br /> .---_�,�- �_�:r�;:.;. �nner �odi�y th� proviaiona ot or allow any guturs ad�►At�ces
<br /> ._,�„�`:; � .s�.;,:::. .- . w�der any •xiating or tuturo Liona.
<br />�``'��� .��'' � -- ..--
<br /> -_-- (j) �►�oiiastion o! Pavsont�. Unlesa otherwise
<br />�~i.:"j� � requirad by law, sums paid to Lender herounder, inaludirx�
<br /> :��� • withaut liaiitation paymsnts oP principal and intereat, -
<br />-�''�,�� : insuranaa proceeds, conden�nation pro�ends and renta and �=•�°��
<br /> v�. � ��'��� �4S`°7��;�� pro�its, r�hall b� applisd by Lender to the ruaounta duo and ��''"�,�'�•
<br /> -� -�� '•,,,�,�:'�;;: .� owinq lros Trustor and Borrower in auch ordor as Lender in `i!��,�-
<br /> �=�q�.", .��� ' ita sole disazation deems deairaable. �:�
<br /> :`5� .� ��'.. Zf an roviainn o! thia Deed o! �,.:,,��;
<br /> ���� r;��i»�s�� . (k) 8�v�rabilitv.
<br /> Truat aonfliats with appliaabla law or is dealarad invalid �.�,
<br />���Y; '� , ' or otherv�tiae unenforaeable, auch aonflict �r invalidity -.-� f �tr
<br /> �;,•;�.�, ��.,,;.;;:.',>. shall not affeat the othar provisions of this Deed o! Trust _�___
<br /> .°;'��, ' . . . ,<� or the Note whiah can be given effeat without the _
<br />`�:`�� � ��•:�;�.�.,,. ..� `' `�� conflicting provision, and to thid �nd the provfaions of ------
<br /> . this Deed of Trust and the Note are declarad to be __
<br />-� � • ��� sevsrable.
<br /> _ �. . . :•;?�.: ,
<br /> - ' (1) T�ras. The tierms "Truator" and "Borrower" shall °G-t" '��
<br /> ..•.,i:: E ., Y -
<br /> �" ' inalude both sinqular and plural, and when the Trustor �nd
<br /> . ,. .
<br />�;,:�.. •" 8orrower are the same person(s) , those terms as used in this �-��---
<br /> • � .. � , Dsad oP Trust shall be interahanqeable. ""- _
<br /> ,;,� ,- "_ _ ' �•', ' ;., � , y'�:
<br /> -�"• (m) aov�rai�,g LaM. This Deed of Trust shall bo �`-�- . _
<br /> ' t;:: _m.�,_
<br /> � �}��;+: governed by the law� of the State of Nebrnska. .,..�.�,:
<br />'_....,•':� .� �. , ,
<br /> � ,. `1t�f_�(,;�':;:� �` Trai�tor has exeauted this Deed aP Trust as o! the olata ��• __�
<br />'l;'l`,'� )] �.�11. .N�- . . ,�L p_y�� ��
<br /> l ,i St�Y); '"
<br /> !� ��;�.3(YOw WL�.ttBp Oi�OYe• ��'S_
<br /> '�r}'i'�'^ x .r•fj},+t:•, ,,1�.���s:.,` _
<br /> �;._,,. ,,�,., .e,:' , :.t�!;•;:�,, SI��S--i�Pl1Y DISCOUNT DEkT. STORES, �
<br /> _ ..��.i;�...�
<br />_ ., „ : , ��-,���t���ti INC., Trust�� �•�.��_-
<br /> , .. }.,�;'� �r'T�s�:
<br /> : ', �'�1�;.;; �':.•'-
<br /> ;�y�,,> ,�' � �,�• qo :r'..�i:;,,
<br /> �,; J1//� / /
<br /> ' . •-'n By: �L .��l.�" �'l�l�u � r'r"1'i..
<br /> . �Ivj�jll. .
<br /> � Title: - ,.:�e'•c
<br /> ";.
<br /> , ,;rrr� - 19 - .;�}`"t►, ;,�,
<br /> .=_�?„
<br /> i'_;;: 1, ��, '�
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