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<br /> ---- - -�-�' � 91-- 102�'7�
<br /> �� :�;�";t� Trust that is inaon�i�trnt with tb� p�rlorsanaa r�qu r�d o!
<br /> -���x���"."� Borxow�r undor th� I+�a��. To �ho �xtont that th� provisiona o!
<br /> - �������'=����• this Lfas� raquir� a!lixsntiva aation o! tho Borrowor in
<br /> _ _-� _.,�a,�� .
<br /> _ ia.nv�,1°.•: ._
<br /> ""�""°""`"�r�•�.� aonnaction with th� po��Q��ion and oporation o! the Laas�hold =
<br /> .'�i�at• .,. �a�•:_.
<br /> —�-��:.,.�x .
<br /> - :_,����,�, � , Estato txiat is siaiilar to tha obliqation� ot ths Borrowor
<br /> _ _�?+�'•� horaundar, �ttan aomplianaa by Horro�rer with th� t�rws and -
<br /> ..'as�:I��:�'-� _
<br /> –:,;�-.---.,.�;_._ 1 v-:-
<br /> ''r`` �r'-:'`.`� ,.. conc7ftion4 of tha I�aos shall b� d4�ad coaplfa�ca witt► tha tarma
<br /> ,�'�ai� . ��;:e=
<br /> ��'T�'-.'.::. �'. � r+:.;
<br /> .�a 7'_�_�,:.,.,�; �1u•.
<br />---- :W,�,.:.,;�,,�, _ of this Deed of Trust. Tha Borrovar cov�nax�ts and warrants witd r_
<br /> ,..��:.�. � � ,,.
<br /> ��� r��n�c�. tq thv Loaa� and ttze Leaaohold Eatata as follovs:
<br /> , ,.^ _ ' �' .
<br /> -�,',;�,�.__
<br />-__ -..:<:;�r;;; ° 4�) That the Y�esea underlying the Le�sehold Estate �f�;
<br /> �---°°�`��.?!? �mortqaged haraby is i.n full lorce and eftect nnd unaiodigiad,
<br /> '��.��:'`" Y axaept aa may otherwiae be shoi+n on ��z�hibit M�M�
<br /> �>1�6�°-�:��
<br /> ":i�P•'�.'_��a Stit':
<br /> "=:�-�-�::__�•,_. . (b) That all rents (inclu¢�i��p ad�itionnl rents and �
<br />_,_u,��,.�` " �'�� � other charqes, if any) raserved 3m �ai�l underlyinq Leaae `�
<br /> have been paid, to the extent ttisy w�re duo and payt�ble '�-
<br />_.._� . L.�. y .. ,..n .
<br />___ _ prior to the date herQOg.
<br /> ;��,°. �r�-
<br /> ,:.'��`�"���: ., - 4 � (c) That thare is no existinq datault under the _
<br />_ -"�''-<�z��Y.:���._-= grovi�aon�s o! tha underlying i,oase or in tne pertormanae af =-
<br /> ����`-� �� • any of tlis terms, aovenanta, conditions or warranties ;t-.,
<br />-`"•� � ���� � thereoff ta be obaQrved or perfos�aed bp tho Borrower. y,�.'_
<br />;:�5 . _ ,k�.-,
<br /> ,��i x .:;;.,�,;,,y,,�,.�,,. --
<br /> �'�� �� (d) That ths Horrower �aib�. at all times px�omptly and
<br /> ,;�� ; � ,.
<br />_�•:�.:_ �antta�uD.ly keep and per�oxm, or cause to be kep� and
<br />_ - . � per��a-��ed all the cor�enac�ts ar�rl aonditions contained in the
<br /> = - . �� � under3yinq Lease by the lessee tharein to be kapt and �,��-.
<br /> .S�' '- � �''�'' performed and in all respecta conform to and aomply with the _
<br /> ;�, . . - 4=_
<br /> ;�. �� - �� terms and conditicns of safd Lease and the Borrower fus-ther
<br />- _ , ,-..* .. � � aovenants that it will not do o� permit anything to bQ done, f` '�
<br /> " ;,t�`�;* � � °, the doinq of which, or refrain from doing anythinq, the
<br /> j,,.,�r .
<br /> ="��r � � � �� �. omiseion of which, will impair or tend to fmpair tha ��•�
<br />. � security of thfs Deed of Trust or will ba grounds for �
<br />_ " � daalaring a forfeitura of the ut�darlying Y,Qaae. ___
<br /> v_- �
<br /> =�`'�� � (e) That the Borrower will pay, or cause to be paid, -
<br />-'" . -. v all rents, additional rents, taxea, asaessmente, and ot�e� `��, �
<br />_ ; ; , „ charqes mentfonad in and made �+ayabl� by the Uiasa, wh�n t+nd '����'°
<br /> ° - as ott�n s+� the same shall becmme duo and payable. __.
<br /> _. ° � . " ��a;f;�aticn or Casn�eb�ation ot Underlvina T.ease. The ���
<br /> •� HorrowQr also covenants that it �va�l not modify, extend or in any ;'
<br />;; ' � � way alter the terms of said i.ease or cancel or surrender said i, .,
<br /> �
<br /> "'.'e7:_..- , ' , �
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