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__ . . ����� ;:.� y =�v <br /> � . <br /> �.. <br /> M� ; . _ _ _ _. <br /> -��' + � <br /> _ �l � <br /> ,Q.�,:i�� h � <br /> � �� a3.�o��z � <br /> ,titl. to th. rr�y, eh. ]�....bola �na r.. titl• .ball eot ..�cq• <br /> ual� �r�nd�c aqrM� ta t1a �cque in vritinq. <br /> 7. Psot�ction o! I�ndar's Riqhb in th� Prop�rtyj Mort9aQ� <br /> l _ _ _ in�wrl�nc�. Ii sorraws� �ail to p�cfors th� �o�r���a � . <br /> :,-�,�T-,,T__.-------, aqrses�nts aontsin�d in this 8�nurity instruw�t, or tkar� is a <br /> 1�1 prccMClirrg tt�tt aay signitican�ly aflaoti I.�nd�r's riqAts in - <br /> � �oP�tY Isuah as a proa�dfnq in bankruptcy. Probat�, !or <br />--. aoand�t�t►�tion or to u�iorc� lavs or r�gulations), th�n Land�r aay do <br /> snd ps�y !or vhat�wr is naa�ssairy to protsat th� valu� o= the <br /> prop�rty u�d I,�ndar�s rights in th� Prop�rty. L�nd�r•s aations �sy <br />_-_-��.-- - inalud� paying any suas s�aur�d by a ii�n vhich has priarity ov�r �_ <br /> this S�aurity inatacuasnt, appsaring in court, payinq r�aaonabl� <br /> attoartwys� l�ss an� �n�erinq an th� Property to aaka r�pairs. <br /> AlthauqU Lendsr aay talc� action und�r thi� p�ucaqraph 7, �wnd�r do� <br /> -- - - npt hav� to do so. <br /> - 11ny aaaunt� dfsburse� by I,QtW�c undar thi� paraqtaph 7 ahall <br /> `' — beaw�a additional debt o! Borrovers �cured by f.1a3a Sa�iarei�y _ <br />'-°I;°' 1 ' In�trutiQnt. Unl�as Borrovera and Landar agr�o to ottier terss o! <br /> _=- pays�nt, thes� �ounts shali bear intereat lroa tho date of <br /> ��,, diabursaaent at tda Not� rate and ahall ba payable, with interast, - <br /> � upon notic� �raa Lwndsr to Borrowors roqu�atinq pays�nt. <br /> ,� _ _,__ _,;,,; __— I! I,Qnder requirad aortgaqe itfsurance as a aandttion of aaking <br /> ��' tha loan securad by tbis Seaurity Inetxvsant, Horrower� sdall pay '� <br />�.n�-.-, ",�: <br />_ �... � the pretaivas required to �intain the insuranae fn efteet until - <br /> ;.�.,;_'�- �uah ti�ea as the requireaent for the insurance terminates in �. <br />-- accord�nce with Borroxerr�' and Lender'• writiten agree�s�nt or <br />:., - <br /> --- aysp2i�ab2e 2av. <br /> .. , _ _, _ -�,. _ <br /> . ,�, :� , - <br /> f.:� c>-:- S. Inspe+ct3on. Isnder or its aqent say aake reasonable - <br /> =� `j antriea upon and inspections o! tha Property. Lender shall qiva <br /> — d� -.°�:„n .- <br /> •.�r,►�,�� eorrowere notiee at the time of or prior to an inspeation _ <br />_ ' •_l6...i <br /> _ �- �;;��;;�. . .��,: spacitying rQasonable •aause far the inepeation. - <br /> - �;��.:��, -- <br /> �� ,��, .�� 9. Condemnation. The proceads of any award or claim for - <br /> - _ daaages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />-,-�.1-"—:,, •r�°���ti��;.��,�. condesna�ion or other takinq of any part of the Property, or !or __ <br /> ':� ;��;k; ;.•�';.ri.,,:��f; conveyanae in lfeu of condennation, are hereby as�igned and �hhe�ll <br />-;� � � .�;:��""'+' be paid to Lender. - <br /> {>'�#::�' ;ts• ., �• <br />�:•: hr= .. . _ <br /> -;� �,�.,, �4 .': In the event af a total takinq of the Property, the prxeeds _ <br />?'F �.�;.:.,�. ~. . '�� shall be applisd to th� sums secured by �his Security Instrument, �. <br /> �'��+� :�, °�� .�� whether or not then due, wfth any excess paid to Borrowera. In the <br /> .. �t',�,� � , � <br /> � . ;�,,,�-���;;ti����3:.''T event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrowera and . <br /> ,-��1�'��i��,',{�:_;<< '' ` Lender otherwise agree fn writing, the sums seaured by this � <br />:�,A•.,., 1`'�.�r5.. e�a; <br /> � � 3ecurity Instrument ehall be reduced by thQ amount of the proceeds �.. <br />�f'.��, ± � �"'�'��`���'�"- aultiplied by the Pollowing traction: (a) the total amount of the <br />�•���j� �'•"•:`� �'�- auma secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the fair <br /> - V�"'�`'�" market value of the Property immediateiy before the taking. Any � <br /> "�' ` ,� balanca sh�all be paid to Borrowere. <br />;� �r• •��. . t'.i�.`'�: i- <br />_-_���=�: if the Property i� abandoned by Borrowers, or if, a�ter notiae ` <br /> �;�•.`J:'• '�.� by Lender to Horrowers �hat the condemnor offers ta make an award = <br /> -• � ��°,�'.�""°''�� , or settla a claim for damaqes, Borrowers fail to respond to Lender _ <br /> ' `� within 30 days after the date �he notice is given, Lender is <br /> � ' . �`, authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at its option, either - <br /> • ,.,.� � -, ��'� to restoratfon or repair of the Proper��r or to the sume s�ecurad by � <br />_ . ., .i'• : � <br /> . °•' � �;?r`,�, t.his Seaurity Instsvmernt, whQther or not then due. _' <br /> .. . ••:���...'t;� �. <br />_'t-'��-= `'�'y-"'.°`°""'�. �,� OtTle�s�d�er a�d Borrow�¢rs otherwise agree in writing, anreY � <br /> .,w�,. �►tY:::aii.��;ivr.�4',� !'. <br /> `"�"' � - app2fcatiore cf g►resceeds to principal shall not extend or postgar►e <br /> - _ _ �1�a .i��� A�1r n� t)�s �n�n�Alv n�vwdntg rgferrar7 to in etaraaraphs 1 <br /> `�;1; . . . � <br /> L� .•� � ,, ~�' u,t,:;;:,�,:.., and Z or chau�ge t@te a�mount o! such paymonts. �. <br /> Y� <br /> , '� �,t .:� .� 10. &srrawers Not R4leased; Forbearanae by Lender l�ct a n <br /> = _. ��,,; �,;,,-<.•�,.�,;. <br /> -- � Waiver. Ex�ensicn of the tim� for pa�ent or madi�f� oi <br /> M'��` '� anortizatfon oP the sums �ecure� by� this 3eaurity Ir�tsament <br /> �� , '�'f'�`` � a��� grantad by Lender to any SI1CC@880Y tn interQSt o! Horrow�rs sha l l � <br /> °"� �-•�'''; �� ���; not opQratQ to release the liability of tha original Horroaers or � <br /> " ��. � •� ��� "'"�� Borrowers• euaae�sors in intQraat. I.Qndar shall not be required to � <br /> "' `, YSr.��..d ;1. — <br /> — ��,T"•�f��8 �.. <br /> . ,� <br /> • � L. . ._ . . � <br /> _�;f <br />