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.� �-.aY�•�._ � � ._. _.__ .- _r ., . . ._� - -- <br /> '"L:rl•'.._..._ _ t,�• '�I . ,a. �• • , • , �.� ,.. � -A%,;:.. _,` .e-= <br /> ., ��.�� ��!��a' 7� ����'�. <br /> 17.'t'�et�ot t1N t�R Ber�elldsl Lill�r+e�t t�8m'�e�►�et'.�t dl or pat oP Ibe Propaty or�ny�t Is jt :: .... <br /> ' �i��oW or tt�owiernd ta ii�a be�1 laten,rt ln Sot�ower L�old ot u�niemed md�i�na�awnd p��on) � <br /> lmder'�priar wr�uan oonau. I.nda'm�Y� �t ib apion. roqui�e inisrdire p�y�aeat En 1Wi of d! runn4 recs�nd� 'I .a <br /> 1aKrwmarM.Hawzver�Wi�aptian�11 aot ba�nclro/6y Lesde�Ue�cad�e i�pd�Wtod by(bdemf b�w��tf thedn�_ • <br /> ,, at���i�ia�ea�tity IneUuaea�t. <br /> /f Irdder e�t�d6a tbi�aptlon.l.ader t�ll aive Hwm+xer notioo o!aooela�stion.'f fie natioe�11pm vide�pedod o!nat.� + .•: <br /> la�tlwa 30 d�qia tmm t6o d�te the t�aHoe i�ddive�ed ar m�iled wttdin wliich Botrowor mu�t pq �II wm�securod by lhis <br /> Sew�ity Inurwnent.if Bonow�ee f�il�a pa�y ti�o sums�ior to the eapin�tia�of tt�is paiod�I.amler m�y iavoko my�ra�edie� <br /> - .. pomduai by dti�Seaisity�wid�iut fluttxr or Q�ad oa Barmwar. - <br /> �s., la. Bonower's lti�6t b itda�bite. If Rortovver mmts caWn condit�a-.s. Aomnw+er FtMll h�ve �he �Ijht to b�vo <br /> - _ a►tonoemaai ot thii searfey ra�nm�aa at�ooadn�ea u.ny thae p�w tbe aurller or. (.)�s a.y,ta wcn ouier paioa a <br /> applk�ible!sw m�y spxify for rdosataaaM) beton nle of the ropq�rty purauuM ta any power of yle oorwdnod ia dds <br /> _ soca�riq►Inunana�t:or(b)eatry►af�judgn�t enfor�etag�hi,soauicy I�t.Thosa ooaditiotu�ne uwt Bonnw�cr:(.)pys <br /> - l.ardor all sums wdich thon would bo due nader tUis Sea�rity I�suummt �od the Note u if rio aooele�tion twd ooaimed;(b) <br /> aues any defiiult of any at6a covawu�or qgtodnaus;(c)�dl axpa�e.s incumod in eaf'o�iag tWs Socucity Ir�tnu�t. <br /> Iacladlng.but aat limited to.�awnable auomo�s•fees:and(d tekes wch�cNon�s Ladot mry mssonabiy roquiro w auure <br /> th�t th�lien of Q►is Soauity Iashun�a�t,I.aKler c right�in tde P�operty and Bmrow+er's oblig�don ro pay�he suan seaued by <br />__.__ this 3ocurity Instruaxat sWll eoatitaid uncwnged. Upoa �iast�temetu by Horrowet. this Secu�ity Atsuunndtit cpA tha <br /> obligAtio�securod 6enby shall �aia Nlly effxtive ar if ao AooeJe�atlan dd ooeuned. Howavu.thic d�t�t to�slull <br /> _ � not apply in t6e caso of�ooele�rat�ion under pa�g�aph 17. <br /> _--_--- - 14. Sak ot Notet ChAaQe ot Lo�a 3ervloer. The Nae or a pa�tid inurest ia the Nate (togdikr with this Seauity <br /> _°__--� -- . U�spummt)may be svld one or moro tiaks wittiout prior dotIce to Bormwu.A salc may r�e,wlt ln a clwnge in Ihe auity(krwwn <br /> ---- — --__= as tde"Loan Servker")that ooltatc moathlY PAY�duc wder the Note�nd this Savrity InstrumeM.Thcre also u�y be aoe <br /> ;___ '�n���. m more d�n�es of the Loan Servioer uruel�tod to a sule of[he Nate. If�here ls a change of tho I.ouo Servlaer.8ormwa will be <br /> -- __ �� givtn writt�s ru+i�a at'thc cfar�gc in�car�ana a.9th para� !4 abrn�e�d apglEca6le lae:.'lT�e notke te�1R stste the�ead <br /> addrcss of the new l.oan Servfoer and 1he addr�ess w which paymenw should be made.The nod�oe will alsa cnnWn aay od�er <br /> infomwtlon requirod by ppplicable law. <br /> ��: 20. H�rdouv Snbcfsaces.Borrower slwll not awse or permlt�he prcsen�x. uao. ar release of Aay <br /> ~%��'• H�rdous Substences on or in the Froperty. Borrower shall not do, nor allow Anyone else to do, Anything ef�aaing tbo <br /> , . Tht�perty�hat is in vloluion of any Enviramuental Law.The precoding two sentences chall nat appIy to the presenca.use,nr <br />= ��� , stornge on thep�operty af small quantities of Wa�rdous Substanocs that are generally recagni�od to be appropripte ta nurmal <br /> - rasideatial uses and tv maintenar�ce of the Property. ' <br />-"°� '`" Borrower shall pmmptly give Lender wrfpeo notice of any investigation.claim,demaid.Iawsuit or alher actlon by any (�_ <br /> � governmental er regutatory agency or pdvate party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substoncx or Environmentd lsw • <br />' ��� of which Bnrnc�wer has actunl Icnowledge. lf Borrower learns,or is nwified by any�ovcrnrt�ental or regulatory authon . tlwt <br />:. :., •`�'�;; ,any removal or other remedi�ion af any Huzardaus Subswnce aff'ecting the Prope�ty�s nooessary.Borrower zfwll P�Y� - <br />_ "�all necess�ry remediat •ictions In accordance with Envirotunental Lew. <br /> �'- _ — _ A�ncecl in Ihic raravrnph 2Q 'Hasardnuc SuMua►xec"are thnse ruMslanecc defined ns toxic or hatardaUa substanoes by <br /> ' Environmentnl Luw nnd the fallowing substances: Rasoline, kemsene, olher Ilammnble or taxie petroleum pralucte, toxic <br /> � ,� {��' peukides and herbicides, volatile solvents,materisils conwining asbestos ar fomwldehyde,and radioaetive materials.As used in <br /> • this paragr�ph 20, 'Envimnmental Law" meAns federal Inws sud laws oi ihe jurirdirtion where �he Property is locatod tpat <br />--- � rcl�te to health,safety or envimnmental protection. <br />''�;�' �` '�n. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower w�d Lc�uler funher covenunt und agree as follaws: � <br /> '���`�� � • � ZI.At�celerntlon=Remedies.l.ender shall give notice to Bomower prlor to acccletuUon tollowing Bornox•er's breaefi <br /> �"��'��'•''��� !'� �• of any rnvenaat or s�reement in thts Security Instiument Ibut not prior ta s�cceleralloa underparagmph 17 unkss �- <br /> . n�,�,:r., <br /> •�^'!'��r�:�;_.•. � ��.� applicable I�w provides othenvice). The notice sha115peciPy: (o)the detoult;(b)the acUon required to cune the def'ault; <br /> _ ::�;;� '.,-.��`°=`��k, �c)p dAle,not less Ihan 30 days irom the date the nolice is Rlven to Borrower. by which lae default must be cured=and <br /> -� ¢%.� =�� (d) thwt failure to cure the defpult on or bePare the dAte speclfied in the nMice may result in nccelerAdon af the sums <br />_'°��'� ��"'�-��`•� .'. secured by th�s Secur(ty lntiirument and sale of the Properly.The notice r±hull furthe�iniorm Borrow•er of the rlght to <br />=''�" '' " reinstote after accelerntian And the rlRht to bHnR A coun artinn to ursert the non-existence oP a defAUlt or anv other <br />:: �,-r' � '���.}:...• <br /> :jj� detense of Bonnw•er to accelemllon And�Ic. If the default Is not cured on or Mefnre the date spoclfled in the noUce, <br /> ixnder, at its aptlon.moy requlre immediote payment in full oP oll sumti �und by this Seca�ity Instrument wlthout <br /> y�,��+;�y� ��^� -'� ;. fuHher demand and may invoke the puw•c�of wlc and uny nther nmedl� permitted by applicable law.I,ender shell be <br /> - ,��t��a• •• � . entitled tn collect all expen.scs incurned in punuinR the remedles pn��•Ided In thiy pwru�rAph 21.including.bul not limited <br />-=: +" '� . . • to.reawnable attorncys'fe�and rnsls of titic evidencc. _. <br /> . • � If Ihepn�rer of 5ale is Invoked. Trustee shall record a notice of defauq io cach counh• in w•hlch uny parl of the � <br /> ' Prnpert�•(c lacuted und shaN meil coptes of such noticc in the manner pre�ribed b�� appllca�le law•Io Barmw•er and to = <br />- � � ' � '. a the nthrr per.�ns prescribed by applicable law�. ARer the time rcr�ulretl b�•uppUr�Ble la��.Trustm shnll Rtve publlc ndk�e =. <br />'���;�• ���'�"`� '� � of sale to the per�mti and In the manner prescrihed b�� upplicablc lu��.Tru+lee. «ithoul demand nn&�rrn��•er. sl�all sell = <br /> ' � • ' tbe Prnperly ut pub�ic uuctlon to the hi�hest hldder at Ihe time und pluce und under the terms designated in the rwNice of _ <br />_� ;,�'��. ,,- .;.��,�� s�le in one nr more purccls and in um�ordcr Trurtec dctcrmin�y. Truzlm mu�• ���tpnne tiulc of ull or any parcel oP Ihe <br /> �`.�"� ,y��,,;,�}�;:,,,• , ,t Property b�• public unnouncMnent at thc timc und pls�ce nP um� prc�•ioud� Kh�rluled .ule. I.ender ur its desiRrree may <br /> r," �':�•:�:���,`'i'�S;� Porctiese the I'ropert�•at an�•a�le. U <br /> ��� ti �"�?��i'T�y"fr�:��;+�1"� _ <br /> t .,.-.�'�;�'..::-0';� <br /> � :�,:;;��'. '<, <br /> _ �:__ ;,i�.`:r,`�'�i�i = <br /> .1, -,f�t`y'�t 4t�:?i` Fam 30Yi� 9 SDa <br /> - ` t;:?�i�''�'rr)���' y � - <br />. . . •��„[.'������t;'�1���75 P 8018 <br /> �,,,.t�t.t`r��:�;�j�$�',1�{ ' _ <br /> �.<f% �'�'�`+ ��f d��r � . <br /> t U�AS�r ]��''•��2 <br />- . �^� 3 rY\��i(+` � <br /> , h).���.�,.i f'it{J6ti ��,' _. <br /> ;�'; art��ti' r,;,.yst:�f����; F <br /> �' `ir`ff���t�`���� ' N "' J <br /> ,r k J l;��t`,4<�'r'���/��y� �ht�� i: � �7it"'�.1 • •'�'t(`�,''ii �1,, �' <br /> - ° •Y..7� k}ML ��1 �''JC'JtiY'E!�L..+�ilt� ;.i-n.tS t . �, . . .�,..,. <br /> �� . . . .. . -. . . � _ <br /> � t ,3','t�4d';1`��t�y, � i°(r+-<-� h� J'- . - .t y,l. 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