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.._ ,� '1 � � ` ... � ,. ,. " . �..' � ^ ,�;, .�,�: ���9_.. ; ::� <br /> , ; <br /> � Taoa7'1+f aR wiTH.0�b.ia�p�uvemeaa no�►e�bero.Rer aertod m,tbe pn�otcy..ea.0 a�ema�.�..M . , <br /> ' Axturo� naw ar Nrr+eafler �p�rt t�l lib� p[uperfy. All repl�oemeats md ddit{o�ta �i�all �Ia be cow,n+d by Ibir Security . . . <br /> lowwnent.All ot Ihe�ata�dn�i�refi�ted w it1 this Seadty Inaramm�t�t the'Propatf•" <br /> �ORiWVYBR GOVBNAN'1'!d�t don�owK D U►wA�lly�eLed ot t6e ante ba�eby oom�yed a�d Iw the d4ht to�aut wl <br /> � oonvay the P�apl�ly �nd 11�M t!a Pro(�ty b uoel�cwnbemed►axcap► tor eawmbnnoe�of rooa�i. Hornower watr+uMr a�d wNl <br /> del�nd�awdly th��tM w 11��rapMty p�iart vl cWm�and dan�nda.eubJxt w my eaambn�noa of r000�d. <br /> 7'�i1S SBCUfIlTY(N�i7'RUMBN7'ax�bina uaiform oovarnnw for muional uce�nd aoo�upiform aovaMnts wit6lLdted <br />_ — vad�tionr by jurlidbtba w aawia�M a w+ltonn�eauity iaaNma�t oovaia��eat propaty. <br /> _- ,.._.......:_.,_ UNlPORM COVENANT9.Surtowet ud[.endet covetiaM and egmG t�follows: <br /> 1. Pl�y�wit af PH�e1�Y � IMwMI �PU'� �ed I.�te Ch+iRa. Borrowa slaill Pro�Y tAA!' wtK+t.duo.tho <br /> P�P�oi a�d intero�t an 111��0 debt evWenoed by the Nate and any pre�ypxat ond lote char�e�due undet the Nate.� . . <br /> ].Elu�d�tot Tt�ur �1 Iwr�oe.SubJeq w applia�bto law or to a written waiver by l.ender.Homnwer shall,p�y to�..;;.. <br /> I.emtor an the dsy monlbly p�y�i Mro due under the Note.uMil t6e t�l'atc i�paid in fuQ.A sum(�Fund�') for:(a)Yearly:�4xes �' � <br /> and as�essmenir whid�m�y Klaia prkxily uvor thl�Security instrummu ae:a Uien on tlie Praparty:(b)yeuly leasdwld p�y,nonie�, '. <br /> --- or gccwtd rento an!he Pmpany.if�nY:(e)ye��l y h�rd ar propeny insu�nce piemiums;(d)Yearly flaod insur+noe pe�emiumui. . ' ., <br /> if au►y:lo)yo�ufy mo�t�nRe inw�toe promlumr. if any;and(�anY wmc paYabie by&.rrower ta I.ender, ia ncooniana wlth � . <br /> Ihe pmvf�iaK ot p�rq�h 8,i�Iku of 1ho p�yment of mon�o inwrAnoo premiwna:Thesa ite�ns an called'Fscrow I�ns." � <br /> I,ende�msy. �t �ny �Ime. eoli+ocl a�wf hoW Fundr In An wmwnt not to exaeod the maxl�qum arnount a le�der fo�a falernlly ' <br /> relued man��e low� m�y �aquirc for Battawar'A oscrow�a,nt under tl►o fedeml Real PstAte Satlement Pracedures�1ct af , . - <br /> 1974 as amemted from time a�ime. IZ U.S.C. 3eclioa 2601.r uq. ('RFSPA').unlcss anat�er law th�appNes to tha Funcie <br /> __�_ ee�a leuer art�ouat. If�o.LeMer awy. �t�ny timo.oolioct utal hold Fun�la in an amount not to eaceed the lexcer anwunt. ... .' : <br /> " ---"°_° . I.cnder mAy estimue the amoum af Funds duc an the bwis of cume+�t dwUi�uui�awnable estin�a�a of ezpenditurc,�of flAur��.. , <br /> �ow Items ar dhetwiso in aooaNsnoo with applicrblo Iww. <br /> The Funda chall be held in An inslitu�ian wM►ce depcwitR we insurod by a felleral agency, insuumentality. or enti�j • <br /> (including ixnder,if Lendet ia such an ia�titutlan)or in any Fedenl Hame Loan Bank.L.ender ahall apply tho Fundc to pay�it►e <br /> Esemw Items.I.eader may not charge Bam�wer far lu►Idin�w�d applyin�the Funds,anm�ally t�nnalyzing the escrow accoum,br <br /> verifying the Escrow Item.g.unless L.ender payz Qrxrower inicrect on tho Funds und Applicable lew permils I.ender to make such <br /> - ... a chorge. Hawever. LenJ�:r uwy nx�uirn�n�uw�e� tu way r�►�-timc ctwrgc for an independeat ra�l estote tmc repoRing service ' <br /> .,n---' <br /> used by [.ender in rn�uioclbn with �hic laan. unlcx.c ppplicnblc Iww provides otherwise. Unless en agrament is madc or <br /> �-- --- -� <br /> . . --- .- applieable law rcqui�inte►a�t lo he�id,I.enier nhwll nnt h►:roquirod ta pay Bor�ower Any interest ar e�rning�on the Fu a. <br /> --_-- Hartower and Lender:n�y �rce M writMg. hawover. Ihet intcrcst xiwll bc paid on the�wkls.Lender shall give to Borrowet. <br /> - without ehar�e. an ann�nl aoeounting oP iho Fund�. �chnwfnQ eradilx w�d debits ro the Func�g and 1he purpose for whieh each <br /> --:_��;:���"'�I debli io ihe Fu�xls wm iiu�d.'i'i�Fu�xis�ra�1c�igad as additl�sia!ccrtsr{iy!ar s!!sesms sacured b�t.�s Senss3ty lnstr:sa�.t. <br />-.,���-;;;_;.:;,;Rz�i If�he Fundc held by Lender ezcced Ihe anx�untr+permillal a�he held by upplicuble IAw. Lender sh311 accou+u to Bonaw�er <br /> �=N"�?�� ���, � fa�tho axcess Funds in ac c a r d�r w il h t h e rcyu irementx��f u{►p l ir u b lc luw. If I h e umcwnt of the Funds held by Lender at ar�y - <br /> '~-T�Yj��v;y��4,-�;� time i�not suificlrnt io pay�he Escmw Itemx when due.l.rnJer muy�n�Hify Bormwer in writing.and,in ruch case Bore'ower <br /> ----- -- , shall pay ta l.ender the umcwnt neces!wry 1�muke up the J�tiricncy. &�m�w�r xholl make up the dreflciency in ro more than <br />=-'��=.+�;'.��`�.a. �,�- twelvo mc�nlhlY paYmen�s, at Leiuler'�u�lc diKrct{�►n. <br />�=�=�•.::�`k,�.,� Upc►n payment in tLU nf ull tium� KwurcJ h�� thi� S�tiu�iiy Im�runxm. L.enJer�hull praan�ih• refund to Borrawer any <br />=`����'t;" �� '�` Funds hold hy I.ender. if, under prrugruph�1,lAndrr�hull ucquiro ar rrU U�e Praperty, lxnder. �rior�o the acquisition or�ale <br /> .__,,.. -���ea►�Ar�: . <br /> -�';,;,.�:,:i.,y � af�ho Pmpeny. nhnll upply any Fund�hcld by l.eixle�ut Ihc dnu u(wyuiyiliuo ur sule as a cr«tiiz against the suma secured by <br /> :�,;;�.;;;�;',:�a;,::i thisSocurity Inst�unxnt. <br /> ;�K�;. h=�•;.; � •. 3.AppIlcAUan of Paymenls, Unlc,.uppliruMe luw pr��vide.u�Ix�rwltir,ull puynknts received by l.ender under parag�aphs <br /> � ' " ' I und 2 shall be upplied: linl, to uny prcpuymcnt chur�te.r Ju�wwkr Uk N�►te: K+�unJ,tu umouot6 prayable under paragraph 2; <br /> -:p1�;.�:'�<<.�..�.��;�.. <br /> _ ....�.��; intcrect due;fiwrth,lo prfixipul Juc;arul la+�,lu uny lut�rhur�te.duc under Ihe N�He_ <br />���_.•E`;'.�'', 4.C1wry{esi I.iens� Bottt�wer shall p•ry all �uxc.,USK��IIN�nt., rhurg�,. f inrr uixl impn.wutir+n�otlr�butAble ta Ihe Property <br /> ;f{.7`}•:��.�� � <br />,,�;,t.F;;��i{�k�,.•. r;.� whkh muy attain prinrily aver thi+ S��urity In+�rumcm. unJ I�aKli�dd paynknt.�►r gruund ren'i:. if any. Bormwer shall pa}. <br />_'+;r�"'f+�:�} , "�' these abligation�in�hc munner pravfded in pa�ugruph 2,ar il'nul puid in Ih�1 manner.&�rrowcr shall �ay them on tima direct�y <br />�r�:��,,i��t....'t,,. <br />-�;�,���1 tiq����?p: : to the person owed puyment.Born►wer.hall pnmipdy I'urni�l���� Lcik)rr idl ix�ti�e,�►f amnunt,t�i be paid under this para��h. <br /> �'��'�'`'� lf Borrower mukes thctic a m�:m+Jirttd Bi►rruwcr�ludl rum U lunu.l�w Lc�xlrr r�tici tti c��idcncin t>>c ments. <br /> ,_w � P Y Y� P P Y p� S A�Y <br />:.;s,��f;�a�''.' :�' _ " Bomnwcr sliull promptly vixhurgr uny Ilcn whirh bu,prlari�y uvrr di�,tirrunty In.lrumcnt unlea�Borrower: (a)agrees in <br />.-SG�,..•i i�, k K <br />•���:��'�;,,��;,�N;4,.', wddng to the pnyment of thc obligutiun.ecur��J My thc lirn �n u numu�r;�rr�p�uhle w Ixndcr: Ih 1 cunte,ts in g�xd faith the lien <br /> s�1!:��;,:`;��.:�;�. by, or defend+ ugain+t enfnrcen�em ��f Qk lirn in. I�EuI pr�w•r�dlii�t, whi.b �o dic Lrixlcr'. upini�m apernte to prevent the <br />--_ •��tt��., •. <br />_=N;�;�"a:c. • ' enforcement of the lien:iir(cl �ecun.frum thr huldrr��f die lirn uu.�Errrokut.,m.turi„r� ���IxnJe�wlx,xd'annting�hr lieo to <br /> . ,� , _. <br /> _`=';;;� � , ,•� this Scti�uriry Imtrumcnt. If Lcndcr Jctcrminr.�hut uny p:�n ��1 Ihc I'r���rty i. .uhj.•ci w a li�n whirh may attain prinrity i,ver <br /> 's`��T'•����"r•':"'..'�. this Security In�trumen�. LrnJcr muy givc liurruacr a nu�i.•e ideuul�inp�h.b.�n. Iw�rru�+cr.Iwll.�ial'y�hc lien or takc one or <br /> :i�'���. i, mone of tAe ncti�►ns!�CI forth nlwwe wfthin I11 duy�ol IFK�twinp ut ia�ucr <br /> �c���b• <br /> ;:k�"�'SA,:,�r''"?; : ,.� <br />_ti_,,";��ti:i!}' ..'�'.�� Form 902N YI�O <br /> , `. � ,. <br /> .;1,r7i •,��'�; vp.�„�e <br /> ��;.•..� �;a'� <br /> °��:�F � '• .:'`:•'.-�; <br />- .j�f t',,��':'�i�;�j7;,��;t <br /> ;aa. i�� <br /> ...."l.��A:� i���\ Y <br /> _��I:s_�:�J)I� ,ryS� . <br /> '�+,:t7S`�"�y1�i c.��i�t�, <br /> �IdV��54 ! � t1 _ � � .�r,T�� . ,�. . . ., ii��4 y � � -� -•_•- <br /> - - — —� , , � rGa�:..a -- - ' - - --- - ,. . ... � � . 4 � - <br /> � � <br /> ��. . .. .-� � . . Y .e. <br /> t i.��"t'L�it$1��T�;� ,�iT _ : ._ _ ._ . .. ' ,t "`��L'..v.��� : �1i�h'�i� - l��.14� f,,���d 7�, +�I��-.»�: <br /> �.,.r..�.,�..�. 'i�Yll�`�..���r ll�� • , . __ . . ,,.r.. ,� Cv i�1 u�+ � .{7�,�_ <br /> , <br /> J �rz. . 4r , �t . lti� � �� ;�'.1l-,�i <br /> �� _;��.��uf`. _.,-- -� � •. 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