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�v..�.-.. , � , �� - � .-. .��:r• ;.r,-�--i --,�g - <br /> �is'_ � � . � . .t . �j.�.l%:rt'�;r .. ..� �* i . .F"+ .1..'�4:2i•:'Y.�' .. �"'..1, , • •,r.- `-?`;��ii'JS- _ <br /> _ • i, • .f�t%�^. ., - .. �� n.. _ �_ .. � • . <br /> . „ � , .t • ' n � '.. . ������'� ,. <br /> . .. ' � ' ^ {_ :• . :[t.� <br /> , . � 7�rtQ$1�MYC�!#�Il1 t�r11�'DDA�4� � 1�1�Ii m Hr�eo�p�ty ��,. <br /> .�ad�ll wrerqlr�N. <br /> "..�a�M OOM Of'�r�Mk.�S�R�[Wr � �MII Ai�1�OM�1#MO rt AIIM������'�'..Y;��;- <br /> ' �. �L�14 t01M/�,'��MIM� °�N • ��r�{1�C`PI�OQRfIY,~ �n .. , <br /> • � �__',_�� �f10'�P��!f MjfO�0�(b0+itM4��1 CfMN1�0y01���M 1�1l��It 1p��' .,i <br /> � � (���r��{i{MC�0�01�1�IMI�QI�r���Or 1001M1�. ROIfOM�[W�M1� . . <br /> .. - --="Sii�{��k�����i�b�IC�I(1�q'��,�Cj�IM�tjoqlol�►W�qotiliilnylpM�Wi�iiii�WiWiilli��.w'�.-----�_.._ ..... <br /> �� 'IH19 SB�QIRITY IIISTRUM�1'P ao�ai�ne� miknn auvaw�tt !ar a�1o�i we �pd qoa�mtfofm o=rvM�M� M� <br /> ��_�M�.�... �iled val�daa�by jarl�ion a oo�ioMe�uaifa�m�ea�riry iwtrwaom oanrarin�red prapatY. � . , . - <br /> ,. UMPORM OOVBNA[�C'S. Bonirw�er i�qd l�an�ta oo�nt aad�ee a fdlo.►r�: <br /> !. PM��t�h�iMelri�ri LM�aRi Pnp�eM a�d L�h CM�er. Hotrow�r�p�l P�PaY pY�dw�Ihe <br /> � pM�cip�l oP a�d b�r�e�t ao die de6t av�daneed by IUe Nn�e ad aoy prep�ymau ad We dMr�es due ander tbe Nate. <br /> t ��/ror 7ince�aM I�wea�a..,Sabjax to 1��a ta a writlen waiver 6y I.endar.Ba�ow�er�pry o0 <br /> I.ender oa Ihe d�y moetbly p�ymaNt aa dwa wider the�w�til the No�e is p�W in fbN.�waA('�nd�")far:(�)Yewi�r <br /> nxa md�naia wMd�any�adap�i�r over dds 5ecurity Iaab+�aaet�s�Wae ae the Pro�erty;lb)ye�rlY le�eelald <br /> ��ar�mund raNa aa We f'ropMty- . i��ay; (c) YeulY A�tAd ar pr�ope�ty ioau+�e pmmi�un�: �� ye�19 Qood , <br /> P����:(�)Y�y� �aaanoe pr�mi�oc. if aq:�dl tQ ana'wm+PaY�bk by �onowcr�o <br /> La�da. io�omo�dNx wllh tha�ovlriaaa af p�r�aqi�8.ia tieM cf 14ep�ya��t d'mo�lgA�o iwraeoa prmium�. 'I1�esn <br /> - i�p�w Nro e�dod 93�c�ar t�ems. I.�e+�der�Y.+q'�.0��.ca�oct aad aaW Rrad�is�r+�wwo�t mt tn exoaed the�au�wun <br /> �oo�K �kndar for,�iedn��lly�da�ed mo�t6�. �Y�4u�ro�or Hfr�o�rer�eac�o�r a000uat wdar�he foda�l Ra�l . <br /> FstMe SNllemeot.fhvaeduta A�c1 ot 14T4�n � .$�qm tiq�o q t�ne. 12 U.S.C.4 2601 et seq.("RBSPi�►"1.unks�nwd�er <br /> _— -- ------ — �.►�I�a;r�tins n d�e ii�aa aen.l.ner amount. If�n.I�ader rai� aoy{oct wd MOid ii�ad�ia w amoiMt pot W � . <br /> ,�._. _� . <br /> exaed dio ka�er anowot. Itader may alim�te t6a�moa���iP�i�s c�us oe Iba bad�uf cuneat dats�nd�fe .;_ <br /> _ at�4es�'acpaKli�w+ESOff�pa�sBscrowlte�asdrodK7wice'ila�Aa�qaom,�ilhapplicsbblww. . , ��, <br /> The Rmds sQ�t! taa�heW in an in�tutiaa wl�o�e depaits m in�v�#E�e�foderd agency. .a aN�ty <br /> -_,, (includheg I.eader.�if iLr3ndet is snch�u incpdaiaa)or in aay Rede�al Hot�1a�i�a�B�nk. L�etWer sball appl�F��indt w P�Y � ,,�7�` <br /> �� the Fscrow Itea�. Leixier may aot cha�e Bomower fa b�din8 md ap�)��a�g tho ii�ods.�nue�Uy adyain,�the aaow ' �:;;� <br /> _•� .' �a�ouo� a vaifying tlw F.scmw Items. uMess i.ender p�ys Bonower inta�est ae Hta l�ds �od appliable law peimlta <br /> ;'.R ,:.:�:�n;—� Le��der to malce such�ch�. Howevcr.l.awirr may requi�e Baaower w pay a ar�Yise��far an indepmnda�t roal . ' <br /> .. � estate tax repaAinB sdi+rice used by I�ender in o�on wlth Ihis 1aa�n.unless appliable IaW provida att�aal�e. Uakss�n <br /> : �. <br /> �� •,� �xm�is rn�de ar:�licaMe I�w roquires;u�smst w be paid.L,rnder sl�all not be requirod to pay Bamawer any lntarest or , <br />—`�~�a�.=:� - _ earnings on thc Putlds. Bwmwer and Lender muy ug�ia writing.however.dmt jnte�►t alm!!bep�d� an the Rends.LenEer <br /> _�� shall give w Bont+awer.without anuwl acxounda�'nt tde Rinds.showing crodits aM debits to d�e Fia�ds md the <br /> ..,._ purpose for wNich e�ch debit�a the Nmdc wtu nwle. 7Ue�fi�a�l,c�re pledQed u additlorol seeurity far W anm teamed bY , <br /> — "'�---��.� t6ia�ewity Ia�h'um�nt. ' . � <br /> . . - -- — :,,.�' qi the Rmds held by t.erder exceod the anawts pemniped w be he�Id by �pplic.�ble I�w.L.a�der clu�ll aocau�rt to � <br /> ;� .`'�''� Barrower for die oacess iLnds in accordance wit1�the r+equi�ments of rippswc+�ble Iaw. If the amount of dte P1mds beld by ' <br /> �r� l.aider ae�ny dme is not sut�icient to pay the E.ccrow[tems when due.L•entle�'may so notify Bomawer in w�3dng�and,in � . <br /> ,1'. ,��,.:,,, auch case Bonowcr�Iwll pay to 1Lender�he umownt neccssary to nwice up the deficlehcy. Botmwv s1u�U m�e up rhe • ,,, � <br />—'*� � ..` deficia�cy in no mae than tweWe mant6lY Lender's eole discnedon. <br />".� v" Upon payment in full of all sums savred by this Security Inspument,L,ender sha�l promptly refw�d to Bamowcs any • <br /> Wnds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall�cquirc or self the Propetty.Lender.prior tv tAe acquisition or . <br /> • sele of the P�»perty.shall apply any Funds Neld by Lender at die dme of suquisidon or�ale�a crcdiQ a��i�ct tba sume • <br /> —. ,.. „� ,.�.� � cecwed by thia Securiry l�wment. ' , <br />_= ,,-�-s,y � 3. AppNcatba of Pnyments. Unless appliceble law prav�dPS otherwise.aU payments receivod by Lender undpr <br /> � , ��:�?g paragnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment eke:vges due under the Note;sa; amounts p�yai�►e wdor <br /> � + �,'.• •. �`���J paragmph 2; interest due;faurth,w principal due;and last,to any late cherges due under the Note. <br /> R�:+e 4. Cbar�es; Lia�s. Borrower shall pay all wxes,asse.4sments. charges. fines and impositions auttributoble to the � <br /> y��`� " � Prope�ty which may anain priority over thie Securiry Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground nent�.if any. Bamower . <br /> p ' �'1:�; shall pay ihese obligotians in the manncr provided in paragrnph 2,or if not paid in lhat manner,Borrower shall pay ihem on <br /> �' ��• time directl to the rson owed ent. Bomower shall rom I fumish to Lender all notices of amounta to be d under <br />-.�,t.r! <br /> q;� Y P� P�Ym P Pt Y P� <br /> =°='�vZl <br />-;;:�+�, , .. '�"���" � this paragrnph. If Borrower makes the�e payments direcUy,Bomower sh�ll promptly furnish to l.ender r�eceipts eviderning <br /> - ,.�i;s':• , the PaYments. <br />;,;;r; <br />�°��;5`3�';;� •c� "'�� � � Bomower shall promptly discharge uny licm which has priori�y over this Securiry Instrument unless Bomower.(a)agrees <br /> '=�'f!.3��;•• ;;���'° � - ^ -� jn wridng ro the paym.:nt of ihe obligotion�ecured by the lien in m m�nner ucceptable to Lxnder,(b)contests in gaod i�ith U�e <br />' �..��t�" �;�, r �' lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operatc to puvent the <br />;��: '�.` enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder oP the lien an agr+eement satisfactory to Lender subordinating d�e lien <br />_-_'=,� � � __ r.►�his fieruritv Inswment. If Lender determines thal anv oa�rt of�he Pcopeny is subiect ro a lien which mny attain priority <br /> �° ' ��"Th�':' � over this Secuiity Inswment,L.ender may give Bo�rower a no�iice idenlifying the lien. Borrower shali satisfy the lien or take <br /> � <br />•'��.� , ��,. ;;,� • one or more of the actions set faih s�bove within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br />"��' .���, `<.-_ . �r �, S. Hazard or Property Insurence. BoROwer shull keep the improvements now existing or hereafler erected on the <br />- }��,'�� ���,:.'�� � � • Property insured against loss by fire,hazards inrluded within the term"extended covernge"und any other huzards,including <br />'^'J'' . ,,�,.�.�_._.,,;�ti1t"�� �'., fl�s or floodfng,for which Lender�equires insurence. 71iis insuronce shall be maintained in the amounts and for the <br /> . , �•.-r..r�. <br /> � ��i.:,,'(1 ( <br />-'��. � 'S� �`:(�6��y,ftr:-�3�it l�.tV. <br /> �..?': •" ��' �.i���l�ii 0��'•'7✓ ,�Af FbrIM J028 9f90 (/�alt�2 aIb/+nRes! <br />__° '.�; �:�t�A:,�., f���.e��, <br /> +,;,f�h��t�?�, <br /> ��_�� '. ��::'s?�Y'�/��,������ ..��J�:� <br /> _ �'`+•,liE�1�14�'4��l i.,.�[��fi 11� <br /> 1� f'�1� 7�'Y'+t`...1•�S��r���� <br /> �`' } ��yt�t'``�lAl:'J - - � �.... .. �....a., — —� <br /> . � ., ' ka .R`YF..t►S�If OIiS11MGM1A�qT."�LII� •• ••�� ,-y4T� <br /> - �t �-, -. _ ..., - ..•_v�rll�.7�Nl1S3t �! IiYH � �sv�m a <br /> � �" y� M7j,�'F� y7�'!9.i `�- T` . � {' �t• _�1�.�1'�- mf-_-{ � . . . �,, ;L^7�i��p�ti•4 � a�- t.f,? � ' .�,...�.�,.,..>i <br />_�� �,r` ,'t � *.��� ��E1ij�If�����°�� 5v�('��� -�• .. ' . {I''t,• .. �, � t� + .•r.. t"t,�Y: •2,� tt��t.'•�:7G''�' : � 11 �/ <br />�y.�j�'(y���j� •• � �..� .. �• '/� . �h ,i : �";.; •�i,i• �,- � 'S- �. ,�;. <br /> , <br /> . <br />—'"nar' � CMh�I'r.�LL•; � � �`�{°�`�I�f�l.i'Sti ����:. ,t t� �.^ r } :f .i � t �. <br /> .ia ' "' ` ' <br /> _ lA�f�'J.,Y�.il�.J�rS�la.s._ ��1 __. . r.'-- . ., <br /> -- - �►-- -- � � — � -_ � �rl.l`l l� tinr"' , i if��;'':'.�•i1_`�. -Hi�`; �y+ - � i'�+.?' � <br /> t �� r 1��� . ♦ -. ^ - i •ti :I�r� �...1 _ .. - � ., - • �Y� ° �,1::•Q�. � w t���u �'�,�`,:_:ti.:..i��7.� .-y.. <br /> �t -- t �4 �: �} . . sat1� � �, i�.� �r; S}..�{^ . ��,'.'� w <br /> ..,�1�-�.•a.. ; . ' � ���}hl:ttnl��1��•'�•.�. - � . . • ' , • ^ „-4.."�-i.�t�ni.:,,n::.�'-"'• ' . '_. <br /> . '�, �.. �- ,'.}�t�' � � ' . - � . 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